Highland Spring

(244 customer reviews)


SKU: highlandspring1 Category: Tags: , , ,


The first inspiration for this piece was a passage I read in “Best Served Cold”, by Joe Abercrombie. Except the paragraph described looking up through a valley. I created the valley geometry using Geocontrol and then placed my Vue d’Esprit camera at the bottom of the scene. After a few mediocre renders I decided to move the camera to the top of the valley, turn it around, and look down.

I was as blown away as some of the comments below when I saw the render. I added the water and colored it to match some photos a good friend of mine had taken at Glacier National Park. I had always been taken by the almost turquoise water in those pics and had wanted to include it in one of my scenes.

The foreground tree was a tough call for me. I wanted something in the foreground to give the scene a sense of distance and scale, but I didn’t want it to distract from the scene. I think it worked out well however. This is the only one of my images to rate over 9 after 2 weeks.

I hope to create fall and winter versions at a later date.

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244 reviews for Highland Spring

  1. Travis Lee

  2. Derak [basicmember]

    I love this image and have spent a long time looking at it and finally get the joke. A super realistic computer generated valley; one might call it an “Uncanny Valley”?


  3. Rick (Horseman) [basicmember]

    Think Spring while Winter weaves it’s magic. This renering portrays the beauty and serenity of mountain scene I a familiar with and live.

  4. Kevin [liferplus]

    It’s a beautiful scene just the tree rendering on the mountain slopes seems a little off, perspective effect or something else. Have you picked up any new render tools for flora and fauna since then? Maybe give this a whizz through them an see how it does the trees. Mind you I am looking at the 1920×1080 render and the water seems very single color.

  5. Fancytattoo [basicmember]

    Marvelous, I am the Eagle gliding down these mountains. I love it… Looks beautiful on my double screens…

  6. Kim Human [basicmember]

    This was the one that brought me back to your site.

  7. Rosemary Williams [lifer]

    I’d like to make a helpful comment like others, but as a non-technical person I can only say this image is dazzling!

  8. Jenanne [lifer]

    Ryan, what do you think about a sunset version and/or a night version of this render? They would be terrific, IMHO, and we can see if they come close to the popularity enjoyed by this original. 🙂

    Too, I agree with previous comments — I’d love to see an autumn version to complete this fabulous series (Highland Spring, Highland Summer, Highland Winter, and Highland Yule). Trees dressed in autumn splendor interspersed among the pines would be fantastic!

  9. OMeyers

    I’ve always enjoyed these scenes. Just peaceful.

  10. Holger

    next to Poseidon’s garden this is my all-time favourite, it works beautifully and lets the monitors work like a windshield in a plane, one wishes to go walking somewhere in the picture You are a great artist, keep going !

  11. Wayne

    3 years later this is still one of my all time favorites. Given the additional rendering power available, the ability to save to less lossy formats (this was 2010, there is a fair amount of compression artifact in the image), could you be convinced to revisit and do both spring and a pickle jar ‘autumn’ version?

  12. Eliott

    I held off downloading this wallpaper for a while because I prefer your space/planet renders more.

    Only after I set this as my wallpaper across two monitors did I actually take a good look at it. The level of detail is incredible, the trees, the reflections in the water, and that bird… damn!

    Let’s just say I have new found respect for all your artworks now, I’m going through some of my favourites of yours and just zooming in to look at the tiny details I missed.

    Keep being awesome!

  13. Charlie

    It is a beautiful piece, Ryan.

  14. Chris

    The viewpoint, the details, the breadth, the mountains, and the fact that you just created a counterpoint scene in “Sierra” is faaaaantastic. You are an artist.

  15. Kerem

    This is indeed blasphemy Ryan.

    I printed it on a 24×36 poster, and I hung it on a wall in my living room,

    I salute this picture day in and day out.

    Thank you,

    You deserve all our support.

  16. Alex H

    It would be sweet to see the valley covered in red.

  17. Vicky

    This is my absolute favourite image on your site, I have had it on my desktop for months and months – I cannot seem to change it as I love it so much! During that time I have had so many different people compliment the ‘photograph’ on my screen.. (of course I had to tell them the truth and direct them to your website!) This image is something special – more like this! 🙂

  18. Ali

    Hey guys, I think I wrote this to Ryan personally, but I’d like to share it with you, too. I had said earlier that this image looked washed out, well that was only on my monitor. When I set it as background to my bright 47″ lcd tv, it looked amazing. It makes for a great romantic dinner image.

  19. Aaron

    This is my favorite dual screen image and truly reminds me of Alaska. I just went on a great black bear hunt out of Homer, Alaska and this image perfectly captures the wild and majestic nature of that beautiful place. Ryan, please continue creating art at this calibur. Simply breathtaking!

  20. Travis


    Ryan, a friend sent me this link and I was blown away at about 01:55 in the video. The time lapse sequence looks very similar to Highland Spring! Check it out.

  21. Gregor

    this picture just came up on my desktop, and i caught myself looking at it for a couple of minutes… it really makes you dream about that place. this piece of art is so much more than “just” a wallpaper! absolutely fantasting! if there weren’t so many other great pictures to cycle through as wallpapers, i guess i’d be stuck on this one!

