Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on July 10, 2023

Oasis (Moonlight)

The goal here was to update my Oasis theme (started in 1999, updated in 2009) using Gaea and new plant models.  I tried to keep the composition as similar as possible to the earlier versions but hopefully it feels new.   I’ll attempt a day version next.

​​​​​​​Created on my Shadowfax workstation while another project rendered on Rochallor.   Hopefully that one finishes soon!

Posted on June 16, 2023

Fire in the Sky

A simple sky study that I created using VUE on my trusty (8 year old!) Shadowfax workstation while Rochallor rendered another project.    I’ve long been fascinated with how the sun illuminates clouds from below the horizon but it’s tricky to depict this using 3D as most 3D scenes use a flat world.   Here I used VUE’s “spherical scene” mode to move the sun below the horizon and light the cloud layers from below.   The foreground is kept intentionally minimal.

I hope you enjoy it! Stay tuned for another new piece soon!!

EDIT: I’ve added a version to the Pickle Jar without the dock by popular request!

Posted on June 4, 2023

Trinity (Night)

Took a bit of time off last week to be with my family. I’m also busy working to prepare for sunsetting my old DB 1.0 web server. This should happen sometime during the week ahead but if you’ve been using this site you shouldn’t notice any disruption other than a URL change (the “beta” will disappear). The old mobile apps, unfortunately, will stop functioning. I am working on replacing them with something new however!

Before moving on to something new art-wise I thought it might be worthwhile to create a night version of my updated Trinity scene for those of you who prefer darker wallpapers.   I’ve tried to mirror the configuration of the day version with the planets. Hope you enjoy it!!