Alpine Autumn


SKU: alpineautumn1 Category: Tags: , ,


This piece started out as a learning exercise using Quadspinner’s excellent “Geoglyph” plugin for World Machine. The background mountains and foothills were modeled using this software.

Unfortunately my render bogged down unexpectedly around the 2/3rds mark and I paused it to work on another idea. Unfortunately when I tried to reload this project the scene file failed to open. Grrrrr!

Fortunately I had saved my render in progress and was able to use a few tricks to finish it off. Unfortunately this means I don’t have any scene data available to render a multiscreen, winter versions, further revisions, etc.

I hope you can enjoy it as is though!

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37 reviews for Alpine Autumn

  1. Isaac [nonmonthly]

    It’s a shame you can’t do a snow-covered version of this (but, to be fair, I’d like to see a snow version of every image you do) but I’m glad this came out so well even with the issues, it looks great.

  2. Josh [lifer]

    Love this view, hopefully there will be a 3 screen (5760×1080)

  3. CynCtychik [basicmember]

    This is a new one since I have joined again, LOVE IT Ryan!!

  4. Gilley [nonmonthly]

    I have been a member for years and love your underwater and landscapes the best. I am crushed that this particular landscape isn’t available in a multi-monitor version. But it is definitely on my laptop. One of my faves from you…

  5. Ryan

    I love Bob Ross 🙂

  6. Tony [nonmonthly]

    Looks like a Bob Ross painting!

  7. Heiko [basicmember]

    beautiful view with the lake in the forground and the mountains in the background

  8. Dav [liferplus]

    Just when I thought Cogito Ergo Sum was going to be my uncontested favorite piece of 2016. You follow it up with something just as spectacular. Then I read the text of the email. “Grrrrr!” indeed, sir! A triple of this is the kind of thing that would’ve made me pause my wallpaper shuffle for all of November!

  9. Dr ZUL [liferplus]

    I love the autumn colours and how dense the trees in the forest are. The reflections in the water are fantastic.

  10. Kevin [liferplus]

    I just now read the full description and I see that alternate versions aren’t possible. If you ever decide to re-attempt this scene, though, my suggestion stands!

  11. Kevin [liferplus]

    This is gorgeous, but as I’m a fan of night time scenery, how about a night version? I find bright wallpapers too much for the desktop, but it’s definitely a go for the lock screen. It’d be perfect to swap to night time when I unlock. 🙂

  12. Falkor [liferplus]

    This is beautiful Ryan.. Well done!

  13. Durangotech [lifer]

    This is simply beautiful. Only thing that would be better is if I owned a cabin right in the middle of it.

    Any luck on the recovery efforts with the developer? My 3 24″ LCD’s would look amazing with a multi-screen version of this.

  14. Lance [basicmember]

    This render is a great reflection of autumn time. It’s just beautiful to look at.

  15. Rick Mozil [basicmember]

    Return member to this forum of amazing creativity and wealth of color and imagination. Your work is astounding and you truly have a gift of imagination, creativity, artistry, and sharing.

  16. Rick Mozil [basicmember]

    Return member to this forum of amazing creativity and wealth of color and imagination. Your work is astounding and you truly have a gift of imagination, creativity, artistry, and sharing.

  17. Telaria [nonmonthly]

    Love this piece – it took my breath away when it first popped up in my email !! THANKS for yet another great render, Ryan!

  18. Kelsi [liferplus]

    This is stunning. I saw it first on my phone and thought it looked very much like some of your other pieces. But blown up large on my monitor at home, its simply gorgeous. Wow.

  19. Laura [liferplus]

    I live in a mountain (high desert) climate. The “washed out” colors are accurately beautiful and perfect. Lots of browns mixed in with foresty greens. This one reminds me of home. Thanks Ryan!

  20. Littlemom [liferplus]

    This is well worth the wait!!!

  21. Zach [lifer]

    Really unfortunate to hear that there won’t be multiscreen renders of this piece (or other seasonal renders). It’s really gorgeous, and has elements that almost seem like a painting (which I enjoy). Thanks for posting the salvageable part, though, Ryan.

  22. Jenanne [liferplus]

    I love this alpine scene; the landscape is perfectly designed. I do agree with DougB about the fall colors, however — the trees aren’t as vividly colored as I’d expect them to be. In particular, the trees behind the first row are brown, which makes be think they’re dead or dying. Since this can’t be re-rendered, however, we’ll have to enjoy it as is. 🙂

  23. Matt [lifer]

    Is there any way to recreate this so you can render a multi-screen version? It’s truly one of your best, and it deserves a widescreen version!! 🙂

  24. Jason [basicmember]

    @Ryan – You can keep making as many of these scenes as you want; they’re gorgeous! Apparently I need to find a place like this and retire there someday; these scenes just speak to me.

  25. Rodewaryer [basicmember]

    These kinds of scenes make one think of life alternatives and this rendering is no different. Sure is a dreamy scene, well done.

  26. Ozaawaagosh [nonmonthly]

    The colours are so life like and crisp, Everything blends so well together, This has to be my favorite Alpine scene. Very awesome scene, great job Ryan

  27. Markus [lifer]

    Ryan, this is one of your best works this year so far (IMHO) and fitting perfectly for the current season 🙂

    Too bad there is no multiscreen version, I would have loved to use it in my office too.

    Hopefully there will be a nice Winter version too.

    Keep up the great art, my Desktops and I love your art for many years now.

  28. Mario Carini [basicmember]

    Tranquil waters. Peaceful scenery. Unless those are stars in a night sky, I think the clouds could use some work.

  29. Jon [plusmember]

    My 50mm lens borked on me when I was out on a hallow’s ridge to get some nice autumn photos. This however, cheers me up. Beautiful work!

  30. AC [nonmonthly]

    Perfect for the Fall. Hope you do more like these!

  31. Big Dave [nonmonthly]

    I sure hope you will do more work like this using these new tools. It is gorgeous and I would love to see something similar in triple screens and eventually a series.

  32. DougB [lifer]

    Perfect for this time of the year, the one thing I would like to see is a little more contrast, the colors are a tad washed out.

  33. Lews Therin [basicmember]

    This could find a place in the top 10.

  34. Angelique [lifer]

    Amazing! Everything was done so perfectly I don’t think you would have needed to change anything about anyway.

  35. Shaolang [lifer]

    This is just reminds me of a calm and serene cabin near the mountains, on a lake. It just seems so peaceful.

  36. Richard H. [liferplus]

    What a shame! ‘Cos it’s a really nice scene, and more could have been made of it. Oh well, enjoy it for what it is… a lovely one-off. Like the colour balance and feeling of freshness.

  37. Tril [lifer]

    I haven’t cared as much for a lot of your recent renders (over the past few years), but this one I absolutely love. It went straight to my desktop!

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