Fluorescence (Bloom)


SKU: fluorescence2k9colors1 Category: Tags: , , ,


My “Fluorescence” mushrooms are pretty much iconic by now (at least within the niche of “wallpaper aficionados”) but their purpose for me has always been something akin to the teapot model that comes with Lightwave.

Basically it’s a prop on which to display different textures. Here I am experimenting with distance gradients and sub-surface lighting. I also wanted to upgrade the terrain with something a little more hi-res and bump up the radiosity lighting so the mushrooms themselves appear to be casting all of the light.

= Add to your a la carte shopping cart.

= No watermark version, for Plus members only. NOTE: On this page, this icon is a link by itself.

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Wallpaper À La Carte

The a la carte tool is intended for non-Members who which to purchase individual wallpapers. Members can use this tool if they wish to send images as gifts to friends and loved ones.

Single Screen Resolution *
Dual Screen Resolution *
Triple Screen Resolution *
Mobile Resolution *

223 reviews for Fluorescence (Bloom)

  1. Thomas [plusmember]

    I remember a friend inviting me to the website MANY years ago if I remember correctly, at least 15? And this is the image that caught my eye and initially got me to be a member. I have only been a paying member a few times but that is now changed as I have returned last year and after seeing the other renditions of the classic image, I am here to stay and will continue to fund his creations!!!

  2. Lorwynd [nonmonthly]

    Was expecting a bigger version of the “shrooms” when I opened up the dual screen. What a neat surprise when there were two more sets in the render with different colors. Very cool!

  3. Tony

    Favorite backdrop for my tablets. I love your many mushrooms!

  4. Unclegumby

    Request for the 2001 Holiday Fluorescence — Christmas to be rendered in new screen resolutions, please?

  5. GPH

    Are we ever going to be able to get fluorescence2k93 in iPhone 5 and iPad HD resolutions?

  6. Ryan

    Thanks for alerting me to this! Try it now and let me know if you are still seeing the white border. Be sure to reload the image or you might see the broken one from your browser cache.

  7. Fareed

    Something is wrong with the 1600 x 900 (16:9) version … there’s a white border on the left and bottom of the image. 🙁 Please fix

  8. Marilyn Timmerman

    Love your mushrooms and so many more of your pictures. I have your mushrooms through the color spectrum, also your sea anemone. I’ll be interested to see how your experiment goes with the mushrooms. Love how your seasonal pictures change and your day and night ones change. Beautiful.

    I just finished a couple of peacocks, one white and one green, but then I work in oil and only play with Photoshop. Sure is fun. Sometimes I chance some of my animals, closing their eyes and then opening them again. My pictures only stay on the screen about 5 seconds. Goes nice with the music I have on my computer. Marilyn

  9. nathank

    even afterall these years, this is one of my top 3 favs that rotates on my desktop 🙂

  10. D

    The 1152 x 864 version of fluorescence2k91 is missing.

  11. Thunderbol

    this one is absolutely awsome. the best of those fluorescence pics, the composition of colours is great!

  12. Casey17

    I’ve been a fan for awhile. This is by far the most awesome Flourescence yet!!

  13. Viper

    Can you try to render the images for a screen of 360×640 please. I would like to have all the digital blasphemy photos on slideshow on my Satio. Show off your excellent work to all my friends and family.


  14. parhjin

    Hi, there is no 240×320 version. I’m putting it on my Sony Ericsson M600i which has that screen. I tried 360×480 which has the same aspect ratio, but it looks bad because of being resized.



  15. myklebost

    why doesn’t this image turn up in titlesearch when searching for “Fluorescence”?

  16. Brian

    I love every single version of the Fluorescence wallpaper, back to the original. This one is the most awesome, by far.

  17. Mello

    Just wanted to share a funny moment. I display DB images on my work computer and I get quite the comments from co-workers who have no idea what DB is. Everyone really likes them and some think some of them are real pictures I took!? My one co-worker saw this image on my PC the other day and asked why I had psychedelic mushrooms on my computer. I got a good laugh.

  18. Jenanne

    This has been my wallpaper since it was posted, and I just love it. The colors are wonderful and awesome. Thanks for this masterpiece!

  19. Vince

    Reminds me of metroid prime: my favorite video game of all time. Amazing job.

  20. Mangoman

    Whoa!! Dang, but it is NICE! What an eye you have sir; this one really glows. I’ll rate it as high as I can. Beautiful!!

    Thank you!

  21. Michael R

    This image — the dual widescreen version — is shown in an article I did for this week’s DistroWatch Weekly (http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20090914). Full credit given to Ryan, of course, so hopefully it will drive a few new subscribers this way.

    Beautiful work, Ryan!

  22. James

    I have loved Fluorescence since it debuted, but you have really outdone yourself. Bravo.

  23. Michael

    I know Fluorescence is like a household name around here however I have never really enjoyed it until now, this one is just amazing, and now it is a DB household name for me, thank you!!

