

SKU: cerulean2 Category: Tags: , ,


This is another very personal wallpaper for me. I set out to render a fiber optic conduit but ended up representing a particular medical malady that I wrestled with between late 2007 and early 2010. The nature of it is a little TMI so I will spare you all that. Some things just need to get out and will do so of their own accord.

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80 reviews for Cerulean

  1. Nelson

    Thank you for making a “real” abstract again. They are very special and eyecatching.

    Personally, I can stare much longer on a cool abstract than on a real scene pict

  2. Rick (Horseman) [basicmember]

    The color and motion in this rendering draw my eye to the center of the vortex. I wonder whats beyond the vortex.

  3. Rick (Horseman) [basicmember]

    The artwork for me is about ‘movement’, and the color blue for me represents “Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. … In heraldry, blue is used to symbolize piety and sincerity.”

  4. Mario Carini [basicmember]

    An amazing fractal look. On the other hand, this is comparable to the striations you see on the canyon walls of the Grand Canyon. Fine work.

  5. mark

    i love this.

  6. Aaron

    Can we get this one in an iPad Retina size? Thanks!

  7. Cheyne

    Please make more abstracts for mobile. Remember that icons will be sitting over the top so the more uniform the better.

  8. Christy

    I agree with GMaster7, I hope everyday you come out with new abstracts, definately a favorite of mine, and always beautifil.

  9. cori

    I love abstracts and especially enjoy yours.

  10. mike

    wasnt sure at first about it, but the more i see it the more i love it

  11. John

    I agree with everyone on the pickle jar thing… and it wouldn’t be too hard to change a few colors right? The only problem would be that it’s already called Cerulean, but who cares?

  12. nick

    your best one yet…

  13. Reuben

    I really love this one, I usually just like the scenery and occasionally planetscapes but this abstract is awesome. At the moment i’ve got it dual screen with the main whole or whatever on the secondary screen (so I flipped it so it would be on the left). Again, Awesome

  14. ian c.

    I usually like the landscapes the most, but this one is very nice. I guess because it is just so striking over a dual monitor set up – where the lines from one monitor coincide so well with the other – it really showcases a dual monitor set up so well.

  15. Nate F

    when i first downloaded this one, i didnt really like it; but for whatever reason, now i love it

  16. Lance

    Has anyone bugged you about different colors yet? I just took too long at the shutdown screen and Cerulean looks great in black and white. Also what everyone else said about your abstracts. I am just discovering them and really like what I have found so far.

  17. Michelle

    Abstracts or hit or miss for me, but I’m happy to say this one is a “hit” for me! It makes me think of wires or cords in something high tech, which is so fitting for a computer wallpaper.

    Even though I don’t always like the abstracts, I’d love to see you experiment with them a little more often. Your landscapes are beautiful, but abstracts really spice your collection up and make it standout! 🙂

  18. Miguell026

    i really like this one!

    i generally don’t appreciate abstracts

    BUT this one sure is awesome… very futuristic and “glowish” look

    have it on my 30″ desktop!

    Great work Ryan! keep it going!

  19. GMaster7

    Hey Ryan – Great work as usual! Just want to echo some of the other posters… Your landscapes are great too, but I feel like sometimes you under-appreciate our love for your abstracts! I prefer them, and I’m sure others do too… Anyway, keep up the great work! Thanks!

  20. sigmaman


  21. Mike

    Really, really awesome

    Hope you are feeling better


  22. david

    i’ve always loved abstracts but this one is my absolute favourite! Keep it up!

  23. Iain

    The 1440p version is actually a 1080p version. Just thought I’d let you know. Love this piece! If you get a chance to fix the 1440, my 27″ iMac awaits 🙂 Keep up the great work!

  24. Jason

    Great to have another abstract! This one ia awesome! Thanks Ryan!!!

  25. Ryan

    I’ve reuploaded the 1440p version. Thanks for the heads up!

  26. Ian

    The abstracts have never been my very favorite, but this one is great and definately brings up a whiff or two of nostalgia. Hardcore DB for sure! Thanks Ryan! (love the blue)

  27. JD

    It’s been a while since we had any. I like this one.

    Some parts look like blue toothpaste coming out of the tube 🙂

  28. Chad

    Finally some more abstract art! I love it!

