

SKU: gazebo2k3 Category: Tags: , ,

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9 reviews for Gazebo

  1. Jimbo [basicmember]

    I’d go there if I could afford the space fare. The planetary environment seems a bit lively, what with the gas giant & its other satellites. Hope the young lady at the end of the pier knows when the tide is due to come in.

    Any interesting highlands close to the gazebo, Ryan?

  2. Romarch

    You’ve been playing with the “Gazebo” idea almost since the beginning, and of all versions I like this one the most. The structure’s a little odd-looking, yes. But the overall scene best captures the sense of infinitude, tranquillity and possibility I’ve gotten from all three pieces. This one’s *open*, spacious, in a way the 2013 render is not. (I find the gazebo there to be too confining, as it frames the whole scene; everything’s seen from between the pillars.)

  3. RC Davision

    This is an amazing image and probably a view most appreciated by a traveler to this planet, as the natives would most likely take it all for granted, like we do the full Moon. This image, and many of Ryan’s older efforts, would be amazing updated using the latest 3D graphics tools.

  4. Cheryl C

    I see myself as the woman at the end of the dock. This planet is not my home, but you have pretty much shown me what home looks like.

  5. Sebastian

    One of my fav renders, it got my eyes up for your site. Would absolutely love yet another update on this piece with the rendering capabilities of today.

  6. ET

    Please make a 5120×1600 or 7680×1600. Thanks!!

  7. Marc Kuhl

    Thank you for the update to Gazebo. This is great! I hope that there are more updates to come.

  8. Matt

    This is my favorite image you’ve ever done. Knowing that 95% of all comments consist of that statement, I’ll try to go into some detail. First of all, planetscapes has always been my favorite category. I’m in school studying to be a cosmologist (Famous Ex. Steven Hawking, Albert Einstein, etc.), so you can guess that I’ve always felt an attraction to the sci-fi genre. As well, the water effects that you do never cease to astound me with their realism and beauty. This image combines these two aspects along with a… I’m hesitant to say cheerful, but overall good feeling. A re-render of this scene in the new Vue Infinite enhancing the water and glass effects would be absolutely breathtaking.

  9. keri

    it is images like this that compel me to desire to frolick in your artistic mind… in your dreamscapes.. i want to live in this imagery.

    very fantastical and visually delicious.

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