  24. Ray


    The link for the 240×320 mobile res for the Zune downloads as a 240×260 res. Could you fix please. Thanks.

  25. teddeler

    I found that with a bit of adjusting on the dual screen version I could get the smaller mushrooms to the left of the menu choices and the bigger mushrooms to the right of the menu choices, some of the sides are cut off but the ‘bar’ at the top where the picture stops doesn’t show cause it’s black like the top of the picture. It frames the text perfectly and looks fabulous!

    Thanks much!

  26. Mark J.

    The dual screen version of Fluorescence is perfect. The left screen has plenty of room for desktop icons and the right fills a screen that has no icons. Looks great.

  27. Chris B

    Only a 0.3 rating difference between colored & Blue. They’re as different as night & day.

  28. MagellanTX

    I just received my new laptop that has a LED display and this image really does it justice with incredible color clarity, I am definitely looking forward to more!!

  29. Yendub

    Did you ever plan on doing something like this with your Fluorescence for us, or was this just done because of popular demand? Just curious.

    BTW, This is totally awesome! Went on my netbook, Ipod, and desktop as soon as you posted it.

  30. Mandi

    This made it to my desktop immediately, not just into the file archive :-)!!

    LOL @ the different “strains” of mushrooms :-D!

  31. sigmaman

    Don’t like them at all.Definately prefer the blue ones.

  32. Ragnarök


    The combination and spectrum of colors here is both outrageous and bloody brilliant! This creates a hypnotic/hallucinogenic image that is far more profound than any previous versions. It also achieves as others have mentioned, that psychedelic effect which is synonymous with mushrooms. You are a perfectionist at heart, and that is why you just couldn’t leave this one alone. You knew that it deserved so much more, and now you have done it! This image has now shot up to the top 3 of my list. Did I mention those color choices are mesmerizing? I am so glad you decided to pimp this one out like you did. Yah boy!

  33. Kevin

    This is absolutely gorgeous. Wonderful update to the original. Thanks! 🙂

  34. toetenel

    the 2000 version was an epic one for that time, hard to beat that ^^

  35. Messiah84

    Also the 2000 version has been on this web site for 9 years, you cannot expect the ratings for the new version to climb as high in a couple of months. Its like come on 🙂

  36. Messiah84

    I dislike this revision! The blue version of this pic was what should have replaced the 2000 version! Then you go and replace the 2009 blue version with THIS? I thought you said that you were not going to do anymore with Fluorescence or Fluorescence 2009 after you released the blue version of Fluorescence 2009. I did not rate Fluorescence 2009 because it was off the RICHTER MATE 🙂 I will rate this version……. as low as I possibly can!

  37. Jenanne

    And I agree that both the blue and the colorful version should be posted on the main page. No need to picklejar the blue version — let’s have both!

  38. Jenanne

    I love the colors in this version! Actually, I love everything about it. Right to desktop. Wonderful work, Ryan! I’d also love to see a purplish version, like the smaller mushrooms in the dual widescreen. Any possibility of that?

    Thanks for all your hard work!

  39. Matt

    That’s the best comment I’ve read on here in a while, thanks for that. I have to agree that this is an outstanding rendition. Well done, Ryan!

  40. JK

    Thanks for adding the multi-monitor versions!

    Instant classic.

  41. cecileva

    Love the colour change, they’re highly psychedelic! 🙂

  42. andrew

    Nice spin on a classic, love it. got to dl this one.

  43. cthulhu

    the link for the palm resolution 320×320 is not working

  44. Nate F

    i think that this update to the old image makes a huge difference; it is an excellent remake of a great image

  45. Jason B

    I think that both the colors and the blue deserve spots in the gallery. The blue is your trademark and the color is fantastic. You post both the day and night versions of your landscapes, why not both of these?

  46. Jason B

    Can’t wait to show this one off at work on my Dual-Screens! This one seems to render pretty quick, can we hope for a Multi-Screen in the very near future?

  47. Cougar

    Oh Ryan…. I have a serious man crush on you after this !! The best ever. Well done mate..

  48. Isis

    The coloured one is really great, but I think that the blue one IS the DB trademark.

    Please post ’em both!

  49. Chris B

    First off, I would have them both in the gallery… You have Fluorescence6 & the Christmas one in the gallery… Just saying 😉 I don’t think you have to throw the blue on in the pickle jar.

    I do agree that photoshopping the shrooms to make them a different color makes them as good as when they are rendered, but if you want a specific color it works until Ryan makes them *nudge nudge* 😉

  50. John N.

    This version of Fluorescence is the best one!

  51. JK

    Rendering multi-screens for this?

  52. Joe

    Ryan this is just awesome I like it MUCH better than the other new fluorescence you just did. (though it was good). This is now my wallpaper!!

  53. Lidia

    I love this version with the new colors; it’s superb! Definitely gallery worthy, although the blue one was too; I would’ve left both in the gallery. I do like the blue ground better than the red ground, though. Could you render a version of this one with blue ground under the mushrooms?

