The One Light


SKU: onelight1 Category: Tags: ,


Looking through my creations this year it occurred to me that (with some exceptions) the colors have been rather muted. With this render I just wanted to create something colorful and minimal that would make for a nice background. I thought about adding something in the foreground but I think it stands pretty well on its own.

I’d considered “Morning Has Broken” for the title, but since the sun is still below the horizon here (thanks to Vue’s “spherical scene” mode) I chose another line from the hymn instead.

Let me know what you think!

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30 reviews for The One Light

  1. Becky [nonmonthly]

    the colors on this are gorgeous!

  2. docroy2 [lifer]

    I must comment on the clouds. IMHO, the problem is not the elevation of the clouds to the mountains that throws people off. It’s the fact that the clouds are about the same size. If the mountains were as large as depicted, the clouds should be much smaller than the clouds that are at the foreground of the picture. No depth. It’s all two dimensional. No infinity. The rays are are a good attempt but again perspective and depth are missing.

  3. Susan [nonmonthly]

    I prefer this one to your purple version. I can see more details.

  4. DrKra37 [lifer]

    Overall, I really really like this one! The blazing sunset is truly gorgeous and I love the ray effect of the sunlight blazing past the islands. However, I agree with others that the clouds being lower than or in front of the islands confuses my eyes and makes the perspective of the scene a little strange to me.

  5. Rodewaryer [basicmember]

    Seems like going backwards but I prefer the night version more. This is really cool but has a slightly washed out look to it somehow as though looking through a filter or something. Layout is great though and the concept is stunning.

  6. zpwhite [basicmember]

    Another home run, Bliss!

    The shadows created by the primary island breaks up the warm colors of the sunset [which of itself is simply grand] with a tinge of cool colors and simply turned out marvelous. I’ve often seen the shadows from trees and such but never applied to a sunset/rise. The moon amongst the shadows was another great touch!

  7. drow [nonmonthly]

    “She could see Carcosa behind the rising moon, and as Jayda dropped the torch and flames began to rise around her, catching her skirt and enveloping her sleeves, she saw the distant spires glowing gold.”

  8. JDD [lifer]

    I added this to my desktop right when I saw it.

    Perfect for Summer.

  9. D. C. Sessions [lifer]

    After all, that’s what we use them for. Good choice.

    Colorful, distinctive (I use them to keep my Linux screens straight), and cheerful. Besides, the raytracing shows, and that’s a good thing.

  10. DarthSync [liferplus]

    Yay, verily, I love this scene. The soft reds and oranges do wonders for the scene, and are easier to look at as well. 🙂

  11. Jenanne [liferplus]

    My new favorite. This will give Highland Spring a run for its money! 😉

  12. Glenn [liferplus]

    absolutely gorgeous

  13. Michael Espinosa [nonmonthly]

    Epic sunset which immediately takes be back to 1985 cruising around the Goonie’s beach, and also to 2002 cruising around GTA: Vice City listening to V rock.

  14. selahstar [liferplus]

    I rarely review but this is one I had to comment on. It took my breath away and I couldn’t wait for the multiscreen view! It’s currently my desktop wallpaper at work. I do want to say though, to those who are commenting on the clouds – consider instead that the rocks are so high that they surpass the cloud layer. In that context the clouds absolutely belong in front. It would make everything look much smaller otherwise. To sum: I love this one! Thank you!

  15. Ozaawaagosh [basicmember]

    Really love the colours and the lighting, Very stunning, it reminds me of being in Thailand, and at the same time it is very other worldly, AWESOME RENDER!!! Great job my friend.

  16. Mark [nonmonthly]

    This is the first time I have reviewed any of your work. I’ve been a member for many years and always have enjoyed your work. That being said, I had to write how absolutely gorgeous this rendering is. This has to be my favorite that you have created since thus far.

  17. Kelton [basicmember]

    Did a GREAT job with the light rays streaming past the bergs. Really adds a feeling of depth. But I will say the clouds being in front of bergs (assuming they are ice bergs) is a bit odd. I would think they’d be a bit more diffuse so close to the point of view.

  18. Xetal [liferplus]

    I actually like the way the clouds are in front of the rocks, not behind. Turns a mere great view into more challenging art.

  19. sweetaurora [lifer]

    The One Light is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!

  20. Tyler [lifer]

    The colors and lighting are gorgeous. Agree that clouds should not overlap rocks but otherwise this is an instant classic. Please fix the clouds and release multi thank you!

  21. nissim [liferplus]

    I agree with previous comments: the red clouds should be behind the rocks.

  22. Mark A. [liferplus]

    One thing I might change is the clouds. I think it might look better if the clouds were above the rocks.

  23. Shao [lifer]

    Just simply amazing! I am blown away in yet another example of your work. I would love to visit a place like this, if it existed. In fact, I would live there. The serenity of the water and the sun coming over the horizon is just astonishingly beautiful.

  24. AndoAno [basicmember]

    This is great! I’ll be waiting and ready for when the triple screen versions come out. Love your more minimal stuff so I can see all my files well.

  25. Laura [lifer]

    COLOR! Sunrise/set! What’s not to like?

    Thank you!

  26. Nick [liferplus]

    Now that we like….

    Love the colours.

    Dual Screen pretty please.

  27. Littlemom [liferplus]

    Wow Ryan this is amazing. I love the colors and the lighting in this render. It really gives a very peaceful serene scene.

  28. getnby [basicmember]

    I love this place–I want to live there

  29. Richard H. [liferplus]

    Very striking. Love the colours in this one. Very nice indeed!

  30. Mark A. [liferplus]

    it’s like “red sky morning” all grown-up.

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