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42 reviews for Genesis

  1. Josh

    I’m a big fan of the abstract art you do, and I just find this particular piece to be my favorite. When I look at this piece I think of the Trinitarian Creation of the Universe and it makes me laugh because you’ve purposefully titled your work “digitalblasphemy.” Great Job!

  2. Ryan

    Thanks for the post Toni. Are you suggesting I tinker with my prices? Probably a good idea. I would be interested to hear your thoughts on what would be a fair price hay would attract more members. Thanks again!

  3. Toni

    Ryan, being able to include your art as FireFox Personas is magic. Dear Genius Artist, your work is so magnificent, if you loosened the reins just a little your membership would jump by the millions. Remember, you are servicing a planet of nearly 7 billion people all of whom would like to take advantage of your art.

  4. Wombat

    Put my vote down for the abstracts. The landscapes are nice, but this sort of work is why I joined.

  5. JDD

    I wasn’t a big fan of these last 3 images.

    They seem kinda boring as desktop backgrounds.

    Not bad, just not my cup o’ tea.

    I do appreciate Ryan’s variety of images. Doing the same style of picture every week is NOT what I am looking for.

  6. Scott

    different strokes for different folks, while i appreciate the mastery of the landscapes i greatly prefer the abastracts. So even if people find these latest ones to be lackluster, i’m happy to see fresh and new ideas coming up.

    and i do very much like these newest three 🙂

  7. Dan

    I liked all 3 of these, and am looking forward to what you’ve got next!

  8. JD

    im glad you were able to relax a bit and still post these images up. they are all very good and i rotate them as my wallpaper everyday. im looking forward to your next project and hopefully some more of these before the year is up

  9. Tavisto

    I love your abstracts and they are my favorite of all your renders. I really like this latest one a lot! Keep up the good work.

  10. Walo

    It came to my attention that I haven’t seen a wallpaper with rain. Rain is beatiful to see and nature colors change, it’s like another world. Look out on a rainy day and you’ll know what I mean.

  11. Walo

    I’m not a fan of fractals but i gotta say this one is really good.

  12. Walo

    I’m not a fan of fractals but i gotta say this one is really good.

  13. chrnaf

    Hey it’s great to see some speedy renders, I realize they can’t all be fast (especially the beautiful 3D stuff) but it’s good to get a “blasphemy fix” sooner than expected 😉 They look great.

  14. Klamoshnik

    I think i really Love Open Source =)

    Nice to see programs like this one, especially when a professional like you makes a great images like this one =)))))

    Thanks for an art and a reference to a program, thinking about to see how can i improve it’s source 😉

    the image is really great =)

  15. Darren

    A nice change. Great!

    I’d love to see a ‘sharp’ detailed (possibly at the expensse of realism) space image. I’ve had enough of the haziness and field of view issues with some of the 3d images… 😉

  16. Terry

    Got to admit but I was always a fan of your more realistic stuff however through no fault of your own there has been issues with the software and perspective issues which has made a few images look a bit “weird”. Really liking these fractals, especially the last two. Keep up the good work,


  17. Matt

    Love this one

  18. Carol

    how do you come up with these?

    Resonance, Ephemera and so on.

    I like to think that the name-giving is almost as hard as the inspiration for your images.

    I’m impressed….

  19. John A

    This one is really great too.

  20. Mark

    Hi again Ryan,

    I have to agree with others who have posted, I also welcome a change of pace from the scenery artwork. For me, the more imagination stretching, the better. While the scenery images are technically and artistically incredible, they’re so close to realistic that I don’t find my imagination being captured. Having said that, there are many scenery images that have lasted a long time on my desktop, such as “Of All Places”, perhaps it is the abstract elements and unlikeliness of the image that captures my attention. A planetscape, such as Planetia, while it “could” be real, grabs you and pulls your mind elsewhere. This new fractal image has so much detail and incredible colors that it lends itself perfectly as a wallpaper and draws you in with it’s depth and detail. The abstracts and planetscapes are the best part of Digital Blasphemy for me, and I hope that you’ll visit them more often.

    With best wishes to you and your family,


  21. Dan Hudson

    Hey Ryan,

    Yet again another great abstract piece. I just love these. I’m sure they’ll be gracing my desktop for weeks to come yet!

    Any chance of some colour variations?

    Many thanks!


  22. Gary

    I really like the colors of this one… I guess it pays to check your site every day!!!

