The Vault


SKU: vault Category: Tags: , ,

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5 reviews for The Vault

  1. Randy

    Glad you’re through the worst of things, and on the road to recovery 🙂 I love your work, and the Vault is one of my favorites. It would make a natural right-to-left dual monitor setting, and I would love for that to happen someday!

    Thanks, and best wishes,

    Randy Moller

    aka zoomerz

  2. Alyssa

    That guy’s still standing there. 😉

  3. Feaky

    Very nice way of the fires shadowing at the bottom. it’s very well done and though simple is very unique, though it could use a spartan or 2 😛

  4. Ray

    I love this one. The lighting is such a compliment, and the sheer presence of the huge building is amazing. Very nice work.

  5. omar;

    This is one of my favorites wallpaper and in my opinion one of the best in the gallery. The mixture of colors is amazing and the setting transports your mind to a place of fantasy and wonder. You look at this wallpaper and you can spend minutes walking around and inside the Vault imagining what it would be to live in that world. It has graced my desktop many days. I always come back to it from time to time.

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