Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on February 21, 2022

Hooded Peak (Night)

I wasn’t necessarily planning on doing a night version of this one because I wasn’t sure if lenticular clouds stayed around when the sun went down. Rather than worry about all that I decided to lean into their otherworldly aspect and also add some much needed illumination to the scene.

Strange things are definitely afoot on Hooded Peak 😁 . What do you think is going on here??

Posted on February 14, 2022

Hooded Peak (Dusk)

Here’s a view of the Hooded Peak with the sun a bit lower in the sky. I’m still experimenting with this one of course and I might replace it later today with an updated render. The Pickle Jar isn’t quite ready on DB 2.0 so I will just post these in the main gallery for now.

Members please let me know what you think via the comments 🙏🏼

Posted on February 12, 2022

Hooded Peak

I’ve always been something of a cloud nerd, and have long been fascinated by lenticular clouds. They form over mountaintops (and other areas) and often look like huge flying saucers. I am fairly certain I’ve never seen them depicted in a 3D landscape render before now.

I used Houdini here to create the cloud object, Gaea to create the mountain, and the whole scene is rendered in VUE. Multiscreen versions are still rendering.

This is sort of an experimental scene and I will probably do another version or two before I’m satisified. Let me know what you think!