  22. Jeff R.E.

    This one’s practically a little glimpse of heaven!

  23. jachamp

    I’m an amateur photographer and oddly most of my coworkers ask if I took this shot and where can they find this locale. I have to show them this site and this image here. It’s flattering because I do do good photography but I’m not good enough with the software tools to enhance the images like Ryan can.

  24. Lecheman

    I agree with Medea Jade. There is definitely something about the picture. I normally change my desktop pics after a while but cannot with this one – I feel ….hmmmm ~

  25. Sebastian

    This is (along with Enshrouded) one of the most photorealistic images ever to be created!

  26. Medea Jade

    Love this picture SO much. Reminds me of… something. Not sure what, but it just pulls at something. Like it should be familiar.

  27. S.S

    I like it alot, but i agree with the earlier post about the forest looking more realistic, not saying its bad believe me its not buuuut theres always small things you can do to reach perfection 🙂

    keep up the good work mate!

  28. Michael

    I love the foreground of this image back to about the middle but the background is too bright and blown out for my taste.

  29. Fandeboris

    Breathtaking, awesome, probably one of the best you have done in quite a while. The first time I put it up I thought there was something on my monitor, but it was a bird. Nice touch!!I have given you 10’s before but his one rates a 10+

  30. Kempeth

    I’ve finally ordered me some posters. This was the first one I knew I just had to get.

    This is simply one of the very best ones EVER.

  31. Glenn

    Simply gorgeous. I can’t wait for the winter version.

  32. Maneesh

    This reminds of the video game ‘Halo’. Awe-inspiring beauty, you have to be there to experience it. That eagle flying in the center of it really completes the image in every respect.

  33. Ash

    I love this, reminds me of the Tetons & Glacier National Park. I think the tree is a pit out of place though. One’s eyes want to naturally follow the carved out gorge down the steep slopes of the mountains into the water. Then one’s eyes focus on the tree and the plummet down the gorge into the water stops. I think the picture would be more intense without the tree on the outcrop.

  34. Christy

    This is my favorite image that you’ve done, by far. The second runner up is Summerwood (Night). But this one is definitely a feel-good image, as someone already said.

  35. Dan

    One word: Incredible.

    Dude this picture is awe-inspiring.

    I get happy just looking at it.

    It makes me feel like I’m actually there.

  36. Brad

    I said it once and I’ll say it again: Epic!!

  37. Michael

    If I look at it long enough I almost feel like I’m there. I love it.

  38. DiaMair

    Thanks so much for this one Ryan! It is truly magnificent in both scope and beauty! Dreaming of roaming this valley makes the long hours here at work much easier. 🙂

  39. MarkB

    Where’s that? New Zealand?

    Is the question I was asked twice just yesterday at work. That’s how real this image is to the unenlightened in the world.

    Excellent image. I wish it was real. I think most people would love to be sat under the tree watching the world go by.

  40. Terry

    I’m struggling to work today because I am so absorbed in this piece of work. I actually wish I could spend the afternoon walking from that tree down through the valley to the ocean instead of being at work!

  41. Tom

    Really well done I was wondering if it is worthy of two tweaks? The clouds seem to cry out to be bit more 3 dimensional and should there be a small viking ship coming in? Couple of thoughts, nicely done

  42. Luccio

    The detail and scale of this work blows me away. As a long time viewer, this particular piece is the first to inspire me to post, and became an instant desktop!

    That said, I do have a few minor criticisms:

    – On the peninsula just to the lower right of the larger island, it looks as though there are a few trees growing out of the water

    – The two small clouds just above and slightly to the right of the same peninsula seem to lack any depth (they are pure white), unlike the other clouds which are slightly shadowed.

    Again, on the whole, it’s a wonderful piece that is capable of transporting me to another world, just like so many of your other jaw-dropping artworks. I love your vision and imagination. Thank you for all of your work!

  43. Lee

    All it needs is a little viking ship down in the water

  44. S Drown

    I love this screen but there seems to be a black “U” line in the right center.

  45. Chris

    Words can’t describe how brilliant this looks on my new setup at home (24in tv output connected to a laptop) and the wallpaper looks absolutely stunning. It almost stops me from playing on FF13 as the graphics on that are no match for this!

  46. Chris

    Words can’t describe how brilliant this looks on my new setup at home (24in tv output connected to a laptop) and the wallpaper looks absolutely stunning. It almost stops me from playing on FF13 as the graphics on that are no match for this!

  47. Chris

    Words can’t describe how brilliant this looks on my new setup at home (24in tv output connected to a laptop) and the wallpaper looks absolutely stunning. It almost stops me from playing on FF13 as the graphics on that are no match for this!

  48. Brian F.

    Ryan, your work continues to amaze me. If this place existed, I would love to hike to it everyday. Incredible job!

  49. Alex R

    Just a sign of even better things to come!!

    I still think the mountains and forest could be a little more realistic, but the outcropping with the tree is absolutely perfect, and the view is spectacular. Definitely one of my favorites.

  50. Scarr

    Now I don’t look at my monitor… I look through a portal to another world.

    Well done.

  51. Terry

    Without a doubt your best work to date Ryan.

