Temple of the Leaf


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Inspired by a description of the great pyramid of Meereen in
George R. R. Martin’s “Song of Ice and Fire”.

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118 reviews for Temple of the Leaf

  1. rp2287 [lifer]

    Ryan – Temple of the Leaf is one of my favorite pieces from your gallery. Have you thought about making a newer version of this?

  2. Kronos [nonmonthly]

    Hey Ryan – Can’t download dual or triscreen… Link seems to take me to the discussion…. Can you help?

  3. Kronos [nonmonthly]

    Hey Ryan – Can’t download dual or triscreen… Link seems to take me to the discussion…. Can you help?

  4. Atmos42

    Although this is an older piece, I had forgotten about it until this morning when I was adding some wallpapers to work PC. I would love to see this revisited in some way, and one thing I would like to see added would be more people. While having one figure definitely gives a sense of scale, I like to see a building such as this in use with multiple people as if it was a snapshot from a working facility. Anyway, my two cents.

  5. Ryan

    I am sorry you didn’t like the prints. I have a Zazzle print of “Temple of the Leaf” hanging in my house and I didn’t think it was too dark at all. I have heard, however, that they changed their printing process last year so things may be different now.Prints will always come out darker than what you see on the screen. My images are designed first and foremost t be viewed on a backlit monitor so they have an inherent brightness. That is lost when you the print the image (because the only light is what you shine on the poster). That having been said, I do brighten the images before I upload them to Zazzle but if I do it too much the preview thumbnail doesn’t look like that people have seen in my gallery.Once again, I am sorry your prints didn’t turn out. I hope you return them so Zazzle knows there is a problem.

  6. Angelique

    Have you ever ordered a print of this from Zazzle? I recently ordered from them for the first time and got poster prints of three of your wallpapers. I was really anticipating receiving them, as they are all so beautiful on the computer screen, but when the posters arrived in the mail I was disappointed by how very dark they printed. This one had turned out looking as if the scenery were at the last moments of the sunset hour instead of a bright day. The colors and light looked nothing like it does here on the screen. It’s a shame 🙁 I don’t know if Zazzle just does bad prints or if maybe the file prints out that way when you print it. In the past when I had some of my digital camera’s photos printed at WalGreen’s I found a similar thing had happened where they printed out much darker contrast and light than they appeared when viewing on a computer screen. I’d re-order them if next time they’d come out looking exactly as they do on the screen.

  7. Marta

    It’s truly like a vision from a dream. It also reminds me of something out of a fantasy movie or video game. You definately have the potential to work on that sort of thing! Outstanding.

  8. Eric

    Ryan, as an ancient architecture enthusiast, this is truly amazing. You have clearly outdone yourself with this piece. Thank you so so much.

  9. SlyV.

    I like this one. This would make a great poster. Keep it up Ryan!

  10. Chan5

    I always like when you put that little human hiding in the picture!

  11. Mike

    I like this one 😀 It makes me think of ancient Mayan cities and how they might have looked before they were ruins.

  12. Will

    I’m curious what this place would look like from high above. I think the patterns created by the forested areas and the water would be very interesting.

    Any chance of a picklejar version with the camera placed high above the center of the pyramid?

  13. RedSelene

    I LOVE The Wheel of Time Series!

  14. Tom

    Great art work. Excited about the dual and triple screen version of this and the night version. Thanks for so many beautiful works of art.

  15. Joel

    I already commented earlier on how awesome this one is =)

    But I just thought of something…

    While I always loved this work, I never really grasped the scale of it. I looked at the size of the person standing on the main path, but it still didn’t do it for me. I think I just realized why I had such a problem with this. The entrance to the pyramid is gigantic. And since I’m not used to seeing anything with an entrance so extremely large, my mind just expected that everything else was simply smaller.

    It would be an interesting experiment to vary the size of the entrance and see what impact it has on the sense of scale.