  23. Nate

    That is the perfect name for this wallpaper! I feel as though the “galaxies” have been flung out so far they are even behind me as I sit at my computer. Nice depth and color balance.

  24. R0ck1t

    Just checked backed, found three new images, couldn’t believe my luck.

    I don’t like the first one that much, the second one is brilliant, and this one is quite cool. Not what I was expecting but I do like seeing lots of images at once.

  25. Sean W

    Your fractal designs are the only fractals I’ve ever seen and totally loved, Ryan. These fractals look more like your space designs than traditional fractals, and that makes a world of difference. These are some of the most gorgeous abstracts that you’ve done, and I think all of your subscribers have appreciated them to some extent. This has been an excellent series of abstracts, and I look forward to your next piece! 🙂

  26. Shawn C

    Love all of the abstracts. And with three in a row, I now have a different one each for my work PC, my MacBook, and my iPod Touch. THANKS!

  27. Greg

    The first two were good, but this one is great, no, awesome. I love the abstracts!

  28. J

    The last three Fractals have been interesting. A welcome change of pace, and some of the better fractals I’ve seen. I will say though, that overall, I prefer the non-fractal work. I know they are completely different pieces of work, but Genesis reminds me of your recent picture, Starbirth. Looking at the two side by side, there’s no question which I’d prefer as my desktop background… the subtleties in Starbirth really show off your talent as an artist, and always attract “ooooohs” as people walk by and see it.

    I’m not saying Genesis or the other fractals are bad mind you! As I said, they’re very interesting and it’s always enjoyable to see your different types of work. No such thing as bad art IMHO.

    Thanks for all your imagination and work Ryan! I’ve been a subscriber for around 10 years now… this is my first comment (I prefer to just sit back and enjoy my awesome desktops). As always, looking forward to the ones to come. (I monitor your site daily from my iGoogle home page!)

    – J

  29. Augur

    I don’t *dislike* abstracts, though I don’t tend to use them very often. I tend to prefer brighter wallpapers, and the abstracts tend to be very dark. I think the last abstract I used was Arluence because it didn’t have that much black in it. It’s why I don’t use the night gallery very often either.

    I’d be really interested to see abstracts that have brighter backgrounds.

  30. SCM

    I really enjoy the fractals. These last three have been some of your best. If you have time, one more please, before you move on to something else. I use the fractal images more than any other art pieces that you create. Keep up the outstanding work.

  31. Jon H

    I’m not a huge abstract fan, but this one is definitly my favorite of the 3 fractals you created, partly because it’s a nice blue, and partly because it ooks like a cool explosion or supernova or something.

    I’m looking forward to your space scenes.

    Keep up the good work!

  32. wnmnkh

    This is the best.


  33. Ryan

    I’d also like to see one more fractal, especially since you can knock one out in a day or two… Something with some green or maybe black would be nice 🙂

    Up to you, of course. Do whatever makes you feel most inspired because it will be much better if your heart is in it!

  34. Gabe

    I believe the term “Genesis” really about covers it! It almost has a “painted brush” feel to it, and is something I’d expect at the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum here in Washington DC.

    Excellent work, hope to see more of these abstracts in the future!

    5 out of 5 Stars! (No pun intended) 😉

  35. Mike

    Where most fractal pieces all end up looking like streams of colored light, this one breaks the mold and looks more like clusters of diodes. I like it!

  36. John W

    I think now is the time for me to delurk and chime in as having been a fan of the varied abstracts for years. I’m glad to see a new round of them!

  37. Robert

    I’d just like to say that “Genesis” is fantastic, and I originally joined your site specifically for the abstracts/space imagery. I love your scenery images as well, but the abstracts and space oriented images are by far my favorite. Personally,I’d prefer it if you made more!

  38. Jeff

    I’ll ‘ditto’ the other positive comments about your abstracts. I joined for the awesome abstracts you produce, I’m not as big on the scenery either, (unless there’s no real defined ‘subject’ like a person or building). Please keep those cool abstracts coming!!

  39. Chase

    I think abstracts are the What I like most about them is that you can have a defining color that really sets the mood. And things like The Comb were cool because you change the color and it’s another wallpaper! (3d abstracts are my favorites)

  40. Rob C

    Agreed! There’s always something cool in the more abstract stuff – I’m really digging this (and just made it my new wallpaper @ work). Very, very yum! 🙂

  41. Nick

    Love all of your work especially your abstract. It’s magical! Tons of talent. Keep up the good work kind sir.

  42. Micro78

    Do all of these you want these pictures are some of my favorite of what you do!

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