Canopy Creek (Summer)


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100 reviews for Canopy Creek (Summer)

  1. Kenda

    Interesting how color changes everything. I don’t find this version the least bit “creepy”. Rather nice, I think.

  2. Valwit

    I changed my screens to thr triple version. After 6 years of Arboreal 🙂 It’s green, forrest and summer.

  3. dmanna80

    I just joined the site because of this picture!! So good!

  4. Liz

    Utterly BEAUTIFUL with no sense of struggle for life beneath natures canopy. Untouched, peaceful and tranquil. Would be a fantastic place to take a walk, smell the water, feel bark and imagine what or who has ever passed through. Another keeper by DB!

  5. Scott

    I like. 🙂

  6. Brian F.

    This picture is incredible. After all, this could very well be another artist’s interpretation of Fangorn Forest for LotR. It has a wonderful feeling of intimidating and great beauty at the same time. A wonderful backdrop on fantasy writers.

  7. fandeboris

    It is almost eerie. Close but not quite as forbidding as some other images. I almost would want it a little darker, the leaves a little more delineated and a little more like the forest of the Headless Horseman. When the North wind would blows through the trees signaling the coming of Winter.

    But Hey!! I like it

  8. Miguell026

    if one day i have a garden.. i want it to be like this!

    congrats.. this is nature at it’s best! reminds me amazon!

  9. TwoWolves

    I love these woodland scenes that you do, I find them restful yet intriguing. Wonderful, thanks.

  10. Tianuchka

    Makes me feel comfortable and relax, peaceful and calm, carries no mystery but only beauty. Emerald tree forest 🙂

  11. Phredric

    Reason I renewed had to have it on my dual screens. As for the light beams that is just a small part of the greatness this image is. Keep it up! Your paintless “paintings” are Superb.

  12. Laura

    Currently, canopy creek on the macbook. Whenever I bring up a nice clean desktop space, this makes me feel like a fresh breeze just blew through the room. I can feel the humidity in the air, and smell the mixture of wet leaves and “outdoors” smells. It’s a nice break in my day.

  13. backfist

    Break out the inner tubes and float away!

  14. Daniel

    This is simply beautiful! I’m so glad I decided to purchase a membership here!

    Thanks, Ryan!

  15. Jenanne

    I never would have noticed the two suns if it hadn’t been pointed out. It is a minor problem, not noticeable for the most part. This image is gracing my desktop now and doubtless will be one of my all-time favorites.

  16. BJ

    Hello, I have a question pertaining to off norm resolutions…like say 1200×1920 I have my monitors split between one at 1920×1200 horizontal, and the second one is vertical at 1200×1920. Stretching an image does not work lol. Is there a section or a way that you can suggest I can change them to this resolution? Thanks

  17. Ryan

    I wish I could accommodate every possible resolution out there. The best I can do is provide high enough resolution files so that you can slice and dice them to fit your needs.Unfortunately that won’t work in this case because the triple widescreen maxes out at 1600 pixels tall. I don’t think I will be posting 1920 pixels tall images unless landscape monitors start using that resolution. Sorry!

  18. Glenn H.

    I like this one plenty. So Peaceful… Thanks!!

  19. David

    In general this is amazing, I can see you making good use of the light tech. However it is still disappointing that we don’t have good enough tech yet to make the tree trunks look realistic, there are many areas where the texture gets applied strangely, its the same texture all over, and there is no real surface geometric differences, and afaik no bump mapping going on there. This is not a criticism just things I noticed. Is this the state of the art or is this a solveable problem (given enough time?). Just curious, but keep cranking out the great stuff because you do amazing work, which is why I am a subscriber :).

  20. Nhaleen

    Great wallpaper Ryan. I love the rays of light falling through the trees!

  21. SteveSw

    I love the detail of this! Thanks for it.

    The “concept” of it is broken to my eye, though. I downloaded a dual-screen 2560×1024 version. It seems like there are two suns: one right about the tree that is closest to us on the right of the creek, and then another that is shining on the base of that tree.

    And then, the sun above the tree to the right of the creek seems “too close”. If you are in the woods, the sun is 93jillion miles away, and so the beams over there to the left should be parallel to the beams over the tree. Whereas it seems like the sun is almost over the tree if you draw a line from the beams to the left and up.


  22. Ryan

    I agree, they came out weird. I haven’t figured out how to get really good light beams from the sun in Vue d’Esprit so I added a spot light for that purpose. That was fine for the single-screen version but it wasn’t enough for the multi-screen. I had to add a second and third spot light and then try to match up the beams. The extra wide viewing angle made it impossible for all the beams to match up perfectly (since they radiate like a cone in spot lights).That is why they don’t seem to match up. Sorry, I did my best.

