The Eye of Aquila


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After creating my Magnetar last week I
set about putting together a scene depicting the view from a
nearby planet.

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68 reviews for The Eye of Aquila

  1. Rodewaryer [lifer]

    Planetscapes and space art are my preferred genre. I’d say you have a home run here. Love it!

  2. Jason

    FYI, the Digitalblasphemy logo/signature is not located in the right hand corner of the screen on the 3840 x 1080 (dual 16:9) image, it is midway on the second monitor.

  3. Ryan

    I’ve been complaining about how Droid’s handle my site for a long time now. Here’s my Help page entry about it.

  4. Deatherage

    This wallpaper looks great on my Droid 4, but I’m never able to download pictures from this sight, Kinda annoying. Keep up the good work.

  5. Kyle

    I like the spectrum of the lightning – especially on the tri-screen. Nice!

  6. Mike

    I can’t wait to see how you do this in Dual Monitor. It is breathtaking.

  7. James

    Amazing! When can we expect it to be available on zazzle?

  8. Jen

    Love this, Ryan! It’s some of my favourite works of yours rolled into one…and in my favourite colour purple! Can’t wait for the dual screen renders!

  9. Dennis M.


  10. Dennis M.

    I can see value in both ways, and I don’t think that reusing assets to get more than one view of a celestial object is any crime, so I would say keep doing both. Do 2 or 3 views of the same object, or of the same world. You know me, I always want to see what’s behind those trees over there, or what’s over that mountain… Or, did anyone build a beach house here? Fortress over there?

  11. Dennis M.

    I can see value in both ways, and I don’t think that reusing assets to get more than one view of a celestial object is any crime, so I would say keep doing both. Do 2 or 3 views of the same object, or of the same world. You know me, I always want to see what’s behind those trees over there, or what’s over that mountain… Or, did anyone build a beach house here? Fortress over there?

  12. kellzilla

    Love it! Do I see Phraxis Moon peeking out of those clouds? Love the color scheme, we so rarely see purple from you!

  13. Shirley

    I like the double perspective. Dual screen, sir, if you please!

  14. cmmnoble

    I’m a big fan of “The Eye of Aquila” just as it is, purple and all. BUT, if you had a hankering to do a pickle jar version of the lightning storms over water as they might be seen on an Earth shore, with a regular old Earth-style starry sky and a more traditional moonlit blue/silver/green/gold (for the lightning) color scheme, I wouldn’t complain at all. 🙂

  15. Eric

    Love it. Can’t wait for the multiple monitor versions.

  16. RC Davison

    Another amazing piece of artwork!

    For me, there is conflict in what is commanding the piece – the magnetar or the lightning. I think if the lightning bolts were to be moved deeper into the image and a bit less intense that would alleviate the tension between the them and the magnetar. It would also preserve the image of a very violent environment. I also think the colors of the clouds and planetscape being predominantly purple also diminish the magnetar’s presence in the sky. Muting or changing the base color would allow the magnetar to dominate the night sky. Your work is always great and I look forward to each new posting. These are just my personal preferences.

    Keep up the great work!

  17. IanB

    I really liked Magnetar as it was, but this one is even more amazing! Fantastic work as always, sir.

  18. Watcher

    The old home button is back home

    Many thanks, it ads to the website.

  19. 54

    Clouds need a little bit more work. Lightning usually comes from thick, towering cumulonimbus clouds (but not always) and tend to be relatively cohesive, even on the edges, but yours look a little thin.

    Gas Giant (and other planets) need to look a little hazy in order to add more depth. Perhaps that’s also part of what’s wrong with the clouds?

    Just my ZIM$0.02.

  20. Ethan MacDougal

    Love, certainly worthy of it’s own place in the gallery. It would be cool to see some of the older space scenes from a land perspective.

  21. Lidia

    I’m so happy you brought the shrooms back! I was also missing them and happy to see them back.

  22. Josh

    I think it depends on the scene. Magnetar is one that looks good in both, whereas Niflheim really gets its character with the ice in the foreground. Crucible and Cosmogeny, however, just wouldn’t be as good if the view was from planetside.

    Also, @fenris: I totally see the 40k eye of terror thing, now that you mention it.

  23. Will

    Thanks for returning the shrooms!

  24. Ryan

    They are back. Adding text over the top as a bit messy so I just added a pop-up message that says “Home” when you hover. Thanks for the feedback!

  25. Andy

    This is very cool! I can see three or four of your works mashed up into this image. This is pretty darn cool, it’ll be my background for quite awhile.

  26. RyiidKyii

    It may be a bit active – but it’s wonderful. I wouldn’t change a thing.