  54. Macindean

    The original has been my favorite for years now. Now I have a new favorite. IT’S GREAT!!!! Blown away also! Thanks Ryan.

  55. Mandi

    I’m blown away by the texture this version offers, it seems really palpable. Hoping for a multi-screen version!

  56. Tom F.

    Fantastic. Wonderful. Great piece of art. I totally agree that you should put it in the Members Gallery.

  57. Miguell026

    awesome colors! much more appealing!

    and the very “edges” have better quality and are not faded as the blue version!

    sweet!!! Good Work Ryan!

    awesome as usual!

  58. Gage

    +1 from me

  59. Dennis

    Infinite Variety in Infinite Combinations.

    While you are at it, what sort of beastie eats those things?

  60. Kate

    I like it better than the blue!

  61. Chuck


  62. Tim


    Love the new version! Put it in the gallery!

  63. Donna

    I love the colors, but the caps seem more opaque and darker. Is that from translating between the different tools?

  64. Pete

    Hi Ryan

    I for one think the should be in the gallery. I am glad to finally have grabbed the red one. I’ve messed with the colors, and they just don’t look the same. A green one would be great also.


  65. Chris B

    I know all versions of PS are different… but on CS2, to change the color you go to:



    Then go to any or all of the below:

    “Color Balance”

    This will keep it the same color for the most part just change some of the blues to different colors, mostly the Glowing


    Probably the easiest way. Just drag the hue bar until you get the color you want.

    Saturation will increase or mute the colors

    Lightness will make the whole image lighter or darker.

    “Replace Color”

    Most difficult but you can do some cool things. You can make a multi-colored one Kind of like Ryan’s newest version. You can click on the different shades of blue and make them different colors, or you can click all over the places and change the whole image to whichever color you want.

    Play around with it & you’ll have fun 😉 I can’t create the art like Ryan can, but I love photography & then messing with them in photoshop.

  66. Walo

    +1 vote to get it on the gallery. love it.

  67. Kirk

    Hi Ryan,

    I know you’ve been saying that different versions of fluorescence can easily be made with photoshop, hence your reluctance to post them. But I don’t have photoshop, and even if I did I wouldn’t have the slightest clue how to change the colors. I’m sure a lot of people are in the same boat as me.

    So while it might seem trivial to post color variations to you, I bet a lot of people would appreciate it.

    Thanks, and keep up the great work!


  68. NeiL

    Hi Ryan

    Really Love the Colours versions & the original with the “dust”

    Could you please upload a 1680×1050 resolution for the original dust version & the iPhone resolution as well ?

    Also , Please do some more abstracts !!!

    Much appreciated & Many Thanks


  69. Jackson

    Any change you make to thw work you enjoy will only tell more of the storie. It makes you think of something new you get a new idea or sparks a new thought so it wouldn’t matter the color so GOOD JOB!

  70. Mark J.

    My new wallpaper.

  71. Chris B

    Kinda like the Christmas one, only I think I like it better. I’d put it in the gallery. You did the Christmas one after all.

  72. David

    It’s absolutely gallery-worthy, please make it so! It’s beautiful.

  73. Benjamin

    I know its iconic for the site, but I never loved Fluorescence as much as some of your other work, and haven’t ever kept it in regular rotation — but that changes with the color one in the PJ now. I love it.

  74. Jason

    best version yet! definitely worthy of a gallery post imo. would love to see multi-screen renders 😀

  75. Mike

    Wow – that’s pretty cool!

  76. JK

    I say do it and make multi-screens! It’s awesome. I’ve already shifted the hue several different ways and in Win7 set it to change every 10 secs to the next color. Makes a nice effect with little technology or effort.

  77. John

    Def put it in the gallery… love it!

  78. Brian

    I think the colored version is really cool! I’ve always liked this image, and the different colors make it that much more awesome in my opinion. Pickle jar or gallery it’s up to you Ryan, just don’t take it down!

  79. Chris

    The new color scheme is great, but ultimately, it’s still just a variation on an existing piece. I say pickle jar.

  80. me_myself_

    Subject says it all!!!

  81. Glen

    Yeah. I like it a lot.

    Ever think of making into a tattoo?

  82. Lisa

    I think both deserve to be in the gallery. They both give such different ‘feels’.

  83. Jason

    I vote for putting this in the gallery with a full work up of resolutions!

  84. Jerry

    Ryan, I don’t know if you where aware of this but, in Windows XP the icon text with that background makes the icon text extremely illiterate. What I mean is the text shows up white with a light shadow effect. I know when you use a white background the icon text normally shows up in black, but for some reason with this background it shows up white with a barely visible shadow. Can anything be done with this Ryan? Thankyou

  85. Justin H.

    I love all your other stuff, but I just find this really dull. Although the colors are cool I was dissapointed in finding another version of this.