  52. Justin

    Wow, I set this as my wallpaper at work and I have been asked countless times “wow where was that taken?”.

    This is soo real, what a masterpiece, keep up the great work.

  53. Chris B

    Me lounging under the little tree enjoying the view. Great job, it’s awesome having part so close and everything else incredibly far away. truly awesome.

  54. DigitalPix

    I normally do not comments on pics, but have to on this one. Why? My wife is actually jealous of my background! She is not a computer generated fan, but is astounded by this view! Nice work!

  55. dejerdejer

    I usually only comment once on a pic, but this one deserves to be recognized again. I agree with John A I think this is your masterpiece. I change backgrounds from DB a lot. I like variety. This said, I keep coming back to this pic. Highland Springs is I think by far your best work. I would be surprised to see something as good as this again this year, or ever again. This should be your poster child. I will probably be ordering the poster of this. It is amazing!! As a lifetime member I have been waiting for something like this for the last 2 years. I knew you had it in you. This work of ART just blows me away. Thanks!

  56. Jeff K

    Now, how about a view up the valley from the larger of the two islands?

  57. Jeff K

    Now, how about a view up the valley from the larger of the two islands?

  58. Archaon604

    this image is the straw that broke my back, and convinced me i need 2 monitors with the same resolution, rather than 2 with different resolutions. so good, keep it up

  59. Reuben

    I can’t believe that you made this image even better. The light is crisper and looks even more realistic.

    Awesome job

  60. celmendo

    That totally fixed my issue with it. You’re the best.

  61. celmendo

    That totally fixed my issue with it. You’re the best.

  62. Rich A


    >> How would we edit the tri-screen? Like, crop it ourself?

    That’s the idea. I’m kinda partial to jpegcrop. It’s free, simple enough to use, and doesn’t put the bits through a decompress/recompress cycle, which can reduce the image quality. You can find it at jpegclub.org.

  63. Liam

    Ryan, this wallpaper is absolutely stunning and utterly beautiful. Great job!

  64. Katie

    I set this as my desktop on my laptop and my mother-in-law saw it and said, “Oh that’s a lovely photo, where was that taken?” She was so surprised when I told her it was digitally rendered! It looks wonderful!

  65. Aras

    How would we edit the tri-screen? Like, crop it ourself?

  66. Ryan

    Aras: Lately I have been centering my dual-screens and having folks edit the triple-screen if they want a different cropping option. Hope this helps!

  67. Aras

    It’s good, but… the dualscreen has the water right in the center of the 2 screens and therefore doesn’t come out nearly as well.

  68. Kris G

    This one reminds me of Norway’s Fjords. Absolutely wonderful. I could get lost in this one for hours. Great work, Ryan!

  69. Miguell026

    have to agree with others..

    this scenario is epic.. hope you have more in mind..

    ohh yes…

    keep it up! nice job!!

  70. Andrew

    This is in my opinion the best piece you’ve ever created. The level of detail is outstanding, but the landscape and feel is relaxing and subtle enough to make a perfect computer background for both my desktop and blackberry. Keep up the amazing work!

  71. Andrew

    This is in my opinion the best piece you’ve ever created. The level of detail is outstanding, but the landscape and feel is relaxing and subtle enough to make a perfect computer background for both my desktop and blackberry. Keep up the amazing work!

  72. suab


    this is one of your best pictures ever and its definitely 10/10, but there are 2 minor things that bother me:

    – the color of the land (in the middle of the picture) seems too bright for me. It keeps me wondering, what is it supposed to be? (light grass, sand)?

    the trees on the right seem to go too far up the mountain in my opinion i.e. it seems little unrealistic to me…

    but still… 10/10

    buying my membership a year agao was the BEST SPENT MONEY EVER

  73. James

    Right now I am in the middle of Final Fantasy 13 and this picture reminds me of the great scenery in the game. Great Work and Great job.

  74. Brian

    To put it simply, this is my favorite image on DB by a wide margin. Well done sir.

    On a side note, filling up 13 GB of RAM is damn impressive. I work with some memory intensive software (not rendering software though) and I have never even come close to that. Sorry, the nerd in me smiled when I saw that.

  75. Ronnie B

    Ryan, you’ve done something that I couldn’t have done myself: paint the vista from my dreams. Thank you for this, it’s one of your grandest achievements!

  76. Andy

    Exactly what I’ve been waiting for! Nice job Ryan!

  77. Melissa

    Love it!!

    Great work Ryan!!

  78. Craig

    This one is absolutely beautiful! Can you make a morning or late afternoon version?

  79. gunslinger

    I am a fan of digitalblasphemy for years and I joined all of your free gallery images. With this image I had to become a member!!

    Absolutely fantastic!

  80. John B.

    I hope 640×480 isn’t being dropped. Believe it or not, it’s still useful as the native background res for many HTC Android devices.

  81. Tyler

    Spring is referring to the season and not a body of water. In Ryan’s words, “As the name implies I may revisit this scene during different seasons.”

  82. Patrick

    My only criticism is that it’s more a fjord than a spring. It’s definitely a 10 though.

    A wonderful image.

  83. Brian

    I agree with BenC. I’m a tough grader too. I gave this a 9 only because 10 is well, a 10. I’m saving it.