    Anyways, still think this work is incredible. One of my favorites =)

  16. Aeolwind

    Top notch as always. Any chance of a dual monitor render?

  17. Greg

    What’s that? No, I’m not greedy at all, why do you ask?

  18. Ryan

    I have started something else, but I still think the night version shows promise and I want to have one (with the multi-screens) soon.

  19. Rick

    I’ve been looking at this image on my home cinema projector (which is a great way to view DB art when a 24″ monitor doesn’t cut it!) and I love the overall composition of this. I also like that when image is viewed large you start noticing more and more of its intricate details. I didn’t initially notice the lone figure on the path but this gives it a majestic scale.

    On the other hand, the one thing that lessens the impact for me is the way the atmosphere looks a bit too smoggy.

  20. dujeon

    Glad to see others out there love great games, I know what you mean Joe about the comparison to Vivec

  21. Aaron H

    Very cool. It’s a “Set as Desktop Background” piece! 🙂

  22. Eric

    I have yet to be disappointed by anything you have put out. This is an awesome piece and can’t wait for the night version.

  23. Mark

    I’ve not made many comments on Ryan’s images before even though I’ve loved them all.

    However, this time I wanted to say how much I love his most recent piece of art.

    I’m a great lover of ancient egypt and love pyramid designs. This is another twist on a great idea.

    I know each of us has their own thoughts about what would be great to add and what would be good for a night version.

    In my opinion I think an almost total eclipse version would be a great idea. Think of the possibilities.

    I had an image of the eclipsed sun with the ring effect at the apex of the pyramid with most of the surrounding area in subdued lighting.

    It kind of reminds me of all those movies where there’s a once in 5000 years event.

    A circle of people with torches near the intersection of the roads and a shaft of light from the pyramid which focuses on a central figure in the centre of these people.

    The chosen one!!

    That’s my idea anyway.

    I wish I had the skills to create it myself.

    Ryan I’m so glad to see your illness and recuperation hasn’t dulled your creative abilities.

    Keep it up and keep experimenting.

  24. Mike R.

    Phenomenal job with this one. I was getting a little hungry for a wallpaper like this one, so it was certainly perfect timing for me.

  25. Lawrence

    I think this is a beautiful picture, but a little to bright in the background which I believe take away from the beauty of the garden below.

  26. Bill

    Classic DB background. I love it.

  27. Raj

    lately you have been making some spectacular pictures with a good amount of realism to please us.

  28. Joe

    Any Morrowind players out there? Kind of reminds me of the city of Vivec.

  29. Mangoman

    I believe Alex is far too picky. As I mentioned before, just enjoy it. It looks real enough to want to go there and see it up close. It is so HUGE! Again, out of the ballpark, Ryan. You is back on track, bro. Just do it. Thank you.

  30. Phillip

    wow, impressive lighting….you are a master of lights!

  31. Chris

    Simply wonderful! Thank you Ryan, great to see you back on to form!

  32. Chris

    …Especially on my 42″ hi-def TV, which serves as my movie/video game monitor. This wallpaper looks beyond spectacular on it. Easily one of my all time favorites by you Ryan, and that’s saying a lot. Well done, and welcome back.

  33. l337h1um

    Nice pic.

    What about 480×800 resolution for mobiles? It’s an increasingly popular resolution.

  34. l337h1um

    Actually I take my previous comment back. This is not a nice pic. It’s stunning.

    A lot of your images have a significant amount of grain in them. Don’t get me wrong, they’re still gorgeous. This one doesn’t have much grain at all, and it’s really quite a beautiful scene.

    I like the foggy/smoggy effect. It’s quite realistic. Although for it to be realistic, you have to assume this picture is set in modern day Earth rather than 1000 years ago before we had cars and factories.

  35. Joel

    This picture literally took my breath away when i first saw it.

  36. Heather A


    How about putting it out in 3840 x 1200 (dual widescreen) so I can use it….pretty please?!?!