  86. Miguell026

    well i like the original more…

    tho the texture here is great the very edges of the “plant” seem.. to have lost their “sharpness”

    the edges seem a bit faded..and “choppy”..

    it shows more on high res like mine!

    either way is a cool revision of he original..

    tho the original.. is the best in my opinion =P

    this image is indeed of of your best works! is simple.. glowish.. and a amazing blue color!

  87. William

    I didn’t like your original 2009 render of this piece, as compared to the 2000 version. But I’ve got to say, I’ve been looking at this second ’09 render on my desktop for several days now, and I’m definitely enjoying it. I think you really “fixed” it over the first picklejar version – thanks for your quality work!

  88. Jen

    Ryan, thank you so much for posting amazing triple widescreen renders like this one. It’s hard to find good ones, and yours are the best.

    I sent you an email right before you posted one the first time, saying that I would buy a subscription immediately if you started rendering in triple widescreen, and I did just that. My only regret is that I didn’t buy the lifetime membership, and I expect to when this one runs out.

  89. chris

    after all these years still an amazing piece of work ryan, one of your best 😀 cheers…!

  90. Ryan

    I would like to have prints of Fluorescence 2009 (maybe do a new triptych), Canopy Creek, and Beginning of the End available. However, my other render machine is busy churning on the “Enshrouded” multi-screen while I am rendering new projects on my main box. I have no idea when the other render will complete. I can’t believe it took 10 days to render on my main box! I may have to look into some more hardware…Back to Fluorescence. I’m glad people are liking the new multi-screen. It really does look better without the DOF.

  91. Nate F

    normally i am not too enthused about the triscreens more so than the regular version. but the triscreen of this one makes me want to go buy two more monitors; i think that it is fantastic that you incorporated all three of your previous editions

  92. Brian


    Are you going to update Zazzle with this new render? I would love to see this new version in the different colors.


  93. David W

    I really like that you took so long and changed fluorescence many times. it shows how devoted you are to your work, and how much of a perfectionist you are. I love it. good man. keep it up. I love your work. your art is by far my absolute most favorite art. in 100 years, your hard drive with all your original renderings will be worth millions, if not more. you’ll see (those of you who live that long.) It’ll happen. I know it.

  94. Patrick

    I don’t really see much difference between this version and the older version.

  95. Brandon

    Great Great job, I really like this version better than the fuzzy one!

  96. Dustin

    As always, you continue to amazed!!!

  97. Jason

    I ABSOLUTLY LOVE the final version of the multi monitor of this! It makes me wish I had a 3rd monitor so I could have all 3 colors on my screen! Wow Ryan, you really did a great job tweaking this one! Definitely worth the wait!

  98. Steve

    Thanks for meshing the two images together by increasing the thermoluminescence of the two structures.. Looks great.

  99. Yeoman

    The white background is too bright. A more interesting prospect would be if you could resurrect your “holidayflo” red/green stems variant from some years back, especially in a widescreen version. I have the old original but on 1920×1200 it is bent out of shape.

    I have successfully produced other colour variations from the basic blue by shifting the hue control etc but multiple colours have me stuffed.

  100. Jason

    Thanks for taking peoples opinions into consideration when rendering your images Ryan! The updated Fluorescence is absolutely perfect imo!

  101. Scott

    I was using the old DOF version on my setup here at work and I usually have my right monitor covered in outlook/excel windows while my left houses my icons and more short-lived windows.

    I’m very happy to be able to see those little red fungi in better focus. Definitely keeping the DOF version still though 😉

  102. Kyle

    Any way we can get individual versions of it red and green Fluorescence?

  103. Josh

    I’ve been mooching your wallpapers from your free gallery for around 10 years now– ever since I was back in high school. I never had the money to be able to spend on a membership (and I probably still don’t, but I did anyway). For the last year or so I’ve been kind of toying with the idea of getting a lifetime membership, but still didn’t really have the financial freedom to do so.

    But recently when you lowered the price a bit, then in addition today I saw that you’d posted coupon codes, and I just couldn’t resist anymore. I figure I probably owe it to you if nothing more than for all the years of mooching your awesome wallpapers.

    I’ve been almost exclusively using your images for my wallpapers since I found the site, and I have to say, your work is some of the best I’ve seen anywhere on the web. Thanks for putting up a good site and sharing your talent with us.

  104. Scarr

    The white version is a good picklejar… but I don’t think it brings out the beauty of the fluorescence… Who wants to look at things that glow in the light? No one. The beauty of fluorescence is fullest in the dark.

  105. Nate U

    That white one is pretty awesome just hard to look at…

  106. Kevin S

    The final version really came out well. This was one of the first images I found from DB and it’s cool to see an update on it.

  107. toetenel

    the dark background really lets out the fluorescence, the white one is to bright

  108. Nate F

    i didnt actually like the original rework of this picture; this one is a much better update to your previous work; i would say it is equally as good as the original with the benefits of new technology.