  27. Chris B

    Put the Shrooms back and put small text under it that says “Home” 🙂 we <3 our shrooms!

  28. Chris B

    I don’t think there is too much going on… feel free to add some dolphins in the water too 😉 (some glowing alien dolphins of course! jk) In all seriousness, the only small thing I would change is the front-most left Lightning bolt. The 2 origination points are too bright & distinct. I think that steals the focus as the eyes are naturally drawn to the brightest points in an image. If you tone that down I think everything will work to frame & showcase Magnitar. It will hopefully be an easy fix and correct what a lot of the commenters are suggesting.

    I’ve been in heat storms like this as well, clouds roll through, a light breeze (until it is right on you), lots of thunder and lightning but little else. I personally like a little chaos in an otherwise relaxed setting, It’s like having kids 🙂 or would that be the other way around…

    @ Rascaldi If that is Phraxis (after it’s star died, unless it was a binary…) as I believe it is, we would be on one of it’s moons. Different view form the same Phraxis moon? other moon all together? we may never know 😉

  29. Gerry

    Outstanding. Surely deserves a place in the gallery.

  30. John N.

    I usually like the planetscape renderings, but this one just has too much going on! It seems that the ‘Magnetar’ should be positioned higher in the sky and maybe have it as the focal point in the rendering. Sadly, if I had to rate this, it would be a 6 out of 10. I did like Magnetar alot on its own, but there is no focus in this planetscape rendering.

  31. Theo S.

    While your planetscapes are amazing, your planetscapes viewed from the ground are unparalleled. That was what brought me to DigitalBlasphemy in the first place. Please continue to blent land, water, and space in the beautiful way that only you can. 🙂

  32. fenris

    reminds me of the eye of terror from warhammer 40k, I like to colors a lot

  33. Littlemom

    Although I love the colors and the water as well as the planet, I don’t care for the Magnetar being added to it, or for the lightning I think it makes the picture way to busy. However I do like it better than Magnetar. Still as with all your work I’ll add it to my collection.

  34. LorettaYeo

    I never bothered to download Magnetar because it was another ball on the beach. Not that it wasn’t good, but it was not novel. Eye of Aquila, on the other hand is magnificent. I love that the storm is completely in the sky, not touching the ground or water. when I was growing up on Long Island NY we got heat storms like that all summer. Bravo Zulu!

  35. Big Dave

    Ryan, I like most of what you do but to me, this work is just too busy with too many elements. Compositionally, it doesn’t work for me. I don’t know where the focus is meant to draw my eyes into the scene. It also feels like a lot of things were thrown together. I much preferred Magnetar by itself than with all of these other elements combined. When you have done other views of space from a home planet, either the objects in space or the home planet was the focus but in this scene, I just don’t know where to look. As I said, though, I really like most of what you do but this one just doesn’t work for me.

  36. Dave

    I finally figured out why I couldn’t decide which I liked better. It’s because this version is better from an art stanpoint as a standalone piece. The original “Magnetar” works better for me as a desktop because the icons frame the central image.

  37. Dave

    I finally figured out why I couldn’t decide which I liked better. It’s because this version is better from an art stanpoint as a standalone piece. The original “Magnetar” works better for me as a desktop because the icons frame the central image.

  38. rascaldi

    Artistically I like both of the views. There’s just the wee little thing I have: I’m not even sure, but I can’t help but think that most of your planets would be “months” away of crashing into each other. They just seem to be to near. I don’t want to be a smart-ass about it, but I just can’t shake these thoughts

  39. seamus

    i like it when you add different viewpoints to existing pics; it makes them much more interesting for me. very nice wallpaper, as usual.

    i agree with SUAB and Michael, when you get a chance, remake ‘Once Upon A Time’, please!


  40. Teresa

    Wicked Ryan! As is the norm, I’m most impressed. I love the purple first of all (my favorite color), but most of all, you never cease to amaze! The attention to detail in every aspect of your design is what makes it truly magical. Thank you.

  41. Teresa

    Wicked Ryan! As is the norm, I’m most impressed. I love the purple first of all (my favorite color), but most of all, you never cease to amaze! The attention to detail in every aspect of your design is what makes it truly magical. Thank you.

  42. john

    Love this one. The colors really pop out at you. I like the lightning, it adds a sense of danger and chaos to the scene which i would associate with that powerful of a neutron star.