    Love the tri-screen render. Makes we want to spend the $ on the hardware just to properly display this pic. You should sell digitalblasphemy certified display hardware on the side! :^)

  84. BenC

    Ryan, if you are going to continue to produce work of this calibre then you’re going to have to add a few more points to your rating scale either 11 and above or decimal places after 9. I originally gave this a 9 as I’m of the opinion that absolute perfection is not possible but the more i look at highland spring and notice new details the more i think its worth more than a mere 9.

    Absolutely fantastic.

  85. Tammy

    That’s whay I love your work… it has the ability of making total strangers walk past my computer monitor, stop and say ‘Wow’. Thank you Ryan 🙂

  86. AlexH

    Drooling at the new 7680 x 1600 multiscreen version. Too bad it costs as much as a car for me to get that amount of screen real estate where I live 😛 Awesome pic and I’ve always loved your seasonal variation pictures, please bring on the winter spring and summer! 😀 Also, wtfwtfwtf your box = want. It’d be like programming a super computer with that many cores and that much RAM. 😛

  87. woodrow


  88. Phat

    But what did your machine cost to build?

  89. lindepg

    This one really rocks, Ryan! Keep it up.

  90. Clayton

    First time I’ve placed a comment here, but felt this image was worth it.

    Ryan, great job, gave this one a 10 !

    Well done.

  91. Hunter

    From now on, ALL of your wallpapers should require 13gb of RAM and contain over 25 billion polygons…

    I look forward to the day that this wallpaper is bested.

  92. Pastor B

    This is incredible. It makes me want to be there right now. What a sense of scale and depth. Truly amazing. Well done.

    -Pastor B

  93. Smithd132

    This pic is amazing… i’ve got it on my pc background on a 24″ benq and my ps3 background on a 46″ full hd 1920×1080 samsung… you can imagine how it looks, its just pure amazing on the tv.

    I was thinking today, a shot like this of something like the grand canyon would look stunning aswell, or a big snowy mountain slope, or something along those lines :)..

    I also love how this pic became your number 1 pic of all time within hours of you posting it up… amazing stuff..

    Cheers, Keep up the always amazing work..






  94. Wraith

    3 words: I love it.


  95. Michael

    Ok Ryan, I dont leave many comments but after seeing this I had to. I’ve been watching you for the better part of a decade. and reciently became a lifetime member. I have to say this is one of your best renders ever. Thanks for the dual screen..


  96. Deanna

    I take a teensy mini-vacation every time I look at this picture. 🙂 It hasn’t left my desktop since you put it up. Thank you for this beautiful wallpaper!

  97. Reuben

    I would love to see a poster of this awesome wallpaper, I haven’t got one before, but if there was one for this, it would make me change my mind, because it is so good. Reminds me a lot of New Zealand.

  98. Fizzrate

    Just Beautiful!!!!!! mind blowing! almost makes me feel like im flying

  99. Sovereign

    I’m a complete nerd–my computer’s desktop changes with the season. I was annoyed with my boring usual “Spring” wallpaper. DB to the rescue!

  100. Max

    Just 16 is insane but double that is mind blowing. Technology is advancing so rapidly!

  101. Reuben

    That says it all, easily a 10 in my book

  102. LauraS

    Having spent my summers growing up at Hume Lake, which hangs on the edge of Kings Canyon, I kind of thought the same thing. It doesn’t remind me so much of the canyon itself, but of some of the areas in the Kings Canyon (and Sequoia) National Forest.

    Ryan, if you ever need inspirations for another canyon scene, I’d highly recommend the Waimea Canyon on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. There’s lots of beautiful reds and greens in that canyon and every time I drove by it when I was vacationing on Kauai, there would be a rainbow hanging out somewhere in the canyon. Some of my favorite pictures from trip came from that location.

    Now if you excuse me I’m going to put the dual screen render on my monitors and enjoy the view for the rest of the day. This scene really made my day. 🙂

  103. Empressgot

    You knew I needed This!

  104. JK

    That was quick! Saw it before I saw your reply. I chuckled. 🙂

  105. Ryan

    That was a typo on my part. Sorry for the confusion!

  106. GreatWhite

    Great to see a nice bright background! I’ve been a follower of the site for years and a member for only several months and after seeing this new background I had to take ryan up on his discount and go for the lifetime membership. I check the site religiously and find myself anxiously waiting for new creations to light up my HDTV set up where I can full appreciate them on a 46″ screen. The work is such an everyday part of my life that i’m sure it has an effect on my mood so seeing this new bright and breathtaking background im sure will have me in high spirits for the time being. As always, can’t wait to see whats up next.

  107. JK

    The thumbnail for this on the main page says “updated 01/25/10”. How did I miss this? It looks from my POV it landed here in the last week or so (this post is 3/8/2010).

  108. Jon H

    This view reminds me of Yosemite National Park

  109. Andrew Kil

    Subtle, believable, epic, gorgeous. I usually go for darker backgrounds, but this one is so good…

  110. Matt Beyer

    This one is beautiful and I think I have a new favorite! I really like the perspective and having the focus in the center makes my dual-monitors feel like a window and not just screens. Great job as always!

