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Wallpaper À La Carte

Wallpaper À La Carte

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49 reviews for Xenotron

  1. Phineas [basicmember]

    Excellent, but I would have liked to see a figure at a control panel operating it.

  2. Jonathan A

    …try inverting the colors.

  3. Mehmet T.

    I like the way the darkness on the edges focus your attention to the energy beam in the center. This is a brilliant wallpaper. Great job Ryan.

  4. Sassy

    I have to agree with someone else a purple laser in the center would of made this one off the charts.

  5. Sam

    It looks like something out of a sci-fi/fantasy film. Energy beams rock!

  6. wnmnkh

    Probably the best one you’ve made so far I think 🙂

  7. T

    I think this is the best you’ve done this year and I’d love to see more like it. I recently got a new lcd monitor and vid card and this looks absolutely stunning.

  8. Cathi

    I love this and I really like David’s April 20th’s idea about using the red and purple!

  9. Chris

    Way cool, but what about us folks with dual screens?

  10. David

    because you are going with a red and blue theme I was wondering how it would look with the bottom portion of the laser to be red then interact with blue energy coming at it sideways around the center to make a more refined purple laser leaving at the top. Just an idea 🙂

  11. Michael

    I like the abstracts in your mix, and you do great stuff. Can you render this one for dual monitor 2560×1024 for us? I suggest off center, with the detail to the right of course… for those of us with shortcuts on the left.

  12. Kevin

    As a counterpoint to many of the others, I love the abstracts. The intricacies of color and pattern just facinate me (I have circular logic on my laptop right now).

    The color and vividness of this one are great, for my tastes it may be a bit to busy for a smaller monitor, but I think it would look amazing on a large monitor/plasma.

    As always they are amazing, I look forward to your next!

  13. John

    this is a good image but there no where near as good as planetscapes and day and night scenery

    i think you should focus on those insted of abstracts

  14. Terry

    In response to Illy I also agree that the detail within your maximum resolutions is amazing it almost makes the smaller versions seem “cluttered” as I guess you design for maximum resolution.

    My suggestion is how about some pieces which do not include the full scene. By full scene I use an example of having some trees, a beach and a sky. I reckon it would be cool concentrating on a certain aspect of a picture such as a reflection in a river or birds in a tree & blowing that up creating as much detail as you get when you see your renders at maximum size. An exmaple was an image you did of a river with a leaf floating in the water.

    Another area which I think would be interesting would be to do some work involving animals. I know you can get the objects but what facilities does Vue and other software allow for adding fur and other such effects for example?

    Finally, often you will do a render of a day scene then later make a night one. How about making a scene which is primarily at night so is designed to make maximum use of the darkness such as shadows or fires etc. always imagined how cool a forest scene would look illuminated by a campfire for example?

    Keep up the excellent work Ryan,


  15. illy

    I often like to look at the much larger versions, though my monitor (grrr) doesn’t accommodate them. This time, however, I found I liked the image less and less the larger it got. What on the thumbnail looked appealingly bright and interesting (the pink and blue lights, in particular) became sort of garish and … almost false-looking. One of the things that I’ve always loved about your work, Ryan, is that sense of subtlety and reality that pervades even the oddest-seeming scenarios. Toned down, this would be favorite of the year. As it is… eh. I’ll enjoy cruising past the thumbnail on the new images page.

  16. Konstantin

    Great idea! I appreciate it, i think it will look great! I don’t think Ryan will do that in a nearest future, but it is really great and i think Ryan should take a look if he can render it out on 1 of his old PC’s.

    Can’t wait for another 1 image, Ryan!))

  17. Melissa

    Love the colors! Only have a few of your abstracts but I’m open minded and willing to give it all a try. The bright light is the only thing i have trouble with but its still on my desktop. I think your work is awesome!

    Keep up the great work Ryan!!

  18. Jack

    I do like this one – but I can’t help but be reminded of the Throne of Bhaal, a massive construct seen at the final end of a rather epic videogame saga, Baldur’s Gate. It does look vaguely…from another dimension.

    Keep up the good work!

  19. Sean

    Could it be? VGER returns from the depths of space to find it’s creator?

    Really like the wallpaper. Rarely do you create something I don’t like.

  20. Dan

    Wow! I love it! I think it’s an awesome change of pace for you, and proves to be worth it! I love when you make this type of art. Words I would describe this one: energy, intensity, and futuristic. Like something out of a star wars movie, but 20 years from now! Keep up the great work!

  21. Paul

    Ryan, I love the image, you’ve earned a place back on my desktop. Keep up the great work!

  22. bill

    i think the reason why i don’t enjoy the abstracts as well is because i always imagine them on the outside of an alien ship. anyone else think that when they see these abstracts? like, oh another ship dealy…

  23. Tim

    I like it a lot. I showed it to my fiance and she said it looks like the American Idol stage graphic. Hahahahaha!

  24. Akhila

    Ryan, This abstract stuff is cool! But I agree with Terry maybe you would like to consider doing something for the “nature” fans soon! We have had 4 abstracts recently.

