

SKU: bouquet3 Category: Tags: ,


I used to make this sort of abstract using “Xfrog”, but I have to admit that “The Plant Factory” is a lot more powerful. The upside is that I can use this geometry as a plant in Lightwave if I so fancy (and I just might…).

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22 reviews for Bouquet

  1. Mario Carini [basicmember]

    Looks to me like some deadly virus out to start the next bubonic plague. They could also be colorful dandelion heads.

  2. robin [basicmember]

    i like it. makes me think of alien dandelions somehow. wonder what happens when those little things shoot off of the mother plant. great work

  3. mpetrie98 [nonmonthly]

    It looks like something I might want to give to a woman I don’t like, with half of the plants looking dead. However, it’s still interesting enough to make my wallpaper for the evening.

  4. Ozaawaagosh [nonmonthly]

    I really like this, It looks like a form of Nano-Life that is evolving as time tics by, Great Render Ryan

  5. Jason [basicmember]

    I like the colors in the new build; very cool. The “fuzz” is kind of intriguing; on the black and red ends, it looks like small, metal barbs or spikes. With the bright blue back light though, the same spikes look more like fuzz. I like it; I’m just not sure of what to think of it. In any case, your abstract images have always been among my favorites, so keep up the fantastic work!

  6. celmendo [nonmonthly]

    I like the idea of the fuzz and it’s a nicer render but it just doesn’t work for me. I like the teal and orange contrast. There’s a reason that filter is overused in film. Thanks for the options as always and I have the one that makes me happy.

  7. Rodewaryer [nonmonthly]

    Makes me cringe at the same time it inspires a sense of wonder, like moldy bio luminescent spores…. Very interesting..

  8. Mike [nonmonthly]

    I love the evolution of this work. Keep going!

  9. Weeznow [lifer]

    This one is interesting. The puffs or flowers are completely random. They need some surface texture. I realize you are still working on this. I like the two colors.

  10. Richard H. [liferplus]

    Sorry – not keen on this one at all. And whilst I wasn’t wild about the original (pickle jar version), I like the new gallery version even less.

    As John said, the blooms just look like strange popcorn, and to me the cup-ends of the stems that they join onto look to big and fat. I don’t like the black worminess of the stems (they look really creepy and make my skin crawl a bit), and in the new gallery version, not enough blooms are visible.

    Finally, in the foreground blue blooms in particular, the lighting seems overblown; they seem so bright that the highlights obliterate all detail.

    So… sorry, but this one doesn’t really work for me.

  11. StealthMonkey [lifer]

    I don’t really know what it is… but I like it! I actually prefer the pickle jar version. It is now my desktop background.

  12. Marlowe [plusmemberlifer]

    But I LOVE this one!!! It looks awesome. Using the pickle jar version.

  13. Ryan

    I’ve muted some of the background colors for version 2 so it should work better as a wallpaper.

  14. Beverly [liferplus]

    I absolutely LOVE this new wallpaper. I love the colors and the concept. Well done!!

  15. Ryan

    Interesting that you should say that because I wanted them to be something else. Unfortunately The Plant Factory would crash whenever I tried to use my own custom geometry so I was stuck with the built-in “primitives”. Hopefully they get it fixed someday…

  16. Drachengeist [lifer]

    Not a fan of your glowing spheres on stems. Clumping them together makes it look like you could not decide between pollen, cauliflower or an explosion of sub atomic nuclei. You definitely have the right idea in the stem geometry. They just need to be tipped with something else.

  17. Drachengeist [lifer]

    Not a fan of your glowing spheres on stems. Clumping them together makes it look like you could not decide between pollen, cauliflower or an explosion of sub atomic nuclei. You definitely have the right idea in the stem geometry. They just need to be tipped with something else.

  18. Mario Carini [basicmember]

    Wouldn’t mom like a vouquet of digital roses that never fade? Where can I get them?

  19. John [basicmember]

    Makes me think of popcorn. That’s not a bad thing but I doubt it’s your intent.

  20. Daniel [lifer]

    I like this one – always a sucker for good blue/orange combos. It almost looks cel shaded. Have you considered trying that kind of rendering?

  21. Littlemom [liferplus]

    Although I like the concept behind this one. This render does nothing for me.

  22. Ryan

    I used to make this sort of abstract using “Xfrog”, but I have to admit that “The Plant Factory” is a lot more powerful. The upside is that I can use this geometry as a plant in Lightwave if I so fancy (and I just might…).

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