Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on September 14, 2022

Peak Color

Sorry it’s been a bit longer than normal between new wallpapers. I took some time to create a winter version of “Shady Creek” but I will be holding onto it for a while longer. Once that was finished I decided I wanted to do one more autumn scene for the year. They are some of my absolute favorite to create.

When Jessie and I moved to California 20+ years ago I found the thing I missed the most about the Midwest was the changing of the seasons and the autumn colors. I’ve tried to capture s bit of that magic in this render and I hope you all enjoy it!

Posted on September 1, 2022

Shady Creek (Autumn)

The first day of Sept seems like a great day for my first Autumn render of the year. I actually started this one shortly after I posted “Shady Creek (Night)” in last July but I didn’t want to share it during the middle of summer so I held onto it. I applied some finishing touches over the past couple of days and I am happy to share it with you all now.

Hope you enjoy it. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments 🙂