At World’s Edge


SKU: worldsedgexmas2 Category: Tags: ,


Vue 11 “360 Ecosystems” finally makes it possible to bedeck my
trees with Christmas lights!

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60 reviews for At World’s Edge

  1. Meta

    Hi, this is a great wallpaper but be better that if you have a dynamic theme.


  2. Telos

    I like the ground and its lighting, as well as the wind effect and the clouds. The lights look a little meh to me, but a pretty picture overall.

  3. Chris B

    Have a safe & wonderful Holiday! (or however you choose to celebrate the winter season)

  4. Andrew S.

    There it is (1680×1050). Thanks Ryan!

  5. Vaesse

    Love this image. I have always loved At World’s Edge (Winter). This one is not something I’d use year-round, but is absolutely gorgeous for Christmas. I wonder if there’s any way to add twinkle to the lights and moving snowfall in an “animated” version.

  6. Dee

    The coloured lights for me- I think it’s joyous!

  7. Bryan N

    The White lights are missing something and it feels too bland and cold. At World’s Edge is already a darker view of the vista. I believe the white lights feel more like a shadow or an echo where as the colored has a feeling of warmth and life. So I am sad so see the white version win this time.

  8. Andrew S.

    Where’s the 1680×1050 reso?

  9. HolyGrail

    The 4800 x 1200 (triscreen) (split files) link is broken….Just a heads up.

  10. Ryan

    Most people seem to prefer the white lights version so I have swapped it into the the gallery. The blue/orange lights version will stay in the Pickle Jar. Thanks everyone for the ratings!!

  11. Sam

    A nice colourful take on this image. It looks better without the whiteness like the pickle jar version.

    Please make this for my dual monitor 2560×1024

  12. John

    I’ll have to amend my comment. There are some multi-screen versions of the original in the pickle jar.

  13. KRingg

    While I really love the image in general, the extra light around the tree really illuminates the poor texturing at the point where the branches first split from the trunk. They look more like slightly blocky PVC pipes than bark, spackled with snow. I’m afraid that alone is keeping me from giving this 10/10.

  14. John

    I was so looking forward to a multi-screen of the original version. Color me disappointed 🙁

  15. Jenanne

    I love both renders, but the white edges out the multicolored by a smidge. I usually prefer the more colorful versions, but the white is so beautiful reflecting off the snow. Both, however, deserved and earned 10s IMHO. Thank you, Ryan, and Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  16. cmmnoble

    The colored version is nice. But I LOVE the white version. (I’ve never figured out how to make the ratings “take” from my browser, so I put it in the comment title.)

  17. Joel

    I really like the design behind At World’s Edge, but I think that the colored lights don’t necessarily fit well, and they kind of distract from the rest of the picture. The white lights provide a much softer glow and I think it’s much more appealing. Great job!

  18. Joel

    I really like the design behind At World’s Edge, but I think that the colored lights don’t necessarily fit well, and they kind of distract from the rest of the picture. The white lights provide a much softer glow and I think it’s much more appealing. Great job!

  19. tubbyherm


  20. Kyle

    I think there is enough visual interest in the complexity of the tree that the colored lights are more of a distraction. With the white it looks great.

  21. Alex

    Excellent wallpaper. I’m am NOT disappointed I became a member. Can’t wait to see a multi-monitor rendering of this in multiple resolutions!

  22. Hannah Joy

    Sorry about the double post – I keep getting network errors on this site.

  23. Hannah Joy

    I can’t make up my mind about these. I like the colored lights better, but I don’t quite like the whole scene being that blue … I like them both though, I love Christmas lights.

    As a fellow Vue user I’m curious how you’re doing this with Ecosystems. I know Vue doesn’t like lights in Ecosystems, and glowing materials don’t seem to light anything around them.

  24. Hannah Joy

    I can’t make up my mind about these. I like the colored lights better, but I don’t quite like the whole scene being that blue … I like them both though, I love Christmas lights.

    As a fellow Vue user I’m curious how you’re doing this with Ecosystems. I know Vue doesn’t like lights in Ecosystems, and glowing materials don’t seem to light anything around them.

  25. bruceam

    I really like both of these images. I like the colorful original version, but I also like the detail of the grass and the snow in the alternate version. How about putting the two together, and then make the multi-screen renderings?!?!?!