  29. susan fran

    i am a winter scene person but i also love everything . you had mentioned falling snow how do i go about getting this?

  30. Speedyj

    This wallpaper makes me think of the movie I just saw recently, Pandorum…with Ben Foster. There is an astronaut caught in all those electric wire…

    Absolutely awesome, the movie and this great wallpaper…I love it. Thanks Rayan.

  31. DaveShaw

    Hi Ryan,

    There’s a broken link on the Canopy Creek Winter/Night Tripple Split files




  32. Sarkis

    Ryan – I am blown away. My favorite abstract from you yet.

  33. JasonR

    I’ve been using your backgrounds since the beginning. I’m running 3 screens plus a 50″ plasma. You’re 7680 images are the only I’ve found that I can spread across all screens seamlessly. Awesome. Keep it up!

  34. Melissa

    Love this Ryan!! Thanks for all your hard work!!

  35. Geoffrey H

    This is the first image of yours I have set as my background in quite a while. I absolutely love your abstracts! Being an art person, its often hard for me to look and an image shooting for absolute realism without noticing that no matter how out there the image is, it will never be as beautiful and pure as real life. With an abstract, however, it is much easier to take the image as it is. Abstraction, by nature, is free of limitations and expectations of what something should look like. Instead, you can enjoy the piece for what it truly is, a work of art. Keep the canvas covered my friend.

    Geoffrey Hollis

    Age 19

  36. Erik

    could look so sexy. Definitely a keeper, and have already gotten two comments about it int eh few minutes its been on my desktop! Nice to see you back into some abstract work Ryan!

  37. Mangoman

    I love it! It’s like a more convoluted version of the passageway the underwater alien took Bud through in “The Abyss”. It would be a cool journey to take, I think. I’d like to do it at about 375 MPH. Another winner, Ryan.

  38. Scott

    I really like you Ryan.

  39. Chris B

    and I still think the blue is the best… almost like Ryan knows what he is doing or something 😉

    I made the darker blue a dark purple which had a nice contrast. Also made the dark blue a dark red which looked cool.

    Teal looks pretty cool since it’s close to the blue. Red & Green came out pretty good, but none of them give you the feeling of flying through a futuristic fiber-optic cable lol

    So, I still like the blue the best but if you cycle them through it works out alright.

  40. Kenny J

    Very nice

  41. Sanalith

    Not generally a huge fan of the abstracts, but this is wonderful! It makes me feel like I’m traveling through hyperspace or a worm hole, and I just adore it! Thank you very much! 😀

  42. Miguell026


    another master piece from Ryan!

    great work Ryan! thanks!

    hope you getting better!

  43. Michael

    I am a huge fan of your abstracts, especially the blue toned abstracts. I tend to like your abstracts more than the scenery, so I really look forward to them.

    I hate to be petty, or critical or whatever, but I’d like this image much more without the green/turquoise. IMO, it kind of breaks up the serenity of the scene. Thank you again for another great abstract!

  44. Gary

    It would be nice if you put together a couple different color variations… maybe even a multicolored version!!!

  45. T-Rev

    Your abstracts are why I joined your site in the first place. Don’t get me wrong, everything you do and post is amazing, but your abstracts are the reason I’ll never get tired of your site.

    I hope and pray that you do more abstracts. And I’d also like to add my voice to those saying they’d love to see this in more colors (like green or cyan or something). Even if they do just go to the pickle jar.

    Ryan, you’re the best out there. I hope you’re doing better health-wise. Anything you need, you have an army of devotees here ready to lend a hand in any way possible.

  46. Kyle

    Because this one is absolutely amazing. Simple but very captivating. Good work Ryan, I love it!

  47. Walo

    Looks awesome!

  48. Jason B

    I know your sceneries and planetscapes are your most popular, but don’t give up on your abstracts, this one is AMAZING. I can’t wait for the Dual-Screen so i can put it up a the office.

  49. Steve

    Love this one Ryan. Glad you did an abstract, it’s been awhile!

    How about this for a suggestion, maybe you should create a small tutorial for helping people to change the colors of the images like this on their own using Photoshop? That would spare you from having to do it and help everyone learn some image manipulation for their own endeavors.