  109. Nate U

    Looks great Ryan i really like the new details and shadow work

  110. Bulldoggie

    I love the blue version, and I think you should leave the white one in the pickle jar. But that’s just my opinion

  111. celmendo

    I am one of the ones that think you should move on as well. To me the update doesn’t improve the picture enough to be worth the effort. I do like the white variation but again it brings no excitement along with it and I’ll never use it. Just my opinion, no offense. Looking forward to your next project.

  112. Simon

    What happened to the links for the dual screen monitors?

  113. snave

    The white version doesn’t allow the fluorescence to show. As for the new fluorescence version; I found it difficult to find an appreciable difference.

  114. Littlemom

    Very cool, but I have to admit that I am one of the ones who would like to see something else. I love your work, and always look forward to your latest reditions. Keep up the good work

  115. pdiamond

    I must say this image has always been a favorite of mine as it was the image you see when signing in. Amazing talent Mr. Bliss… I use nothing but your images on all my computer desktops.

  116. Matt

    I would honestly say that I like the new ones most. The additional detail makes the image seem almost fluid, like the surface of the mushrooms are more alive.

    I’m a fan of the original still of course, however this is an exceptional update in my book!

  117. T-Berry

    I still like the original best, as do all of my coworkers who see my monitor. It never fails to stop people in their tracks to comment on how beautiful it is.

    This version looks less “digital”, and seems to have less of a “glow” to it. Also, the texture is deceiving, and makes it appear transparent in some places. All in all, the new textures seem distracting to me.

    I’m sticking with the original.

    Lifetime Member – Lifetime Fan 🙂

  118. Lidia

    I’m not sure I like the third version better than the second. The white version, however, I hate; it’s horrible. It’s not even picklejar worthy.

  119. Walo

    I think a real day version or a more illuminated version may fare better than a white version, it looks like a colored negative picture.

  120. Scott P

    The ground looks better in the final version, but I don’t like the new highlights on the mushrooms so much. I think I am going to stay with the previous update.

    Don’t like the white at all.

  121. Ryan

    There is a reason why I didn’t make it white in the first place. Still, someone suggested it and I thought it might be nice for the Apple crowd 😀

  122. Taigitsune

    I like it! It’s really bright, but it’s a lovely contrast to the dark background.

  123. Rick

    Hey Ryan! The picklejar fluorescence2k91

    1152×864 link is broken, thx

  124. Ray

    Sorry, but I am totally unimpressed with the white background. It looks washed out and is not at all representative of the original image. I would still like to see other colors. I have tried to change the hue of the original but it doesn’t look right no matter what I do.

  125. Chuck

    White background? yeah lets keep that one in the picklejar.

  126. hads

    The white version is super cool, too bright for my wallpaper but super cool none the less.

  127. Kyle

    I absolutely love the white version. I hope you do different versions of it, like the one from Christmas with the red/green.

  128. psefton

    This was the first image I saw of yours, back in school years ago. Been hooked ever since. This drags up some memories!

  129. LARRY

    I use your art EXCLUSIVELY as my desktop background, have it set to change every 1 min ( using MuralPix, and it is AMAZING!!!

    Thanks, Ryan!!

  130. Ryan

    I really didn’t want the background mushrooms to be too much in focus.

  131. Noah

    I disagree, I like the blurriness and I think it should stay.

  132. Bel

    Maybe something a bit more like the Flora multiscreen with more smaller versions.

    Personally I would prefer them to be all blue but then blue is my favourite colour.

  133. Jason

    Love the idea behind the triple-screen version, but have to agree with some of the others; would be better if the green/red ones were in focus.

  134. Max

    I have to agree with the others about the focus with the triple screen, it would be better if the green and red ones were in focus too. They are just to blurry for the other screens.

  135. Jay

    The date of the post is 07/29/08 – did you go back in time a whole year to do this? 🙂

  136. Hawk

    I like the idea of adding other colored “shrooms” on the other monitors. I like it a lot. But I’d prefer ’em in focus.

    Maybe a pickeljar version?

  137. Dustin

    Ryan, As always you never cease to amaze. I love the new tri-screen of Fluorescence and how you pulled the center screen into focus and pushed the outside screens out of focus.

    I have one questions about resolutions, I run 1920×1080 across each of my three monitors. I am able to use 7680×1600 but I either need to clip or stretch the image. Is there future plans to have a triple screen hdtv resolution?

  138. Brent

    this is awesome, as always great job! us tri-screeners are still missing enshrouded! please do it quickly, this is my favorite.

  139. Jenanne

    The picklejar Fluorescence (2009) 1152 x 864 resolution link is still broken. Thanks.

  140. Astromere

    I’ll throw my vote in there for releases in the red and green as well. Great work!

  141. jn534

    The wallpaper looks great but we’re missing the G1 resolution (640×480). It returns as a 404 error on the link.

  142. Chris

    Of all the artworks, this still remains one of my all time favourites and I dig this one out every now and then to use as wallpaper, I even ordered a mousemat of this for use on my laptop when i travel!

