Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on January 14, 2010

  • After posting “Poseidon’s Playground” a number of you, rightly, suggested that I put the blue brush away for a little while. Fair enough. I suggested early on in the comments that I might make a fiery companion piece to “Niflheim“. That companion piece is my first post of 2010 and is now available to Members.

    As “Niflheim” was named after the ice world of Norse mythology, this new piece is named “Muspelheim” after the Norse realm of fire.

    I may still want to tweak this one a bit, but I thought it looked nice enough to share (and for some reason it is taking forever to render). Hope it warms you up!

Posted on January 12, 2010

  • HELP WANTED. I’m looking for someone (or a maybe more than one person) talented at creating iGoogle Themes, Firefox Personas, and other application skins to create themes based on my work.

    The arrangement I had in mind would involve someone downloading my work (a free Membership or renewal will be given) and then creating the themes based on as many images as they feel they can work with creatively. They would post the themes on the appropriate theme sites in my name and I would provide them a “theme design” credit. I’m interested in Windows 7 and other OS themes as well, but those I would rather host myself (you would still get credit though).

    I would link my own site visitors to the themes so potentially thousands of people would see your work. The themes would then link people to my site if they are interested in the base artwork. Basically we would share credit for the theme.

    I could probably create one or two themes myself, but I would much rather concentrate on making new artwork than on all the Photoshop work involved with creating diverse themes.

    I want visitors to my site (and visitors to the sites hosting the themes) to be able to use my work in as many applications as possible. All I want in return are links back to and an image credit. To the theme creator will come whatever notoriety I can provide by linking my site visitors directly to your themes.

    You can either post links to your work in the comment thread below (if you are a Member) or you can send me an email with your references. If I think our work is a good fit I will contact you for further discussion. Or feel free to comment on the links already posted or ask any questions you might have.


    Also, I’m putting the finishing touches on a new wallpaper and I hope to have it up either later today or tomorrow! Stay Tuned!

Posted on January 6, 2010

  • I’ve added “A New Dawn” to my free samples this morning. It seemed like a good fit to start out the new year!

Posted on January 5, 2010

  • Just returned yesterday from a much-needed vacation. After Christmas we packed up the car and drove down to Siesta Key, FL for some beach time. It might have ben more relaxing if we had left Ian and Jason at home (18 hours in the car both ways). They did great however and the kids had a blast digging in the sand and collecting seashells. I’m still pretty tired (didn’t sleep much) but my spirit feels refreshed. I think we’ll fly next time though.

    I set the multi-screen version of “Posdeidon’s Playground” rendering while I was away and it is now available. I kind of went back and forth about how to split up the dual-screen but settled on splitting it down the middle. If it doesn’t work for you then you are welcome to download the triscreen version and slice it up to suit your needs.

    It looks like “Poseidon” has inched ahead of “Beginning of the End” atop my all-time “Top Ten” (as rated by my Members). Whether it stays there or not, I am pleased that it was well received. I’ll try not to wait so long to do another underwater scene.

    I have a few ideas about what to work on next. It will be something warmer (both in content and hue) than my last few wallpapers. Promise.

Posted on December 31, 2009

  • Goodbye to 2009. I can’t say I will miss it. It started out with me in the hospital having some clogged innards removed and I am only now starting to feel halfway normal again. Compound that with the same economic angst I’m sure you all have been feeling.

    So, you’ve probably noticed that it hasn’t been a year for shiny happy wallpapers from me. Still, I think I did some of my best work in 2009. Half of my all-time Top 10 were created this year, including the #1.

    If you look over them all you will notice a palpable moodiness. I resolve in 2010 to lighten up and bring some whimsy back. To that end I am taking a little break this week (while the multiscreen “Poseidon” renders) and look to return refreshed in January. I promise to put the blue pixels away for a little while (though I will always come back to them from time to time).

    In 2010 I plan on a major site upgrade, learning some new software (Terragen), and getting back to a more regular work schedule. Thanks to you all for sticking with me through this challenging year.

    Here’s to a brighter 2010!