

SKU: sisters1 Category: Tags: , ,

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Wallpaper À La Carte

Wallpaper À La Carte

The a la carte tool is intended for non-Members who which to purchase individual wallpapers. Members can use this tool if they wish to send images as gifts to friends and loved ones.

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68 reviews for Sisters

  1. Rhubarb [basicmember]

    I have to speak up in light of the negative reviews on this piece: I specifically searched it out today because I remembered you’d done the Pleiades. This is my 2nd favorite constellation and I love that you paid tribute to it. It’s such a special group of stars to me; thanks for the art!

  2. amateria

    I truly appreciate your inspiration by one of the most gorgeous sites of our night sky as well as your creative tribute to it. The nebulosity is wonderful.

  3. Jeff R.E.

    Finally got around to commenting on this render, one of my favorites. This piece actually inspired me in my own creative pursuits. Thanks again, Ryan.

  4. Eric

    This piece is truly amazing. You have an inspirational gift.

  5. DoubleJ

    Please make more pictures of this type 😀

  6. Catnip

    I love Sisters. The Pleiades is a very interesting celestial grouping. How about doing Cassiopia when you get some time.

  7. Aeolwind

    Your star/planetscapes and abstracts are what keep me here Ryan, I love these! Especially this one!!

  8. Dale

    Ryan – I have the Samsung Rogue, which has a screen resolution of 400×800. However, when turned sideways, the phone uses the *same* image, at 800×400. When turned vertical the center of the image is used. If you could accommodate this resolution, I would appreciate it. Otherwise I suppose I could make a bunch of them myself 🙂

  9. Pete

    Afraid this one does nothing for me, not even sure what i,m to be looking at, for the first time in in a long time Ryan -0/10..

  10. Yeoman

    Ryan, I realise that you live in the nortern hemisphere and Christmas for you is all about snow, St Nick and a sled. Where I and doubtless many other members live is in the southern hemisphere (Australia in my case). Please allow that for us Christmas day will see around 40 degrees celcius so the reindeer will die of heatstroke. Can we have a summer heat version of your 2009 Christmas offering??

  11. Ryan

    I hope to work on a Christmas image as soon as the new new server is humming along on its own (hopefully soon). I do have a few ideas so that part won’t be hard!

  12. Mike.R

    I was just wondering when you were coming out with a new Christmas backdrop for 2009? Keep up the great work it’s the only backdrops that I us.

    . Merry Christmas

  13. Anonymous

    I have to agree with Nate F’s post.

    With the exception of Desert Dawn, Dark Wings and Beginning of the End, 2009 has been a very disappointing year.

    This wallpaper lacks creativity, there’s nothing particularly special about it. The background is great, but the stars themselves look like they’ve been thrown on with some “free star brush” from DeviantArt. Really disappointing.

    There is a huge gulf in quality between wallpapers made in 2008 and 2009. If the next wallpaper shows the same amount of effort as this one (almost none), don’t expect me to renew my membership next year.


  14. Nate F

    i really liked your last image (the blue abstract);

    but this one, honestly in my opinion doesnt even fall into your top 100 images, so since that is how many i keep at an given time, im not even downloading it

    sorry to be so harsh, usually i am thrilled to see another image come online, but for the first time since i signed up, im just not

  15. asterismW

    The Pleiades have always been one of my favorite celestial bodies. Great picture!

  16. Richard

    I asked this on another news post comment but never got a response.

    Is there any chance you could do 3360×1050 renders for us with dual 1680×1050 monitors? Or, at least, do a resize as a professional graphic artist?

    As a bonus, it would mean you could put properly sized watermarks on that wouldn’t be concealed by the taskbar after resizing.

  17. Greg in CA

    Just a suggestion…

  18. LauraS

    I just put the dual widescreen version on my computer at work, and I simply can’t stop staring at it. The detail is astonishing! So, “Oooooh….Pretty” x2!

  19. Pete

    As a student of astronomy, this is spectacular. The blues of the reflecting dust and the reds of ionized gasses really shine through absolutely spectacularly. I’d love to see you tackle one of the Orion Nebula, maybe around the Trapezium region.

    All in all, wonderful!

