Fire in the Sky

(28 customer reviews)


SKU: fireinthesky1 Category: Tags: , , , , , , , ,


A simple sky study  that I created using VUE on my trusty (8 year old!) Shadowfax workstation while Rochallor rendered another project.    I’ve long been fascinated with how the sun illuminates clouds from below the horizon but it’s tricky to depict this using 3D as most 3D scenes use a flat world.   Here I used VUE’s “spherical scene” mode to move the sun below the horizon and light the cloud layers from below.   The foreground is kept intentionally minimal.

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28 reviews for Fire in the Sky

  1. Eric Stell

  2. Doug

    Reminds me of many sunsets at a few different lakes here in the Pacific Northwest. Well done!

  3. Natalia Najder
    [Plus, Donor, Lifetime]

    Wonderful! I love it!

  4. Edward Adamczyk

  5. Robert de Forest

    How did you make this both more and less realistic than your usual scenes? It reminds me of sunsets I saw in Seattle that looked rendered or otherwise unnatural. Well done!

  6. Sebastian

    Will there be a morning version of this with fog above the lake called “Smoke on the Water”? ;D

  7. Steve Swartz

    I love the colors and the composition. I wish the clouds looked more like clouds. They look like cotton balls.

  8. James Shillington

    Another beautiful work of art!

  9. Robert Lanktree

    Not often I firewall a rating on a render. This one deserves it.

  10. Tom Antal

  11. Mike Drabicky

    This is the best one you have done this year. Really, really peaceful. Luv it!

  12. Joe Walker

    Really nice, I like this one a lot! Closest thing I’ve seen in computer generated visual’s to capturing that after sunset effect with essentially all the light being bounce off/refracted by the atmosphere, tough trade off I’m sure between getting the reflections of the clouds and the right color. I know the show of the sunset is the star of picture, but a little bit lighter in the foreground I think would actually accentuate the dock and add interest (though I know earlier comments advocated for just ditching the dock all together. 🙂 )

  13. John jlavin

    I really like this concept – the sky, water, and trees really speak to me. I think the dock, however, detracts from the scene. I suspect removing the dock entirely from the foreground would be an improvement

  14. Victoria Baker

    This one is special. Love it

  15. Victoria Baker

  16. Adam Willcox

    As a life long fan of your dark backgrounds, this one is magnificent!

  17. Mike Gustine

    Absolutely stunning! I’ve been a fan of your art for a long time, and this one is almost like a new level! Great stuff, and reminds of the sunset at a lake near my house.

  18. Andrew Kuehler

  19. Robert Tidwell

    Just glad there are no mosquitoes at my new lake side view

  20. Rick Hogg

  21. Cathy Warren
    [Lifetime Plus]

    Another perfect 10!!! Ryan. I love the lighting on this one. It looks so realistic I thought it was from a photo. Absolutely gorgeous!!!

  22. Frank Toner

    Superb Ryan.Thank You.

  23. Timothy Shade

    Huge fan of this…love the dock and the “fire” of the sky…I feel as though I am walking towards the water here.

  24. Chris Faircloth
    [Plus, Lifetime Supporter, Lifetime]

    Wonderful, thank you

  25. Tim Edwards

  26. Qian Shen
    [Lifetime Plus]

  27. Dirk Lankens


  28. Timothy Sullivan
    [Lifetime Supporter, Lifetime]

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