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139 reviews for Maya

  1. Daniel

    I agree with Ryan…the figure adds a different dimension.

  2. Ryan

    I really like the figure in the foreground, I think it adds a lot.

  3. Ryan

    I really like the figure in the foreground, I think it adds a lot.

  4. Kris

    This is one of my favorite pieces from your collection, Ive had this as my wallpaper since it came out.

    My only small problem with it, is I would like to see this image without the person.

    I always imagine your landscapes as something hidden away in a corner of the world without inhabitants.

    But great job on this one, love it!

  5. Anna

    I love it, it is so serene…so calming…I would love to be there.

    Glad to be back. I miss all this! Keep up the excellent work!

  6. Jenanne

    This is one of my favorites — thanks so much for both versions. But is it possible to do a Picklejar version without the tiny person? IMHO, it really distracts me from the beauty of the image.

    Thanks for all your great work!

  7. Benjamin

    Despite what others have said, I really love this piece! I can picture myself on that beach, not wanting to do anything, just sitting there enjoying the breath-taking view before me. I also much prefer the sunset version over the moonlight. It just seems to have more of that “awe” factor that the character is enjoying. Thanks for such a beautiful piece of art!

  8. Kevin

    I don’t care what some of the other members have said about Maya in orange. This version is soo much better than the blue one. Its more dramatic the colors in this version just stand out better. I love these beach-planet scapes.

  9. ed

    I like this and the original, the one thing bothers me is the lone figure x(sun/planet?) bathing or relaxing. That just feels wrong, like there should be either two or more, or she/he/them should be doing something. Adding the Yellow to the new maya, i think is slightly wrong, it should have been a pink or oranger color. Adds too much normality to a picture you’re interested in for it’s NON normality.

    just my opinion.

  10. Maya

    I liked the original Maya when you first posted it. This new one doesn’t catch my eye as much. But overall, looking at it now about a month later, I can’t say I like it very much. I feel like there isn’t much detail or depth to them.

  11. Snapfade

    Love the art but was disappointed to find that the arch is smack dab in the middle of the screen split. Any chance that can be rectified? Thanks!

  12. TwoWolves

    I’m sorry but I’m compelled to be honest today. Usually your images are excellent and look fantastic on my desktop but this one breaks the tradition. I find it poor quality and horribly cheesy. I look forward to you returning to form.

  13. Mike

    I prefer the blue in the evening to the orange in the morning. Still, a fantastic image however you colour it!

  14. Konstantin

    My last comments can be found at least on images you created half year ago…

    This is all great) I’m amased, as I used to be after your images)

    But i thought about a little addition. not to this image, but the server. I think it will be a good idea to create a … forum or user chat so that users can talk to each other, i think it will be really good =)

    I’d like to talk to some users registered here, but haven’t got a tools to IM’ing… A pity.

    I dont’t think it’s good idea to do mailbox disclosure, especially for me as a security expert 😉

    Well, let’s see, what others will say =)

  15. Eric

    Very nice. I would give almost anything to be there right now. I love the atmosphere in this image. The sunset just goes perfect with this one.

  16. simon

    really like the blue dual screen. Next should be the girl watching an eclipse on the beach combining the two (orange/blue).


  17. Brian

    Hello Ryan,

    I just came across this image and thought it might be useful for some inspiration on a future project. The surrounding desert looks like jungle to me. That, and the blue sun reminded me of your work.


  18. Chan

    Maya looks great, blue or orange. What about something radically different! How about a “Black Sun!” Just use your creative genius Ryan and maybe try to come up with something very different! It would look very alien but than again, there’s probably no limits as to what is out there! Just the title alone conjures up some mystical, powerful, and exotic!

  19. Mercury

    I thought the original was great, but this is just spectacular! What surprises me is that it hasn’t made the top 10 list. . .

  20. Thomas

    Hi Ryan,

    I like both version of Maya, but lean towards the blue. I am using the 1920×1200 on my laptop, and though it is “wide” aspect ratio it feels crowded to me. But I still like them!

    Keep up the great work.

