Gotham Garden (Autumn)


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The autumn version of my “Gotham
Garden” series
. Originally I rendered this as a sunset scene but found that the orange sky and the autumn leaves did not
contrast enough.

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61 reviews for Gotham Garden (Autumn)

  1. Atmos42 [basicmember]

    I was shocked to see how much this looks just like the pictures we are seeing from the California wildfires this year. 9 year old Psychic vision?

  2. Puritania

    I have always loved the Gotham wallapapers, but the 2010 redesigns have become a seasonal staple on my monitor, and when I bought a second monitor it became even better. I love this rendering especially, I think it’s the finest of the Gotham series. Now I ask… will there be a WINTER rendering?? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE??! Your work continues to inspire and amaze me!

  3. A.M.M.

    Ryan – what would it take to convince you to offer this in a poster print? It’s phenomenal.

  4. Teek

    I assume a winter version is in the works? I might have to put this one on a seasonal rotation! It’s one of my all-time favorites.

  5. Dennis

    This has GOT to be (in my opinion) one of the most beautiful and intricate pieces of artwork you have done to date. Not saying some of the others are not fantastic, but this one just appeals to me like no other you have done so far. Glad I am a lifetime member.

  6. Mike

    Just Download thie higher resolution and then resize the image by using Microsoft Office Picture or even MS paint for examples.

    I normaly do that for my duel screen is get the tri screen and crop it so it looks best for my set up.

  7. Fumigator

    My dual monitors at work are 1440×900 (16:10) native so I’d love to see a 2880×900 dual monitor option become available. If I use one of the other 16:10 options, and “tile” the image to get it to span across both monitors, I lose a bit of the image around the edges. I should probably see if I can find a utility that will span the image AND re-size it to fit.

    The image itself is fantastic– great balance and detail– and I love the different variations!

  8. Nicola

    It looks to me like the multiscreen renders have brigher lighting. The trees are more strongly list from underneath and there’s much more “flare” around the lights. I quite like it, as really dark backgrounds make me feel too sleepy at work, but I’m not sure if it doesn’t lose the atmosphere a little.

  9. kellzilla

    Sunset version is available in the Pickle Jar link at the bottom of the resolution links.

  10. llminthorn

    The new gg is very nice (would have like to have seen the sunset autumn you mentioned); can’t wait to see gg winter. When it does come out you will have all the seasons covered! Good job.

  11. David

    Dieing to update my previous gotham garden background… but I need the multiscreen!!

  12. Elisa

    Multiscreen wallpapers still not up ?

  13. Elisa

    Multiscreen wallpapers still not up ?

  14. Billy

    Ryan I love the use of color, and the juxtaposition of modern city buildings with nature in the foreground. It reminds me of what I think of as an ideal place to be.

  15. ErgoProxy

    This is bloody amazing. Straight to desktop for me.

  16. Roberto DG

    The colours of autumn are just perfect with this city night scenario. It is really a great work: the gotham series is a different genre from your usual works and it works very good for me! Great quality as always Ryan!

  17. Chris B

    would have to be allhallowseve & two pumpkins (jack o lanterns) would have to be your two best so far.

  18. Ryan

    I am working on something Curtis but it is a bit different what what I’ve done before. I hope it works out!

  19. Curtis

    Any news on if you’ll be working on a Halloween image for 2010? I loved your 2009 Halloween wallpaper.

    It’d be great to see what you come up with for this year.

  20. Abby

    Gotham City is one of my all time favorites! And I get comments when ever I have it up at work. I can’t wait until the winter scene is ready!!!

  21. Chris B

    Like if the sun was behind the person reflecting off of all the glass? That would be pretty awesome!

  22. nickaix

    I like the current render better than the ‘sunset’ version for sure, but I think a sunset _could_ be really amazing. When the sun hits the buildings just so, and the light bouncing off the buildings turns the glass walls into dozens of blinding suns. Maybe it could work in the winter, when the sun is lower in the sky anyway?

  23. Randy

    I was hoping you would give us another night version with a different color for the trees than lavender. This is beautiful.

  24. Rich A

    I meant to post about this when the mult-monitor versions of the summer versions appeared. Here’s the problem:

    The summer and spring versions of the dual-monitor renders have different compositions. In the former, the man is in the center; in the latter, he appears on the right. This causes a problem if you cycle your (dual-monitor) wallpaper through the different seasonal variations. (It’s not a problem for the single screen versions.)

    Any chance you could ever go back and recompose the dual-monitor renders for Gotham Garden (Summer)?

  25. Ryan

    The multiscreen version is rendering right now. I develop the single screen prior to the multiscreen so there is an unavoidable delay between the two.

  26. ED

    Love the new wallpaper, but where is the dual monitor version?

  27. JKNorth

    I’m glad you decided on the night version for the gallery. The contrast with the leaves is striking.

  28. dmackoy

    The night render is easily my favorite rendition of this scene. Well done. Makes me want to move to the a larger metro area.

  29. Unclegumby

    Actually, I prefer the Pickle Jar version – like the redness.

