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80 reviews for Axiomatic

  1. alex [nonmonthly]

    The purple 1680 x 1050 is the blue rendering. Please fix.

    love your work!

  2. Mark

    Love the ones without the glow in the center. Any chance of getting them in dual-screen?

  3. Ryan

    Try it now!

  4. Ralf

    Hi, the bottom quarter of the 1680×1050 version of axiomatic orange seems to be corrupt for me (it’s just white), after repeated downloads. Is this just me, or is someone else also seeing this?

  5. Jenanne

    I meant the 1920×1200 resolution is missing from the new and improved axiomaticorange2k131. The file appears to be there, but clicking the 1920×1200 link takes us to “Oops! The page or file you are trying to access doesn’t seem to exist any more.”

  6. Jenanne

    I stumbled onto your 2013 Picklejar versions of Axiomatic by accident — what a lovely surprise! This abstract was always a favorite. Both new versions really pop, particularly the orange. I don’t remember this being updated — I don’t know how I missed it.

    BTW, the Axiomatic Orange 1920×1200 resolution is missing.

  7. diana

    The colours are amazing, but it could use some chrome colours as well to make it truly attractive.

  8. Xyverz

    This is truly an amazing piece of art, Ryan!

  9. surlybot

    I really like this one. *thumbs up*

  10. zach

    They’re nice, but it would be nice to see a new take on the theme. Have you tried putting one off-center? Or at another angle (i.e., not head-on)? Maybe one that is actually something? (I don’t know how to put that last point; I mean a mandala that is actually a mosaic pattern or a wormhole . . . not entirely an abstract design.) This is not to bash the concept – “Circular Logic” is one of my all-time favorites. I’d just like to see something fresher . . .

  11. Jarrett

    I would really like to see this one in a blue tone.

  12. simple2hac

    i love the orange. i was just thinking axiomatic would be perfect if it were in orange. i run the zune theme on xp and the blue just doesn’t quite go with it.

  13. Lowtom

    Yeah! I too like the orange one much better than the blue one. Plus, what with it being winter outside at the moment, any warmth I can get is welcomed. So yeah, I think the orange is better, but maybe you could go one step farther and do a kick ass RAINBOW version. Red and oranges on the outside moving to the blue and purples on the inside. Yes? Maybe? I bet that would be an awesome one! 🙂

  14. sora

    I like this one far better than the blue. For some reason this one seems to pop more while the blue one seems a bit more mellow.

  15. Bertster

    The blue one was. . . ok. But this orange with blue, purple and the white hot center–now it’s buzzing, and I especially like it in dualscreen. For those old enough to remember such terms as “Purple Owsley” and “Orange Sunshine” not to mention “Window Pane,” all bad old habits that have faded into the distant past, this is really a major revisit. For those who don’t know, be glad you have it in digital. For those who remember. . .uh. . . nuff sed!

  16. Trevor

    I don’t mind at all leaving digital blasphemy signature on my desktop, your work is awesome and you deserve the credit.

    But you may wish to consider signing with a more artistic flair, so that it works better with the art. For example, changing color/font/curvature of the text, or different placement.

    Maybe it’s just a watermark you add as part of the download. If so, that’s a shame, and I encourage to reconsider how to implement that.

  17. wnmnkh

    I guess the blue one is the one should go to the jar, and put the orange one as the primary one.

  18. Joe

    I absolutely adore the orange/red version. I’m really glad you decided to do it in another colour. It’s so much more vibrant and much prettier than the blue, which I liked but is colder and doesn’t seem to have the same variation in shades that the other does (although I think that’s a visual trick caused by the colour).

  19. Gabriel

    I have to agree, this other version has higher “spiffy” factor. 😉

    Onward & upward!

  20. Jeremy

    Personally, I like the blue version better, but then again, blue is my favorite color. This one does look awesome though.

  21. celmendo

    Like the orange much better. Some said the blue had depth but I didn’t see it. This one corrects that in my opinion and makes it more interesting. Thank you Ryan!

  22. Shawn

    The blue was nice, but the orange really makes the shapes pop. Not even a full day as my work desktop background, and several people have commented on how nice it looks.

  23. Tim


    I really like this version. It brings out the depth that the original didn’t seem to have. Now I really feel like I could fall into the wallpaper. Plus, I really prefer the warmer colors.

    Great job!

  24. Logical

    I definitely agree, the orange one has more depth. If you want REAL depth though, take a look at the triple-screen version! Almost makes me want to go out and buy two more monitors just so I can set that as my background! 🙂

  25. Fred

    I really liked the first version. The color was much better!

