Canopy Creek (Winter/Night)


SKU: canopycreekwinternight2 Category: Tags: , , ,

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62 reviews for Canopy Creek (Winter/Night)

  1. Ryan

    I need to look into that!

  2. Mark A. [liferplus]

    ryan, this particular work won’t save my rating.

  3. HarmFamily

    I meant 1024×800 😉

  4. HarmFamily

    Im baaaack! Funny this was the same image that i commented on years ago, and im right back to it, infatuating!!

    Like you reached into my psyche and crafted this atrwork.

    Can we get a 1280X800? Just got my xoom and want to rock my favorite pic of all time on my background!!!


  5. D

    The 4800 x 1200 split version is missing.

  6. Brenden

    Ah, distinctly, I remember it was in the bleak December…”

    Very nice, very nice. I’m a fan of snowy night, and this one is no different.

  7. Ben

    Cant Down Load the Triple Monitor Split files…

  8. gary02

    I have been using your backgrounds for years and have introduced friends and my children to your website. This may become one of my favorites.

    Thank you

  9. HarmFamily

    Long time member, first time comment. This image really conjures up memories from when I was a young, living in the midwest, and we’d go skating late at night down a creek, way into the countryside, the moonlight was very bright…I love all your work, but this one really brought back some amazing memories, one’s I didn’t know I retained. Thank you!!!

  10. psefton

    I don’t leave many comments, but this is a brilliant image that I could look at for a long time. Keep up the good work!

  11. Mike

    this is beautiful.

    the creepiness factor is key!

    somehow has an ethereal feel even though its not an abstract.

    very nice!

  12. Phillip D

    wow, the snow looks three dimensional, I like the water texture where it is mixed with ice and flowing slightly, nice work done here hats off to you.

  13. John

    Personally I like the old version better as the starkness of it had a great effect, whereas the falling snow seems to clog it up somewhat. It’s still a great piece though.

  14. Ryan

    My wife has told me that this forest gives her the creeps. Not sure if that fits with the holiday mood. I will try to get something a little more festive going in the weeks ahead.

  15. ChrisSpera

    have you thought about putting a red-nosed reindeer in this pic (without the wolves, obviosly…)? It might make a cool Christmas wallpaper.

  16. DaveShaw

    Hi Ryan,

    The tripple split files have a broken link

    P.S. I also posted in the Cerulean comments by mistake :o.



  17. Robert

    Well, at least it was in a step you can easily re-do. As opposed to, say, something which requires you to rerender the entire scene!

  18. Ryan

    It looks like these errors are occurring during the upload process. Not sure why at this point but I will reupload the files and hope for the best.

  19. Ryan

    I’ve added the 480 x 320 file. Sorry about that!

  20. Robert

    In the 3200×1200 dual screen single file render of Canopy Creek winter/night, the whole image is shifted to the right.

  21. adam

    Looks like the 3200×1200 dual screen didn’t render correctly. The right quarter of the graphic (along with the watermark) is actually rendered on the left edge of the image.

  22. Josh

    Hi Ryan,

    Looks like there is a rendering error or something with the dual widescreen image. Its pretty obvious when you view it. looks like the image is corrupted and repeats at the bottom. Thanks!

  23. YBNorml

    Not Found

    The requested URL /content/jpgs/480×320/canopycreekwinternight2480x320.jpg was not found on this server.

  24. Mike

    You can tell exactly what was added when you put the old version and new version side by side.

    Ryan, I think this means that you need to hide things in your renders more often. 🙂

  25. Kevin

    This is awesome! The snow and wolves really do the trick finishing this scene. Beautiful work man.

  26. JBumgarner

    Bottom center, out for a stroll.

  27. jmpond

    Very cool with the snow falling…. Is one of the new additions some well hidden deer?

  28. Chris B

    Yea, it actually looks like the ghost a woman or something swooping down. Especially when you zoom in a little bit.

    Also in the original Canopy Creek, the summer one, I always thought that the way the branches and leaves were that there was a “tree man” or “ent” or something. It’s right in the middle of the pic either standing in the creek or right on the bank.