  20. Michael

    Thanks Ryan, the splash of color on the multiscreen versions really bring the image to life. I love your space/planet-scapes and abstracts! Especially the blue ones. 🙂

  21. Ryan

    PNG file is available now. I really need to find a new way of keeping all of these files straight!

  22. Reaighn

    Is anyone else having trouble with the PNG? I cannot seem to grab it.

    This one is wonderful otherwise!

  23. Lynxie

    Just downloaded the dual screen as soon as I saw it available. I think I’ll be keeping this as my desktop for a while. I’ve been switching among the various abstract and space scenes… but I really love this one.

  24. LauraS

    My first thought when I saw this: “Oooohhh…. pretty….” Great job Ryan and a belated Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  25. RichT

    Been looking forward to the triple screen wallpaper, but the watermark doesn’t seem to be quite aligned properly for the middle display in the 3840×1024 version… anyone else notice this? On mine it *just* drops over the edge by a couple of pixels. A minor irritation on an otherwise great background.

  26. sigmaman

    Sweet as!!!

  27. Bran

    I adjusted the image in an image editor and got some extra details to appear. I love staring at real stars, so this is a nice image when I can’t watch the skies.

    I think your watermark is fine. Though, my screen is only 1280 x 1024. Maybe that’s a difference for some.

  28. Mike

    I haven’t had any problem getting your wallpapers onto any model phone I have used. I just plug the phone into the computer and drag and drop the pictures right to the phone. I like that you have such a variety of sizes for any model of phone. Everyone who see your pictures as the background always comments and wants to know where I got the gorgeous backgrounds 🙂

  29. Chris B

    Kinda off the topic but I don’t suppose there is any chance of dividing the “all gallery view” up by year like it was. It looks cool, but it’s a lot harder to find the images I’m looking for. Unless it’s just me then ignore it 😉

  30. Chris B

    but it’s growing on me and it got a compliment from the wifey 🙂 Does remind me of going up to camp with a telescope and looking at the stars.

    It looks a lot better now in a darker room than it did during the day when it was bright.

    My only complaint is that the 1920x1080hd seems cramped. It looks better when I used the 1920×1200 even with the little extra distortion so that the stars at the top aren’t cropped. It just seems more centered & bordered. Even if the image was shrunk a little to get more of a border for the 1080hd version would make it look a little better I think.

  31. scott wray

    space scenes are/have always been my fav.

    before my wife and i go to bed we watch 20/30 minutes of the history channels hit TV show, The Universe.

    side note: i like having the new backgrounds on my iphone just as much as i do on my computer. Its proven to be kind of a hassel to sync up just to upload one background into the phone.


  32. Andy

    This looks so-so. I would rather like a planet scape like Planitia. Otherwise, 8/10.

  33. Mark

    Ha, I’d forgotten there was Gamma correction in Photoshop. Thanks Ryan! Looks great now.

  34. Miguell026

    never mind my watermark opinion on my post bellow..



  35. Miguell026


    art is never finished… i wouldn’t say it any better!

    well i suppose this one is a simple one!

    about the gamma levels:

    on my apple 30″ if i raise it a bit

    some minor stars start to show a bit…

    but i think is fine as it is!

    and the water mark is fine for me but then again i have a huge desktop space!

    solution? Maybe if Ryan scales down the DB mark as the resolution goes down to compensate the lack of space!!

  36. Deanna

    This is nice, Ryan. I love it. Like Lynxie, I feel peaceful when I look at it. First words out of my mouth are above in the subject line. 🙂

    I really like the subtle glow in the upper left and lower right corners. Looks beautiful on my widescreen.


  37. Anne

    I believe when people talk about watermarks they mean Ryan’s website/copyright notice on the bottom right. I’m not sure why unless it’s a new web term and I’m way behind the times — in the past watermarks were identifying marks impressed on paper during manufacturing, which were visible when the paper was held up to the light.

  38. Ryan

    If you had an image editor (and the inclination to do so) you could adjust the gamma of the image itself to your liking and then you could leave the rest of your settings alone.The sad fact is that, especially for darker images such as this, how my work looks depends a lot on your monitor settings.

  39. Mark

    I turned my gamma up based on Ryan’s comment below, and it certainly made a difference! There’s much more detail then I had previously noticed.

    However, everything else looks crap, so I turned it back up.