  37. Kyle M

    Man, you really know how to get someones attention with your amazing work. Your environments make me wish these were real places to visit. I would love to live in your dream worlds you create. Keep up the fantastic work. If you would make a triple monitor variation of this, that would be fantastic too.

  38. Leanna

    Ok whats the book series? I’ve been racking my brain! Oh and the new image is really good too!

  39. Adrian

    Hey, this picture is just awesome! Was wondering if u could make a “darker” version of it. Its too bright up at the temple almost looks blured. If u could make the temple more clear and than make the whole image darker as if it was almost night time.


  40. The Guru

    I would say this is definately among your best. It looks absolutely fantastic. Can’t wait to see the night version.

  41. Alex

    I love the concept behind this but I don’t think the execution of the idea is up to your usual awesome standard. (The trouble with setting a high bar is that you then have to keep jumping over it.) I think the entry arch to the pyramid is too fine and underweight in comparrison to the main structure and it looks entirely abandoned which seems odd for a structure that is in such a manicured state of good repair. Also the terraces of the pyramid look a bit plonked and blocky and as though the builders couldn’t decide if they were being mayan influenced or egyptian influenced or trying to do something else and not quite getting it. I like the composition as it permits a very static structure to look dynamic. I also like the lighting as it lends the whole image a sense of being a sacred place, the Dusk light reveals the world to us at its most magical.

    To me this feels like one for the pickle jar and like it could use a bit more development. I hope I’m not being too harsh in my critique, I am genuinely a fan of the work I just think this one isn’t quite there yet.

  42. Scarr

    I like Josh’s idea of the night version, with some kind of planitia behind the pyramid. It would make sense with aztec culture as well, due to the fact that they based their calendar and many other things on the cosmos. It would be cool to see not only a rendering of the history, but a depiction of the mythology as well!

  43. serkan

    By looking at this rich ecosystem composition and plants’ growth i can say climate there must be very hot and wet with heavy rain drops from time to time in a day.(mosquito population must be at its peak level)

    and i’m sure during lunar cycles the sea level will rise above its current level amd tides will overflow ground level of the temple all over with sea water 🙂

    After night version if it’s not too complicated for you to create a bird’s eye view from the top of the temple would give a great perspective for comparaison with the normal version 😀

  44. johnnyzoo

    I’m always giddy with excitement when visiting this site, especially when I know an image will soon be up. I even close my eyes like a school kid and brace myself to view a stunning piece of imagery…!

    And this is no exception, nothing short of stunning to say the least.

    I would usually go into a few critiques but for the first time in a while (for me) there just aren’t any…?? So I’ll just get right to the praise.

    I love the height of the image and the man all the way down there is amazing! Really sells the scale of the image. Detail on the ground is clear and the trees are great too.

    10/10 from me.(its been a while since I last gave out a ten;)

  45. NikB

    I usually hear of your latest creation via your RSS feed, so when you mentioned “pyramid” I immediately thought of “Necropolis”, which is one of my favourites.

    This, however, is something else. The aspect, the light and the detail are simply stunning. Well done.

    Oh, and of course I can’t wait for the night version 😉

  46. ddkeil

    I always watch for the detail. I have one of your disks from several years ago. All great, some exquisite, some make we wish to visit there. This one makes me wish to visit there. I’ll watch for your little tweaks, daylight to night-scene, etc. It’s beautiful.

    With the health problems you have had this past year, to produce what you have is quite an accomplishment. I wish you the best, and will stay on your side.


  47. Thorin

    What’s with the tilt to the right???

  48. DomP

    I’ve always been a huge fan of your different pyramids, Egyptian and otherwise. This is easily one of the best. Looking forward to the night version!

  49. Tim

    This is fantastic! Thanks so much for the beautiful artwork!

  50. Maelin

    This one is quite spectacular. This is the first time I’ve looked at DB and seen a brand new work just uploaded, so I don’t know the standard protocol for the situation. Will there be a dual widescreen version coming soon? Fingers crossed!

