Approaching Asgard


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Every so often I’ll be reading a good book and a particular description or scene will stick in my head. “Highland Spring“, “Temple of the Leaf“, “The Winter Rose“, “Fire Made Flesh“, and “Arrakeen” are examples.

“Approaching Asgard” was inspired by a scene from the third installment of Pierce Brown’s excellent “Red Rising” trilogy. I won’t describe the scene further in case you haven’t read it yet. The scene describes one of the main characters approaching a fortress on a “floating mountain”.

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20 reviews for Approaching Asgard

  1. docster [basicmember]

    What hits me when I look at this: I’m riding on the back of a rather humungous whale – with a grossly misshapen dorsal fin – fluking through some white, frothing surf…

    …and I don’t do drugs anymore….

    …which, by the bye, was a decision reached long before Gore invented the Internet….

  2. Dav [liferplus]

    “. . . I’d never seen anyone smile like that. Like he’d found heaven and realized he didn’t have to die to go there.”

    This is not how I pictured the scene, (so bright!) so I didn’t recognize it at first, but the path made me think: ‘You know what that reminds me of?’ I was about to mention it before I read the description, only to find the resemblance was quite intentional!

    I really pictured something much more winding and steep. Something cruel gods would build just to see if they could. These slopes are how I saw Olympus only below the clouds.

    Then again, maybe the zoomed-out camera, already level with the summit, belies the treachery of the trek experienced by the climber?

  3. Rodewaryer [basicmember]

    Great job capturing a moment that is clearly quite an adventure. It is easy to imagine the feeling of being so exposed and remote with little knowledge of what lies ahead. This image inspires many different possibilities.

  4. Dr ZUL [liferplus]

    I really like the floating Fortress in the sky. Great work.

  5. Bob Ford [basicmember]

    Love your images!

  6. Lews Therin [basicmember]

    I really like this one. The black pyramid at the top is intriguing and I think it would make an interesting counterpart to see an image from above the pyramid looking downward with the pyramid much closer. I see the title references Norse Mythology.Very cool. Keep up the great work!

  7. Scott G [lifer]

    Triscreen MacOS Split files missing. Please upload.

  8. cmmnoble [nonmonthly]

    This is great. It reminds me of the sort of art you’d find on a prog rock album cover.

  9. Todd [basicmember]

    The lighting really brings out the brilliance of this work. it all really draws you in.

  10. Ozaawaagosh [nonmonthly]

    I simply love your SiFi Renders and this one is bloody Awesome, so realistic. Great Job Ryan

  11. Mario Carini [basicmember]

    Looks like another version of Pandora to me. Good work.

  12. VO [lifer]

    Great Work!! One of my favorites from your recent additions!

  13. Ed A [basicmember]

    This is really great work!

  14. Mike [lifer]

    I just finished the Red Rising series last week, and this is how I imagined that scene. Wonderful

  15. AJ [basicmember]

    This picture is amazing!!! My new iPhone wallpaper!!!

  16. Drew [nonmonthly]

    Could you post a pickle jar variation without the floating mountain? I think it’s beautiful but would prefer it without the Fantasy element.

  17. CHSpera [donormemberlifer]

    A night version of this could be stunning. Something with the Milky Way behind it could be very cool.

  18. Josh [nonmonthly]

    Really nice picture, and cool idea! It reminds me a bit of No Man’s Sky?

  19. Littlemom [liferplus]

    This is a nice render but I still prefer your scenic renders the best.

  20. Susan [nonmonthly]

    I like this version more than the night version. I find it easier to see the details and it doesn’t seem so bleak.

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