Harvest Moon — Halloween 2018


SKU: harvestmoon1 Category: Tags: ,


Hard to believe that I’ve made at least one Halloween render every year since 1998. Sure, some of the early ones look pretty rough (as my boys have been reminding my lately) but I think looking at the whole collection shows a pretty good cross-section of my growth as an artist over the years.

If you look at my top Halloween images you will notice that the top rated renders can be used as wallpapers any time of the year. I’ve tried to go that route with “Harvest Moon”, my (first) Halloween offering of 2018. I hope you enjoy it.

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Harvest Moon -- Halloween 2018 Dual

57 reviews for Harvest Moon — Halloween 2018

  1. Phyllis Stafford [lifer]


  2. Steve [plusmember]

    Just wanted to drop a thanks for the art you create and share. Really is inspiring.

  3. JohnL [lifer]

    Now that its January, I wonder what a winter moon render would look like for this.

  4. Psychodaddy [lifer]

    This is one of your best: really has that feeling of imminent impending unhappiness that Halloween tries to invoke.

  5. Tez [lifer]

    Luv it

  6. ChrisW [basicmember]

    This might be your best Halloween pic yet! Love it all — the tree “clutching” at the moon, the reaper and the crows, even the enigmatic color of the sky (lavender, maybe?)!

  7. Matticussimuss [basicmember]

    Ryan -This is one of your best!



  8. Ryan

    I did work on another one but I wasn’t able to finish it in time. Next year!

  9. Tyler [lifer]

    You mentioned “another” Halloween render before the 31st but it never came. Was that by design or did you forget sir?

  10. Rodewaryer [lifer]

    Nailed it Ryan, this is an awesome creation all around, seriously.

  11. Gene [lifer]

    As I’ve been enjoying this image as the background on all my devices, another idea occurred to me. I’m still calling it a “10”, but thinking it might even be a smidge better WITHOUT the reaper at the base of the tree. Why? He’s just a tad bit obvious. The overwhelmingly ominous tone of the piece already strongly suggests the Reaper’s presence. That being the case, it might be even more powerful having to wonder where he might be lurking! Often what you can’t see is far scarier than what you can see.

    And to be clear, this is not meant as criticism at all. In my eye, removal of the Reaper might make it a “10.5” versus the “10” I already called it.

    Thank you again Ryan — keep up the great work!

  12. Pippa [basicmember]

    Very atmospheric and spooky. Setting as my laptop background now!

  13. Phil C. [lifer]

    Yes! Yes! Yes! Anyone play WoW? This reminds me of a place called Westfall, just before you take the path to Duskwood. Well done Ryan!

  14. Davin [basicmember]

    I love this. Great rendering.

  15. Teri [lifer]

    I always look forward to the Halloween wallpaper. This is the best one yet, of a set of very good renderings. Love it!

  16. Ixias [liferplus]

    Really like this one. Creepy and calm at the same time.

  17. Tyler [lifer]

    Completely killed it Ryan. You’ve always had a knack for Halloween images but this one takes the crown for me. The reaper figure under the tree is totally perfect the moon is gorgeous yet haunting. Everything works here well played sir.

  18. Cheli [lifer]

    As others have said, I think this is the best Halloween themed work you have done.

    Thank you!

  19. D. C. Sessions [lifer]

    It’s hard to compare the Halloween works. They’re different enough that I think it depends too much on the context and mood I’m in.

    That said, this is one of the best if not THE best and as a composition it’s probably the best, maybe of all your work thanks to the amount of detail within a narrow and consistent theme.

  20. Angelique [lifer]

    Suitably creepy 🙂 I like how the tree is silhouette against the orange moon and the addition of the crows. My favorite Halloween wallpaper is Darkwings but this reminds of that, due to the similar graveyard.

  21. Lews Therin [basicmember]

    I think this is the best Halloween image you’ve ever done.

  22. Michael [lifer]

    The tree seems to be eating the moon whole… mmmm… moon pie! This may be my new favorite Halloween wallpaper. Thanks for sharing your talents, Ryan.

  23. RC Davison [basicmember]

    Fantastic! Three thumbs up!!…Hey, wait a minute! Where’d that third thumb come from?? :-0

  24. Ryan

    I?m rendering the dual and triple-screen versions right now. Glad everyone seems to enjoy this one!

  25. James [nonmonthly]

    I’m going to wait til the Dual 4k resolutions are out, any idea when those will arrive?

  26. Allen [lifer]

    I sincerely want to apologize for the negative comment I left earlier. It wasn’t even about this image. If you can, please delete what I said from the history. I was having a very hard time with my elderly parents. The truth is, I look at the images you post to bring peace to my restless mind. I am truly sorry.

  27. Jacob Klein [lifer]

    Thanks for the wallpaper. You had a solid idea, and executed it pretty well, but there is some painful banding around the moon and near the bottom. It gets especially bad when I use NVIDIA’s Digital Vibrance.

    I did my best to fix it, by doing the following in Paint.NET:

    – Add Noise (19 Intensity, 0 Color Saturation, 100% Coverage)

    – Contrast to a value of 10 (to preserve bottom) or 15 (for spookier shadows)

    Now I can use this as my Wallpaper 🙂 Thanks again! Please be on the lookout to prevent banding if possible.

  28. Telaria [basicmember]

    Very nice! Spooky and beautiful all rolled into one.