  40. Mengistuh

    I have always been a major fan of the abstract and the planetary/stellar pieces. This is beautiful.


  41. Kataan

    Personally, I love “Sisters” the Pleiades are my favorite astronomical objects. I always love the space scenes and of course blue!! On my monitor it looks great with the nice dust clouds. I like the simplicity of it too. Added to my favorites list :).

  42. Ryan

    Something of a divergence of opinions here. I wonder if this one is losing something when I lower the resolution for smaller monitors.

  43. Scott

    These are usually my favorites of yours but this one doesn’t seem as striking as it could be (though it is still nice.)

    I’m not sure what people are referring to with the watermark. It looks the same as it always has to me.

  44. Ryan

    Hmmm. I thought I put quite a bit of detail into this, but perhaps it is not showing up on everyone’s monitors due to different gamma settings (etc). I can certainly see how if your monitor is set even just a shade darker than mine this one would look pretty boring.

  45. getwired

    Check out Display Fusion (if you’re running Windows).


  46. Larawen

    I have a quick question. My current setup is dual 1920×1200 monitors, but my right one is the primary. Is there a quick way to properly display the dual monitor wallpapers? Right now the only way to do it is to open the wallpaper in a photo editor and switch the two sides.

  47. Wraith

    Bluuuuue. =)

  48. Chris


  49. Chris

    Nice I think a star constellation is something new for this site. I love how ya chose blue. I love how you give the fans what they ask for. I’ll be looking forward to what ya come up with for Christmas. Keep up the great work Ryan

  50. Travis

    Hey Ryan,

    Love this image. It is perfect…and fitting for it is my birthday tomorrow and this image represents me in so many ways! Fav Color = Blue. I’m from the mountains, so I always gazed at the stars growing up. Just got back from a 4 hour trip in my Subaru, which is represented by the Pleiades constellation!

    BRAVO! Simply marvelous.

  51. Travis

    Sorry as well. Looks like the art you made in 2000. Will look forward to your next piece. Still a big fan though.

  52. Greg in CA

    I love the space scenes!

  53. Chris

    Definitely not a fan of this one. Good effort, but it’s definitely lacking something. Still very pretty, but not up to your usual excellence.

  54. Jonathan L

    I love it!

    I love your space scenes so much.

    This… is just fantastic. It’s so simple and perfect!


  55. Mark

    Sorry Ryan, this just isn’t one of your best. Cool, but not terribly interesting.

    I also agree with previous comment that says the watermark still isn’t right. Sticks out way too much.

  56. getwired

    …but astronomy class ruined this for me! This is great work, but (no offense Ryan) I’ll take God’s own version! 😉

    Sorry dude! 😀

  57. The Guru

    Serene would be the word I use to describe this one. I probably won’t be keeping in on my desktop too long, due to the simplicity, but it looks very nice. Kudos.

  58. Melissa

    Love It!!

    Great Work Ryan!!

  59. Jenanne

    Wow, Ryan, this is terrific! I love your space art, but this is extra special. Another thing to be thankful for on this holiday weekend!

  60. Jason

    Love all your work, but you planetscapes/abstacts are my favs. 🙂

  61. lionpants

    Great render Ryan! Although, and I know you’re probably getting sick of this from me; the watermark sticks out too much and I feel the need to use a higher resolution so it is cut off. I miss the old watermark. :'(

  62. Ryan

    I’m sure I could improve it but, well, check the Da Vinci quote at the top of the new images page.

  63. Brian

    I’ve always loved your space wallpapers, and this one is no exception. Great job! Looking forward to more in the future.

  64. Miguell026

    Nice deep space scenario!

    and the color is the best color as usual!!

    blue! =)

    simple and beautiful!

    tho i bet you can improve it!

    Nice Work Ryan!

  65. Hugo


  66. Thomas

    Ryan, this starscape is, in my opinion, one of your best works. It’s subtle and feels spacious, yet retains the silent majesty of space. Well done.

    On a side note, it’s my birthday today. What a present, eh?

  67. Lynxie

    Not sure why, but I get a peaceful feeling when I look at this one. Can’t wait for the dual monitor one.

  68. Ben

    Loved your space based wallpapers.

    Thanks for the heads up, best thing I ever did was add you to twitter. 🙂


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