  21. Terry

    Hi Ryan,

    Having trouble getting to a couple of the “Blue” versions in the pickle jar. The 2560 x 1024 dual and 3480 x 1024 tri don’t seem to be working.

    Love the orange versions.


  22. Terry

    Its working now, must be this rubbish computer I’m using!

  23. Boy1da

    Both of the Maya’s are good. However, I am partial to the sunset version because I am partial to sunset wallpapers. The sunset also looks more realistic than the blue one.

  24. insomniak

    I’m definately a fan of the new Maya. I felt the first was a little too plain, left very little distiction between the sun and the moon, so the sun flare is exactly what was needed (IMO).

    Very nice piece of work

  25. John A

    Gotta be top 3 ever!

  26. Mark G

    I like this one much better, Ryan. The blue sun version has appeal but as you mention there was a flatness to it. This yellow sun version feels like it has more depth, more life even. I really like it. Thanks.

  27. Bill Nash

    How do you set a picture for my wallpaper and screen saver. Thanks, Bill Nash

  28. Tom P

    I think both are excellent! On a slightly unrelated topic, it just occured to me while reading some of these comments, whilst procrastinating from homework, that it would be really cool if there was a wallpaper of rain and sun at the same time, as sometimes happens when the sun breaks through the rain clouds for an instant. Don’t want to impose suggestions, but if ever some time down the road, maybe years from now, you take up such a project, I think it would be cool!

  29. Mikkel

    Allthough the blue version is only excellent 😉

    The other version is on the same level of amazing as Circumpolar. I love the suns reflection on the right stone column.

    This is as standalone images. I think that the blue version works better as a desktop background though. My guess would be that the rich palette in the bright version interferes with my icons.

  30. mark

    my reaction to the picklejar version was an out loud “wow!”.

    i do like the first, but it wasn’t an absolute stunner like alot of your others… the picklejar though… fantastic.

  31. mark

    it would also be fabulous if there was an iPhone sized picklejar version

  32. albear

    i realy like this but where is the dual monitor version?

  33. Wilber

    Just the tranquil scene I needed in front of me, thank you. I think both are superb. 😀

  34. Terry

    Its amazing how changing the light can completely change the feel of a picture. I think both are cool, but I prefer the pickle jat version purely as it seems “warmer”. don’t normally dish out tens, meant to give you a 9 but you got a 10 by accident lol.


  35. Simon

    Maya2 is a little bit bright for me. I prefer the original which is a bit easier on the eyes.

  36. Adam

    I like the more nature colors better than the blue. However, both are great!

  37. Apc300

    the blue one is super awesome cause i love the simplicty of it

    but two vertions is great to have for the wider audience

  38. Adi

    I used the 1600×1200 versions of both pictures and stitched them together in Paint.Net and now my dual monitor setup has 2 awesome backgrounds (one on each monitor).. the left monitor is the “dark-side” and the right is the “daylight”..

    Looks great ryan..


  39. alexM

    Even with the new sun on it this picture doesn’t do it for me. I think that the issue for me is the rocks. They are so jagged that they just look unrealistic to me. This image looks to me like it looks into the past a few years as far as its quality.

  40. Pete

    I would hate to have to say which I like better. Love them both.


  41. Gary

    While I’ve been waiting for a dual screen image I have the blue (moon rise) on one and the new (sun rise) on another… each has it’s own style. It’s very hard to choose, but I did vote a little higher on the most recent addition (number 2).

  42. Ryan

    The blue version can now be found in the Pickle Jar.

  43. Turbomania

    I liked the blue one quite a bit better, partially due to the fact that the orange one is a lot more “grainy”.

  44. Anne

    I like the direction your wallpapers are going in… a little more surreal and out-of-this-world rather than the stuff that looks too lifelike. They’re great too but I like these better! I’d love to see a great interior or day scene soon! I think River Valley was the last really sunny day scene we’ve had for a while.

    Amazing job Ryan!

  45. Jacob

    Blue Maya, although nice, I think Maya2 is a better rendering. Either way keep up the excellent work!!

  46. dfp

    Both versions of Maya are great. They each have a different feel; the blue version is serene and calm, while this one is more dynamic and has much more of a sunset feel.

