O Night Divine


SKU: nightdivine1 Category: Tags: ,


Hopefully it isn’t too early to post a Christmas wallpaper. This piece grew out of my attempts to create aurora using Plant Factory. That remains a work-in-progress but you can judge my early results here. The tree was modeled using Plant Factory and I used displacement and subsurface scattering to (hopefully) make the “snow spheres” look more natural.

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34 reviews for O Night Divine

  1. Chris [liferplus]

    Love it. Would love to see a few more winter and or Christmas scenes

  2. Zan [basicmember]

    Love the contrast in the Tree colors against the background.

  3. Ozaawaagosh [basicmember]

    this is very well done, love how unique it is and can be used as Holiday or not, Great job Ryan

  4. Jason [basicmember]

    Put a comment in “pointy brackets”, and apparently that got interpreted as potentially malicious HTML and stripped from my comments. It was simply:

    (Offers $.02)

    Wont’ do that again… Looks like you’re using a nice CMS, in any case!

  5. Jason [basicmember]

    I really like the detail on this tree compared with previous ones, and the “snow spheres” look great. The background aura is gorgeous; love the lights and colors. One thing I do prefer on previous Christmas/winter tree scenes is the presence of multiple trees; those images have a nice fuller feel to them. I saw your comment below on wanting it to look like a tundra, and you did a great job of achieving that. That said, my personal preference is for the more forested scenes. 😉

    Still love it, and it’s still going into my folder of DB Christmas images.

  6. Tyler [lifer]

    It feels like the brightness got turned up on the multi but other than that this is a winner. Unique and gorgeous concept and colors.

  7. Rodewaryer [lifer]

    I like that this doesn’t resemble anything I’ve seen, it has the positive feel that comes with lighting in the wilderness but doesn’t remind me of something seen before.

  8. Matticussimuss [basicmember]

    Very well done, too!


  9. wildthotz [liferplus]

    I love it. Single trees lit up in the middle of nowhere, shrouded (or not) in snow, are always a magical feel. How else would they be lit? Though I am a fan of the non-holiday winter scenes too, I’d vote more Christmas. Its nice to have such an exceptional collection for holiday viewing, and you have such a beautiful, inclusive, but still holiday-feeling style. Much appreciation for your judgement calls in art. Happy Holidays to you and your family!

  10. Wintergreen [lifer]

    First things first, another beautiful image, so thankyou Ryan. I’m perfectly happy with either more Christmas images or more non-Christmas winter scenes but if I had to get my backside down off the fence I’d go with more non-Christmas winter scenes.

  11. Amanda E. Price [basicmember]

    Now my desktop background for the seasonI enjoy it.

  12. Geoffrey Hollis [lifer]

    I’d like to see an updated version Winterborn that’s more in the style of the 2001 version. Something that really takes advantage of the rich blacks, color (subtle), and detail you can get with 4K OLED nowadays. Can also double as a background or atmospheric layer in another holiday/Christmas project.

  13. ChrisW [basicmember]

    I love these pictures; it’s like someone (“The Decorator”, I call him/her) with too much time and money is out there, randomly decorating trees with lights for all to see. Sometimes it’s one by itself, like this; other times, it’s AN ENTIRE FOREST!

    And no, it’s never too early for Xmas wallpaper. I looked at this as an early present! Keep up the GREAT work, man!

  14. LYNN [nonmonthly]

    Ryan, this is really wonderful. I love it!

  15. Jenanne [liferplus]

    Never too early for Christmas wallpaper! I love this render; it’s a great addition to the Christmas images I have in rotation this time of year. Thanks, Ryan! I hope we’ll have more seasonal wallpapers to enjoy this December.

  16. Heather [lifer]

    It’s never too early for a Christmas background. However, I prefer this background on my laptop better than I do on my phone. On my iPhone X it doesn’t resemble much like a Christmas tree at all. The phone zooms it in too much and it loses the background making the tree look like a tall lighted cylinder ::shrugs:: It’s lovely on my laptop though 🙂

  17. Ixias [liferplus]

    I love the lighting in this!