  111. RIch


    not “sheet”

  112. Rich

    The sheet volume of another world you have created here makes my 50 inch plasma look like a god damn window in the room.

  113. DPrescott

    One of your best!!!!

  114. Heather

    I love this one! BTW, I also love the scenes with lightning in them… don’t know what you are talking about, LauraS. 🙂

  115. dujeon

    This is the best picture you have done, its unbelievable, took my breath away, fantastic good job man

  116. Eric B

    Beautiful image, reminds me of Kings Canyon National Park. This is one of the best images this year. Two small comments: the foreground grass is slightly out of focus and the small clouds hanging in the background have no definition, just white thresholded. Other than those small things, a truly impressive piece of work!

  117. RG

    this one is beautiful. can’t wait for the dual version!

  118. LauraS

    First of all, yay for no lightning, lol (though I can certainly forgive you Ryan for sticking lightning into a scene every once in a while).

    Scenes like this are what convinced me to buy a membership. The whole scene is beautiful and the grassy hill is especially exquisite. Just WOW. I am now eagerly yet patiently awaiting the dual screen so I can stare at this at work.

  119. Brian

    This one is simply amazing. Cannot wait for the dual screen version. Great job!

  120. sheldon

    i can almost smell the fresh air …

    Very good work.

  121. GeneralB

    By ‘contemporary’ I was mixing up words when I was trying to say “instead of doing autumn/winter versions (if you were planning on doing them), do something more interesting with the scene”.

    Not sure how much work either of my suggestions would involve, but it makes any ‘remakes’ you may decide to do of it more interesting.

    Also, I would have loved an edit button right about now. >_>

  122. GeneralB

    It really is beautiful, but why go contemporary when you could make a volcanic eruption feeding streams of lava into the sea, sending out huge gouts of steam (no need to make it a wasteland, but lava entering an ocean makes one hell of a spectacle).

    Failing that, glaciers!

  123. Chad

    Reminds me of a valley that I spent most of my summers in as a kid. Well done! Can’t wait to get it in the dual or triple screen format, but I suspect those take longer to render 🙂


  124. Brian

    I can’t put my finger on any one aspect….but this is a wow. IT is my favorite at this time. I’ve put it as my droid wallpaper also, and everytime I look at my phone I just think how awesome it is. Thank you.

  125. Weigraf

    I love this new image, when will it be available in double screen format?!!

  126. Aaron M

    A truly striking and beautiful wallpaper. Ryan, your talent and dedication continue to produce amazing artwork.

  127. Nhaleen

    This is a breathtaking wallpaper! I absolutely love it!! Fantastic work Ryan!

  128. BenC

    The best by far, can’t wait for the multi monitor resolutions to be posted so i can get it on my work machine!

  129. NikB

    I originally gave this 9/10 but I wish I could now go back and change it to a 10. This is simply a stunning image, and as someone whose hobby is landscape photography I can really appreciate all the details: the light (and angle of the sun), the depth and all the points of interest that draw my eye around the image. Well done, Ryan. I look forward to the remaining 3 seasonal versions…

  130. Mike

    Simply breathtaking.

  131. Jeff

    This is my new desktop. Hands down, this is my new desktop.

  132. dmackoy

    Gotta say, after several years of visiting this site I finally broke down and purchased a membership. I was in college for most of the time so money was tight but now here I am. What an amazing image. Im so happy I joined the site.

  133. Brian

    Grand and sweeping. As you mentioned unlimited of future possibilities. Fall, winter, glaciers, tidal wave, water fall, etc.

    Saw the bird. Love the bird. How about a boat? Fortress island? Temple island? Ancient ruins? How about that LOST island statue? ;^)

  134. @simon

    I do believe that that is a bird, swooping over the valley.

  135. Simon

    It’s definately my favourite of all time!! Astonishing without comparison! There’s only one thing that keeps distracting my eyes, that little black something just to the right of the center of the picture (in the woods to the right of the sand). Is it a flaw? Or what is it supposed to look like??

  136. John

    This is so beautiful… I can’t believe it. This literally took by breath away when I saw it. Simply amazing. Great comeback! I haven’t loved a wallpaper this much since… well… never! Thank you!

  137. Riju

    Ryan, this wallpaper reminds me why I am a lifetime member. Your last three works were not up to your usual breathtaking par, good but not amazing. But this is most definitely stunning. Instant classic.

  138. Geoff

    This is fantastic! Reminds me of Waimea Canyon in Hawaii.

  139. quietmtn

    Once again you have created a breathtaking piece of art. You often approach perfection and would have been even closer this time had there been at least some faded color in the far background. One’s eye is pulled to light that seems too intense for the scene. Great work, Ryan…as always.

  140. Pritesh

    Most people who are members of this site will appreciate stunning nature vistas. This is a classic example of such a vista. Timeless shot that will impress forever. Nicely rendered and i cant pick any faults at all!!! Excellent work Ryan! 10/10!!!

  141. Rare1

    Amazing, this is def one of my top favorites.

  142. Aaron

    I believe this m orn when I logged on it took my breath away.

  143. Mister M

    This is not normal, what a wallpaper, in one word fantastic, it shows your mood. Amazing, keep up making this kind of wallpapers

  144. Pin

    One of your most breathtaking work!

