Elegy (Winter/Day)


SKU: elegywinterday1 Category: Tags: , , ,


A daytime rendering of my “Elegy” winter scene (without wolves). I hope folks using “ChronoWall” to change their wallpaper with the time of day will enjoy this one!

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72 reviews for Elegy (Winter/Day)

  1. Pritesh Mistry [lifer]

    Great series, perhaps some higher res versions are needed now, ex. 4K.

  2. Rick (Horseman) [basicmember]

    Bundle up, fill your flask, and hit the trail. This rendering is creative and seasonal. Reminds me of my days on the winter trail riding horseback and hiking. I look forward to returning to the riding and hiking after my post-op physio recovery.

  3. Mark A. [liferplus]

    Does anyone else notice some discoloration on each of the main trees on each side (right up front)??

  4. Rick M. (Horseman LR) [basicmember]

    Howdy _ details and colors of this country trail makes me yearn to saddle up and ride Horseman LR

  5. Pippa [nonmonthly]

    This is one of my favourite tree scenes

  6. Kelton

    Just the classic nature and incredible artistry… Will there ever be a spring and summer treatment for this?

  7. Damion


  8. Jenanne

    …just like Christmas itself! Merry Christmas, Ryan, and Happy New Year!

  9. YBNorml

    I voted 4 for your original “bright” version, I didn’t know there would be a re-work. This version is MUCH better, I would like to change my vote to 9.

  10. ojonasar

    It can’t be said that you don’t push the software hard…

  11. Greg in CA

    I’m sure it will all come out good in the end? What? Too soon…? 😉

  12. Ryan

    My Christmas render has been a real struggle this year. Using the new version of Vue (and one insanely detailed mesh) has lead to many strange crashes during the render process. For my part, I think it goes against the spirit of the piece for me to complain too much about the setbacks during its creation. I’m just going to shut my mouth until it is ready to post (hopefully soon).

  13. Mars


  14. Ryan

    You may need to hit CTRL-R to see the new thumbnail. I uploaded the new version over the the old one and your browser cache may not have fetched the updated thumbnail.

  15. Brian

    The thumbnail on the dual screen still shows the old “bright” version.

  16. Brian

    I really like the new renders of the multiscreen. Thank you.

  17. Ryan

    Yes, I tried messing with the first render in Photoshop myself. Sometimes you just have to re-render…

  18. Ted

    I tried fiddling with it in Photoshop, but the new renders are much better than I could come up with. Thanks!

  19. JK

    Look really nice now. Awesome all around.

  20. JK

    Appears they fixed Fraps for desktop recording in recent builds. Works great now but the files are pretty darned HUGE. Of course I was recording at 60FPS and 1920×1080. Still, somehow, I think there is likely something better for what you want to do.

  21. Try this

    I believe the free program FRAPS does screen recording.

  22. Try this

    I believe the free program FRAPS does screen recording.

  23. Try this

    I believe the free program FRAPS does screen recording.

  24. JK

    I have used Fraps for years, it’s geared more toward games recording. The desktop recording leaves alot to be desired, IMO, but to each his own.

  25. Magneto

    Appreciate it. 😀

  26. JK

    He is obviously on a Mac, I’m lost there. Might try starting out here: http://www.techsmith.com/camtasia.html

  27. Ryan

    Do you know what software he uses?

  28. JK

    Vlad @vladstudio.com has been doing this recently, creating a video of his desktop as he creates. His art doesn’t thrill me much but it was interesting to watch the video (for a short while anyhow).

  29. Nick

    Hey Ryan, this is really great stuff. I was wondering if you could upload a video capture of you creating one of these pictures. I’ve watch similar videos on youtube but would love to see one of your images from start to finish just to see how you go about it.

  30. Androclese

    To start, I really like this series. I do have to vote on it being “too bright”, however. A possible solution to split the difference would be to do a clear-sky version so the light plays better, and an overcast/showy version to lend to it being a darker scene.

    Keep up the great work!

  31. Phathead

    Love images like this because it combines aspects of a dreary winter seen with a hopeful energetic quality. One of the talents you have compared to others by being able to successfully merge two different feelings into an image.

    That’s what makes your work so attractive. It’s not so much the beauty or the realism, but the ability to invoke emotion and wonder by merely creating an image. It’s what made classical artists great after all.

  32. Tuishimi

    …it will be a real Christmas present. 🙂 Looking forward to it.

  33. Ryan

    I hope it is worth the wait. I’m also re-rendering this multiscreen so I should have an fixed version soon!