  43. Gabe

    A great idea to combine your art! The only thing I would suggest is a little “cause and effect”. In this piece I would suggest that for something stormy, the water or liquid below wouldn’t be calm. Additionally for something that could be causing the storm clouds and effects, it seems limited to a small band of stormy clouds… limited thunderheads or vertical extensions, nothing swirling about the eye, above or below the existing cloud line. If you generically look at the art from top down, it’s calm, bright & planet, storm, calm again. That could be your intent, and if so that’s cool – but just my suggestion on cause and effect. Hope to see more of your combined work! 🙂

  44. Michael

    The Eye of Aquila is looking great.Keep up the good work. Also,I agree with SUAB. Once Upon a Time is an all time favorite, but it could definitely use an update. I would definitely enjoy it.

  45. Lidia

    I really like the glowing vegetation in the foreground. I agree that the lightning greatly detracts from the rest of the image. I don’t think I’d mind it as much if there were only a little bit far off into the distance.

  46. David

    I really like this BUT I also will say it will probably be perfect after version 2 or 3. I suggest keep the clouds dark but a little translucent–make them a little thinner and as if they’re moving toward the horizon in a violent manner. Less lightning strikes. The sea may need some more lightening or some kind of tinkering to give it body, though more ripples might detract from the sky, which the eye is drawn to.

  47. suab

    … I am still hoping that one day you would make a remake of ONCE UPON A TIME – my all time favorite – is there a chance? 🙂

  48. suab

    …after a very long time, I don’t like your new picture… but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad.. it’s just not for me…

  49. Chris

    I really like the depth that that distant lightning gives to the image like a storm rolling in off of the sea but I feel that the image would benefit from a bit more contrasting darkness as there seems to be light coming from everywhere. Losing the foreground lightning and the purple luminescence at the bottom might help. But its a great first attempt at something so ambitious.

  50. Nate

    like a lot of the previous comments, i absolutely love the purple. i do however agree that it seems a bit cluttered…there is just quite a bit going on in this one…its hard to focus on one particular part. i think it may be the clouds and the lightning…maybe just tone them back a bit? overall though this is a fantastic one 🙂

  51. Betsey

    can we have a vote on the mushrooms???? Please????

  52. SimonRev

    Agree with the other posters: Lose the lightning.

    Is that Phraxis poking out of the clouds there?

  53. Zach

    I agree that the lightning detracts from the overall image, but it is really neat otherwise!

  54. Jenanne

    Don’t lose the purple; so few renders have my favorite as the main color. While I do like this render, I have a different take than some of the other comments, though. The magnetar distracts from the rest of the terrific background. It doesn’t seem to fit with the rest. Just IMHO.

  55. cmmnoble

    This is an awesome picture! Neat glowy alien plant life, lightning, cool planetscape in the sky. Awesome, awesome, awesome! (And I just noticed, there are lighted circles on the planet that’s peeking out over the clouds on the left–like there’s a whole civilization there.) P.S. My kids will LOVE all the purple.

  56. Kryse

    I really like the vegetation in the front and the planet in the background, but I think the lightning detracts from awesomeness of the magnetar. ^_^

  57. Dan

    Personally, I usually prefer the space scenes from planetside as it adds context and depth. I love them all, but I have to say this one is much more appealing to me personally than v1, and I loved v1.

  58. Darrin

    A zoomed out Magnetar… Nice!

  59. Trina

    very cool. me like

  60. Maggie

    All right, this one is pretty visually stunning. It’s an exciting composition, but not too “busy.” This would be another amazing animated wallpaper for PS3…

  61. Ryan

    Here’s a view of my “magnetar from a hypothetical nearby planet. Still tweaking this one but think it is ready for Member comments. Hope you like it!

  62. anna_writr

    I love this version! Agreed with Liggs that the lightning while cool is a bit distracting to the image. There’s no focus.

    Or ditch the gratuitous gas giant off to the left. I like the alien sparkly vegetation (or is it a fourth of BZZth crowd of aliens?)

  63. anna_writr

    I love this version! Agreed with Liggs that the lightning while cool is a bit distracting to the image. There’s no focus.

    Or ditch the gratuitous gas giant off to the left. I like the alien sparkly vegetation (or is it a fourth of BZZth crowd of aliens?)

  64. Liggs

    I definitely like this version better! However, I’m thinking it may look a bit better without the lightning. Maybe the lightning could be inside the clouds giving them a lighted effect without the actual lightning showing. Just a thought.

  65. Ryan

    I was afraid the mushrooms weren’t obvious enough for such an important navigational element.

  66. watcher

    what the frac happened with the old home button ?

  67. Dan

    To ChrisSpera’s point, some green would contrast well, but again- I do prefer this to the original.

  68. ChrisSpera

    Just a quick question. with all of the purple in the shot, I was wondering if a contrasting color or another color for the actual planet might not be a better choice?

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