    Good to see you back on form 🙂

  143. Tristina

    I think an extreme closeup of one of the mushrooms would be cooler than the fuzzy far away of the red and green. It feels disconnected right now…more of an afterthought.

  144. Jason

    I love this updated version of one of my favorite images. My only request would be to make the red and green side images on the multi-screen renders clearer. They seem to be fuzzy, which is probably on purpose, but I think they would look much better in focus, but still smaller like they are off in the distance.

  145. evilmonkey

    I like the new form and shape of this classic. Well done.

  146. Steve


    How about using the original screen as an extreme closeup, with a much higher volume of mushrooms in the background of the same (or different) colors. I think putting one red counterpart in the far off background disconnects the content in the image making them seemingly unrelated.

    My 2 cents. I absolutley love the original though. Very glad you did the touch up. Looking forward to future works of art.



  147. Mark J.

    I’d forgotten how cool this image looked. It is now my new wallpaper.

  148. NeiL


    I Like the dust version could you render it in the 1680×1050 resolution 🙂

    Thanks !

  149. kody

    hey ryan if you can get this scene into vue through importing the polygons as a wire frame and retextureing the scenery, it would be really awesome to get a crystalized version of fluorescence using the diamond or impossible glass materials in the object editor…. just a thought.

  150. Troy

    This may have been one of your earlier images but it still, in my opinion, is one of the most awe-inspiring images you’ve created to date. The mixture of colors flow seamlessly making it look as if it’s illuminating is remarkable. Keep up the fantastic work!

  151. Ryan

    Looks like I misspelled this file and the 1080p when I uploaded them. I’ve renamed the files and they are now working. Sorry about that!

  152. BJ Myers

    Will you be posting the updated version of this image in 1024×600 netbook resolution?

  153. David W

    muuuuuuch better! I didnt know mushrooms could look so beautiful. yummmm

  154. Ed

    Self-explanatory (almost): went to d/l this for my netbook and got a file-not-found error.



  155. Jenanne

    I like both, but I still prefer the Picklejar version. I don’t know why exactly; the new version seems more static or something. But this version certainly isn’t shabby — perhaps I’ll change my mind when I put it up as wallpaper. If you create other colors, would you consider purple as well as red and green? Thanks!

    The Picklejar 1152 link is broken.

  156. Ryan

    I finally have the 1080p file sorted out and the high res version should show. Sorry about that!

  157. Nate U

    I prefer it with out the dust but i liked the shadows on the mushrooms in the original better.

  158. Garrett H

    Are you going to do an iPhone version of Fluorescence (2009) without the “pixie dust” also?

  159. David W

    so I compaired the latest 1080p rendering to the last one. the new one looks VERY fussy and out of fucus compaired to the last one. untill theres a newer, less fuzzy version, Im sticking to the pixie dust version.

  160. snave

    It’s tough. I couldn’t choose between the 2000 version and the 2009 version with dust. So I was using both of them. Now with the addition of the 2009 dustless version….OK, so now I have all 3. I don’t understand all the complaints about the dust version as it didn’t take anything away from the scene.

  161. Matt

    A refresh of one of your best works can’t go wrong, good job, I like it.

    Personally, I love the pixel dust, so I’m keeping the one from the pickle jar. All in all, good job.

  162. TM

    This is looking good. Looking forward to the other colors.

  163. Braden

    I find it hilarious that most people would just take the smallest version of the image and scale it down to fit, but you decide to re-render the whole scene instead (I’m ignoring the fact that you also went in and re-worked portions). 🙂

    Although, I imagine that a 150x150px rendering (or whatever size Twitter asks for) doesn’t take very long to build?

    I like the new image, would be cool to see alternate colors as you’ve done in the past in picklejar. More than just red & green would be even better… 🙂

    FWIW, I like the “pixie dust.” It adds some more depth and mystique to the image.

  164. Ryan

    The proper file is not up for the 1080p. Still learning a new system for creating all these sizes and haven’t worked out all the bugs yet. Sorry!

  165. Bill

    I actually prefer the dust.. and think there could be a little more of it. But the original is still fantastic too. Looking forward to seeing the other colors!

  166. Rob


    The 1080p version shows up as a 1024×600 image, and the 1024×600 link is broken.

    Just letting you know!

    Thanks for the great wallpapers throughout the years!

  167. Alton

    Nice work Ryan!! I love both versions. Any possible chance some more colors could make the cut into the picklejar?

  168. Jason

    They both look quite nice, but quite honestly, I prefer the dust–no update for me! 🙂

  169. Joe

    Now it is is flawless! 10 out of 10

    Thanks for updating one of my favorites

  170. CK

    i definitely think the new version is better looking than the original. Don’t have an opinion on the dust. definitely looking forward to other colours (how many can you do? :D)

  171. Tarkan2467

    I think the rework is awesome but I do agree with what’s been posted already. A dust-free version that’s centered for widescreens would be very welcome. 😀

  172. DayDream

    Yes, I can tell that it’s newer and “fancier,” but I think that I still like the original 🙂

  173. Michelle

    I earlier versions of Fluorescence never really grabbed me (though I’m obviously in quite a small minority there). I however love this new version, and look forward to see the dust-free render. Please treat us with some alternate color versions too! 🙂

  174. Jenanne

    I love this — thank you so much, Ryan! I like the so-called dust; somehow it seems to add a sense of movement, and brings the image to life. I, too, would like to see other colors, if you have the time. Please do continue creating “photorealistic” images like this one. 🙂

  175. Patrick

    I find it amazing how fundamentally the same piece of art can look so different.