  34. JK

    The multi display renders look awful here… reminds me of when I first began gaming on my LCD and the brightness was set way too high. The single monitor looks awesome, something has gone awry with the 2 and 3 screen downloads I got.

  35. Nicola

    A lovely scene, but I’m also in the “too bright” camp. The blue is a bit glaring and the purple and green in the trees offputting.

  36. Benke

    I like it a lot but like previous comments said – there seems to be a bug in the bottom right corner. Will it be fixed?

  37. Alex

    The link for the dual 16:9 5120×1440 is linking to the triple 16:9 7680×1440. The same problem exists for your Helios (2011).

  38. Chris J

    That was so cool you forgave somebody that confessed to stealing your work.

  39. Ryan

    I was afraid of that. I will see what I can do about putting one up that isn’t so glaring.

  40. Xb0xWid0w

    I love that dual screen version is brighter but it looks to me like the trees are purple and green? Maybe a little tweaking is in order even though I do love the brightness of the blue.

  41. Ryan

    I think I was uploading these files as you were posting. The dual and triple-screen versions are now available and I hope they work out for everyone. The render came out a bit brighter this time, I think because there is a much larger “snowy area” before the camera to account for in the global illumination solution. I could tweak it a bit further in Photoshop if it is a problem for too many folks.

  42. Chris

    Looking forward to the dula screen version (3360 x 1050).

    Keep up the excellent work. 🙂

  43. Brian

    The dual screen is unusable to me. It looks overexposed and really causes purple and green on the trees to stand out.

  44. Magneto

    Could you possibly make this into a 1600×900? Beautiful work as always.

  45. Jenanne

    Thank you for the suggestions, jlpilkin. I do have the home version of Photoshop, so I’ll give it a try. Ryan, I can completely understand you not wanting to use your valuable time creating and posting different color variations of previous work. It would take away from creating new masterpieces here for us! 🙂

  46. SimonRev

    … would be some sort of way to link the related wallpapers. What I mean is something like an Elegy main which showed the day/night and seasonal variation thumbnails. And even show previous year’s versions when you decide to recreate an image.

    I realize that may be a significant software effort and non trivial, but it would be nice for those of us who enjoy your wallpaper series.

  47. BearGarden

    It would be cool if you added some birds as a finishing touch. You could get some more colors into the scene this way, (maybe red).

  48. Jason

    I hope it’s not too late for the multi-screen renders, but when you start rendering the dual-screen version, would you be kind enough to make sure the focal point of the piece isn’t in the center? The edges of the monitors would distract terribly.

  49. jlpilkin

    If all you want is different color variations, you can always use Photoshop or any other photo editing software to create static images of most of the color variations in ChronoWall. There are a few image effects that are custom made, such as the Hue (preserve brightness), Colorization (which is different from Photoshop’s) and Bloom effects (this can also be done in Photoshop but with more effort). You won’t be able to enjoy having them slowly change color through different time intervals, though (without having to create several different color variations and numbering them sequentially, for each image). Not saying it’s impossible to do without ChronoWall, but definitely time-consuming.

    Also, ChronoWall does allow you to create your own groups with your own time frames, or better yet create what are called “on-demand” groups that you enable/disable on your own time. This would function similar to the way you set your wallpaper in the native Windows 7 Control Panel.

  50. Ryan

    I supplied Josh with a number of wallpapers to bundle with the program but the color variations are all performed on the fly. Actually one my favorite parts of the app is the fact that I don’t have to create and post different color variations…

  51. Ryan

    I have to be honest and say that I’m not sure if spring/summer will be doable with this one. The trees were created in such a way that it would be difficult to add full leaves to them. If I had created the scene with leaves to start with it wouldn’t have been a problem, but it will be tricky to go the other way.I will certainly try however and I am thrilled the folks are enjoying the Autumn/Winter versions.

  52. Scott

    Is there a possibility that you make an Elegy for every time of year? I love this wallpaper – I think it’s one of my fav’s of all time. The 3 versions are on shuffle on my background, it’s great!

  53. Mike

    Very nice picture. I assume, based on the title, that you are thinking of doing an “Elegy (Winter/Night)” under a full moon. Now THAT would be a beautiful picture!

  54. jmpond

    I Love the peaceful feeling this image illicits. Is that a small Fox or Bobcat just to the left of the large tree on the right side of the image? I like looking for the small life forms you sometimes embed in an image.