  47. Michael S.

    The new version is spectacular. I felt the blue was too similar to another favorite of mine, the Tropical Moon, without the same dynamicism. This is unique and is now my new wallpaper, replacing Yuletide. Great work!

  48. jadegreen

    I’ve looked at much of your work and find it all very inspiring. But you’ve definately outdone yourself with this one. I love the original too.

    Thank You

  49. MLP

    Hi Ryan,

    I love the color blue and so I usually love all your blue land/spacescapes. I do like the blue Maya just because it’s blue, but I prefer the orange sun version of Maya more. I can’t believe I’m saying that! (I really do like the color blue!)

    Seeing the blue Maya reminded me of some of your very early efforts–and a “little two-dimensional” is an accurate description, in my opinion. Still lovely but not what we’ve come to expect from you usually.

    Over the years, you have really grown in your artistry. You’ve moved from your early pretty land/spacescapes that are cool and “real” (which is why I’ve kept track of digital blasphemy all these years) to your recent awe-inspiring beautiful scapes that are “HYPER-real” (which is why I broke down finally last year and bought a membership!).

    Thanks so much! Keep up the good work!


  50. Greg

    Almost reminds me of some of your stuff from 1999-2000. But then that’s just my opinion…

  51. Greg

    It just seems too one dimensional. There’s almost no texture to the rock formations (due to the dark lighting) and the planet in the background looks flat, almost like it’s out of perspective. Don’t ge me wrong, I usually love everything you do, but this one just seems “blah” to me…

  52. Cinebar

    I’m looking forward to more in the arch theme this year. Very nice!

  53. Terry

    I like this, it does seem simple but then a lot of your best works are. A sunrse ir sunset version would be nice but then you would see the details in the rocks which as it is, isnt necessary.

    know you dont do requests as such, but are you thinking of doing any more “structures”? Really liked Biodome and would love to see more in that vein.

    Take it easy,


  54. Jeff

    Initially I thought Maya was bland, but the longer I looked at it the more subtle lighting effects I noticed. The scene at first glance appears 2D, I believe, because the arch is backlit. The backlighting, however, opens up the opportunity to see the light reflecting from the water onto the underside of the rocks, giving them depth.

    The lighting is fantastic in this piece. The fog on the water combined with the overall “thickness” of the atmosphere removes the horizon in the area near the star. The woman, whom at first I didn’t realize was seated, appears to be gazing at this area of the scene. I really enjoy the effect.

    Pieces like this reminds me how glad I am that I purchased a lifetime membership.

  55. DaveShaw

    Hi, I prefer the look of the Red one to the Blue one, it’s just that the Red one has a lot of noise in the bottom left and the image quality is lower (Sorry) :D.

    That said, I have both versions on both my monitors.



  56. Jon

    I love both of the images… but I prefer the red one to the blue one. I like how much more detail there is, or seemingly, and how colourful it looks. 🙂


    I love it.

  57. Saranna

    While the nice orange glowing sun is nice and will be on my desktop eventually, this blue one is DEFINITELY my favourite of the two.

    I always loved your mystic, other worldly images. Different lands / oceans. This one went straight to my desktop once you posted it. And will be there for a while I think 🙂

    ps – glad to have you back!

  58. celmendo

    I’m usually a fan of the blueness but for this image I vote for the alternate one. Thank you for the option!

  59. Scott

    IMHO Blue is best! There’s a serenity in this version that doesn’t come across in Maya2. I hope there’s a multi-monitor version on the way…


  60. Derek

    I had Maya on my desktop until you put up Maya2 in the pickle jar. I love the natural sun look. I have to agree with the people who said the blue made the original version look a little flat. I loved it, but I love the 2nd one even more.

  61. Speed

    I would really like to see a dual-screen edition of the original Maya (i.e. Sunset [in Pickle Jar], not blue sun), please!

  62. woodstock

    Someone remarked on the serenity of the blue version and I have to agree. While they are both beautiful, I’ll be sticking with Maya. Thanks for giving us an alternative vision!

  63. Will

    I absolutely prefer the night version. This one just exudes calm. The day version is beautiful and gives the idea of a lazy afternoon in the sun. However, the night version, long walks on the beach with your love, walks that never end. Love it! Keep going!