  145. Hunter

    Everything is amazing! It not only looks great, but the wallpaper doesn’t suffer at all from graininess, bad looking clouds, and the usual problems that most of us our able to ignore… but it’s so nice to see a brilliant wallpaper that isn’t plagued with those problems – you really notice it!

    I can’t wait for the dualscreen!!

  146. Ali

    >>I wish the distance was less/not washed out though.

    Agree. The distance doesn’t look misty and beautiful, it looks washed out, like some of the bad photos I used to take facing the sun.

    The peaks of the rocks are usually tilted toward the side of the picture, which is something I’ve been noticing for a long time. I guess it’s perspective distortion that stems from the software.

    I love the composition, but with these colors this one doesn’t belong in the top 10.

  147. Jim

    This one is amazing, knocks most of the rest of your recent work way out of the park. You’ve set a new high bar for yourself, looking forward to more like this!

  148. Luke

    It’s outstanding. I’m hanging out now for a variant of this image, so I can have one per monitor.

  149. Trifid

    I love the texture of the scotch moss in the foreground – Very Cool!

    I wish the distance was less/not washed out though.

  150. MUZIKMAN57


  151. MUZIKMAN57


  152. Silver

    I’ll agree with many others .. one of your best one is a while. Can’t wait for Tri-screen version!

  153. Evan

    This is your best work in a while, this image actually made me do a double-take. There is something about the detail and spring-life like quality of that tree in the foreground. This is someplace that I want to get lost in!


  154. Will

    looks awesome Ryan, it reminds me of coming down Big Bear Pass

  155. Will

    looks awesome Ryan, it reminds me of coming down Big Bear Pass

  156. Ryan

    Thanks Guys. @Philip D: The tree was modeled in Onyxtree. I don’t have any World Builder software installed any more 🙁

  157. Phillip D

    thanks, I need to feel spring, as where I am at it is still “winter” One of your best landscapes up to date. I bet that single tree was imported from Worldbuilder?

  158. Littlemom

    Oh this is one of your best. I love the mountains and the water and the lone tree. I agree with others who have said they could just see themselves just sitting by that tree looking down at the water. I think this is your best render to date. Your landcapes have always been my favorites and is why I became a member in the first place. Great job!!!!

  159. Mark

    Ryan, I thought this was a photograph!

  160. Robert

    The moment I made this my wp and cleared the desktop I was there. I felt I had suddenly risen many feet off the ground and was gazing in wonder. Beautiful!

  161. Shane

    I enjoy all your wallpapers but every once in a while I’m blown away by the work you do. This is one of the those times.

  162. Alex

    Beyond a doubt, your best landscape yet. I love the tree and cliff in the foreground. I’d love to sit there for an hour and just look out and ponder the mysteries of life…

    Your work over the last year or two has just become so brilliant. I can’t wait to see the other seasons!

  163. Gandalf

    Fantastic work Ryan! Nice change from the creations of the last year. I love all your work. I don’t complain if they are dark to brite. I see your work as a scene in your mind. You are the artist and create that way. I would think if you see a dark, moody piece, thats what you create. Nice start to a new year. p.s. Loved Citadel too.

  164. Mike

    I’ve always been a fan of your work, I think this is your first real standout wallpaper of 2010, couldn’t wait to put it on my desktop, as always, enjoying this one, and looking forward to the next

  165. Thom

    So calming and fantastic!

    After the last few lackluster renders, this one reminded me why I pay for your marvelous work.

    Keep it up!

  166. Steve

    Absolutely amazing

  167. Miguell026

    Ryan you did it again! great masterpiece!!

    Awesome! marvelous!

    this wallpaper is gonna look splendid on my 30″ HD display!

  168. Miguell026

    Ryan you did it again! great masterpiece!!

    Awesome! marvelous!

    this wallpaper is gonna look splendid on my 30″ HD display!

  169. Pete

    I love this. I absolutely love this. Now, I want to know where you went to take a picture of this, because I refuse to believe this is CG. Beautiful, Ryan!

  170. celmendo

    Def. among your best! The only thing that bugs me is the trees at the base of the mountain on the left. Maybe because of the added grain, but they look like you added rows of trees and forgot to add the detail so just a green tree shape is there. But it is amazing and I couldn’t wait to download it when I saw the email.

  171. Kana

    It looks like you brought a camera to that spot and snapped a photo. Incredible. However, the water could use a bit more detail and the bird looks a bit too small – for my liking, at least. There definitely is some pixelation on the left side cliffs… but beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Keep up the awesome work!

  172. Kana

    It looks like you brought a camera to that spot and snapped a photo. Incredible. However, the water could use a bit more detail and the bird looks a bit too small – for my liking, at least. There definitely is some pixelation on the left side cliffs… but beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Keep up the awesome work!

  173. Tardis

    wonderful, but I feel that the flying bird looks like an ink spot and spoils the overall view

  174. Lee

    in seeing the seasonal versions of this. The detail is amazing.

  175. Paul

    This is instantly one of my favorite wallpapers of yours. Absolutely amazing!