  51. Larawen

    I am so happy you are adding a night version! I was just about to comment about that. I work in low light conditions a lot of the time, and I am stuck using darker wall papers. Your work is amazing, hope you are feeling better!

  52. RoYaLe

    When I put up a new wallpaper that you’ve made, many people in my office can’t believe that the picture wasn’t taken by a camera. I then proceed to tell them about the site and hopefully lead them your way.

    I could have chosen the lifetime membership but am going to renew every year instead. (That way you end up making out better, because you deserve every penny.)

    Keep it up!

  53. Bruceam

    This is a great image, with fantastic detail, and real world colors and shading. I haven’t a clue as to the serial you are reading which inspired it. My first thoughts were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, that a Babylonian king built for his wife who missed the mountains of her youth. That is the only example I know of where gardens or vegetation were incorporated into the structure.

    As always, I look forward to all of your “tweeks”.

  54. Nathalie

    It looks like you took a picture. This is so cool. I wish that you could do some waterfall scenes. Keep up the good work.

  55. Dennis

    Just Wow!

    I want to GO there!

  56. Ryan

    Lots of interesting suggestions for where I came up with the idea for this image. I’ve posted the real inspiration in my blog so I invite you to stop there and have a look if you are interested.

  57. Laura


    Yay! I was originally hooked on your buildings and people-spaces, and it’s great to see another one.

    I’d love to see what this scene looks like from the top level. That space looks like it just glows.


  58. Nate F

    well its been quite some time since i gave out a 10/10; but this one lives up to it

  59. Carlos


  60. Link33

    This one is an example of why I love your work over the years. It’s simply gorgeous!

    Have you used that statue before? It looks like another of my favorite pieces and suggests a far flung relationship.

    As far as a night version, I’m curious to see it. I think this has a primitive feel to it with all the vegetation that maybe there wouldn’t bee any artificial light involved… or maybe just from the top pyramid section….

    Love this one very much.


  61. Ryan

    🙂 I was wondering if anyone would notice the statues. Yes, I used them before in another image.

  62. Josh

    I hope it is something a little different. I love me my night versions, but I feel like they’re getting a little old. A lot of the night versions blend together in my mind already. I think this would be neat with some kind of space background, like night, but with no atmosphere so you can see some planets or nebulae. Something different, new, fresh…

  63. SA

    Looks like what is described in the book as the Ziggurat in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

  64. Robert

    A nighttime version would be nice.

  65. Brent

    love this one… bring on the tri-screen and night version!

    if you want an idea for a new piece that could be more design/abstract.. how about poker/cards. world series is approaching, may be a fun idea

  66. Joe Lane

    This is by far one of your best images. I am very impressed.

  67. Ted B

    Cool! I love that pyramid design.

  68. Logical

    Wow- I think this is one of your best wallpapers yet! I love the lighting- so bright and golden, but not so bright that it hurts your eyes if you stare at it too long. 🙂

    That would be an awesome place to live.

    Great work!

  69. Kyle C

    Loving this one Ryan, really captures a somewhat optimistic mood for me 🙂


  70. Greg

    I like it! Now the greedy side of me wants to know when we’re getting the night time version with moonlight and various torches? 🙂

  71. Greg

    This is one of the few times (in my totally untalented opinion) that the human figure is a welcome addition. It definitely lends a sense of scale, but it is also small enough that it doesn’t immediatly attract your attention and distract from the piece as a whole.

  72. Ben

    Absolutely love it, one of my favorites in a while! I can’t wait for the dual screen version.

  73. Mark

    I absolutely love this image, great work Ryan!

    Will there be a night image of this one…because that would be amazing!

  74. Ryan

    Thanks for the comments so far. Yes, I am planning a night version.

  75. Tom

    Been reading about the Aztecs recently? You hit the nail right on the head! I love the clouds, very realistic! I’m also glad to see that Vue can handle the haze without making the image too grainy. Beautiful work!