  64. Michael

    The blue is far more subtle and relaxing. Both version are beautiful however.

  65. simon

    Really like the new image. Bring on the dual screen versions!

  66. Mike R.

    Both are good, but I like the pickle jar version slightly better. I think the reason is because there are so many all-blue Digital Blasphemy images already–if this weren’t true, I think I would definitely like the blue version better.

  67. Jo C

    …but somehow the blue is better 🙂

  68. Lucas

    I think the new one is better 🙂 Just looks a bit nicer and colourful.

    Awesome, as usual ^_^

  69. darkuncle

    definitely prefer the blue version – it does look a little flatter, but the overall tone is just so relaxing that I don’t mind at all. I think my votes tend to be 1-2 points higher, on average, for anything that’s blue/blue-green in tone anyway, so …

  70. Mr. nDEPth

    When I First Saw The Orginal Posted Image (With the blue sky) I Said That It Did Not Belong On Digital Blasphemy. It Don’t Look A Little Flat. It Look A LOT Flat. Thanks So VERY Much For Adding More Color To The Sky.

  71. 2nd Wind

    The blue on only got a rating of 2 from me while the colorful one got an 8 Thanks for the remake. I LOVE it. MUCH better.

  72. Matt

    I like both, personally I gravitate towards the picklejar alot more, that’s my desktop now. Depends on my mood actually. I suggest you post both, different times of the day perhaps? You’ve done it many times.

  73. Hawk

    I love the original blue, but the rainbow color of the second is just outstanding.

    Keep up the good work! 🙂


  74. Joel

    It’s nice to have a picture like this with such a contrast. I keep the other one up in the afternoon and when the sun goes down I switch to the blue one.

  75. Michael

    Can we get an iPhone version of the new one?

  76. Electro

    While the red sun version is more “close to home”, I realy like the alien feel of the blue sun version.

    It make you feel that you are exploring some strange distant world. Blue version set as wallpaper.

  77. Astatine

    The blue one is cool, very dreamy.

    I’m not so keen on the more “natural-light” version. It feels as though there ought to be more background detail in it: where the lack of that detail in the blue version works, giving the impression of mystery and a strange fog, in the “red” version it just feels to me as though some of the image is missed out.

    Also, the “red” sun reminds me of a fried egg. 😉

  78. daniel

    I like the fact that the “normal” sunlight better highlights the details of arches, as well as the contours of the female figure. As a pragmatic matter, the gallery has plenty of blue tinted images already, and for variety’s sake, the “normal” version should win out.

  79. Liz

    I love them both–would leave as is!!! 🙂

  80. Overdrive

    Definitely prefer the magic blue version, but the more like normal version is very nice too.

    blue 10*

    yellow 9*

  81. Matt

    I have to say I prefer the new one as opposed to the blue one. The blue almost feels harsh, cold and distant. The new one feels much more inviting, like I would really want to be there. I also like the depth of the colors a lot more. Just my two cents.

  82. Jan

    I also prefer the yellow version. While Reverie (which is still my favourite) looks really good in all blue Maya feels a bit too cold in the blue version.

  83. Doug M

    I gotta say, I loved the 1st Maya and it instantly went up as my background, but as soon as I saw the other one I changed it IMMEDIATELY. Both are great, but I prefer the sunset by far.

  84. Cody

    I like the 2nd version of Maya, but not necessarily for the color. Ryan, I like your idea of portraying a blue sun, but the first version didn’t give me that impression; the image looks too dim around the sun. It’s as if the sun is obscured by a thick cloud, or the sun is something else that is reflecting light (though the astronomical geometry doesn’t work). The second version has much more “range” of brightness, which is why I prefer it.

  85. iMark

    I prefer the blue one. More calming.

  86. Tom

    Too harsh in my opinion. Maya much, much, better.

    I prefer color schemes of scenes like this that show serenity. I suggest members take a look at Trinity2k2 as an example. I agree with what Sean W posted on 16 January. Also with comments made by Jeff. Re a female figure on the beach, I didn’t notice her the first time. Still can’t see her, but I know what image the other people are referring to. I only have a 17 inch monitor with a 16 inch viewing area. I can not tell if the figure is sitting, or walking.