  176. Toetenel

    it’s hard to describe the most beautiful wallpaper you’ve seen in the last 23 years

    i think vue 8 is really something, thanks to you i’m trying stuff with the PLE, very lifelike, so much better than vue 7

  177. Timmo

    Awesome & Breathtaking

  178. Lidia

    It’s a bit too sunny for me. I never like it when there’s such a sharp contrast between the places the sun is hitting and the places the sun is not hitting. I prefer scenes that look a little more like a slightly cloudy day; brightly lit, but a bit more uniformly…

  179. Mithun

    Amazing work Ryan!!! Truly breath taking..

  180. Kevin

    Great job Ryan! This is fantastic and puts me in the mood for Spring. We’re really tired of the snow here in Ohio.

  181. Isaac

    The flow and the definition on every blade of grass on the closest hill in the foreground is pristine. I’m curious if anything can be done to the pixelation of the furthest cathedral ledge in the background on the left. Some really really fine work!

  182. Jason

    As usual, a spectacular image.

  183. dejerdejer

    Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have a high bar to live up to for your next creation. this pic. is great!!! I gave it a 10. I don’t give many 10’s but this deserves it.

  184. T7

    Can’t wait for the dual-screen version. 🙂

  185. Jason

    been with you for a couple of years now and you never fail to amaze me keep it up!!!

  186. mozza444

    I’ve been a member for several years, and whilst i always love your work, this is the first time i just had to comment. Excellent work, this one truly is amazing, and well worth the wait!

  187. Bradley

    I can’t believe that technology anlong with artists have advanced that far! I looked at the picture and simply thought “wow”. You have raised the bar for any digital artist!

  188. kellzilla

    This is probably my favorite landscape you’ve done so far.

  189. Walo

    This is a “10” one for me.

  190. Scott

    Just in time for today’s warm weather… Forest Citadel was starting to get gloomy. Very nice job!

  191. Josh

    Wow, just absolutely amazing…

    Can’t wait for the dual monitor version!

  192. TwoWolves

    That grass in the foreground is quite something. Well done.

  193. Sly

    Very nicely done. To me it seems like a painting style. It almost provokes feelings of flying over the Highland valley. I think the trees towards the bottoms seem a bit jumbled to me but it doesn’t bother me at all, just figure I would mention it. All together, very nicely done.

  194. Justin

    You said you’d bring a brighter one than the last one, and you sure did! Although I liked the darker one as well, the brightness for this setting is perfect, and I like how you made it foggy the more you go to show distance? I don’t know how to describe it, but it looks great!

  195. Ari

    Awesome output, as always. ^_^

    I’d be interested to see a night version of this one, perhaps with a full moon low and bouncing off the water.

  196. Gage

    Truly Epic in my opinion. I always love ur landscapes best, and I look forward to ur next underwater scape, cause posiden is my current favorite. However, I think that lone tree over looking the trees of the valley is missing like a hawk or something. maybe change the flying bird to be perched overlooking the Lush valley? not my picture, and just my opinion

  197. Will

    I love it! I love the perspective. I love the content. I love landscapes! They always make me feel small and at awe with the environment.

    Ok here comes the standard negative after someone gives you a compliment. I find the clouds at the focal point to make the mountain look like it is hanging. I guess it is a cloud in front of the mountain but looks suspended when I guess it shouldn’t be.

    Either way a 10 in my book!

    Thanks Ryan!

  198. Ryan

    Good eye. I struggled a bit with the trees on the right. Everything I tried came out like a distraction and interrupted my eye tracking down the valley. In the end I decided that uniformity on the sides would better frame the center. Perfect? Maybe not, but the only perfect art is a blank canvas right?

  199. nate j

    this one is just unreal. it brings some of the best elements from of your other great works. It’s perfect for March with all the green, but those steep textured mountain slopes and the tree. I’ve always loved most of your work but this one is a step up from anything i’ve seen. Wow!

  200. nate j

    this one is just unreal. it brings some of the best elements from of your other great works. It’s perfect for March with all the green, but those steep textured mountain slopes and the tree. I’ve always loved most of your work but this one is a step up from anything i’ve seen. Wow!

  201. Jesse

    I’m truly impressed with this one. You’ve made some jaw-droppingly amazing backgrounds but this takes it to a whole new level. Thank you for sharing your talent with the world!

  202. The Guru

    First things first. It looks great. I love the layout and the concept but thought that a couple things fell a little short. The rocks on the left seem almost as if they’re made of wet clay rather than rock. I think it’s the texture. Also, the small and numerous trees on the right seem a little… repetative. They seem too perfect in their uniformity. I don’t know if putting some gaps and ridges in there would fix it or not. Despite my issues, I still think it looks absolutely fabulous. Good work!

  203. Mike R.

    This really can’t get a whole lot better. There’s something I’m not completely satisfied with where the visibility fades in the distance, but hey, this is absolutely gorgeous. 9/10

  204. JD

    the first wallpaper with sunlight in quite a while.

    Spring is comming!

  205. pete

    Foreground is stunningly beautiful! Something about the distance elements aren’t working for me though. Not sure if it is the lack of sharpness or the lack of transparency of the fog…

    To add, I’ve never like the added elements, like the single bird here, (or single human or wolf)… Just my feeling, I know every artist has their own thing. (Would love a copy without though…)

    Of course that’s the critical comments 🙂 Still looks great, if it didn’t, it wouldn’t be on my desktop!

