Fluorescence (visited by Reddit aliens)


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On December 2nd I was sitting and waiting for a render to finish
which I decided it would be fun to do an “IAMA” (Ask me Anything)
on Reddit.com. Redditor
“poker_face” asked if I could “draw” a Reddit Alien (TM). My
answer was “We’ll See”, which was taken to mean no.

As my kids know, “We’ll See” can sometimes mean yes. I
had a such a nice visit with the Reddit community that I thought
it was the least I could do to try my hand that the iconic Alien.

Most Redditors seemed to know me from my “Fluorescence” mushrooms
so I thought it would be fun to combine the two. Especially since
my Christmas render is still churning. I roughed this out
and rendered it on my third-string workstation using Lightwave

This one is dedicated specifically to Redditor “Rethread”.
As requested: Something “warm and fuzzy” for the Redditors.

= Add to your a la carte shopping cart.

= No watermark version, for Plus members only. NOTE: On this page, this icon is a link by itself.

Wallpaper À La Carte

Wallpaper À La Carte

The a la carte tool is intended for non-Members who which to purchase individual wallpapers. Members can use this tool if they wish to send images as gifts to friends and loved ones.

Single Screen Resolution *
Dual Screen Resolution *
Triple Screen Resolution *
Mobile Resolution *

Other Versions:

45 reviews for Fluorescence (visited by Reddit aliens)

  1. Kenneth Klotzback [basicmember]

    Long time ago, this one showed me this website, too long without joining….now a member! Keep this up! I have them in a rotation on all my desktops.

  2. Isaac [nonmonthly]

    I hadn’t seen the multi-screen versions of this until now, the background full of aliens makes it look so cool.

  3. Cyberschlu [liferplus]

    I love the aliens

  4. Richard H.

    I see you’ve added the 5K version to the Pickle Jar now. Great – thanks very much!

  5. Richard H.

    Ah, OK. Well, however it’s done, I certainly think it would be nice for you to make it available at 5K resolution.

  6. Ryan

    Actually they are different because I added a few thousand extra Reddit aliens in the background of the multiscreen that aren’t in the single-screen version.

  7. Richard H.

    Yes, I certainly think it would be a good idea to make the middle screen available at 5K resolution, though I don’t see why it needs to go in the Pickle Jar. Why not just add it to the list of available resolutions? After all, it’s exactly the same as the 2560×1440 version that’s already there; just with double the detail. The Pickle Jar implies that there’ll be some difference in terms of image content. Speaking as an owner of a Retina iMac, the 2560×1440 resolution is OK if there’s no 5K version, but clearly having the full 5120×2880 alternative adds a lot of extra detail ad clarity, and so is much preferable when it’s available. I’d like as many of your images to be available at this resolution as possible, as I’m sure would anyone else with this size of screen.

  8. Ryan

    Perhaps I should put the middle screen in the Pickle Jar? In most cases the multiscreen is just a widened version of the single, but in this case I wanted to add something that would look good across multiple screens. I didn’t think the background aliens really added much to the single-screen version so I left it alone. I rendered the original single-screen back before 5K screens existed so that’s why there’s no 5k/4k version.

  9. Richard H.

    I like this one a lot. But why is the single-screen version limited to 2880×1800 resolution? It’s really odd that there are no bigger versions than that, because you’ve got a triple-screen 5K version – 15360×2880! As what I personally want (for my retina iMac) is a single-screen 5K version, that was very easy to achieve by simply trimming away the left and right screens from the triple-screen 5K version. So I’ve got what I wanted, but it’s odd that I couldn’t download it directly, and strange that there are several other missing single-screen resolutions.

  10. Raiva

    I finally signed up after loving your work for many years. Now I feel like a kid in a candy shop 🙂 ….. so many beautiful images Ryan …. tyvm!

  11. Raiva

    I finally signed up after loving your work for many years. Now I feel like a kid in a candy shop 🙂 ….. so many beautiful images Ryan …. tyvm!