  29. Nate F

    looks like this one took a long time to develop

  30. Miguell026

    sweet night version!!

    another piece of art from Ryan!!

    hope your getting better by the way!!


  31. Mike

    Forget the deer (which i don’t see) does anyone else see a skull in the top of the left hand trees?

  32. sigmaman

    Actually,if its there and its not my imagination,the buck would be right of the centre,amongst the trees.

  33. sigmaman

    Very nice! I like this one better than the first render. Looks more believable than the white out of the other. Love the animals. Especially the buck hiding in the trees on the right.

  34. Greg

    Can we look forward to a Christmas themed piece this year, Ryan?

  35. The Guru

    It looks even better with the fallen snow and wolves. There seems to be a problem loading the Zune resolution though. Could you see to that?

  36. weebit

    You do very nice work. Thank you for this addition.

  37. gojira

    love the winter scenes would love to one like snowy creek with the christmas lights….also what about one for thanksgiving….i put these on my pc at work and ALWAYS get compliments

  38. Amanda

    I also saw the three wolves, but is there also a deer in the background? My husband thought he saw one in there….Also can’t wait to see the new abstract. Stay healthy!

  39. lionpants

    Great work! I like the wolf. 🙂

    Cannot wait for your next abstract piece!

  40. littlemom

    Ryan you have outdone yourself. This new render is so beautiful, and you have captured the awesome feeling of watching it snow on a cold winter night. Great Job!!!

  41. Ryan

    My next piece will be an abstract Jason.

  42. Jason

    Another beautiful scene. Where have all the abstracts gone???

  43. Josh

    A very Halloweenical Christmas. I wonder what it would look like sans wolves, but with reindeer and the trees decked out in lights like “Snowy Creek Christmas” (2006). Hmm…

  44. cthulhu

    Great winter scene. We will need a spring scene though and then we’ll have a canopy creek for each season 🙂

  45. dejerdejer

    This is just great. A new favorite.

  46. Cookie

    I could count 3 wolfes, and I thought at one point there was a cloaked figure at the end of the pond – atmosphere would be right – but it’s a trunk with a branch creating a triangle…

    Great image – lots of details. Love your work.

  47. Brandi U

    This entire series has become my favorite and this one is the perfect finale.

  48. Woody

    The snow is a great touch. Adds a whole new dimension to the picture. Super thumbs up!

  49. KingDeb8r

    This version blows the previous one out of the picklejar!

    I LOVE IT!

    Taking pride of place on my PC and MAC desktops!

    I’m also going to put it on my work machine on Monday!

    I love the detail, the falling snow the dark and cold you can feel from the image!

    This has to be one of my fav’s!

    Thanks Ryan!

  50. ChrisB

    The snow brightens it up just enough & I’m glad you added the wolves! adds to the sense of danger.

  51. Liz

    Very cold, dark and mysterious. Only the strong will survive during this season. Nature’s way of rejuvenating before opening her Spring eyes! Another terrific picture by DB!

  52. Ryan

    I’m done (for now).

  53. Me

    Enough with the canopy creek already.

  54. Wraith

    Oh much better than the original night version. Without the snow it seemed a little dead. I still like the day version better though. =)

  55. Legusol

    This looks very cool. I like the wolves too! Can’t wait for the dual-wide.

  56. Ryan

    Not sure what happened there. A glitch in a Matrix perhaps. I’ve reuploaded the file and looks like it works now.

  57. Jeff K

    Love the addition of the wolves. I think that little addition really made this image seem more like a real place. Great work as always.

  58. Rob

    Hi Ryan,

    I love your new wallpaper! 🙂

    Unfortunately there seems to be a problem with the 1440×900 upload – the image is corrupt.

    Please can you fix it?


  59. kody

    hey ryan, love the snow and the wolves in the background. this has to be one of your best season transitions of an older renders. keep up the good work and best of wishes!

  60. Andy

    Looks very cold. Can’t wait for your next one! 🙂

  61. Ryan

    I’m not going to say what is or isn’t in the render. I am really enjoying these comments though.

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