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The Moon rules all…

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36 reviews for Moondance

  1. RichieKnight [lifer]

    I too feel the same. The clouds do obscure this a little. I do think it’s good to have the clouds in this scene as you get the colouration on them but the density does need to be lowered by around 70%. Apart from that though, this high on my list of favourite pictures. Good job.

  2. RichieKnight [lifer]

    I too feel the same. The clouds do obscure this a little. I do think it’s good to have the clouds in this scene as you get the colouration on them but the density does need to be lowered by around 70%. Apart from that though, this high on my list of favourite pictures. Good job.

  3. RichieKnight [lifer]

    I too feel the same. The clouds do obscure this a little. I do think it’s good to have the clouds in this scene as you get the colouration on them but the density does need to be lowered by around 70%. Apart from that though, this high on my list of favourite pictures. Good job.

  4. RichieKnight [lifer]

    I too feel the same. The clouds do obscure this a little. I do think it’s good to have the clouds in this scene as you get the colouration on them but the density does need to be lowered by around 70%. Apart from that though, this high on my list of favourite pictures. Good job.

  5. RichieKnight [lifer]

    I too feel the same. The clouds do obscure this a little. I do think it’s good to have the clouds in this scene as you get the colouration on them but the density does need to be lowered by around 70%. Apart from that though, this high on my list of favourite pictures. Good job.

  6. Angelique [lifer]

    I wish there was a cloud-free version of this scene. I can’t see the moon in Moondance. It would have been a breathtaking scene if the sky weren’t obscured 🙁

  7. Gesus

    Thank you so much for the dual monitor. This is one of my favorites and I was sad there was not a dual or triple to show its glory.

  8. Matt

    The multi-screen is awesome Ryan! Congrats on the new ‘puter. Question though: what are you using all the power on Shadowfax to do if you are doing your renders on Bucephalus? I would have thought you would use Bucephalus to develop new scenes and render them on Shadowfax… Just curious. =)

  9. Mark

    Hi Ryan!

    Would love to see multi-screen renders of two 2014 abstracts, namely Quarternion and Infinitesimal (2014). I’m a huge fan of your abstracts, and use them most often for long-term wallpapers.

    Many thanks in advance for considering the request.

  10. Scott G

    Hey Ryan. Your last two posts the “split files” are missing with the tri-screen.

    Us Mac users need split files. Please post soon.

  11. Ryan

    You should know by know that I almost always forget to upload at least one resolution. The Triple 1080p should be there. I won’t be getting rid of them!!

  12. Keith-E

    My ‘Usual’ resolution is not here, @ 5760 x 1080. The closest ones don’t fit. Is this the way it’s being done now ? At least with the 16:10 I can see some of the water.

  13. Ryan

    Sorry about the wait!

  14. jeff

    Would love a dual screen version

  15. awyeah

    I’m someone who only likes like 40% of Ryans work. most of the renders aren’t to my taste at all. this one however is a masterpiece.

  16. SC

    This is absolutely amazing, involving the night and passionate colors such as blue, purple and red.

  17. Laura G.

    During the last full moon, I was out late to take pictures of the sky and moon. I live on Hawai’i Island, and actually, the sky looked so much like Moondance that I decided to just download it and go to bed! Like real life-only better!

  18. Mick

    Hi Ryan, any chance of multiple monitor renders of this one?

    Finally have one to replace my current one “Night Fall”.

  19. Paul

    Would love to have this in 5760 x 1080!

  20. Ninhalem

    I quite like the pastel clouds. There’s a sort of tranquil nature about how the clouds and sky interact with the rest of the piece. Well done Ryan.

  21. BobC

    Adding to recent comments, I too love this piece. For me a lot of the wonderful “atmosphere” is created by the idea that you don’t know what is making all those colors in the clouds (though the title suggests what it is). I actually like the “painterly” effect of the clouds and it doesn’t really bother me much at all that the trees, etc. are a lot more detailed.

  22. Kevin

    I love the idea of having the moonlight glow in the water, and the colors of the evening sky. I must agree that the cloud colors and shapes do seem pretty off and could use some editing.

    I also think it would be a fantastic addition if the moon were to peak a little from behind the clouds. Very impressive work as always Ryan.

  23. Mike

    Really like this and I’m using it for my current background, but I have to agree with the comments about the clouds. Especially at the very top of the image where the clouds are picking up the moonlight I find the clouds to be very cookie-cutter looking. May be an altered version with less clouds could be doable? 🙂 Very very much like the colors and that turtle coming ashore with what almost looks like bioluminescence on its back.

    I would also love an explanation behind the idea of having those bright flashes of color that almost look like explosions in the clouds; quite cool.

  24. Craig

    But I do have to agree that the clouds looks abstract where as the plants and water looks like your typical work.

  25. Tyler

    Ryan and beachscapes are like peas & carrots.

  26. Sandi

    Gives me a Peaceful Easy Feeling – I really like the turtle!

  27. Hawk

    Love it! Love the color, shading, lighting… ALL GOOD!!

  28. Shay

    This is amazing! Really hoping a dual variant comes out soon so I can use it!

  29. Shay

    This is amazing! Really hoping a dual variant comes out soon so I can use it!

  30. Liz

    I love this. Favorite colors… night scene… awesome little turtle.

    I hope your family is doing well – thank you for making another new beauty to use as my work desktop.

  31. JMK in CT

    Youve done better. This one looks like the clouds are just paint spattered on a background. They are very flat.

  32. Michael N

    I changed my desktop to this immediately. I gave it an eight because I feel like the clouds lack volume. They look a bit more like paint splotches than like clouds and it draws my attention whenever I look closely. Otherwise though I think it’s amazing. Night scenes are my favorites.

  33. BobC

    I did follow the WIP, and I love what you’ve done with it- the mysterious lighting of the clouds (“coming exactly from what?” we ask), the lighting of the shore (bioluminescence?), the unknown purple glow on the horizon on the right- magical! ( she was there before, but now I see the turtle!)

    A beautiful and dreamy effect. Thank you!

  34. Vashti

    I love it!! Pretty please can it be a dual wallpaper soon? 🙂

  35. Gary Weber

    This should be enjoyed while listening to Michael Buble’ sing Moon Dance.

  36. MIB4u

    I love it! does it take place on a world with multiple suns?

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