    There is something about the cleanness of the 2000 version that yes, has defined DB over the years. Having said that, the 2009 version looks pretty cool too. Can’t wait for the other colours, hopefully without the dust!!!

  176. Ray

    Would love to see other colors of this and the year 2000 one.

  177. David

    Yep, art isn’t ever completed, only abandoned.

  178. Doug

    I have Fluorescence as the main pic on my iPhone; right now I’ve switched it to the red version, so I can have that much less light pollution when using my iPhone while stargazing. Only problem is that this is the older geometry that doesn’t look as good. It would be great if I could update it! Thanks!

  179. Ryan

    I am rendering a version without the dust. Everything else I like. As I said, the old versions aren’t going anywhere. From a technical viewpoint certain aspects of the original were looking dated to me.

  180. Rich A

    Couldn’t help but smile as I read, “The new one is more realistic… Are you trying to make [photorealistic] pictures …?”

    Brian, if you’ve ever seen mushrooms that look like DB’s, I’m guessing you were eating them. 🙂

  181. John K.

    Quite artistic. Very nice touches.

  182. Fridge

    A big fan of the earlier, cleaner look of which my only critique would be where the stems and terra meet. This baby brother of the db star, for me, will always be in its siblings shadow.

  183. William

    These have always been a favorite of mine. Thank You!

  184. NautilusNT

    The original wasn’t really one of my favorites, but I can’t think of DB without Flourescence. With that being said, the subtle details that you added with this update are excellent. It’s like a high-def update to an already classic pic. Superb work as usual.

  185. Scott P.

    Really beautiful, Ryan. To be honest, I wasn’t as fond of the earlier update as I was of the original, but this one trumps them both.

  186. TM

    Ok, where are the red and green ones to go with this? 😉

  187. Fizzrate

    What a great remake of one of my alltime favorites of yours!

  188. Chris B

    I still like them both.

    Less & less of a fan of the spores/dust

    Would be cool to see the original re-rendered on that ground. or a White mushroom with a blue glow. and the green & red versions are a must, I was always disappointed that they never made it into the pickle jar for the 2000 version. Or maybe a blue, red & green mushroom in the same wallpaper. Just fantasizing, ignore me 😉

  189. Chris B

    It is almost a combination of your 1999 & 2000 versions. And I think updating your “classic” image every oh 9 years or so with new programs is a good way to keep the fresh look. Personally I like them both. And I like the light that seems to be bursting up from the ground at the bottom of the mushrooms. Makes you wonder what is down there that created them or made them glow.

    The only thing that I would change is (at least in the HDTV image) is the stalks of the mushrooms are almost coming right out of my start bar at the bottom of the monitor. I think it looks better with a little bit more of the ground in between the start bar & the base of the mushrooms.

  190. Chris B

    I have no idea how difficult it is to make the moving backgrounds for DreamScene, but I think this one would look good just like the first fluorescence did. As well as summer wood with the slowly lighting & darkening fireflys.

  191. William

    I like the 2000 version much better, but that’s probably because I’m a Mac fan. The 2000 version just has that blue, glowing, uncluttered Mac look about it. This latest version has more spots, patterns, and clutter. But of course I downloaded it anyway… 🙂

  192. Walo

    Now I know why you said it was autobiographical. It really is the essence of db.

  193. Ryan

    Actually it’s the new scene I’m working on that I think is autobiographical, but this one fits too 😉

  194. Jason

    This is an awesome reworking of this image! I love it! Cant wait for the Dual-Monitor renders.

  195. Charles

    I really like the DoF work with the mushrooms. Gives it a more realistic feel to it, like you are actually there see it

  196. Joe

    overall I love it, superb detail. I just really don’t like the ‘specs’ in the ‘air’ around it. If it weren’t for that I’d have given it a 10 instead of 9.

  197. Joe

    The original has always been one of my favourites and I love this update. Are you going to do colour variations like you did with the original?

  198. Mike

    Interesting…Technically they’re better but I’ve gotten so used to the ultra-smooth shrooms in the previous version that I just prefer that version anyway.

    I don’t know about the kind of software that you use but I’m curious why you’d have to specifically render the image in a certain size rather than just re-sizing a larger image down to a smaller size like I do in my photo program all the time. How would it look different?

  199. Kris L

    I would honestly say that what I liked about the original is now missing.

    While yes, you did keep it very much like original, the high detail of the mushrooms themselves I would say takes away from what hooked me about the original.