  87. Macmage

    I LOVE both versions, gave them both a 10+ !!

    I don’t understand the wiennies that give your stuff anything below a 6 or 7, I have yet to see a flop 🙂

    Love your stuff don’t ever stop


  88. Mirage

    I really like both versions of Maya. My nature is to gravitate towards wallpapers with cooler colors (just the way I am), but on the days when I’m feeling or want to feel a bit warmer (like when I’m sitting in my corner cubicle next to the vent for the air conditioner that they insist on keeping on during the winter to keep the microfilm scanners we use cool) the pickle jar version is a nice soothing warm sunset (or sunrise, depending on how you look at it).

    I’ve downloaded and am keeping both, I’m happy with them. Keep up the great work 🙂 Looking forward to dual screens of both versions if possible 🙂

    Side note: I know some were complaining about not being able to really see the figure in the blue version of this piece — I found that I can see her clearer on my computer at home than I can on the my computer at work, so it may just be varying monitor settings.

  89. U.Pseudony

    Definitely prefer the original. The blue is great, kind of makes it look a bit like an abstract and a bit like a planetscape.

    The second version just basically says ‘generic sunset picture’ to me.

  90. Tril

    I like both versions about equally, though I prefer the blue one for putting on the desktop. For me what made the original “flat” was not so much color as lack of texture, so I have much the same reaction to the pickle-jar version.

  91. Gabe

    I have to say the blue version is fantastic and mysterious in it’s own right. My preference is the sunset version as the color transition draws my imagination in and gives me a sense of relaxation.

    Both are great, and I look forward to a few more arch/sculpture-scapes. 😉

    – Gabe

  92. Doctor_D

    I like Maya a lot…the problem I have is which computer to put it on. I think I’m going to have to get another computer… 🙂

  93. Pete



  94. jpjustice

    I really enjoy this piece, and it’s simplicity. I’ve always been a fan of your piece with the iceberg and the penguins, and I feel this follows suit with that composition very well.

    I do think the female figure gets lost in the shore line a bit. If you want her to stand out a little better, without disturbing the rest of the composition. I think you could move her towards center about and inch, and the increased contrast around her head, should be enough to draw the attention a little more.

    This piece also brought up a thought I had on “Cloud Canyon” I think that one has to be one of my all time favorites, but I was wondering how it would look as a night scene. Possibly with the falls lit from the base like Niagra Falls.

  95. Pete

    Do you take suggestions for wallpaper themes? I’m not sure why the thought struck me when looking at this particular image, but I would really like to see you do a scene featuring a lighthouse… if there’s another place for me to offer suggestions, please let me know; I couldn’t find any.

  96. Macmage

    I wish I could give it an 11 !

  97. Peter

    Thanks for doing this one! It elicits a terrific feeling of peace. I love blues and, apparently, arches! Kudos! 🙂

  98. Overdrive

    This one says it all. Just GREAT!!!!


  99. Ravenwolf

    I love the image – but I’m one of those who loves nighttime scenery and thinks it would be perfect with a moon, stars and the large planet….

    Lovely, and welcome back. Happy New Year!


  100. Bill

    The blue is a little too overwhelming for me in this. It looks as though the blue component was taken from another rendered image and is now shown here. Constructive criticism, of course 🙂

  101. James LTM


    I think this would look fantastic as a dawn image, with the various shades of oranges and reds playing in the early morning mist/fog. It would make for a good sunset image for that matter.

    Nicely done, but the dim lighting does make it a little more two dimensional than most of your previous work.

    My two cents on the recent harsher criticism of your work: you got sick and we all had to wait a long time for any new images. Anticipation grew and grew and some, obviously, expected more from the time you were away.You’ve become a victim of your own success in a way, I think.

    Keep on chugging,


    Lifetime Member

  102. Sean W

    While I can see how others may enjoy a more Earth-like approach to this piece, I like it for it’s differences from our own blue planet. Perhaps this planet’s atmosphere is thicker, resulting in less gradation from blue to black. Perhaps the planet is in an area within it’s galaxy that is very close to the outer edge of the rim. It might not even be in a galaxy! Perhaps starlight doesn’t register with the setting star’s light fogging up the air.