  50. Chris B

    Wow, I thought it looked kinda cool in the thumbnail but man when i clicked full resolution…

    the blues are usually my favorites, but other colors would probably be pretty sweet 🙂

  51. Simon

    I think MR is right, if it changed colors the further away you got (like a color spectre) it could be REALLY C00L! 😀

  52. MR

    I love this! It’s going on my laptop as soon as I get home and I’ll be eagerly checking for the dual screen.

    Ryan, can you imagine this with just a hint of other colors here and there? That could either add depth and be fascinating or destroy it; I can’t tell in my head.

  53. macmage

    Way cool – I love it. I gave it a 10 just for the WOW factor 🙂

    Thanks for keeping my desktop the coolest one at work


  54. Markus

    I really like this one – staring at it, it get’s even better.

    Should have voted later and more than 8…

  55. Alexander

    This one doesn’t do as much for me as previous abstracts (I think I also prefer more color), but it’s good to see you’re still doing them!

  56. Andy

    This is a nice wallpaper to login and see everyday. Not to harsh, I prefer the darker ones.(don’t get blinded everytime I bring my pc off standby) 🙂 . Keep em up ryan. Lookin foward to some epic planetscapes!

  57. Simon

    Is it just me, or does the 1440×900 version looks a bit edgy??

  58. Onicenda

    I love your abstracts, i think some purples and maybe deep reds would set this off. BUT this is your art, and i think you should do what you think is right for your work.

  59. Tristina

    Very tranquil and cool. Can’t wait to see the dual screen version.

  60. Michael

    Looks great, its refreshing to have an abstract after a long string of landscapes.

  61. Phat

    Its actually really easy to do so, all you have to do is find the colorize option

  62. Trystan

    Different colors. Multi-colors like the christmas mushrooms rendering! Bring ’em on, it’d look amazing!

    Great work on this one mate!

  63. nathank

    Reminds me of an abstract of the internet, with all the fibre optic cables running everywhere

  64. Mag

    I love your abstracts as well, Id love to see some color variations of this in the pickle jar! 10/10 AWESOME

  65. travis

    Love your abstracts, Ryan. they are always refreshing and your color choices are fantastic!

    keep it up.

  66. John

    This is great! I really like the colors especially.

  67. Anne

    I’m a fan of your abstracts and interiors, and this one is such a treat! Worth the wait.

  68. Micropops

    This is a very cool one! Its a nice change of pace from all the recent ultra-realistic ones lately. I gave it a ’10”, but it looks like there is a little pixelization when some of the wires (?) cross at the edges.

  69. kody

    this is a totally awesome graphic. i think this would be an awesome animated background if like light pulsated through the veins of it or some kind of particle flowing through it. just a suggestion maybe.

  70. Brandon

    This is simply beautiful. That’s all I can say.

  71. Josh

    Makes me feel like I’m inside some kind of surreal cable or electrical conduit.

  72. Jamison

    I love the colors and the intriguing waves. It’s eye-catching and probably yet another piece that will be forever and instantly recognizable as a DB piece.

  73. RobO

    I tend to like your abstracts less than the naturalistic pictures.but this one is really nice. Fluid and still in balance. Not full of confusing colour mixes.

  74. Ragnar�k

    This is what’s up Ryan! I think we can too quickly forget how skilled you really are at abstracts. In fact, they are really a specialty for you. Like everyone already said, this is sraight refreshing to see. This is my favorite abstract to date. For those who want variations, that is simple editing with your choice of software. These particular color choices are perfect IMHO. Keep it up playa.

  75. Dan

    I love it, very futuristic looking. It almost looks like an electrical current or cords of some sort. I can’t describe it but I like it.

  76. The Guru

    This one looks really neat. I prefer the scenery wallpaper but the variety in what you offer is appreciated. I agree with what Mag said. Some different colours in the pickle jar are definately an order. Good work, once again.

  77. Mark

    I like this one.

    I think some more colours are in order, as seems to be tradition here.

  78. Psyclone

    Yeah, definitely one of your best abstracts. I’m going to toss my vote in for more colours. If you do a red one, don’t make it too bright. Maybe maroon or something. It’d be neat to see you experiment with something besides primary colours on the variations, but you definitely do your best work in blue.


  79. Will

    This reminds me of Something Blue which has always been one of my favorite works of yours. keep it up Ryan!

  80. Conrad

    Kind of wish I hadn’t read the description of this one… I always liked it

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