  55. Paul

    Ryan, Great work on Elegy Winter-Day. I love it. I especially like all of the winter details. Question…Will you do a Christmas rendition of Elegy?

  56. Littlemom

    Very pretty, although you can never get enough snow, maybe you could add more snow so there’s a thick layer of snow on the ground and in the trees 🙂

  57. jlpilkin

    @Walo: You’re not the only one who’s asked. I just responded to an email to another DB Member who wanted a Mac version. There are enough requests to warrant it. It may take some time though, as I don’t even own a Mac at all. It’ll happen though. If for some reason I am not able to get a Mac to develop this in a reasonable amount of time, I can always share profits with a Mac developer.

    @Chris B: Thanks for your support 🙂 Glad you like the software – If you would like to see other options/features or encounter a bug, as always, please report them in the online forums.

    @Ryan: Appreciate the comment! Reese’s are my favorite candy.

  58. Walo

    I would gladly purchase your app if it came for Mac. I like to support the people who supports Ryan’s art and your app seems to be amazing. Looking forward for a Mac version in the future.

  59. Chris B

    You need to try Nutella & Peanut butter if you’re going that rout lol

    I like the day version, you can see all of the texture of the bark & the frosted grass & leaves. I don’t know if it’s possible, probably not with this many leaves but I got some awesome pics of a Japanese maple tree that had frosted ice crystals all around the edges of each leaf.

    I decided to give chronowall a shot it really is awesome, all of the options. can take the fun out of which DB wallpaper do I feel like today, but I think I’ll live 😉 The amount of options are incredible lol Good choices of DB wallpapers too, esp Red & Gold 🙂

  60. DavidOP

    I do love that this one is daytime, though.

  61. thoms

    How ’bout a render with that dark overcast, blizzard look-n-feel?

  62. Ryan

    I am more than happy to plug ChronoWall because, as someone said before, it really does seem like the program was made especially for my gallery. The two go together like peanut butter and chocolate. I’ve always enjoyed exploring how a scene changes personality with the time-of-day and your program automates the experience for my users. Thanks for writing it!

  63. jlpilkin

    And of course, Ryan, thanks for your help. I would have said thanks earlier, but I’m sure by now you are getting tired of hearing it. It’s awesome that you advertised an image specifically for my product.

  64. rdefores

    This is gorgeous, but there’s something about the light or the texture of the snow that seems a little off to me. I get a kind of uncanny valley feeling that I don’t usually get with any of your nature scenes since about 2003. It could just be because I’ve never been in a forest like this after a snow storm. My wife tells me Elegy has a more east-coast style to it, whereas I’ve lived on the west coast most of my life.

  65. sydeband

    Nice wintery feel to it. I wonder what is causing the red tint on the branches on the upper left corner?

  66. FlareHeart

    I love it, and hope to use it, but I am noticing a bit of weirdness in the bottom-right corner. Almost like that area isn’t quite done yet. Just seems a little too wavy, almost like the snow wasn’t rendered on the underlying landscape.

    But it is still beautiful! Keep up the wonderful work Ryan!

  67. Jenanne

    I love your winter scenes, and I was hoping you’d do Elegy in snow in daytime — wonderful!

  68. jlpilkin

    This is awesome. Love the bright whites and blue contrast. This is pretty much what I envisioned a daytime Holiday/Christmas scene to be (only without the holiday elements). The only nitpick would be the weird texture/geometry going on in the lower-right. If it wasn’t for that, I’d give it a 10/10. Already added it to my winter group.

  69. Brian

    The daytime version of this looks great! One thing stands out, though that’s bugging me. The snow on the bottom right of the screen looks warped and distorted. Is is supposed to look like that?

    Other than that, the picture looks incredible. Looking forward to multiscreen.

  70. Jenanne

    I couldn’t help but notice that a LOT of your work is on ChronoWall, not that’s there’s anything wrong with that! 🙂 Any possible way of getting some of the color variations without signing up for ChronoWall? With Win7 I can arrange my own sections and set it to any time frame I choose, which I like better than slowly waiting for the time to change.

  71. Jenanne

    I couldn’t help but notice that a LOT of your work is on ChronoWall, not that’s there’s anything wrong with that! 🙂 Any possible way of getting some of the color variations without signing up for ChronoWall? With Win7 I can arrange my own sections and set it to any time frame I choose, which I like better than slooowly waiting for the time to change.

  72. Jenanne

    for the double post. And I didn’t even hit “submit” twice. Oh, and “sections” should have been “selections.” In case you were wondering. Sigh….

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