

SKU: biome1 Category: Tags: ,


I started this scene around the same time as “Ethos”, again using objects that I modeled using Oculus Medium. The plant life was all custom modeled using Plant Factory. For some reason this scene took an obscenely long time to render but I hope you guys feel it was worth the wait.

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15 reviews for Biome

  1. Eyal [lifer]

    I guess there will never be a multi-screen render of this one, right…?

  2. Susan [nonmonthly]

    Drab colours on the outside and the lovely bright colours in the middle, with the light highlighting it. Very nice.

  3. Eyal [lifer]

    How about making a multi screen for this one?

  4. Rodewaryer [lifer]

    Looks great and indeed an effort worth it. It looks like an unlikely scenario but in this land of creating possibilities, often otherworldly, unlikely is….more likely.

  5. MIB4u [lifer]

    Why can’t I see this pic in your normal gallery …? Or maybe now I can, but I don’t have access to a computer right now …

  6. chicolad [liferplus]

    Pretty cool. Great shadows. Lighting is perfect

  7. Doug [liferplus]

    I love it! No criticism at all!

  8. Ozaawaagosh [basicmember]

    This is so AWESOME!! Great Colours, And the detail is simply Beautiful,,, well worth the wait Thank you.

  9. Yvan T. [basicmember]

    Life always find a way.

    Very nice colors and theme

    Thank you!

  10. Paul [donormember]

    I think I am ruined because I’m so familiar with your 1-2 other renders of this of this starting scene: the “god light” shining in on a brown cave. The flash of color in the center now looks “thrown in” and out of place. Sorry! I do love color, and I love the contrast! It’ll grow on me. :=)

  11. lily lavender [basicmember]

    Thank you, Ryan! I love the landscapes, trees and flowers that you do! This is just gorgeous!

  12. Ron [nonmonthly]

    Frankly, I have been disappointed with some of your creations this year (2018) but this one puts you back on track and has a wow factor.

  13. Telaria [basicmember]

    Yes – it was definitely worth the wait!! Thanks for yet another lovely image, Ryan!!

  14. Littlemom [liferplus]

    Very nice. Any chance of a pickle jar version with autumn color flowers? That would be so pretty!!!

  15. Tyler [lifer]

    Ryan you are on a roll this year. I mean look at the top rated the almighty Highland has dropped 2 spots both with 2018 images. I know you go through your different spells like right now you’re all about landscapes. Honestly you probably do those best but man can you please hook a brother up and get on a planetscape kick? Your planetscapes are why I joined and I feel you capture space scenes on a surreal level. Thank you for all your amazing work over the years I show you off to everyone I meet. I feel you are the most talented digital artist I’ve ever seen. You’re also about your family and a wonder husband and father. Much respect and love sir.

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