

SKU: endymion1 Category: Tags: ,


I’m still learning how to fit Oculus Medium into my workflow. One immediate application is creating different rock formations and this new render features several practice pieces. The landforms in the background were created using World Machine and the sky was created using Lightwave. I hope you enjoy it!

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21 reviews for Endymion

  1. Mark Pierce [lifer]

    The rock formations in the foreground are lifelike. The planets hovering in the middle of the frame are a great touch of sci-fi fantasy. The combination of the two is what makes your work so great. So desirable to stare at, get lost in. Thank you for your continuously growing imagination and the love, effort and care you put into your work!

  2. Matt K [liferplus]

    I love the planet scenes! Wonder if there is more than meets the eye in this one(thinking “Attempt No Landing”). Endymion is a Dan Simmons novel, great series and I just wonder if the cloaked figure is Raul Endymion from the book or just a happy coincidence. 🙂 Either way great job.

  3. Xetal [liferplus]

    Wasn’t Endymion so handsome that some Greek goddess got Zeus to plunge him into eternal sleep so she could spend eternity contemplating his beauty (and have 50 daughters by him)?

    Perhaps that’s what the robed figure is contemplating!

    Lovely piece, Ryan, one of your best.

  4. Falkor [liferplus]

    Ryan! This is awesome. While I do not have multiple monitors (or an Oculus) this still looks great on my small laptop. Thank you for always considering those that can only view your work on a smaller screen. While I love your abstract work, I most enjoy your planetary and scenic art. Please never stop!

  5. Bob Nolley [lifer]

    I love this work…usually the part of the color wheel I live in is blue/purple/green, but the rocks make this one of the best.

    As always, thanks for all of your work!

  6. Rodewaryer [basicmember]

    I really like planetscapes but for some reason, likely unique to me, the second megalith from the right is just too much (the balancing one), if it were gone, I think this would be a home run….

  7. Brian Milot Sr [plusmember]

    Fantastic! I wonder what the robed figure is contemplating right now…

  8. Marco / SpeedyJ [lifer]

    I love this wallpaper. Yes the Rocks look more realistic.

    Keep up the Great Work Rayan

    Marco from Miami 🙂

  9. Tyler [lifer]

    Noticed the cloaked figure myself and love it! This is a solid planetscape worthy of any desktop.

  10. Jenanne [liferplus]

    Terrific, Ryan! I love your planetscapes and this one is top-notch. More!

  11. BobC [lifer]

    Fabulous image in the highest tradition of classic space art!

  12. Chris [basicmember]

    Absolutely stunning work. Looks fantastic on my 2 new 4k monitors. Great work on the rendering. I look forward to seeing more like this.

  13. NikB [liferplus]

    I just noticed the purple-robed figure at the bottom – nice touch!

  14. Phineas [basicmember]

    This is just spectacular. I love the rich colours. More!

  15. Alexander [basicmember]

    I always love your planetscapes the most and this one is wonderful as always. Incredible work!

  16. Maeltor [liferplus]

    There is an awesome retro feel to this. It hearkens back to your older work but its sharper, more refined. I love it.

  17. Ramon [lifer]

    I really love this piece, as always amazing. I love the rocks and the way you brought out the different colors and textures… your work just gets better and better, please keep it up!

  18. Daniel W [lifer]

    This image just popped at me! I love it!

  19. D. C. Sessions [lifer]

    Stony rather than icy, with sharp fractures and nice mix of colors in the stone; patterned vaguely like some of the volcanic intrusions I’ve seen. The sky is a nice dusky blue and the primary rather Neptunian more than Jovian. All in all colorful and something of a change. Nicely done!

  20. melchior [liferplus]

    I really like the planet scape in this one

  21. Ozaawaagosh [basicmember]

    Fantástico, I simply love your planetscapes, there some of my favorites, really love the colours in this one, Great Render my Friend.

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