    As for the girl, sure, she’s almost not in view. If she was closer to the middle, she’d be more visible. However, she seems to be on a leisurely walk on the beach. If a photographer was to ask her to move a relative inch to the right, she would have to walk about 100-125 feet closer to the water, interrupting her stroll.

    Her position on the beach, the subtle lack of stars, the powerful blue overtones, all of this is not just for visual effect. It sets the emotional mood of the piece. Remember, this isn’t just a pretty 2-dimensional screenshot of a 3-dimensional CG construct; this is art. Art conveys more than just visual pleasantry, it tells a story, or provides a snapshot of feeling.

    Would it be the right thing to appreciate the Mona Lisa as is, or to ask da Vinci to paint both sides of the horizon on either side of her so they match up? We should all keep this in mind when asking Ryan to alter his artwork to suit our tastes. Clarity, higher resolution, dual- and triple-screen, all that makes sense to ask for. Perhaps the angle isn’t flattering for the piece, like in “The Shrouded Desert”. Fair enough.

    Anyway, there’s my take on this whole thing. Maya rocks, Ryan. Glad to have you back, and Happy New Year!

  103. Dunk

    What he said.

    Don’t listen to the nitpickers.

  104. Josh_D

    it seems like every time you post an image, people request color/time of day alterations. i’ve seen a computer graphics website where, every time a new wallpaper is posted, the post is actually an archive already containing several color/time of day/design variations. While i’m not suggesting you actually post archives, maybe you should, in anticipation of requests, post before-hand a few variations on the main image, even if you’re just changing the image in photoshop and not before it is rendered.

  105. Dub

    It’s good to see that you’ve recovered and are back to making your beautiful masterpieces for us. I hope all is well.

  106. junyoure

    a good example of ‘negative space’ I can visualize thinks around the edges of the arches (faces, etc.)

    great job!


  107. Owen Clark

    I wish I could see a bit more of the figure on the beach, maybe a sexy silloutte? I love the way you’ve got the mist hanging over the water.

    Looks great.

  108. Derek

    Looking forward to a Triple screen version of this.

    Maybe a pickle jar with out the figure on the beach or just sharpened a bit. It’s a little distracting, like it needs to be obscured more, or brought into focus more; it just seems to be at an awkward “in between” position.

  109. Myles

    I love Ryan’s backgrounds like this…

  110. alexM

    I just feel like there is something missing in this picture. It seems pretty plain to me. I also agree that the figures on the beach need to have something done to them too. I can hardly even tell they are supposed to be people. They almost look like some long that was washed up onto shore.

  111. Kana

    yup, definitely agree that the figure either needs to be accented more (clearer, sharper focus, etc.) or taken out, since you can’t really tell unless you look really closely that it is a person.

    Other than that, I really like this picture. It’s a very calming, quiet scene. Wish we had a planet this close or a bigger moon so we could get views like this.


  112. Ryan

    This is a “plain” image. I wanted to main focus to be the woman on the beach, the sun, and the moon. Anything else I tried to add (plantlife for example) seemed to clutter the image and detract from the scene. I think in this case less is more.I can appreciate that the figure on the beach is a little hard to see. She’s shrouded in mist and is sitting on black sand. Perhaps she should be removed altogether, but I like having her there to add a sense of scale.Thanks for the comments!

  113. travis

    Ryan, I think this is a very sensuous image. The woman is well placed and I think that having her be shrouded in mist adds to the majesty and calm of this image. These kinds of images are my favorite, as they are peaceful and calming. I love the blue.

    Great work. The simplicity and shapes are very inviting.

  114. Carmen

    Absolutly love this one. For some reason your usage of blues always seems to catch my eye. It seems as if you always manage to make each one distinctively different. Also love the haziness of the whole beach. Great job keep up the great work.

  115. The Abbot

    There is a great crispness about this one. It feels clean and fresh. i can almost smell the mist coming off the water.


  116. George

    Very calm. The woman does give a sense of scale.

