Song of the Sky


SKU: skysong2 Category: Tags: , ,


My first stab at using a pre-rendered background in World Builder. The aurora and stars were rendered in Lightwave first.

I created this piece from the memory of an occasion I had driving in northern Michigan during the mid-90s. It was the first time I had ever seen the Aurora and, due to our relatively southern latitude, the famous “ribbons” were below the horizon. The sky looked like a shimmering curtain beaming up from the horizon and I was transfixed. I’ve tried to approximate that effect with this render.

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40 reviews for Song of the Sky

  1. N. Liu [plusmember]

    This was one of the first DB wallpapers I saw. I was just a kid then. The fantasy, imagination and trance-like quality associated still accompanies with me now, 20 years later. Thanks Ryan, your works have been an everlasting inspiration.

  2. Keith [lifer]

    This image has been my favourite desktop wallpaper image since I first saw it in 2001. Minus the water and the Aurora; it reminds me of looking out my bedroom window as a child on a winter night and seeing starts through the trees with snow covered ground.

    Thank you!

  3. Zethys

    The image the turned me on to DB way back when, and to this day, I can still stare into that sky with absolute awe and wonder. Magic is real – and it exists in the Song of the Sky.

  4. Alith

    Not the newest picture, but together with singularity still my favorite.

  5. Zak

    As for probably quite a few others, this was the image that made discover Digital Blasphemy. Got a lifetime subscription later on, and never regretted it.

  6. C. Miller

    One of my all-time favorites, ever since it was new.

    I’d give my right arm if you made a 1280×800 version. :3

  7. Shay

    I still come back to this image every so often – Still one of, if not my all time favorite. I’d love to see a “13 years later” remake of it.

  8. anna_writr

    Agreed with Terry, this wallpaper is the reason I joined DB. It looks a little primitive compared to recent work, but I still love it.

  9. Terry

    This is your all time best work in my opinion, also the reason I joined up.

  10. mischa

    these images are some of my all time DB favourites! my ultimate favourite from the song of sky series is the pickle jar version on the far right… it’s the reason why I bought my first membership almost 10years and why I still have membership today 🙂

  11. Aviance

    Even after 10 years, this wallpaper still rocks!

  12. Phyllis

    I just bought a Kindle and a Song of the Sky skin for it. WOW! What a wonderful look your work adds to a relatively plain looking device. I just love looking at it. What a great idea to expand your business. Kudos!

  13. Michael

    This is my absolute favorite wallpaper image–I look at it every day. So peaceful and serene. A beautiful piece of art. Please consider releasing it in 2560×1440 format.

  14. Mase

    After a few years, I don’t know why, this one still evokes the calm and blissfulness in a powerful way I cannot describe in words.

  15. Mike

    This still remains one of my all-time favs. Just absolutely breathtaking.

  16. rich

    one of my favorites.

  17. Ryan

    Hey Rich, would you mind posting the URL to the Aurora web page you mentioned? Thanks!

  18. Scott

    Can you set this up for triple-monitor wallpapers, (3840 x 1024) format… Thanks for the cool trip papers…

  19. Mark

    I’m disappointed to see this ones been bumped off the top ten of all time. This is your classic and is is really magical.

  20. Dave

    Wow! This one is definitely one of your better old ones; it seems nearly untouched by the lower quality of the software of the time and shows your true skill as an artist. I love this one, great job!

  21. Nick

    I would also love to see new widescreen/multimonitor renders of this one, cheers!

  22. Mike

    After viewing this once a long time ago, there was no way I could justify not getting a lifetime membership. Glad to see it in the top 10 and that other people feel the same way.

  23. Michelle

    Considering how highly rated this one is, I think making new versions of it with wide screen resolutions and those who use multiple monitors would be well worth your time and effort, Ryan.

  24. Michael

    Song of the Sky was one of images that made me decide to become a member.

    Thank you for years of excelent, beauitful artwork.


  25. Seth Eden

    Any chance of ever seeing this in triple screen?

    I think the trees and auroa combined with the bold 3 screen would be totally amazing!



  26. Mark

    Possibly my all time favourite. This one rivals your today’s work. Absolutely amazing. Really, really amazing.

    Well well done!

  27. Terry

    Any chance of a remake of this with 2007 technology? It has to be one of your all time greats this.

  28. Konstantin

    This is now on my wall. I like it most of all. And i agree with those who calls this one image best.

    It will be very good if Ryan could render it at 2560×1600…

  29. Randy B

    After 36 years in Alaska and witnessing countless displays of the “Lights” from throughout the state, I think I’m qualified to say that this image absolutely captures the silent chaos of a night sky come to life. Except for the pond, the view to the north from the back of our cabin in interior Alaska often looked very much like this. Only one question tho, how do you keep the pond from freezing?

  30. Konstantin

    I was waiting for this moment since i first saw a small version of this work in November 2006. I was dreaming about to see it in a big size! AND THIS IS IT! If Ryan won’t see my and your notes here, i will write him and ask him to render a bigger version of this work! I’m gonna put it on my room’s wall as already done with Morning Mist(day scenery, november of 2006), Echoes(abstracts, 2006) and others.

    This is not the Song of the Sky, this is the Song of the Soul!

  31. Scott

    This is my favorite wallpaper as well. Will there ever be a version in dual screen or even tri screen? Would love to have it, since I now have dual monitors. Thanks

  32. Jules Kain

    I Love This Picture

    And All The Picture Jar Versions

  33. Eric

    This scene reminds me of the northwoods of Minnesota. You did a magnificent job of capturing the celestial beauty of the northern lights. The perspective on the trees makes them appears as though they are reaching to the heavens to be nearer the lights. Definitely an all-time favorite of mine.

  34. Andrew Robson

    This is by far my favorite. The scene it depicts brought me to tears once. Amazing. =)

  35. April

    I love your artwork, and I’m not even going to say that this is my favorite piece (because choosing a favorite would be like picking your favorite child- it’s not possible), but this piece has something special to it. It’s not just the beautiful colors, or the amazing lights. It isn’t the reflection on the water or the detail of the trees. Somehow, this piece captures the oh so real element of fantasy that exists in our everyday world. And that is why I can look at this all day.

  36. Andy T.

    Have you ever been to Northern Wisconsin? Justin B. needs to go. You have captured the essence, beauty and wonder of the northern light in winter.

  37. Justin B.

    I love almost all of your works of art, but I have never understood why this one is all the rage with so many others. It’s not that it’s horrible, but I was really blown away when you introduced the rankings and this wallpaper was number one all-time and is currently at the second spot. There are literally dozens of amazing wallpapers of yours that I much prefer to this one; I just feel this one is easily the most overrated by the voters.

  38. Tril

    One of my all-time favorites. I love the rich blue-green palette, the streaks of light, the trees, the realistic specks in the water…everything. This one goes up on my desktop at least once a week (and considering this is out of a library of almost 500 backgrounds, that’s impressive 🙂

    The widescreen version of this picture was a disappointment for me, since it crops off part of the lake, and the luminous water is my favorite part of the picture. I think scaling works better than cropping for this one.

  39. Terry

    This was one of the first images I saw on the site and remains my favourite even after all these years.

  40. Jamie N.

    It speaks for itself.

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