Neptune’s Garden


SKU: neptune2k191 Category: Tags: , ,


I was watching a nature documentary on Netflix recently and briefly glimpsed a scene of coral standing before a billowing kelp forest. The contrast was so striking I decided I had to try and emulate it using my tools. The coral and kelp were both modeled using Plant Factory. The title calls back to a similar (but less colorful) scene I created using World Builder way back in 2000.

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14 reviews for Neptune’s Garden

  1. JCT [basicmember]

    I wish I could use this as a backdrop to an aquarium. It is a very relaxing image, and I can almost see the kelp swaying in the waves. I love the contrast between the complexity of the coral reef and the simplicity of the kelp forest. Is it my imagination that most of the fish are looking at the kelp?

    (Have you ever considered doing an alien underwater scene?)

  2. Cincykn1t [liferplus]

    I love your underwater scenes as well, and the suggestion of having lost civilizations, shipwrecks, or artifacts as a theme sounds like something you could do justice to!

  3. Lews Therin [basicmember]

    This is the best submarine backdrop you’ve done. You could expand on this by taking elements of this and incorporating it with sunken civilizations. Search underwater cities & hit images. You might get some cool ideas there. Underwater pyramids and such.

  4. D. C. Sessions [lifer]

    Your submarine scenes are always good (if rare) and this is a fine example.

  5. Ryan

    Oops! That’s what I get for emptying my fish objects folder into the scene without checking what they all were 🙂 I’ve removed the angelfish from the single-screen versions and will do so for the multiscreen asap.

  6. jw [liferplus]

    “You have a freshwater angelfish in a saltwater image…”

  7. Rodewaryer [lifer]

    I got nothing, no critique that is. Pretty nice job on this one, looks spot on….

  8. Mitch [basicmember]

    You have a freshwater angelfish in a saltwater image. I can’t help but feel the poor thing is about to go belly up!

  9. Ryan

    I lit the foreground as a scuba diver would 😉

  10. Pippa [basicmember]

    Love this. The colours are magical. My new background for summer.

  11. Mike [lifer]

    Love the image: so peaceful and restful. Odd light source however: upper right in the water; below and up in the coral. Perhaps a bit of an alien world thrown in?

  12. Littlemom [liferplus]

    I always love your under the sea renders, and this one does not disappoint. Great job Ryan.

  13. Nathan Zachary [lifer]

    Really beautiful colours, Ryan, and it’s fantastic to see the multiscreen renders at the same time as the announcement!

  14. James C. [lifer]

    Love anything underwater so this one is the batch of my favorites from you. Love the shading and blending from light to dark. Great work!

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