  76. Rob

    Great scene. Makes me want to visit there and walk around, great sense of scale & detail.

  77. LauraS

    Simply beautiful! The lighting, the clouds, the plants, the colors… Wow, wow, wow. What a great way to start the day. 🙂 This will definitly go up on my computer at work as soon as the dual screen is posted. I can’t wait to get home and put this on my lap top. Of course I will eagerly await a night version too. 😉 Love it!

  78. Wendy

    I don’t know what book/series it is that you’re reading, though I would LOVE to find out!

    But what this picture reminds me of is Hyrule Castle in the dark world in the SNES game Zelda: A Link to the Past. Classic game, one of my favorites, re-played it many times… makes me smile looking at this 🙂

  79. John R

    kind of reminded me of “Conjunction” (rememeber that one?). Spectacular picture. Kind of hazy though(on purpose?)

  80. Paul

    I cannot wait for the nighttime version of this.

  81. Randall

    This is amazing. It reminds me of a Sumerian ziggurat, from art history class. Beautiful. And I can’t wait for the night version either!

  82. Florian

    It reminds me a little bit about Otherland from Tad Williams…

  83. Greg in KC


    That is absolutely amazing. I thought the statues provided scale… then I looked and saw the person in the middle of the path and I was just blown away. You definitely continue to take it up a notch each time you release a new piece of art. Keep up the good work! Can’t wait for the double-screen version!

    Greg in KC

  84. Levis

    Wow this wallpaper blew me away.

    Excellent Work

  85. Becca

    This kind of reminds me of what the Hanging Gardens of Babylon would look like. Not quite, but close enough to bring them to mind. Keep up the great work!!

  86. dujeon

    Unbelievable, I love visiting your site and a new wallpaper waiting, as often is the case, as with this one, its a breath taking moment. Stunning picture, thank you

  87. Sanalith

    Simply stunning, as always! I especially love the clouds and the mistiness around the temple. Looking forward to the night-time version!

    Thanks for such wonderful work!

  88. Travis


    So glad to see you making more pyramid themed backgrounds. This image is simply stunning – great colors, warm feeling to match the time of year and all around incredible!

    Thanks a ton, as always and keep up the great work.

  89. JB

    This is an amazing piece. It puts me in the mindset of one of my favorite pieces by you: Conjunction. Keep up the good work sir.

  90. Pat

    Wow, that is amazing. I love the way the light hits the figure on the path like that. Colors are perfect. Things are just hazy enough. The trees look better and better every time I look at them.

    If you decide to do an update, the only thing that bugged me even the slightest bit about this one was the decoration on the temple walls. Every once in a while I feel like I’m looking at a wedding cake. : )

    A couple more statues in the background would be cool too.

    Just throwing ideas around. This is easily in my top ten.

  91. PaulXX

    It made me think of a city visited in the Weber/Ringo Sci Fi series March Upcountry? In any case I really like this one too ;-)!

  92. KRingg

    Wow… this one is definitely one of my all-time favorites now. The atmosphere is PERFECT… I love the haze, it really adds to the majesty and scale of the image.

  93. Walo

    See I found a new adjective… lol. Although I know it is not the source, this reminds me of Atlantis.

  94. Jenanne

    Hi Ryan: I agree — I’d LOVE to know the name of the book/series that inspired this terrific piece. I have no doubt I’d enjoy reading it. In the meantime, this is going up as wallpaper. Great mood and you did wonderful things with light and shadow with this one. Thanks!

  95. Empressgot

    I don’t know Is it Myan/Aztec? But it is interesting!

  96. Curtis

    I love the perspective of this, The lighting, it’s so amazing.

    I don’t know where you get these ideas and pull them off to look this superb. Thank You Ryan. I do hope your feeling well. Take Care.

  97. Micro78

    This one is great!!! You haven’t had a Ancient Temple art background in a long time!! Thanks alot!!! Woo-hoo!!!