  12. Joshua

    I’d rate this a 10 if it were released in multimonitor versions. 🙂

  13. Tekrican

    I like the Wallpaper very much, and have been hoping for a Multi-screen version. I see ‘Kostas Ger’ requested a red-ish verion… That would be nice as well… However in either even, Please turn out a Multi-Screen Version.


    BTW – Luv Your Work!

  14. Nathan

    Any chance you could do the same for Android fans? That would be an extremely popular wallpaper if you could.

  15. Johnny

    This is great! Thanks again for your AMA, the Reddit community <3's you!

  16. Kostas Ger

    That’s so awesome! Can you consider making a Reddit version of the Bloom (redish) version of Fluoresence? It’s my favourite one 🙂 And it would fit better with the Red-dit red-ness 😉

  17. Wendy

    Awesome Job Ryan too cute!!!

  18. Hunter

    Lately I have been feeling lazy, and have not been commenting on many of your wallpapers, but this one jumped out at me.

    It’s an instant hit at work, and for the first day of having it I had to fight off the swarms of people gathering around my desk.

    Excellent job Ryan!

  19. OMeyers

    Any chance of a multi-monitor render?

  20. Lucas

    Psychedelic stuff with the aliens… Nice one!

  21. Chris B

    You should try it with Fluorescence6 then the aliens would match the texture 🙂

    How did the Reddit go for you Ryan?

  22. Bulldog

    Great job! Any chance you could make this into one of your animated wallpapers, where the tips of the antennas change color too? If I weren’t already a member for life, this one would be the clincher!

  23. nDEPth

    You should do more colors. Red, Green, Yellow

  24. Marco

    I love it so much. The aliens are so very friendly…

  25. ~G~

    This is wonderful, my kids will absolutley love the aliens. Do you have any plans on making an iPhone 4 render, I’d love to be able to have this on my phone throughout the holidays 🙂

  26. Becca

    Drew a laugh from me, for sure. Thanks Ryan!

  27. Rob Poet

    Nice. That is a very interesting way to go with a loved classic background. From a distance, at first I thought you put Christmas lights around the ‘shrooms (which would also make a great holiday scene), but the aliens are definitely fun and entertaining!

  28. Seraph

    Whoops. Just looked at other comments and noticed tnico said pretty much exactly what I said. That is funny. So, credit for that statement goes to them.

  29. Seraph

    This put a smile on my face this morning. It made me chuckle.

  30. tekrican

    Coolisimo… Now you’ve got to do the multi-screen!!!

    (And I’m certain it would become a best-selling t-shirt.)

  31. tnico

    This put a smile on me this morning. Thanks! 🙂

    I agree with the T-shirt idea this is great!

  32. mrjuneu

    That one needs to be put on a T-shirt…I’d pay double for that one.One for your fee and one to your favorite charity…

  33. Alex

    Any chance you could render a triscreen version of the original fluorescence without the aliens? I’ve been hoping you’d do that one day.

  34. mrjuneu

    Mushrooms,Big Smiles and Lit-up Eyes…Nice Job Ryan

  35. mrjuneu

    One of my favorite DB wallpapers with some goofy looking caracters staring at it…… Love it….

  36. SHv2

    You rock!

  37. Mars


  38. Patrick

    Ryan, I like that you can arguably your most iconic image, and give it a little tweak every now and then, this time with some humour. I prefer the darker desktops, so this is great whilst we wait for the Christmas render.

  39. Will

    ^. And nice wallpaper!

  40. MJohanson

    Thank you. I really needed something cheerful.

  41. Lidia

    Nice combination. I agree that the aliens would go superb with the multicolor Fluorescence.

  42. Tyler

    Also I really can spell “fluorescence” despite my severe fat finger syndrome.

  43. John

    Very nice and very cute for the Christmas holidays. I’m printing this one out and putting it in my office!

  44. ChrisSpera

    It would be awesome to render these with all of the different Fluoresence variations you have, especially the Christmas version, as it *IS* that time of year.

    Keep up the GREAT work!

  45. Tyler

    Great concept here. You couldn’t have chosen a better center piece to feature these aliens. Flouresecense has always represented DB. This just works on so many levels. Excellent work again Mr. Bliss!

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