  23. Labanimal

    Ryan, I honestly don’t see why you should apologize! Besides, who’s to say this is not another world with more than one sun!

  24. Julie

    I for one would love to see what the dual wide looked like with only the single original spot. In theory it would just be darker towards the right edge with I would think would still look nice and natural since we have no idea what the density of the foliage is over there.

    Regardless I love your work and look forward to the dual wide of Enshrouded.

  25. Eric

    I’m thinking of setting up a regular widescreen and my second screen a vertical, will you be doing any art like that?

    Thanks, and great work so far.

  26. lilbas

    A healing place – cool, spiritual … the home of wood sprites and other ethereal beings … maybe even a leprechaun or two! As a child, I would sit in the deep lush grass under the caraganas in my back yard, look for shamrocks (if I were lucky I might find a four-leafed one) and dream such realms exist. Your creations transcend time, capture and transport me to dream once again, to believe, and I am home – balm for the soul! Thanks, Ryan.

  27. Pawan

    I love every green theme you create. Just love, absolutely love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. Labanimal

    The more I look at this image, the more it reminds me of “old man willow” and the Ents in Lord of the Rings!

  29. Tom

    The triple-widescreen render you put up makes me wish I had a triple-widescreen setup to enjoy it on! Very well done!

  30. Dave

    This is simply beautiful! I love everything about it; it’s such a perfect setting. The light coming from the corner, the serene river, the roof feeling of the trees above, it’s all gorgeous. Great job!!

  31. Walo

    This is like being in my private dream place, a favorite for me.

  32. Dennis

    Triple widescreens…. Ok, now I have screen envy. I need new monitors!

  33. Woody

    Thank you sir!

  34. Labanimal

    I agree with someone else’s comment, a nicely lit night version teaming with night life…

  35. jimmychopp

    Thanks for the high res render! I’ll post a picture of my layout as soon as I get my camera back from my wife.

  36. Jimmychopp

    Do you have any plans to post 7680 x 1600 (triple widescreen) renders of your most recent projects?

  37. Ryan

    It’s coming Jimmy!

  38. Robin

    Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! My new favorite! The light through the trees is breathtaking.

  39. David

    Nice very nice.

  40. Dan

    I just like the feel of this one a lot.

  41. Troy A.

    I like this one a lot, very natural looking. Love those drooping branches! Take care and I wish you good health.

  42. Seeker

    Normally I prefer your celestial works, although I enjoy all of them, but this is one of your best…very well done. This is a place I’d like to visit, sit down, and just think…another fantastic job.

  43. Mangoman

    Damb. Far out! Beautiful! All it needs is Errol Flynn and all his cronies playing in the Robin Hood movie, it looks so inviting. The trees have such magnificent character. Kudos.

  44. Jason

    Great work as usual.

  45. Heather

    Awesome-beautiful! Only will you be releasing it in 3840 x 1200 (dual widescreen)??

    I missed out on using your last image becuase there wasn’t a size that would work on my setup very well….not without distortion…and we can’t have that! thanks :o)

  46. Heather A

    Just read your twitter that you are working on exactly what I just asked for! Sorry for the impatience!

  47. DaveL

    Just like always… Thanks Ryan!

  48. Nate F

    reminds me a little bit about “untouched”, thankfully i very much enjoyed that picture. i have always thought that your swampy scenes are quite well put together. anyways just wanted to say that it is nice to see that you are putting new images on the site again 😉

  49. jgargone

    Anyone that gave a negative review on this…….needs to be buried under these trees.

  50. James Ray

    You are a great artist, and I do not want to detract from that. However, I was wondering if you have ever considered creating / having created a theme switcher that used your fantastic wallpapers to randomly create themes for the desktop. I cannot get enough of your wallpapers. I used your free section for quite some time as my backgrounds until I could not take it anymore and finally succumbed to your pay section. I would love a program that, password enabled, connected to your website and randomly picked a wallpaper / color combination to display on my desktop. I’m not that familiar with programming, but I would definitely work on something of the sorts, with your permission of course, that would enable users to fully enjoy your renderings at random. Let me know if you’d be interested.

  51. Joel

    I love this one. Can’t exactly explain why.

    One thing I was curious about though was the sun rays. I actually think it might be cooler if our perspective was totally protected from the sun. Not a suggestion just a thought.

  52. Jonathan L

    Whatever you choose to do, I, personally (not speaking for everyone a part of DB), I wouldn’t be disappointed. Whether I wait or whatever, it’s all worth it in the end.