  30. Tyler

    I concur with the crowd on the PJ. However, I really feel that if a sky more like “Biodome Sunset” was implemented the PJ concept would have prevailed. We need to see the sun setting behind the skyscrapers for that effect to succeed. That is just my two cents though…

  31. BenC

    The pickled version looks more like smog than sunset, glad you abandoned it for the gallery version – it’s the best of the series so far!

  32. dejerdejer

    The pickle jar version needs to stay there….the gallery post is a lot better!

  33. John

    The contrast isn’t great I agree, but I think a bigger problem is that the buildings seem to have almost no detail in the sunset version, particularly the one a little to the right of the center with the triangular top.

  34. snave

    I like this rendering better than summer and/or spring.

  35. Chris B

    Not really the place for it probably, but is there a way when you log in to have a link that sends you back to the page you were on or for it to take you back to that page on its own? exe: The log in box popped up, I put in my name/pass. Then it takes you to the log in/sign up screen, then I had to go to home then back here. It’s not that big of a deal really, just something you might want to look into next time you do a sight update.

    keep up the great images (I’d rather have more images than that fixed but just putting it out there. 😉

  36. Chris B

    I wonder if haiku is somewhere in that pool 😉 I like how the buildings blend into the stars in the sky. The ferns may need to turn a little more yellow but they’re fine. Awesome render

  37. littlemom

    I love the way the trees look, and although this is a nice render I agree with others that this one done with a day scene would look even better. I also agree with others that there should be more leaves on the ground. Can’t wait to see what you do next.

  38. Joshua

    I love thinking about being there. Thanks for this great wallpaper! BTW, please make this one a Dual and Triple Screen one. 🙂

  39. The Guru

    First of all, I love it. The vibrancy of the colours on the trees is amazing. One thing I was curious about is the summer-like look of the ferns and other smaller plant life that is below it. I know they don’t go to bright colours come the fall but still, they tend to go to yellow or brown, don’t they?

  40. Tim

    Agree with an earlier comment about needing leaves on the walkway. A daytime version would be great too. I love you Gotham series!

  41. Walo

    I love this one, the leaves on the water are a good touch.

  42. horizstar

    Looking forward to the sunset version in the Pickle Jar.

  43. Jackie F

    The colors are wonderful! Love anything with trees in the picture! Thanks for another awesome wallpaper!

  44. Mike

    I never really liked your new versions of gotham gardens, but just one look at this one and it was my new work background. I really like the brightness of the trees in the front and the darkness in the rear of the shot.

  45. Jeff K

    But I would think that guy would be tired of standing there after all this time. 🙂

  46. Nate F

    the lighting and colouring all go together very well.

  47. Jonathan

    I like this picture and the whole collection, but I think a different perspective would make them even better. It looks like the roof in this picture is high above the ground. Could you render a night panorama of a cityscape where the viewer is looking down from a position where there is a line of sight all the way down to the streets? This is just a suggestion, but I think it would really reveal the enormous scale of the skyscrapers.

  48. Samuel

    I love Gotham Garden…

    Any color/season!

  49. Macmage

    WOW – fantastic a 10 in my book

  50. Benson

    Yet another Gotham Garden, and it does not disappoint — I think this is edging out At World’s Edge for my favorite 4-seasons piece.

    True story — at work, I have a rotation of db wallpapers on my double-head workstation. Three out of the five coworkers who regularly come by my desk have asked “Where was that taken?” or some variation, all for Gotham Garden variations. Well, one of them also asked about Desert Dawn, and then again about some other one.

  51. Luc J

    Looks beautiful. It would look even better with more “falling” leaves from the tree that aren’t yet on the ground and there should be some leaves on the path also.

  52. Wraith

    Nice mix of nature within an urban environment. Could we perhaps see a day version that showcases the trees more?

  53. Dan

    I really love this series, and this autumn version is sweet!

  54. SirAbbadon

    love it. keep it up!

  55. Henry


  56. Morphino

    Very cool! I love your winter and autumn wallpapers, can’t wait to see winter versions of Gotham Garden and Highland.

  57. Geep

    I really like the muted atmosphere of this. Looks like the view outside my window. 🙂 Excellent work!

  58. Aaron

    So I am going to be a little nerdy here, but I’m excited that I finally get to comment after being a DB fan for almost 10 years (since I was 10!) I’ve always enjoyed the Gotham scenes, and this is no exception. I feel like taking a night stroll through this place. Thanks!

  59. artsavant

    Early movie makers put frames around the screen to be like the painters that preceded them. Now 3D artists add blur and prism effects to look like photography. Ironically, photography is moving toward high range dynamics that capture detail in deep focus.

    That’s where I think 3D should be, taking advantage of our medium, instead of mocking up another. We can see in 3D much more as the eye sees, in focus wherever it looks, with lightening fast iris changes that let us see detail in shadow or full brightness wherever it looks.

    That’s why I especially love Gotham Garden. The detail is breathtaking. And even though it may have a little haze in the distance, that is part of the setting not an attempt to look like the photographic medium.

  60. V.M.O.

    Any chance of getting Gotham Garden with a spring theme? I love this one.

  61. V.M.O.

    Didn’t notice you already had other seasons of Gotham Garden on site.

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