Boardwalk (Day)


SKU: boardwalkday1 Category: Tags: ,


I thought it would be fun to see what the Boardwalk looked like during the daytime. I wanted to keep the “luminous” quality of the spheres so I backlit them with some subtle SSS. I hope you enjoy it!

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Boardwalk (Day) Dual

16 reviews for Boardwalk (Day)

  1. DK-Nebraska [liferplus]

    The daytime version leads me on. I want to see what’s around the next bend.

  2. Mark Riddick [lifer]

    One word…


  3. Anthony [liferplus]

    Totally reminds me of Treasure Planet, love this version and the night time so we get the whole picture of your amazing work!

  4. Ozaawaagosh [plusmember]

    I really love this one, as I keep looking at it, it makes you think and see that it would be so cool to walk this for miles, bloody AWESOME!!!

  5. Aimee [lifer]

    Now I just need to get this as my background at work and I will be a happy lady! I love this!! Needs a pickle jar version where the yellow “bulbs” are rainbow colors, just because I think it would be awesome!

  6. James Smart [lifer]

    I am instantly drawn to this image. It looks absolutely stunning.

    My new desktop!

  7. Cara [basicmember]

    So glad you did a day version! Can’t wait for the dual monitor mac!

  8. D. C. Sessions [lifer]

    It all depends on the mood I’m in. Also seasons, actually — night scenes gain something in summer for me.

    Of course, as usual, I’m waiting for the 2xuhd variant to show up. $HERSELF’s 2007-era desktop just died the death and the parts for its replacement haven’t shown up, so (hint, hint!) I can totally sympathize with Ryan’s horsepower insufficiency.

  9. Jackie (lilylavender) [basicmember]

    Wow! This is just awesomeness on steroids! Thank you so much, Ryan!!

  10. Trifid [liferplus]

    This may be my new DB fav of all time. Great Job Ryan!

  11. BobC [lifer]

    Again, like “A Rare Alignment,” a completely different effect in the two versions. I like them both. This version is also a lot of fun, for different reasons than the night version. Keep those ideas flowing!

  12. Richard H. [liferplus]

    Opinions clearly vary a lot. Personally, I think I like this day version quite a bit better than the night one. What it loses in luminosity of the spheres it gains in overall clarity and attractiveness of the scene. So yes, I’m with Littlemom on this one.

  13. Littlemom [liferplus]

    I think this is even better than the night version.

  14. Stuart Taylor [lifer]

    Think this version looks better on mobile as cleaner with homepage icons and widgets but like the dark version on laptop.

    Both great

  15. Shao Lang [lifer]

    I have to agree with Xetal on this one. This is a very nice render, and looks fantastic during the day, but the glow effect on the night scene, makes the night version that much better. But, that is just my opinion.

  16. Xetal [liferplus]

    Nice to have the variety, but not in the same league as the first ones, IMHO

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