  26. Michelle

    I wasn’t a fan of the blue version, and I think you’ve done better abstracts, but this new coloring is good enough that I decided to add it to my collection. Good choice in moving the blue one to the pickle jar.

  27. Matt

    Normally I am a big fan of blue, especially when it comes to you abstracts… but this new one rocks! Good work.

    Orange, you win this round.

  28. Jeremy

    I love this wallpaper. The depth is just great. I really get the impression that I am suspended over the area looking down at it. Like it better then ColorWheel!

  29. Alchnemesi

    i like recolored version more then the blue one

    great job 😉

  30. ACE

    Count me among those who don’t like abstracts too much. However, this one is excellent. I enjoy the variety of your work.

  31. Logical

    Whoa! That orange version in the Pickle jar is a lot cooler than I expected. It’s much better than a simple red, green, gold color change. The original is simple and conservative, while the variation is wild and colorful. Both are awesome, Ryan!

  32. Jon

    I like the Blue one more, but the variety from the new one seems really cool too.

    Great job, again!

  33. Josh_D

    is like 2 times better

  34. Aesir

    OMYGOD!! I actually Like the orange better than the original. I didn’t think I would, but it is very well done!


  35. Greg

    This new version is MUCH better! Thanks!

  36. Greg

    Darn fat fingers…

  37. Kieron

    Not really my cup of tea but it would be nice if, as suggested before, we could see some more colour combinations.

  38. Gabriel

    Pretty cool, it reminds me of TRON. 🙂

    – Gabriel

  39. Sean W

    I’m not normally a fan of most Abstracts, but this one is hypnotizing. I really like this one; it feels soothing and draws you in, while giving you a reassuring feeling all at the same time.

    Well done again, Ryan!

  40. Adam S.

    I really like your abstracts. I hope you make this one in a couple different colors (purple).

    Keep up the good work.

  41. JD

    Ryan, your wiki reference includes the line:

    The psychoanalyst Carl Jung saw the mandala as “a representation of the unconscious self,” and believed his paintings of mandalas enabled him to identify emotional disorders and work towards wholeness in personality.

    What disorder of yours can we infer from this picture? And for goodness sake man, fix it and become more whole.

  42. Deatherage

    It makes me feel like im looking throw a window instead of just a my screen. i gave it a 10

  43. Joe

    Normally I prefer the non-abstracts but this is nice, there’s something very appealing about it.

    Will there be different colour versions as you’ve done with some of your others?

  44. Brij

    Great job 🙂 great to see you living upto your promise of doing more abstracts, this one is really cool and a nice change.


  45. drow

    put me in the ‘love it’ camp. mandalas are awesome.

  46. Jeanna

    Typically I am not a fan on Mandalas. I didn’t really like colorwheel, but for some reason I am enjoying this one. 🙂 It is the first of your mandalas to make my back ground. I think I like this one because it’s just variations of one color. You should do a pickle jar in red. I give it an 8 outta 10.

    Keep up the good work! I enjoy having your backgrounds when my engineering starts to drag me down. 🙂

  47. Scott

    I just slapped the highest resolution version available and i’m pleased with the results. Great abstract and a great color choice.


  48. Alchnemesi

    looks like you took colors from Grid and put them into concept of CirculatLogic/ColorWheel aka, Mandalas.

    All this bloory parts gets me, how to say, confused…?

    Don’t get me wrong, from one side of the view I love this one (big fan of abstract) but from other side I bet u can do it better…maybe to put more sharp parts and low down those bloory one.

    Oh well, that’s only my opinion.

    Waithing to see your reaction on all reviews of this picture.

    Take care

  49. Twigbutt

    After waiting almost a month for “scenery” which I’m not a big fan of, it’s nice to finally see something new. Abstracts are my favorite and I say you’ve done well with this one. My only hope is you don’t do many more month long scenery renders. 🙂

  50. wnmnkh

    Quite amazing this could be rendered in 6 minutes, while still showing amazing details and complexity.


  51. Shane

    I imagine it’s nice having the freedom in an abstract as opposed to a landscape or other piece. I’m not the biggest fan of your abstracts but if you enjoy doing them then I say let’s see more of them =D

  52. Overdrive

    Although blue & black is one of my favourite color-combinations, I’m never really that thrilled with abstracts.

    Because you recently did a very nice one and I think I expected a new scenery-scene, maybe I’m a little disappointed.

    The number of abstracts you created last years is just fine with me, but substantialy more at the cost of your beautiful scenery-artwork, would make DB less attractive to me.

    But hey, if the majority is o.k. with that… I just have to accept it, or just leave.


  53. Aesir

    I’ve always been a fan of the abstracts. I wasn’t a big fan of Colorwheel, but this is exactly what I was waiting for.