    Currently my background 😉

    One suggestion: maybe make the sun orange or red, and add a hint of that orange or red to the mist near the sun.

  117. Meathead

    Thanks… Wonderful work! This went right to my desktop.

  118. Tyson

    looks good , I would put a tad of magenta or purple in the sun with a slight ouch of mist in there, other than that this one is now my desktop!

  119. Tyson

    looks good , I would put a tad of magenta or purple in the sun with a slight ouch of mist in there, other than that this one is now my desktop!

  120. Weapon X

    I dunno what to think latly i miss the really cool wallpapers, this is just to simple, ill be hounost i dont like the art lately, a year ago there where nice papers but i dont see them anymore, just an hounost opinion.

  121. Mercury

    Excellent work, one of my favorites so far! I always like the deep blue night scenes, like this and Reverie. They have a very calming effect.

  122. Matt

    Ryan, I’ve always liked your blue works. To be honest, they make my computer look *really* good and people notice. People seem to talk to me most when I have your blue images up. I find with your realistic sceneries, people just assume they’re real photographs.

  123. david


  124. Hawk

    This is really, really beautiful. I love the soft shading, I love the jagged rock, and I love the planet limb.

    Keep up the good work!

  125. Tril

    While I like the composition, the realism is a big step back compared to your other recent works. I recognize this is somewhat of an “unreal” scenario, but the rendering just looks cheap. The sky is little more than a blue gradient; the moon is a textureless white circle. I’d love to see an update with more detail added.

  126. Mike R.

    The picture is rather monochrome, but I like the scene, and how the girl happens to sit right on top of my Start button 😉

  127. Jo C

    I wish I had your talent Ryan…this is spectacular. I’m very much a “blue” person, so this is perfect for me.

    Welcome to my first new wallpaper of the year 🙂

  128. Michael S.

    The scene and colors are absolutely gorgeous, but the picture as a whole is fairly two-dimensional and lacks ‘life’.

  129. Geoff

    I have to say, I saw in the RSS feed you had a new image up, and of course immediately proceeded to check it out. The first thing I said when I saw it was “wow”. Amazing background. I might have to get a poster of this one.

  130. Liz

    I love how cool and blue and quiet this piece is. 🙂 Looking forward to another smash of a year with your artwork!!

  131. Allie

    Like Geoff said, when I got the RSS feed, I immediately went to look and my first thought was “so pretty!” I love blues too…so calm and definitely attracts admiration from my coworkers.

    I can see why some people have the two-dimensional comments because there’s not much reference between the rocks and the limb (other than what we know about physics) and the horizon is a little blurred. However, the shadow at the base in the middle, the rock detail in the upper right, and the mist help make it more 3D for me.

    I think it’s kind-of like the Serenity image…a little simple at first glance but lots of detail if you look closer. Sometimes less really is more.

    I like Maya a lot as is but will also welcome any picklejar that comes along!

  132. Tom

    I agree with many of the recent comments. Really nice. Serene. First thought was ” cool “. I like it a lot.

  133. Rob

    I love this image, it’s very tranquil. The arch at the right of the image provides a nice effect on a black monitor.

  134. iMark

    So many of your images are so complex, yet this is so simple. It’s great. Really nice.

  135. Olivier

    It will be perfect if you can rrendered it with more precision, sorry for my poor english but on my 30 pouces Apple, in widescreen 2560, it miss some precision, there is too much little point compared to all the other widescreen picture you made.

    The deep ambiance is wonderfull, exactly what i like from you : )

    Thank you !

  136. Brett

    I’m loving having you back! Sometimes good can come from bad things, in this case the graciousness I have felt for these past two images after having you gone is it! Keep up the good work, and keep well!

  137. Dan

    I’ve been waiting for this…

    Thank you.

  138. Eamonn

    Hi Ryan, I love Maya. The only thing I would change is the large moon/planet. I would remove it and place a subtle starfield (maybe with a smaller Saturnian planet) and increase the darkness in the gradation. Otherwise, it is subtle, beautiful and peaceful.

  139. Kevin

    amazing. A perfect secluded beach. Now all I need is the sounds of crickets an the waves in the background to complete the scene..

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