Indian Summer


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96 reviews for Indian Summer

  1. Jason [basicmember]

    …and I almost passed this one over. After a second look, I decided to keep it. It just popped up (I’m shuffling backgrounds) and holy cow, I love it! I’m actually really glad I downloaded it.

  2. Brian

    I always pull “Indian Summer” up this time of year. One of the best!

  3. Ryan

    “Indian Summer” is one of my favorites too. Thanks!!

  4. Donna

    I just pulled this one up – again – for my desktop. It’s Autumn and this is still one of the best!

  5. John

    The best word I can think of to describe this picture is “powerful”. My favorite part of this is the mountain in the background. Keep up the good work!

  6. Randy

    I recently saw an iGoogle theme that looked really familiar. Maybe the person who created the theme has your permission to totally use your image without acknowledgment.


  7. Ryan

    Yep, that’s my work. I’ll have to contact this “Elite Designer” and give him/her a piece of my mind 😉

  8. P. Sefton

    I could honestly stare at this one all day long.

  9. Falkor

    Perfect landscape with the coming storm… this is one of my favorites….

  10. Maria

    You’ve outdone yourself with this, it is amazing. How could you critique this? Just keep doing what you’re doing, because you are the BEST!

  11. Theora

    Saw this one and all I could think of was WOW. Beautiful colours, so peaceful, definitely one of my favourites.

  12. Vaul

    I love this one. The lighting and color are awesome. Would like to see it in a version w/ more fall colors and a little less all-orange too.

  13. Tiril1124

    Brilliant as always! I’ve always enjoyed your nature scenes! they are what I always use as desktops!

  14. Linda

    Wow, absolutely breathtaking!

  15. Deanna

    Autumn is my favorite time of year. I love the beautiful, vibrant colors of the leaves changing to reds, yellows and golds. Sometimes the colors are so bright, they almost glow. I grew up in the Southwest and now live in the Northwest and I’m still in awe every year the leaves change. Thank you for this one! It could possibly be my new Autumn favorite of yours.

  16. Carol

    I mean:

    To open any program on top of this magnificent wallpaper.


    I’ve placed this wallpaper on my 2 screens and stared it for quite some time.

    And I’ve only 3 words for it:



  17. M. Evans

    R-L-C filter

    how I love your Q-factor

    your resistance, high

  18. Narcelia

    It’s absolutely beautiful! Thank you.

  19. Larry

    In my interpretation, the foreground beauty of present fall is offset by the background gloom of imminent winter, giving a great feeling of transition.

    Great work!

  20. Melissa

    Beautiful Ryan!! The fall colors are awesome!

    Keep up the Great Work!!

  21. Gayle

    I love the foreground! Would you consider something with a closeup of your foreground?

  22. Terry

    The only thing I dont like about this image is nothing to do with your creativity, its the fact it shows winter coming lol and I live for the summer lol. Can you create a tropical or otherwise “hot” image for us winter haters.


  23. Tim

    Check this out

    If you deck out one of those with quad quad cores and 10gb of ram that should cut your render time way down.

  24. Tim Beltz

    I live on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands where while it is beutiful year around, the seasons don’t change much. Thanks for all you great work! It takes me home every time I turn on my computer.

    Tim, St. Thomas USVI

  25. Bob

    Something about the colors next to the green grass along the river just jumped out at me…

    The addition of the hint of a mountain in the background just added to the effect.

    While there may be a little grain in the picture, it kind of reminds me of times when I used to visit art galleries and looked at the paintings there… Objects not directly in focus of the artist were always a little blurred…

    I think you did a very good job here.

  26. Capoeira

    Please can you show me how to down load some of your wall papers in my website

  27. Alain

    Indian Summer is one of the best autumn image I’ve seen in a very long lime. The vivid colours, brilliant without been garish nor overwhelming are a very nice touch. Briliant and calm.

  28. Michael

    I do not normally give comments but this creation is beautiful!

    I am a Landscape photographer so I have an interest in all things scenic and this one is very, very nice!

    If possible the only thing I would adjust is the mountains. I would make them just a bit more visible with the rays of the sun highlighting them. You create very beautiful artwork. Please keep up the great work!


  29. Gabe

    Great job on Indian Summer – and while you stated the grain was undesirable, I actually like the grain that is present. It kind of gives it an old painting feel to it, and reminds me of the scenic (and powerful) paintings done from the Lewis & Clark expeditions in the pre-U.S. days.

    Well done!