  206. TomasM

    Joining the chorus. With a big smile on my face! I’m from Norway, so an appreciation of mountains, valleys and fjords is in my genes. Highland Spring is not just a wallpaper; it’s a true work of art! It’s the reason why I purchased a lifetime membership. Thank you!

  207. scott wray

    cant wait to use it. dual wide screens!

  208. Mark

    That is staggeringly good! Nice job! Got an autumn one coming? After all, while you lot up north are going into spring, us in the south are going into autumn…

  209. Matt

    This is head,shoulders, knees, toes, mountains, and planets above all of your other work. Hands down. Thank you Ryan!

  210. Nick

    Looks amazing. I can’t wait to see the other seasons. I’m also hoping for some multi-screen shots of this too.

  211. Kyle

    Having the ledge and small tree there makes this wallpaper feel like you’re standing at the edge of this massive valley. I love it!! 10/10 for sure!

  212. Jenanne

    oops, sorry!

  213. Jenanne

    It gives perspective and balance to the scene. It makes the image special; without it the awesome valley is just a mere valley. Block the tree with your hand and you’ll see what I mean. Not to mention it would take a very long render to change. 🙂

  214. Jenanne

    It gives perspective and balance to the scene. It makes the image special; without it the awesome valley is just a mere valley. Block the tree with your hand and you’ll see what I mean. Not to mention it would take a very long render to change. 🙂

  215. Jenanne

    This is outstanding, dazzling, impressive, eye-popping, fulgurous… and all those other adjectives that mean GREAT! I particularly like the lone tree and the soaring bird. A definite 10, Ryan!

  216. Samuel

    do we really need the little tree?

    Can we just have the AWESOME valley below?

  217. Tim H

    Absolutely amazing, well done !

  218. Valwit

    dude, you redefinig the word awesome for me every time. this is so great. i just want to get there. 🙂

  219. Ray

    Brilliant! I dont know how you manage to come up with stuff like this, but hope your imagination never runs dry…Thank you!

  220. Mairead

    This is absolutely stunning. The little detail of the eagle in the midground just makes the entire image come together for me

  221. easone

    Love the light-scattering effect in the far field. It adds a sense of 3-dimensionality and a sense of scale.

  222. Joe

    Great and amazing. Wonderful work on this one! Not too dark. 😉

  223. Travis L.

    I love it. It even gained an awe-inspired comment from my cube-mate who is an avid photographer of all things epic and natural! He gives it two thumbs up, as do I!

  224. Travis L.

    I love it. It even gained an awe-inspired comment from my cube-mate who is an avid photographer of all things epic and natural! He gives it two thumbs up, as do I!

  225. Tyler

    Dear Ryan,

    It’s funny the dramatic contrast between this and last image. I love them both. Obviously this one is completely off the hinge… The sense of scale you accomplished here is outrageous. Yours and my favorite my friend.

  226. Ben

    You really outdid yourself on this one!

  227. Ryan

    Easily a 10/10

  228. Pim V


    Unbelievably stunning – the grass and flowers in the foreground are incredibly rendered. The only issue I had with it was the clouds and mountains (on the right) looked a little grainy? But after it rendered for so long I’m not sure you’d want to wait and try again 😉

  229. Ezra

    My new favorite!

  230. Tim Morris

    Your best yet. Seriously.

  231. Rachael F

    All I can say is WOW!!!

  232. Psyclone

    Good Lord, Ryan. No wonder this thing took so long to render….

  233. Nate F

    Makes me think of a less fantasy like version of at world’s edge. Since the valley and lake are viewable below. Really great image, thanks

  234. John

    The grass on the rocks in the foreground looks absolutely terrific!

  235. Greg in CA


  236. Kev

    Didn’t take long for this image to get set as my background.

    I can only image how amazing this scene would like in the Fall…

  237. Jeff K


  238. Mike

    Ryan, my God dude…

    This one took my breath away. Incredible!

  239. Ryan S

    Your work is almost always incredible. This is one of those pieces that makes me wish I was there.

  240. Brian

    As many others have stated, this has to be your best yet! The sense of depth here is incredible!

  241. Dan M

    Another impressive image! Definitely in line with your best. I love the detail of the grass, or moss in the foreground. Really looking forward to a Summer, Fall, and Winter versions of this one!

  242. Matthew

    This is why I love your work! By far one of your best!!

  243. Andrew

    I agree with you “gunslinger.” I’ve been raiding the free gallery since 2002 and I finally had to get a membership after seeing this new image. I think of it as a early college graduation present that keeps on giving every time I turn on my computer.

  244. John A

    Previously I’ve always only ever posted criticism because I don’t think you get enough of it.

    I just saw your two most recent works and they are really something. This one in particular is absolutely freaking mind-blowing. I mean seriously that looks like it must have taken fricking ages!!

    And it almost finally in my mind illustrates the place of computer-generated art vs a photoshopped photo in providing novelty and realism with a resolution you don’t get with photos. The more you look at the photo the more details you see, like the emeralds by the tree.

    Really brilliant.

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