  29. Allen [lifer]

    It seems to me that you are having trouble. You don’t seem to have enough money because you keep asking people to upgrade their membership. Please decide what you are going to do. Either keep your promises or declare bankruptcy but stop whinning. Thanks.

  30. Tyler [lifer]

    The 1440 x 900 exclusion was probably an oversight by Ryan. I’m sure he will add it once he gets to the comments. That is the MacBook Air resolution so probably not something he would omit on purpose.

  31. nomad [nonmonthly]

    the colors, the eeriness, awesome!

  32. Ozaawaagosh [basicmember]

    I love the creepiness and eeriness of this render, This is one of my favorite All Hallows Eve renders, the colours are stunning. Great Render Ryan.

  33. Dennis [basicmember]

    I am seriously impressed. I’ve been a following Ryan for over a decade now and seen how he’s progressed as an artist. “Harvest Moon” deservedly stands as one Ryan’s best composed pieces to date. The composition, colors, and setting are simply stunning. The eerie and threatening nature of the tree engulfing the moon gives an evocative and visceral feel. Ryan, kudos to you for this successful piece! I eagerly await each and every one of your updates.

  34. Xris [lifer]

    This is the most beautiful Halloween wallpaper yet! Thank you Ryan for continuing to make such amazing pieces. I have been with you since ’98. Thank you for decorating my computer wallpaper for 20 years! Cheers!!

  35. BobC [lifer]

    I absolutely agree that this one is a home run. For me, there is also a subtle humor in the way all of the Halloween references and symbols come together in an image that is so coherent and successful.

  36. mark Artman [liferplus]

    Ryan, another instant classic. this perfectly captures the essence of Halloween.

  37. Joe [lifer]

    I’ve actually been eagerly waiting for this years Halloween render and once again you have created a gem, I already have it as my phone’s wallpaper

  38. Gene [lifer]

    Well done and thanks again Ryan. I was teetering between 9 and 10 — and then I noticed the ravens with the glowing eyes! That did it — 10! Nicely done.

    Now, it’s not as if Halloween is a day that cries out for serious treatment, but personally, I much prefer the somber cast woven across this piece as compared to the “goofiness” I see in last year’s Halloween creation. That one was by no means a poor work at all, just not as good at conveying the overall sense as this one — to me of course.

    Once again, well done, and thank you for all the years of good work.

  39. D [lifer]

    Are you no longer making this screen size? I don’t see it for this new image. That would suck. That’s my monitor size. If I try anything else, the monitor auto adjusts it and it just looks out of whack :/

  40. Littlemom [liferplus]

    I love this render. I like others who are members I eagerly await any renders you create, but this year I was eager to see what you’d come up with for Halloween, and like other members here I agree you did not disappoint. Great job Ryan!!!

  41. Dave [basicmember]

    I look forward to every seasonal/holiday image Ryan does. Every fall I cant wait for the Halloween to come out. Its always creative and most often stunningly beautiful. This year didn’t disappoint!

    Great work!

  42. OpelCarl [nonmonthly]

    What a fantastic Halloween Wallpaper. Today I opened my Mailbox and I found a new theme.Thanks a lot Ryan!

  43. Jenanne [liferplus]

    Excellent! I LOVE the tree — so creepy the way it looks like it’s about to swallow the moon. Your best Halloween image yet. Thank you, Ryan!

  44. Laura [liferplus]

    Love the colors. It feels almost unbalanced, so much in the center, but will also make a GREAT phone background!

  45. Italo [lifer]

    It’s really creepy!!!

  46. Marc [basicmember]

    …the claws that catch. Absolutely great atmosphere. Love the inclusion of the ground fog. And though your boys are telling you the early ones are looking “pretty rough” I think they’re great all the way back. Look forward to it every year. Cheers!

  47. Susan [lifer]

    This one is both creepy and beautiful at first glance, and the longer I look at it, the more I see. Definitely going in my collection!

  48. Laura [liferplus]

    This is my favorite Halloween one yet! Nice work!

  49. Martin [basicmember]

    Another favorite to the collection

  50. Lisa [basicmember]

    Oh, wow, this makes me happy! 🙂 I’ll be using it long after Halloween.

  51. Martin [basicmember]

    Many compliments from fellow co-workers on the detail and location. So fitting for the season.

  52. LYNN MARZINSKI [nonmonthly]

    This is excellent!!

  53. Phil C. [basicmember]

    This is a fantastic image and it’s definitely earned a place in my favorites. I’d like to see a couple of Pickle Jar options where you play with different colors for the lighting from the moon — rather than the orange, some wicked green, or eerie blue, or ghostly white. A deep emerald green would be just WICKED.

  54. Maureen [basicmember]

    I always look forward to the Halloween artwork. I love Halloween. I love seeing what you contribute to my favorite holiday. I like the subtle eeriness of this.

  55. RSA [lifer]

    I absolutely love this year’s Halloween render. As soon as the triple screen is available it’s getting put on the desktop. I’m thinking of doing a spread of my top three favorites until then. Thank you for everything you do Ryan. Always proud to be a lifetime member and supporter of your work!

  56. Todd [basicmember]

    Another OUTSTANDING piece of artwork for the Halloween season. The detail is sublime; and quietly eerie. Well done!

  57. JKNorth [lifer]

    This is the best Halloween image yet. The detail of the crows, the graveyard, the fence, is terrific. The depth with the clouds, tree and moon is tangible. And though I generally prefer a cooler colour palette, the reds really work here. Brilliant!

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