
(29 customer reviews)


SKU: goldenwalk1 Category: Tags: , ,


I don’t play video games like I used to, but I’d been wanting to play “Ghost of Tsushima” for a long time and finally picked it up a few weeks ago. Of course I was instantly dazzled by the incredible environments and put the game aside to recreate one of them 😀 This particular scene was inspired by the “Golden Forest” area but I’ve purposely left out the Japanese influences (this time) to give it a bit more general appeal.
I hope you enjoy it!

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29 reviews for Goldenwalk

  1. Aaron

  2. Zachary White

    I LOVE this picture set because it captures the Beauty of this same exact location in this unique season! Each one is absolutely Fantastic to look at and the rays of sun in the background was a nice touch! =D

  3. RCD [basicmember]

    I’ve been studying this image for a while and am totally impressed with the subtle detail you’ve added to make this scene so realistic. Between the lighting, the falling leaves, the detail in the walkway showing it’s age, I have to agree with the others that this is your best work! Amazing!

  4. Ozaawaagosh [plusmember]

    This whole series of renders are simply beautiful, the lighting, shadows, colours and detail are stunning, these remind me of so many countries and places I have been in this world, this is really some of your best work Ryan, thank you

  5. Zealot [lifer]

    Here you have outdone yourself, thanks to the inspiration of “Ghost of Tsushima” which has really ingenious landscapes. This artwork is a 20 for me! I always love your fall pictures, I always like these the most (I love fall).

    My personal “best ever” fall wallpapers are:


    Sierra Autumn (for me it is more late summer)

    The Fall Spectrum

    Red and Gold


    Really great artwork, thanks a lot for your inspiration.

  6. Gene [lifer]

    … and one of my very favorites since I first came around DB nearly 18 years ago! Can’t believe it’s been that long!!!

  7. Ryan

    Yes I am planning winter and spring versions but will probably wait a while.

  8. webworx [liferplus]

    This is a beautiful image that depicts only the best parts of summer. Don McLean had a wonderful song called Winterwood… is a tribute perhaps forthcoming?

  9. Ryan

    The red dot should be gone now. It was an artifact from a new denoiser/sharpening postprocess 🙂

  10. Awesome Potatoes [liferplus]

    In the multiscreen versions, there’s a red dot on the s-shaped tree trunk on the left (which doesn’t look like it’s supposed to be there).

    And this is one of my top five faves. I’d love to see different seasons or a night version!

  11. Joe [basicmember]

    Fall and Spring are my favorite seasons for your wallpapers, dappled forests especially, so this was is a fantastic addition in my opinion. I like that it is light with cheerful colors, without being too bright. Thanks for all you do!

  12. Rick [liferplus]

    My first thought when I saw this full size was “Wizard of Oz”! The twisted trees, the cobblestone path… all it needs is the tin-man’s house. I quite like it!

  13. Ryan

    I think I might do summer as a night version (like “Summerwood”).

  14. Graybags [basicmember]

    I love this, but it’s too sunny and warm here, I can’t bring myself to use an Autumn wallpaper 🙂

    Any chance of a Summer one? Or maybe in keeping with the Japanese theme, Cherry blossom for Spring? Maybe an idea for next year? Big ask I know.

  15. Kevin [lifer]

    It’s another great DB autumn wallpaper; any chance of a night version?

  16. mp [basicmember]

    something about this one brings me back to your older work, when I was getting into Digital Blasphemy in 1999ish. just something about the mood. thanks for still doing what you do.

  17. Littlemom [liferplus]

    It’s never to early for Autumn. This is absolutely beautiful!!!

  18. Nemo1024 [liferplus]

    I love autumn, and you truly managed to capture the very essence of the season!

  19. Kaz [plusmember]

    I am totally ready for fall and no more drenching humidity. This is just gorgeous =)

  20. ScottM [basicmember]

    Ryan, you’ve outdone yourself yet again. This one is going up as my wallpaper. I don’t care what season it is!

  21. Hans [lifer]

    A night version would be a treat too 😉

  22. jvhnetwork [basicmember]

    Love this piece! Could you do a version where the walk is replaced by a lively stream?

  23. Douglas [nonmonthly]

    Perhaps a pickle jar or two with some more orange and browns. But leave this one, too. And no, it isn’t too early!

  24. Chris Spera [donormemberlifer]

    Its not too early for Fall renders if they are of this caliber. This is simply amazing. I’ve been a member of this site for 21 years. I’ve watched your work grow and mature, and you’re simply one of the best. I wish I could donate more…

    This render will be awesome as a multi-seasonal/ multi-hours of the day, different colors of leaves for Fall, etc. This is great work, Ryan!

  25. Russell [patronmember]

    I am in an agreement…just awesome!!

  26. JenAnne [liferplus]

    Amazing, magnificent, glorious! My favorite fall render since Canopy Creek in 2009. Can’t wait until it’s time to put up the fall collection. Perhaps a picklejar with variegated leaves?

  27. MARK A. [liferplus]

    oh, my. I’m @ a loss for words!

  28. BobC [lifer]

    Absolutely gorgeous and brilliant. Love the way the yellow has pervaded the whole image. Whatever technique you are using (plus your mind’s eye) seems to me to have led something that couldn’t be achieved via a painting OR a photograph. Lovely.

  29. Jeff K [liferplus]

    Absolutely love this. Great colors. Would love to walk this path some time.

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