  18. selah [liferplus]

    So in an example of how you can’t please everyone all the time, I’m going to go against the flow of “meh” comments and say that this is one of my new favorites! I love the lonely, cold, melancholy feel but despite those negative-sounding adjectives, it’s so incredibly peaceful to look at for me. It transports me and tells a story, and that’s 100% what I look for in a wallpaper. Some of yours do that for me and this is the latest example. Thank you so much!!

  19. Tom [basicmember]

    Not too bad. I’ll use it. I know how hard you must work on your wallpapers. Could have been a bit “brighter” in the background. Just not a big fan of your most recent work. Call me old fashioned…I REALLY like some of your older work. Just my opinion. Don’t take it personally. Maybe just a tweak here and there on this one. Thanks. Peace.

  20. Maureen [basicmember]

    Your question as to whether you should do Christmas or non-holiday winter wallpapers – please insert “Why Not Both” gif here.

  21. Littlemom [liferplus]

    First it’s never to early for Christmas Wallpapers lol. I must say when I first saw this I thought oh it’s pretty enough, but also feel like it’s sort of plain and barren in spite of the lighted tree and sky. I feel like it’s needs something more although I couldn’t tell you what. Because of that I only give it a 7 out of 10. I agree with others that say there’s just something not quite right about this one.

  22. Michael [lifer]

    I really love the overall composition of the image and the contrasting colors. I think the only piece that’s distracting for me is the treetop subverting my expectations of coming to a pointed end. If it had what we think of as the more traditional tip, it would feel more complete in my mind.

  23. Mason [lifer]

    This is an odd? but good piece. I rather like the aurora versus the tree lighting (I’ve always loved the fire and ice theme for winter/Christmas), though there is something that doesn’t feel quite right. I want to say the lighting on the tree doesn’t seem to sync with the background lighting, but not sure if that’s quite fully it. Without that niggling aspect, I rather like the snowy tree look, and feel that the lights/lighting of the tree is rather excellent. The individual lights culminate in giving the tree a largely realistic, lustrous glow. The aurora itself, I also quite like—reddish hues with a few cooler colors mixed in—seeming to grow from the clouds and tint them as well.

    The landscape does seem oddly barren, as mentioned by others, but at the same time it gives it an other-worldly vibe. Depending on how you look at it, you can even see it as volcanic ashlands—another world, perchance, the grey-tinged, wavy ground—with a covered/petrified Christmas tree.

  24. George [nonmonthly]

    Thank you, Ryan. The colors are perfect and smooth. It’s so peaceful. It’s been a tough year, and I really needed this.

  25. Phil C. [basicmember]

    I love the Xmas wallpapers and I can see this will become another favorite. The aurora is lovely.

  26. Joshua [liferplus]

    I have added it to my rotation of backgrounds at work of your previous Christmas art. I am excited to enjoy it as it works its way to my desktop every hour. 🙂

  27. Jacob Klein [liferplus]

    This is stunning work, great job! It does have a bit of banding though, which I was able to workaround, by adding noise (Paint.NET > Add Noise > Intensity 10). I wonder whether you can do something to prevent the banding in the future? Image itself is absolutely fabulous!

  28. Nogs [basicmember]

    I’m not sure if it’s a christmas tree or a cloud formation with lightning going off in it constantly.

  29. Mike Loeven [plusmember]

    Most retail stores start setting up the Christmas stuff the day after Halloween… Your timing is fine XD

  30. Mark A. [liferplus]

    Ryan, #1: it’s never too early for a new Christmas scene and #2: this is magnificent

  31. getnby [basicmember]

    It’s never too early for a Christmas wallpaper. And this one is grand indeed.

  32. Ryan

    I considered adding more trees. In the end I decided I wanted this one to look like the last tree before a vast northern tundra.

  33. Kana [lifer]

    b-e-a-utiful! Personally I’d have a bunch of very small trees around the hillside… you usually don’t see trees by their lonesome like that, and why not decorate the biggest tree around (or maybe it’s even more special), but it still looks awesome!

    Keep up the amazing work!

  34. Laura [liferplus]

    Love it!

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