    – Gabriel

    PS – The hint of the majestic mountain scene in the background is a nice touch, and inspires imagination. 😉

  30. Dave

    Great job Ryan !!! I drove through Oregon and Washington yesterday on my way home and really enjoyed the views of the trees just starting to change color… I thought today that I would send you an email and see if you would update “Sakura” with fall colors. I think that I like this one better. I gave it a 9…

    Thanks and keep them coming !!!


  31. Bert

    It seems like it’s no big deal at first, but then it grows on you, and grows on you, and grows on you. . . The light and dark work is some of the best stuff I’ve seen from you, and the dual screen version magnifies the contrast. I’d like to see you develop this into dawn and dusk versions; but of course those would produce dramatic differneces that are hard for me to figure out just looking at this version. I had this showing as desktop background (single screen) on a large projected image when I was using the laptop for a teaching session, and it looked incredible on the big screen! Kinda grabbed everyone by the “hoo-hoo.”

  32. wnmnkh

    With in mind the limitation of the hardware, I think it is the best result you could get. I see why people complain about this…


  33. Tril

    This has been on my desktop since it came out. I can now say that it is my favorite DB wallpaper to date. Needless to say, I disagree with pretty much every criticism that has been posted 🙂 I don’t think it needs more light and less clouds, as the contrast between light and dark is part of what makes it so stunning. Revealing the mountains would undercut the focus of the picture, where the light falls. And I think adding more fall colors would also be a mistake. This is “Indian Summer”, and the combination of green and orange/gold evokes perfectly the idea of summer within autumn.

    As it is, the picture has a thematic unity that makes it more than a render or snapshot; it’s a work of art.

    Unless they all have 30″ monitors, I think the people complaining about grain are being a little too picky. On my 20″ LCD there is just a hint of graininess to the mist, and if anything it helps. Mist can look like that in real life, and, as someone else mentioned, it serves to highlight the rays of sun.

  34. Mike

    Oh wow! This is beautiful, it’s like an oil painting!

  35. Alexander

    Very color-saturated picture that creates deep pleasant impression. Grain and colors create a feeling of kinda expressionism.

    Hmmm… but why summer? 😉 These yellow, orange and red combinations of colors and especially grey sky and clouds remind me autumn. Perhaps only exception is green grass.

    Also reflection in the whater immerses into nostalgia.

    Good work, thanks Ryan!

  36. Shane

    I love the color contrast but is there any way to bring out the cliffs in the upper left more? I didn’t notice they were there until a day after I put it up

  37. Justin

    From the following page:

    “Indian summer is a name given to a period of sunny, warm weather in autumn, not long before winter. Usually occurring after the first frost, Indian summer can be in late October or early November in the northern hemisphere, and late April or early May in the Southern hemisphere. It can persist for a few days or extend to a week or more.”

    As far as the picture goes, I love it. Dual screen version looks great!

  38. Mark J.

    A bit more red would be nice, though.

  39. Mark J.

  40. Aurelyn

    I think this is my favourite out of all the work you’ve done over the years. The combination of rich colour and the depth given by the haze into the background give it a real dreamlike quality. Absolutely stunning.

  41. John

    I like Indian Summer’s ‘painterly’ feeling, which seems to be emphasized by the haziness from the fog/clouds in combination with the cloud-scattered lighting.

  42. tim

    I love this one! my wife loves it too. it would be cool to see a night version with moon light.

  43. Ed

    I love this wallpaper it is a nice feel for the comming of fall. I like the colors of the trees. It would look pretty cool with a night version with some sort of moonlight.

  44. Ed

    I love this wallpaper it is a nice feel for the comming of fall. I like the colors of the trees. It would look pretty cool with a night version with some sort of moonlight.

  45. Mike

    I hate to be a buzzkill, but I like this but it isnt great. Im sure you werent thinking this is gonna be wow amazing and that might not even be where you were goin, but after all the amazing stuff that you bring to the table, this was a disappointment to me. Its just too grainy. I like it, dont get me wrong but I dont love it like the majority of your other stuff. I do see where yer vision was, but for me, it just didnt seem to win. I am very glad to see so many other people enjoy it as it is nice to look at. I dont know though, sometimes you do such amazing things that I keep thinking the next one is gonna top it and Ive flatlined hehe. Thanks for another nice wallpaper.

  46. Ed

    Overall it’s nice, but it could use some variations in the color scheme, i.e. dark reds, and bright yellows along with the orange and amber tones already present. Of course it’s really easy to be a critic, I’m not the one spending the hours behind the computer thinking this stuff up. Keep up the awesome work Ryan.