  25. Doug

    Well, this is easily my favorite abstract that you have done thus far…even if it is classified as “Interior”…interior of what?

  26. Konstantin



  27. Labanimal

    Err…. No comment, I’m still trying to catch my breathe! 8/10

  28. Overdrive

    Abstracts are my least favorites, i never use them as wallpaper. But this one has nice colors and the rendering is superb. Reminds me of the firing Death Star.


  29. Danny

    I dont know if I consider this an “abstract”.

    If it can exist, it is not abstract. This is a death-star cannon.

    It does indeed resemble some pieces from the past, but the big difference is in the level of details.

    I do not think that the colors should be deeper (at least not by too much) since it may lose the powerful light effect – this is a bright, blinding plasma beam – it cannot be dark blue.

    When doing the triple/dual versions, we may be able to see if this is indeed a cannon, on top of a round surface (death-starry-like) or not.

    I gave it a 9.

  30. Tril

    Not my sort of fare, but well-rendered. 7/10.

    I’ll third the request for a grassy, springy wallpaper. I’m getting bored with Hallowgrove 🙂

  31. Mike R.

    This one reminds me of that giant transformer that ate whole planets in the animated Transformers movie–the one voiced by Orson Welles. For this reason I like it a lot. The colors do seem to clash a small bit, but I would like the picture less if it were all blue or something monochromatic.

  32. Steven

    Somehow it reminds me of Final Fantasy X 😉

  33. Jennifer

    If you played FF X-2, it kinda reminds me of Under Bevelle, with the red and blue towers. Very cool.

  34. BethM

    I’m not usually a fan of these “futuristic” type pictures, but this one isn’t bad. My only problem with it: the bases of each tower, with the 8 lights on each side – all I can think of is that they look like dice. I know, dice only have 6 spots, but the grid of dots just gives that impression. It’s very distracting when I’m trying to look at the rest of the picture and all I see is a Yahtzee game! 🙂

  35. Anne

    I’m not a huge fan of interiors, but this one caught my eye. It’s very engaging.

    One thing i’d like to comment is how much your digital art has grown over the past decade! Your previous interiors and planetscapes in the 1990s were slightly two-dimensional and didn’t hold my interest the way your day/night scenery did. The classic ones like Once Upon a Time and Arctica and Archipelago are much more my taste, but Xenotron is really fascinating.

    As usual, can’t wait for the next.

  36. Saranna

    I know that this greatly resembles some other picture in your gallery – but I don’t have time to go look for it. I think the other has a person in the center with the white light.

    These abstract ones are not really my style – mostly because I find the bright light to be too intense in the middle of the screen. But I like the blue.

    And I also support the motion requesting something fun and warm and green / spring-like for the upcoming season.

    I’ve got your cherry blossom picture from (I think) last spring up…but its getting boring. I need something new. And warm.

  37. Terry

    Love the detail on this but its not really my thing, prefer your more “natural” work.

    Can you do a spring version of Snowy Creek, replacing the snow with a spring meadow?

  38. Eddie

    Back in 2005 when my brother was a member of digitalblasphemy, I saw what was on his desktop background, and it was the image, watchtower. I was soooooo stunned by how much detail went into the image, I looked to the bottom right corner and saw the website, and decided to join.

    Since then, I have NEVER regretted that. And just by looking at this image Xenotron, and seeing all of the detail in the image, I wont let my membership expire. Thanks for the image Ryan, YOUR AWESOME!!

  39. Chris

    i have always liked the balance of your work but i would have to say that there are a few times you outdo yourself.

  40. Liz

    I like the change of pace! The detailing is just amazing, as always. Kind of looks like the death star firing =)


  41. Fan

    I like the detail in this one, the sides and the lightning.

    However, the colors seem to be a bit “cartoony”. Maybe this was the intended effect.

  42. Jamie N.

    cool pic.

  43. bart

    looking forward to the tri-screen glory version. looks great.

  44. cmhegg

    This is a really neat rendering! The color really makes it look electric and it draws you into the center, but then back out and keeps your eyes moving over the scene. So much movement!

    Can I make a request for a good spring landscape next?

  45. Pat

    I like this one a lot, but I feel like the colors are a little too bright. I think if you made the red lights a deeper red and the blue lights a deeper blue it would make the image a lot more intense and also more appealing as a desktop background. Other than that it’s awesome, keep up the good work.

    By the way, your arsenal is lacking a grassy open field background. It would definitely set the mood for the upcoming season,


  46. Roofus

    It reminds me of Core Chamber, which us one of my all-time favorites.

  47. Aesir

    I always love the abstracts. And this is no exception. But I agree about the colours. At least the red could be a little more dark. Otherwise, its a great piece.

  48. espio

    Great render, I always like your abstract/techy images.

    My only comment is about the discs/transmitters at the top of spire. For the rear ones, the disc is quite obvious, but the front ones are all but invisible. I thought they were missing at first until I looked closely and saw the faint outline of them. With such the drastic difference in visibility, it throws off the otherwise wonderful symmetry that you have going in this piece.

  49. Byron

    Didn’t you already do this one a few years ago? I seem to recall seeing this actually more than once one your site.

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