    Keep up the great work.

  26. Mike Mille

    The lossless version of this on my tv looks amazing! The lighting is spectacular. I like your very clean, high res pictures the best!

  27. Mark

    I like them both but much prefer the white version.

  28. Raj

    Thank you so much Ryan! Will stay on my desktop for a long time!

  29. Kevin

    Keep both, add xmas message option 🙂 Awesome work man

  30. Kevin

    Keep both, add xmas message option 🙂 Awesome work man

  31. Deanna

    I love the first multi-colored version, for the beauty of all the color, but also for the crispness of more of the lights. It went immediately to my desktop and has not moved. 🙂

  32. Ed

    Thank you so much the retina display versions. They are stunning! You’re the best at this!

  33. Ed

    Ryan – Thank you so much the retina display versions. They are stunning! You’re the best at this!

  34. Randall

    I like the white better. Lovely!

  35. Ryan

    Thanks for the comment! Did you leave a rating for the white version? I only see one vote so far.

  36. Cmom

    I prefer this one, but the lighting could be a bit more subtle. 8

  37. Ryan

    The retina link should show up now in the Pickle Jar.

  38. Raj

    This is so amazing. Wish there was a 2880×1400 option for my rMBP.

  39. Raj

    This is so amazing. Wish there was a 2880×1400 option for my rMBP.

  40. Hoverwolf1

    I like it, but it’s actually a little heavy on the lights for my taste. Still, if you have a power source like you mentioned, then why not? Personally, I think a good subject for a wallpaper would be Wardenclyffe, or something similar. Just thinking out loud.

  41. Hunter

    Well, it looks like I found my Christmas wallpaper for this year.

    As good as Gotham was, I found a bit too messy for my liking 😀

  42. Adam

    Oh wow, this one is a real winner! Wonderful adaption on your original work.

  43. docsensi

    Love the whole ensemble of imagery; the starry sky, the moonlit clouds, the snowflakes coming atcha, and then the cool glow of the tree….phenomenal!!

  44. secuda

    and who need a christmas tree when you got this wallpaper.

  45. Duncan

    This just put me in the Christmas spirit!

  46. Josh

    Very cool, but needs a white light version instead of colored lights, with maybe a moon or santa/sleigh/reindeer or something in the distance among higher clouds.

  47. Will

    Ryan, At World’s Edge has always been one of my favorite ones (especially Winter) and while I do like this version it is a little too bright for my preference. Perhaps a slightly muted version with only the blue lights like you did with the Sleepwalker Wood (Winter/Night) Christmas (the pickeljar versions with Blue or Blue and Purple that are a bit more toned down)?

    Thanks for all of your great work. Yours is the only wallpaper I use both at home and work. Been a member since 1999. 🙂

  48. Ryan

    The dual and triple-screens are rendering now!

  49. Russell

    Please go dual screen on this one!

  50. Ryan

    It is powered by one of these nearby.

  51. Val

    Love it! Thanks for all the christmas wallpapers this year! One note on this, maybe a little less snow on the tree? looks a little crowded

  52. Nico

    Thanks! Great for the season

  53. BobC

    A delight to find this today! Night scene with lots of blues – my absolute favorite. Love the way the glow of the lights on the snow worked out. This went to my desktop in seconds. Still not sure about the rendering of the falling snow but, for me, it helps to look at the scene as if its a photograph with 1-2 second exposure. Lighting at the World’s Edge? “Willing suspension of disbelief” is part of the fun!

  54. JMK in CT

    All I can say is Dayum! That must be a long extension cord unless they have open outlets at the worlds edge.

  55. Ross H.

    I love it!

  56. Jeff

    What you’re missing off-scene is the solar array. After all, above the clouds, solar collection is easy.

  57. Violet

    Very Pretty. Here’s hoping for some color variations in the pickle jar.

  58. Eneelia

    This piece of art has long been my favorite design of yours. Making a Christmas version of it made me squee in joy outloud. Thank you so much!!!

  59. Halfwolf19

    Drat another pair of great adaptations but not triple monitor.

  60. Halfwolf19

    Thank you so much for the 5760×1080. You really do have the best multi-monitor content out there!

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