  47. Tril

    No complaints, no suggestions. This is just…breathtaking. 10/10. 11/10 if I could.

    No real issue with grain on my 1680×1050 monitor.

  48. Lhiss

    Atmospheric and inspiring just what I like.

    Does the score go up to 11?

  49. Curtisator

    Intentional or not, I like the grain. It gives it a slightly film-ish quality, like it could actually be a photo.

    I’m also liking the hints of blue and yellow in the grass – I think these are colours you sometimes miss when you have large bodies of grass in your scenes.

    Great stuff!

  50. Jim

    ‘Nuff said

  51. gdaake

    Some of your best work.

  52. Hegemon

    I think the grainy look is fitting for this scene. Kinda reminds me of a hazy fall day in Montana. It gives this scene a rustic look.

  53. emeraldjad

    When I first saw this picture it was just absolutely breath taking. It’s perfect like it is.

  54. Jason

    You sounded like you weren’t overly impressed with this image…I would have to disagree as I think it’s wonderful. I like the fact that there are many bright colors in this image, as it brings my desktop alive! Also the grainy feel at first was a bit weird, but like others said, it does add to the “hazy” value a lot. Kind of like a morning mist or something, good job!

  55. Pillarman

    The darker part of this creation looks very realistic but when you cross into the light it looks very artificial. Otherwise good job.

  56. Mercury

    The graininess looks like fog or mist to me, which, in my opinion, adds a whole new level of interest to the image. It helps separate the mid-ground from the background and it also reveals the rays of sunlight, without which I think this image would lose much of its power.

  57. Curtis

    I would love to see alternate versions of this, preferably one that’s either less cloudy and/or with more day light. All-in-all I love this work of art, keep up the good work guy…..

  58. Karl

    waiting for 2560×1024 specifically, cropping the 2560×1600 cuts out too much.

  59. Lisa

    I LOVE the bottom half of this – the colors are beautiful and the detail rocks! It looks more like a painting rather than something photo-realistic. I’m not a fan of grainy but I know a lot of folks love that style :).

    I’d be very happy to wait for a render that would remove the grains and make it clear and sharp!

    Ryan you are insane amounts of talented and it seems to me like your creative vision is being sabotaged to some degree by the software… It’s almost as if technology has regressed somehow? Some of your nature oriented ones have been a little grainy lately – I just thought you were changing your style? Granted, I don’t know the software – I’m just going by your comments from the posting…

  60. Josh

    Dual monitor version, please?

  61. Morgan

    Very nice, however I think it looks a bit “noisy”. Anti-aliasing perhaps?

  62. kyle

    thats all there is to sayh

  63. Overdrive

    These wallpapers are definitely my favorites: a beautiful landscape with special elements (fallcolors) and the sharp contrasts between dark and light.

    I really like the vague reflections in the dark, on the mountains.

    Great artwork, again!


  64. Kevin

    …especially the river bank on the far side.

  65. Saranna

    Happy Thanksgiving (Canadian one up here).

    So this is exactly what I wanted on my screen. Thanks! I love it.

    The sun peeking through giving a sense of warmth to the cool of fall.

  66. Shandybob

    Ryan, by far, this has to be one of your best.

    Beautiful contrasting colours and light.

    Adorable – thank you.

  67. celmo

    Very pretty. Love it. I don’t know anything about the program but I agree that it does look “grainy” but I wouldn’t want to render for 5 days either.

  68. Mark


    Great picture. It makes me sad that I can’t use it (I have pretty strict requirements for my backgrounds, mostly related to how well text is visible through a transparent terminal).

    I look forward to seeing the dual monitor version of this – at least I could use it at home.


  69. Greg in KC


    I really like this one… I know people may comment on the “grainy”ness of the image, but I think it kind of enhances the foggy, misty look.

    Keep up the great work!

    Greg in KC

  70. Mike

    I’m really glad that you have been putting out a lot of landscape images lately, as I think that you’ve really taken your work to a new level. I’m always excited to change my wallpaper whenever another one of these pops up. I’m glad I just bought another 3 years of membership. Keep up the great work! I look forward to the next 3 years and beyond.

  71. Noah

    I think this render looks almost like an oil painting of sorts. Look at the far shore on the right side… you can see what appears to be small brush marks. Quite cool. I eagerly await the dual-screen version 🙂

  72. Paul

    Fantastic image, Ryan. The trees are rendered beautifully, and the whole scene is a great summation of autumn. I wasn’t sure I was going to replace your Haiku(2007) anytime soon, but this one changed my mind.

