Autumnal (Night)


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I thought it would be interesting to create a night version of Autumnal (2018) where the trees were lit from below rather than from above. The rocks on the shoreline make this possible 🙂

What do you think? Gallery or pickle jar?

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Autumnal (Night) Dual

29 reviews for Autumnal (Night)

  1. Weesam [basicmember]

    I love the light in this one, the way it shines through the trees, and ripples in the water. Lovely.

  2. Calle [lifer]

    Absolutely beautiful picture. Love the reflections and the mixed autumn colors. I play a lot of “survival games” like “ARK and this picture feels like it could be from there.

    I like that the “suns” is coming from the side and that it’s hidden, makes for a darker picture which is my forté =)

  3. Cutterman [basicmember]


  4. Joshua P. [liferplus]

    I just used this as my cover art on my Facebook. I had two people ask me if this was somewhere to which I traveled. I told them only in my mind. I thought you would enjoy that Ryan!

  5. Chris C [liferplus]

    The rightmost rock formation on the triple screen version looks very pixelated, almost like it didn’t finish rendering. Is this by design? Honestly, it is a little distracting as it takes almost half of the screen on my right monitor. Hope this fixed because otherwise I think its a beautiful wallpaper.

  6. Chris C [liferplus]

    The rightmost rock formation on the triple screen version looks very pixelated, almost like it didn’t finish rendering. Is this by design? Honestly, it is a little distracting as it takes almost half of the screen on my right monitor. Hope this fixed because otherwise I think its a beautiful wallpaper.

  7. Joshua [lifer]

    This scene feels as though a UFO has just landed and its lights have shone through to the viewer, who is likely in hiding.

  8. Rodewaryer [lifer]

    Great piece, I only find the rendering of the tree trunks and branches look CGI, everything else, rock, foliage, water…is very convincing and in fact, better than reality would ever be. Gallery item for sure.

  9. Ozaawaagosh [basicmember]

    Love this one, the colours and lighting are awesome, great detail, even the reflection in the water is really stunning, great render

  10. Phil C. [basicmember]

    Honestly, looking at this I wonder what is behind the trees. I have visions of a baseball park in a bowl depression on the other side, all lit up for a night game. 🙂

  11. LAU [lifer]

    I really liked the day version but I actually like this version more. Can’t quite my finger on why, just do. So definitely Gallery not pickle jar.

  12. D. C. Sessions [lifer]

    Looking at the top of it, though, I wonder if you’d like to have a go at including a bit more sky in a variant. Foliage is lovely in autumn, but my favorite memories are evening skygazing when for some reason the stars just seemed brighter and clearer.

  13. Amanda [nonmonthly]

    I love this one! I light the lights below and the darker sky above. It looks a little bright to be a true “night” scene, especially with the light being reflected off the water, but I still like the image. Full marks.

  14. Littlemom [liferplus]

    Wow Ryan this is even more beautiful than the day version!!! Great job!!!

  15. Jim S. [nonmonthly]

    I find this to be a very relaxing image. I can imagine sitting on the bank and enjoying the peace at the end of the day. It makes me want to take a drive to northern Michigan.

  16. John P [basicmember]

    This is a very “warm” piece. It reminds me of Central Park.

    The water is magnificent.

  17. Ryan

    I added a bunch of white lights under the trees here, mimicking landscape lighting, in order to get the colors to pop. This would be a pretty dull scene lit only by moonlight, and the colors would have been muddied by only orange twilight. I get that it doesn’t look “natural” to some folks, but that’s by design here 🙂

  18. Adam [lifer]

    I love the colors while still being a darker shot. There seems to be an excess of bright white light to be a night scene. Still a beauty!

  19. Richard H. [liferplus]

    I like this very much, but it doesn’t make me think of ‘night’ as such. I’d have thought it better, personally, to call it ‘Autumnal (Sunset)’. Or even sunrise; perhaps that would be even better, given how fresh the light here seems. Nice image, though.

  20. Fan [nonmonthly]

    I love the darker wallpapers, planetscapes, city night themes. i was hoping to see this for a dual monitor. maybe you can later? Great work!!

  21. Hannafate [basicmember]

    Maybe try making the light look like it’s from campfires or lanterns. Golden, and not so bright.

  22. Sheri Rogers [basicmember]

    I love almost everything about this image. My one objection is the light shining through two trees near the center. It looks as though a glass-colored plug was placed there. Maybe a little more shading and angle on the tree on the right of that odd-shaped plate?

  23. Nogs [nonmonthly]

    It’s nice, but not “nightish” enough. I mean maybe a giant city with insane light polution is behind it, but yeah, definitely some more lighting work needed to be done with it.

  24. Gene [lifer]

    I like it as it is, call it what you will, but I just don’t get the “night” aspect. To my eye, I don’t see how this lighting, as pretty and dramatic as it is, would actually happen at night. Am I missing something? And that’s not a rhetorical or snide/sarcastic question. I “miss” things far more often than I’d care to admit…

  25. LisaT [liferplus]

    Even the glow below adds to the night above with a last chance water dance for reflections in all of Fall colors!

    Both unnerving and gorgeous!

  26. MeAgain [liferplus]

    Oh yes, a big improvement for me vs the daytime image.

  27. Ruminator [liferplus]

    It’s time for me to update the background image in my iMac (5K). I’m looking for something fall-like, but it can’t be too bright because that causes me eye fatigue. This seems about right, with the fall colors and some splashes of light without being too “in my face.” Thanks!

  28. Tom [basicmember]

    I really like the night version Ryan. Maybe one more Autumn?

  29. Romarch [lifer]

    I think this could be in a large city park, and this is the corner to which I’ve taken myself in order to avoid the Large Public Gathering that needed to be so well-lit.

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