    You haven’t done a simple abstract that has caught my eye in a while. It’s nice to see something like this again.

    Keep it up!

  54. Kyle C

    I love this style of image and this is no exception! Fantastic! One thing I would like to ask though is would it be possible for you to start rendering your images for the blackberry screens, only you’re doing it for the iPhone and it’d be really handy if you could render for the BB’s too :). Keep up the good work!

  55. T

    Great concept and color choice! As awesome and beautiful as your landscapes and nature scenes are, Its a breath of fresh air when you step out of the norm. Keep it up!

  56. Ben

    I was not a fan of ‘Color Wheel’, but this one is quite nice! I like the depth and color of this piece.

  57. Masada

    I like your abstracts. I am a bigger fan of the multi-colored versions. When I see these variations I always wish for a rainbow hued version. But art is good in all its mono-chromatic forms as well.

    Keep up the good work!

  58. Michelle

    Sometimes I really like your abstracts, but this one falls short to me. The thumbnail looks GREAT, but up close parts of it seem really blurry to me which is a turn off in that case. Nevertheless, I look forward to your next one!

  59. Getwired

    Hey Ryan. Thanks for another cool abstract! I really like the spiral “focus bands” that seem to radiate from the center. The depth is very good as well — almost feels like I’m peering into a spherical container with the larger boxes in the corners creating a forced perspective. VERY COOL, DUDE! You gonna post some color variations in the “pickle jar”, I hope? I wonder if a triple screen version would reveal a “universe” of spherical box constructs floating around? Good work.

  60. Joel

    This is my favorite of your abstracts!

    The patches of blur makes this piece very special. IMO this abstract rivals your great sceneries. Great job!

    As usual I initially gave this an 8, but after looking at it some more I wish I could have changed my vote to a 9 or 10, it’s awesome.

  61. Eric H.

    Ryan, I am continually impressed by your abstracts. This one is amazing, and scales perfectly across my dual-monitor setup in the 2560×1600 form. Here’s a snapshot:

    Feel up for a Planetscape in the near future?

  62. Nick

    In this case I really like this one. I’m traditionally in it for the landscapes and planetscapes (which is why there are two of each hanging in my dorm) but I actually really like this one.

    Not only does it have a nice overall feel and color to it, but the cubes give it a very high-tech feel that I like. Finally, the artistic blurring of the image not only creates a very entrancing perspective but sends the message that in comparison to the central parts of life the outer fringes are often blurred and inconsequential.

  63. kellzilla

    Six minutes? With all that detail, whoda thunk! It’s beautiful! I love your abstracts the most, and this one is no let-down!


  64. Dunk

    I also love the abstracts. The blue is an especially striking color.

  65. Elixir

    With such a quick render time, could we get color variations? Red, Green, Yellow, Inverted (blue background with black squares)?

    Oh, and it looks very nice as well. 🙂

  66. Greg

    I love me some abstracts!

  67. Jon

    I don’t normally like Abstracts, but… I like this one, it’s very nice!

    Another point, I agree with the comment about colour variations, that would be an excellent idea!

    Thanks for another great wallpaper. 🙂

  68. Deanna

    Oooo pretty, I like! It doesn’t feel too “busy” on my desktop like some abstracts will do.

    I agree, other colors to pick from would be great, although this would probably be the one I’d choose. ha

    Thank you – very nice.

  69. alexM

    This is pretty cool. I am normally not a huge fan of the abstracts either, but this one is pretty cool. That 6 minute render time is impressive. It looks like you succeeded with making one with a quick render time. It makes sense that would happen though since there wouldn’t be that many polygons seeing as they are all cubes. I really like this one. I look forward to your next work.

  70. Mike

    I’m not really a fan of abstracts but this is neat looking and the colors are nice.

  71. Rob

    I would love to see more abstracts. More mandalas,please.

  72. drewshaver

    The depth in this one is great

  73. MarkH

    It’s nice but I would like to see some more colors. Multicolored one? Oh, and by the way you need to make a list of 2008 links!


  74. Edot

    I like it. Up close and far away.

  75. Scott

    I really like your mandalas, very nice!

  76. Chiops

    …I like the ones you create, Ryan. Especially if they have blue it them. I would give this 5/10 in any other colour, but because it’s all in blue I give it a 9!

  77. b0bb1ns

    love the depth of focus. An excellent abstract

  78. Vince

    I like how it feels as if you’re falling through the wallpaper.

  79. Mike

    Really awesome peice…

  80. Jared Walt

    I’m a big fan of your abstracts, mandalas in particular, but this one has got to be the best so far. Awesome!

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