Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on June 13, 2022

Shallows (Morning)

When I created “Shallows” last week I also created an unseen shoreline with trees in the background. This was so the water would have some reflections but also to create a some shadows across the pond.

For this scene I’ve panned the camera up and filled in those background details. You will notice the frog is still sitting on his lily pad in the foreground.

I hope you enjoy it!

Posted on June 5, 2022


Ever since I discovered that Houdini could help me create custom clouds for my VUE scenes I’ve been fascinated with the idea. The cloud engine built into VUE is powerful but seems primitive compared to what Houdini is capable of. VUE’s clouds also take about 4x longer to render making experimentation difficult.

For this scene I’ve gone back to an idea I had back in 2000 to depict a stormy gas giant from the cloudtop level. I hope you enjoy the update!