  98. Ingo


  99. Benjamin

    When I saw this I was reminded of the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan, now the site of Mexico City.


    Absolutely beautiful work, Ryan. Simply phenomenal.

  100. T

    Really outdid yourself on this one! Can’t wait for the night version.

  101. hads

    This is a fantastic image, I have so many favourites but this has to be another one.

  102. Blurr

    Hey Ryan, the previous image is not working… I can’t comment on it, and when I click on a different resolution size it brings me to an older version of the picture. What happened!

  103. sharris


  104. Jonathan L

    This is such a neat wallpaper.

    Totally unexpected!

    I really, really like it. 😀

  105. Tyson

    Meh, not one of my favorites, but it is nice.

    Maybe a night version will be cool?

  106. John

    The water, land, greenery and buildings are exquisitely detailed back until a little past the temple itself, and it’s amazing to look at. I can just sit and stare at the little intricacies forever, and the lighting is perfect on the paths and water.

    However, the clouds aren’t nearly as detailed and the lighting on them/the temple I don’t like as well, which seems to jump out at you because of how well both aspects are done in the foreground. Very good overall though, glad to hear you’re doing a night version.

  107. RC

    Great pyramid – I always find fantasy locations some of the best. Look forward to your night version – daytime scenes I find too bright to use in a dark room.

  108. Lidia


  109. Ragnarok


    The concept is brilliant here. I agree with others that it is quite hazey like LA. I do not think it would detract at all from the enchantment of this image to clarify things. The lighting is perfect to me, and I would not change a thing there. As far as the decoration or design of the temple, I agree that it looks like a wedding cake. I am not sure what book this was inspired by but I love it. Aside from these minor setbacks, this here is a smash hit! I know everyone is ranting and raving about the night version, but not all night versions are better. Well done Ryan, you did it again boy! Also I love that little man in this!

  110. Steve

    Could that have been your inspiration? 🙂

  111. Kyle

    I like it, made me think of Apocalypto.

  112. Jon

    Great job on this image! It’s pictures like this that make Digital Blasphemy so great and continue to astonish me. I wouldn’t change anything!

    My favorite aspect of this picture is the enormous scale, and the tiny person in the foreground gives the temple and its surrondings some excellent perspective. As far as the clouds and lighting go, they are already incredible. The haziness makes the picture feel surreal, but the foreground remains perfectly clear.

  113. Matt

    This has got to be inspired by Alia’s Temple in the Dune series. What’s the prize if I’m right 😉

    Awesome image, btw – can’t wait for the night version.

  114. Dan

    This is amazing! Absolutely the best! The detail and crispness is awesome! Right down to the walkway leading to the temple. I love everything about it, can’t say anything less than excellent about this one!

  115. RC

    Matt, doubt it is Alia’s temple in Dune. Look at all the water. Arrakis is still a desert in Children of Dune (though it is starting to change). It could be part of God Emperor of Dune after Arrakis becomes wet, but that was never turned into a movie or tv miniseries like Dune and Children of Dune (and Ryan said he got the inspiration while watching something), and I don’t recall a pyramid being a central site in that book.

    It looks based on a Mayan temple to me, but too much water. Nothing comes to mind from the Star Gate universe either (given how many pyramids were in it, none looked like that). I am rather stumped on it’s origin!

    Look forward to Ryan telling us!

  116. Scarr

    This is truly amazing. Getting inspiration from ancient times is really inspiring. Seeing that there is truly not enough art out there displaying the majesty and beauty of the ancient civilizations, I think with your talent you should continue drawing inspiration from the old world of mystery. You’d be great at re-creating the 7 wonders of the world, and more.

  117. Sean W

    This is AWESOME!!! Like, mind-blowing awesome. This is gorgeous, blockbuster movie-quality CG, even more so than your other work. And that’s saying something!

    Instant desktop, and as others have said, instant classic! Well done!!

  118. Matt

    I think this is one of your best works, awesome job! I am looking forward to seeing a night version!

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