    The smooth glowing “feel” was what made the original surreal and great.

    I however do not mind the enhanced texture of the ground, I think it adds a nice dimension.

  200. Kyle

    Very nice, I think this is just the update Fluorescence needed. This is up there with the holiday red and green one from a few years back.

  201. Brian

    I have been wanting to make this comment for sometime. I think there is a fine line between a piece of art and an illustration of something. Making something more real looking isn’t always the best for the art involved. I like the original. It was interesting and eyecatching. The new one is more realistic, but that is not necessarily a good thing. As the software evolves, that is something that you should keep in mind. Are you trying to make a photoreleastic pictures or works of art? That is for you to decide and for us to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

  202. Tom

    I like it! I understand that some people are too used to the original to like this one, but I really appreciate the effort put forth in this update. The distortion of the stalks under the mushroom cups is a nice touch. Keep up the great work!

  203. JeffK

    Ive been going back and forth between the 2000 and 2009 versions and Im certain that I perfer 2000 best. I like the smoothness of the ‘shrooms. The new image makes them look like they are starting to decay a little.

  204. Chuck

    I’d love to see the triptych for this version. What are your thoughts Ryan?

  205. Glenn

    I like the 2000 version mushrooms but the 2009 version of the ground. The smoothness of the original’s caps I find much more soothing somehow. The detail of the 2009 ground would provide an even greater tension of original mushrooms caps.

  206. Chris

    This will always be a favorite, as it absolutely defines DB to me. I like this remake, but one thing is driving me crazy: the blue spots over the image. It just takes away from the picture having those spots floating around everywhere, if you ask me. Otherwise, the render is A+. Maybe it lost a LITTLE something from the original, but still awesome anyway.

  207. Quanqued

    Just a thought for the new webpage you’re putting together. You might put in a comparison option for reworked images so we can look at them next to each other and see the changes you’ve made. It’d be a great way to see how the technology and your style change over time.

    As for the image, it’s classic DB with interesting changes. Even more, it ties in perfectly with the da Vinci quote on the new images page. Great work!

  208. Larawen

    I enjoy the new version of Fluorescence, quite a bit. I think the ‘mushroom dust’ is a nice addition to the piece. If I could arm-chair quarterback for a second, the viens/soapy effect of the right mushroom is very cool, and I would like to see that more defined in the other mushrooms. All in all, I enjoy the new version.

  209. Harrison


    I wantz morezzz

  210. Lidia

    It’s actually not a bad update (I’m glad you didn’t change it too much). I might still prefer the original (I like the smoothness of the mushrooms, and they seem to glow more in the original), but I like this one too. I don’t like the floating specks too much, though.

  211. Simon

    It’s definitely a nice alternative to the original (I still don’t think it’s a replacement)…

    But when I actually set it as my wallpaper, i couldn’t help to notice that now the mushrooms are slightly shifted rightwards, was this on purpose?… I liked better when they were more centered, otherwise excellent work!

  212. Simon

    I checked the 1280 x 1024 version, and they actually look centered there… I think the shifting appears only on the widescreen versions (at least on the 1440×900 one, which is the size i needed)

  213. Will

    I have switched back and forth looking at the 2000 vs 2009 versions. I understand why some people like the smoothness (almost surreal feeling) of the 2000 version. It is soothing somehow. That said I like the 2009 version better. I like the texture of the ground and the mushrooms. I am not a huge fan of the ‘dust’ but I love the texture on the caps.

    Overall I say this one might be taken from the 2000 version, but is a completely different piece.

  214. NathanK

    It was this image that made me shellout for a lifetime membership… its just awesome.

    i’ve spent the last 20mins looking at the new image (instead of working :P) and i really don’t like the dust; it just looks out of place, especially the bright one under the right side of the middle mushrooms hood.

    other than that, i like it… i think it shows how much you’ve grown as an artist.

  215. Loren

    This is a very cool version of Fluotescence! The dust could add a cool effect if you tweaked it a little. Make the dust look more like duct and less like spots. Glad to see you reworked this image as it was the first one I ever saw from you. Just reminds me why I am a subscriber 🙂 Thanks!

  216. Jason

    An awesome re-work of a classic image! Any chance we’ll see this version in a multi-screen render?

  217. Labanimal

    Its not dramatically different enough to get a solid vote from me, too much the same!

  218. Josh

    I would love to see other colors and multiple monitor versions of this.

  219. Kyle

    Looks great.

  220. Chris B

    Ryan has a new program that creates all the sizes & The uploading got messed up. a smaller rendering got named 1080p and uploaded. He’s on it, no worries :-p

  221. Michelle

    I don’t use the multiscreen wallpapers, but I enjoy looking at them. I love the idea behind one side being green and one being red, but the blurriness is horribly distracting.

  222. RobO

    Fluorescence has never been my favourite. The coloured one is interesting and much better than the original IMO.

  223. snave

    I still like the blue version, but this one is absolutely outstanding.

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