    You’ll always have me as a customer, I’ve been here since 1999. I’m happy to be here!

    Your new piece is fantastic, and I truly hope that my business isn’t a burden in terms of contest submissions… because in the end, I know it’s your works of art that deserve some kind of an award other than my praise. 🙂

  53. macmage

    What an amazing desktop picture. What I can’t understand is why more people don’t rank your art higher. Do we have a bunch of people that think they are art critics? Come on people this is wonderful work by an amazing artist!

    Your friend and supporter for …wow 10 years

  54. shaldannon

    As much as I love your planetscapes, this is a really cool addition to the gallery.

    Oh, and I had a thought the other day but don’t know the proper place to post it. How about a crystal Moai (Easter Island head) at night with torchlight on a beach?

  55. wokkers

    of all your images this has just become my new favourite. incredible :O

  56. Liz

    Small problem: I wish there was a bit more “dark” somewhere in this picture. It seems to be about 20% pale lights, and 70% medium mediums, and 10% dark medium. I’d love for a tiny bit of real darks in there to give it more contrast.

    However, if this is the look you are going for, then ignore me. 🙂 It’s still a beautiful picture, soooo soothing and soft. I would love to sit in this place for awhile!


  57. Liz

    Please continue to focus on getting healthy versus posting new pictures. I am thrilled to be a member here, and that won’t change anytime soon. Every picture is a treat that I get excited to see. Your quantity may have come down, but your quality (the key factor) continues to sky rocket. And considering the wealth of pictures we are honored to download with a subscription, I would still be content with even fewer pictures. 🙂

  58. gaz


    Don’t change a thing.

  59. Kana

    In your spare tome, if you have any, you should make a download app for the iPhone, so people can access and save pictures you make right to the directory they wan and use it immediately when browsing or getting an email from you.

    That being said, I can’t wait to get home so I can get your latest wallpaper. Looks awesome!

  60. Littlemom

    This is a beautiful wallpaper. The rays of sunlight shining through the trees is amazing. I will have to say this for your work Ryan. I recently went clear through the entire gallery of all the work you’ve done to date. And your work keeps getting better and better as the years go by. Keep up the good work.

  61. exit

    it seems a little washed out.

  62. AriW

    I want to second what Liz said in her P.S. – get healthy first, and thanks for the continued fine work. I LOVE Canopy Creek.

  63. Barc

    Can you do a portrait mode for PDAs? 240×320, and 480×640?


  64. Barc

    Can you do a portrait mode for PDAs? 240×320, and 480×640?


  65. Patrick

    Some images I like because they’re lifelike, and some, like this one, I like because they look like paintings.

    This is tranquil. Summer haze, muted lighting and woodland.


    I wish you well in terms of returning to full health.

    Oh, I have a question. As an artist do you use a sketchbook and draw from nature any more. Alternatively, do you work in any other media?

  66. Mike

    Beautiful! It’s like a photograph and I like the way the light is filtering through the trees 🙂

  67. Leader

    All i can say is Wow…the shading is amazing and i just love the colors. I wonder if it has anything to do with green being my favorite color =D

  68. Silver

    One of my favorites so far this year. Can’t wait for Tri-Screen render!

  69. Dale

    I want to go canoeing and camping here!

  70. Chris

    Awesome job, this render is breathtaking. I wouldn’t change a thing. Love the God Rays through the canopy.

    Glad to see you’re feeling better Ryan, good luck and have a speedy recovery =)


  71. Getwired

    Or maybe in Georgia / SC… I can smell the mustiness and hear the babbling brook. Or is that Treebeard in the background there? Frodo, is that you?!?

  72. Mantaray

    Green! Like this one but some more intense green color is not bad either.

  73. Terry G

    Really like this Ryan, glad you’re feeling better!

  74. Chad F

    Great job, Ryan.

    Any thoughts about putting it into dual screen?

  75. MJohanson

    I really love your nature scenes.

    I must be careful with this one. I may get caught in a daydream!

  76. dan

    When I go walking in the woods it’s in the hope of finding locations like this, now I can have it on my desktop too, yay!

  77. DRyan

    I like the look of but not over-the-top green. The song “Sweet Lullaby” from Green Forest comes to mind when I see this for some reason. 🙂

  78. misterGii

    I love it! It reminds me of “The River” stage in FarCry (for those pc gamers out there).

  79. Yendub

    This is absolutly stunning. It reminds me of movies that take place in the forest. Like the Patriot where they are attacking the convoy that was a trap. Or Apocolypto. Something from that type of setting.