  73. Flodbod

    So real I wish I was there. Another wallpaper that my kids will say WOW too.

  74. Roberto

    ASTONASHING! The best picture you ever made Ryan, my best compliments.

  75. Blaine

    The image is full of noise. Even the up close grass has noise. -thumbs down- until it can be corrected.

  76. Edward

    I am sure it ill be lovely.

  77. Brian

    On the surface I really like this image, and I’ve always responded pretty viscerally to all of the autumn-themed desktops.

    I suppose one can treat the graininess as a “feature”, but what makes Ryan’s work so cool in my mind is the photorealism and detail of some of the images.

    This one just feels blurry to me, and doesn’t have the punch that it should have. I like it, but want to like it more. 🙂

  78. Ryan

    It’s a pretty picture certainly, but I’m going to side myself on the side that doesn’t exactly like the graininess.

  79. jayc

    Great picture! Though I think the mountain background should be brought out more.

  80. iMark

    Fantastic work. 9/10. I agree with the comment below that the mountains should be bought out more.

    Well worth the wait.

  81. G

    It’s nice, but the grainy texture makes it feel like a painting. I wouldn’t mind waiting another 4 or 5 days for a perfect quality image. We’ve already waited 2 weeks, after all…

  82. Patrick

    Nice one Ryan – with the hint of mountains in the background, it reminds me a fall visit to Yosemite Valley in Yosemite National Park.

    Keep up the great work.


  83. jm

    I ran the image through the Digital Camera Noise Removal tool in Paint Shop Pro XI. It did a really nice job of removing the noise without killing the detail.

    I love the image, though. The light coming in from the side, the colors are great. Fabulous.

  84. eyal

    will there ever be anymore?

  85. Infinity

    The composition of the scene is very nice, but like most other people before me it’d be very nice to reduce the noise and make it smoother (ie like Haiku 2007). I’d imagine when the dual widescreen version comes out we can see the sun on the right screen, in which case would perfectly complete the scene. Again great job.

  86. Fvr

    Great image, but I would prefer it with clouds a little less dark because we can only guess the mountains in the background

  87. Randy

    Grainy gives it a “painting” look to it.

  88. Randy

    I’ve been taking the iPhone version and using a theme generator to make my own.

  89. Ben

    Grain to one person is mist to another 🙂 – Well done Ryan, this one is wonderful.

  90. Mirage

    I think it’s a beautiful piece, I agree with others that the ‘graininess’ that you mention makes it look like a painting — which is nice — not so much a negative as it is a different way of looking at it. Makes it a little different from your more recent works. Though part of me would be curious to see a non-grainy version (and would be willing to wait for the render to occur).

    As for your comment about trying some Halloween pieces, I for one would LOVE to have some. I’ve been seraching everywhere for decent Halloween wallpapers to cycle through at work for this year, but I’ve been disappointed by everything I’ve seen on other sites. Given your new programs, I’d love to see what you’re able to come up with.

    As always, keep up the good work!

    –Mirage (who is anxiously waiting for a dual-monitor version of Indian Summer)

  91. Pete

    Love it.

  92. Clint


    this wallpaper has instantly become one of my alltime favorites. would be nice if you could update the ppc wallpapers. keep up the great work.


  93. V–Z

    Indian Summer has long been my absolute favorite time of year, and it gets more so as I grow older and less fond of humidity. This image is simply wonderful. Only thing that would make it a perfect recollection of my childhood summer ends is a meadow of dry grass hummocks and gone-to-fluff goldenrod, which is the place where I spent a huge number of my childhood hours.

    Regarding the graininess… I’m afraid you’re right. Even with ridiculously high settings, it just never goes away… Major major flaw by e-on in my opinion. Software that costs what they are now charging should be able to manage spectral atmospheres as well as something free/low cost like Terragen.

    Nevertheless, your rendition even with the problematic software is stunning. And it is now my desktop on 3 computers (4 when I get to work tomorrow =)

  94. Telaria

    Breathtaking. Thank you for this wonderful piece of art. I don’t have enough adjectives….

  95. Rick

    I really like this one! The sense of depth and the lighting are phenomenal.

    It would be really cool if there were a series of these, each refelecting a different time of day… maybe every four or six hours. I’d love to be able to set my wallpaper to change automatically and so I could watch the light change, the mist come and go…

  96. jackr

    Yeah, the grain’s there (and if it ever gets fixed, I’ll update, you betcha).

    But when I put this up on m 30″ display, and people turn the corner into my office, they still gasp and forget what they were going to ask!

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