    Heck, I’d almost want to say that it would be something Bob Ross would have painted. With all the “Happy Little Trees” The canopy is absolutly stunning, and the rays of sunlight just accent all of the leaves and highlight all the little quirks and bends that make each tree unique.

    The only possible critical reponse I might make, and this may be deliberate on your part, is that the creek seems to be lacking some “Umph”, Some defination. It is there, and thats it. Nothing to make it stand out. That may have been your intention, but even the reflections from the trees seem muted and fuzzy. The way it is now, you could have put anything there, from a worn down game trail, to an old cobblestone path, to a fenceline, to nothing at all (a green patch).

  80. Randall

    This is a great summer piece…and Ryan, your work is the best, hands-down! Don’t worry about any contests!

  81. Hawk

    You tha MAN!

    I want to move there.

  82. Chuck

    This is a great forest picture. For some reason though the image looks grainy. Is this a side effect of the Vue program or is it a preferred effect that you are going for? I always enjoy the nature scenes. Here’s to your health!

  83. Empressgot

    I really like it! you always do good..but I am sorry to hear you had to go under the knife again! My goodness you have gone though so much!

    May the spirit of peace and health find you!


  84. William

    This is (of course) a nice improvement over older works of the same mood (“Verdure”, for example). I like how you keep improving on some of the same ideas; they’re worth it! The details in the tree leaves are great; the creek looks fine to me. It’s calm and serene – probably what I would expect in this neck of the woods.

  85. RCD

    Your devotion to your work, the site and to the people who derive tremendous pleasure from your work is very moving. Canopy Creek is the embodiment of the peaceful image I wish for you. May your health troubles be all behind you and your future full of happiness. Thank you for another wonderful image.

  86. suab


    Sorry to hear that your disease has flared up again…

    The new picture is just beautiful… Actually I like this kind of pictures (untuched, verdure, springwood, firstgreen, satori… etc) the most. They are so calming and relaxing… just PERFECT!!!

    I also enjoy all your “remakes” – it shows so clearly how much your skills (the software too, of course) have improved over the years, even though I had though since like 2000, that it is so good, that it can’t get any better:)

    Please tell me, have you ever considered doing a remake of “once upon a time”? It is my favorite…

    Get well soon and keep up the great work.

  87. Heather

    Love it! Can you create one for the Blackberry Tour 9630?

  88. ImmerTech

    This is one of my favorites you have ever done. I love the rays of sun.

  89. Tim H

    This is very nice indeed but I would love to see a night version with some fireflies like “Summerwood” from 2005. Keep up the good work and I hope you feel better !

  90. Chris B

    technology and your skills have improved in the 9 years since you made canopy lol!

    I like Tim’s Idea & i thought the same thing as getwired when I first looked at the image. Looks like what I pictured the forest of Fanghorn to look like.

  91. Elden

    Very nice!

  92. Lily

    Just beautiful, Ryan! Thank you so much for sharing your work with us here!

    Wishing you health & happiness now & always. Blessings to you & your family!

  93. Phillip D

    glad I renewed last week, this wallpaper reminds me of the “worldbuilder” software that was used several years back ..amazing rays, nice serenity scene.

  94. FlareHeart

    I love this wallpaper and I set it as my primary desktop as soon as I saw it, but because I have a double-wide taskbar at the bottom, it cuts out a lot of the creek.

    I would like to see one with a little tiny bit more of the creek showing.

  95. Randy

    Some of the trees have a Halloween look to them. (hint, hint)

  96. Christian

    Another lovely wallpaper Ryan, the aesthetics of the trees look very realistic and the rays of light came out great.

    Perhaps a little more “creek” would be the cherry on the cake. As FlareHeart suggested. At the moment it feels like you’re a little too high up, would look great from a lower point of view, similar to Harbinger 2009.

    Keep it up 🙂 Love your work.

  97. The Guru

    Don’t get me wrong when I say that I don’t think it’s your best. I quite like this one but compared to some others that you’ve done recently, it doesn’t quite seem to reach the same level. It seems like some of the vegetation is too sharp around the edges and some of the tree limbs and branches look a little CG. (Yeah, I know that it IS CG but you’re always about the realism.) Still, it now sits on my desktop and is enjoyable to look at. Best wishes for your health man.

  98. RSA

    Looks real nice. Looking forward to seeing how you expand the view on the triple wide screen render.

  99. Jason

    I love most of the stuff that you do, but I have to say that I find this image a little bland.

  100. Spikey

    I commonly have dreams that take place in such a similar setting – absolutely spectacular.

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