

SKU: windflower3 Category: Tags: ,


A floral experiment (using Xfrog and Lightwave 11) I started after
seeing a photo online of a Blue
Anemone Windflower
. The end result didn’t turn out a whole
lot like the original flower, but I kept the name. Still a few
issues to work out with this one, but I think it looks nice enough
to share as is.

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58 reviews for Windflower

  1. Kyle

    The left screen on 3200×1200 has a lot of pixelation on the leaves… very incongruous with the sharp flower…

  2. Paul

    I love this. It’s one of those surreal things you need a computer to get right.

  3. Ryan

    Basically I had to zoom in because the flower was not big enough to cover 3 screens by itself. Perhaps in the future I can render a dual-screen version that isn’t cropped as severely. My apologies!

  4. Zero G.

    As I have said before, I like it… But I just have a small question, In the single screen you have a full view of the flower, but in the multi screen (2560 x 1024) its zoomed in on a certain part. Is this for a reason or can it not be avoided? Because I miss the full look of the flower in the duel screens…

  5. David H

    3360×1050 please Ryan 🙁

  6. Christian

    As mentioned by others below, the jpeg dual widescreen version has some pretty bad pixelation on the left hand size. Also, too much of the top of the flower has been cropped. A shame, as it’s gorgeous looking composition.

  7. Tazz

    While I think you went the perfect route with this picture for the widescreen versions, I think you didn’t do yourself enough justice and cut out too much of the tops of things in the middle of the flower which were nicely done.

  8. DigitalDus

    I like the color and the presentation. It is hard to tell whether or not it is a photograph!

    When you get a chance, post the 3360×150 resolution. Then I can very proudly display it on my dual monitors!

    Thanks for all you do!

  9. Tatiana

    There was a little pixelation in the lower left corner of the single screen render, but there’s a lot more in the dual screen one.

  10. Michael

    3360×1050 is missing

  11. D

    Missing this resolution?

  12. Karl

    Your texture for the flower petal must be a little too low of resolution for this render. I also feel like there is too much cropped from the top. Other than that it looks great.

  13. Brian

    I have no problem with cropping to make a better picture instead of adding extra information.

    I do see a lot of pixelation on the petals on the left hand side of the screen in the dual screen 2560×1024.

  14. Ryan

    I’ve added a multiscreen render this morning but I can’t say I am 100% happy with it. I had a great deal of trouble trying to fit the entire flower into the wider frame and, in he end, decided it was better to crop out a bit than add extraneous geometry on the side. What do you think?

  15. Ben

    5760 x 1080 Triple screen?

    Looks good!

  16. Todd Baur

    This would make an awesome print!

  17. Spike

    So softly beautiful… if I didn’t know better, I would have thought it was a real flower. Just spectacular!

  18. Henry V.

    Ryan you are outdoing yourself here! I love it! Keep it up!

  19. FlareHeart

    I love this one! The blurring makes it feel a bit more real, as opposed to something that is too clear. Although a slightly larger DOF wouldn’t go amiss. I feel like there are details we are missing due to the blur.

    This one will be on my desktop for a while!

    Thanks for the great work again Ryan!

  20. Zero

    You can look at it and almost forget that this synthetic. With the way you made a focused part and a blurred part… Very beautiful and soothing …

  21. 0beron

    Wow – love the parts of the petals that are in focus, iridescent, with a ridged surface reflecting the light, and with an organic looking soft edge.

  22. Nelson

    Really cool indeed! I love the many details. Though, I personally think a version with a slightly larger DOF would be even more amazing, as more details were visible then.

  23. Skynet

    Stunning Colors and detail! Love it. DB is Innovating..

  24. Skynet

    Stunning Colors and detail! Love it. DB is Innovating..

  25. Terry

    The detail on this is amazing Ryan, well done.

  26. Robert

    Grate it’s look like a photo

  27. Eloise

    This is so detailed, I had a hard time believing it wasn’t a photo. I had to keep checking — yep! DB! I like it — and I also like the color variations, though the blue is my favorite. Potential rainbow bouquet for some other creation… Thanks, Ryan!

  28. Antonio

    This image is so real. I love the attention to detail and the realism of the flower. AMAZING work (as always)!

  29. wazalord

    My favorite part is actually the petals, so realistic, awesome angle!!

  30. TomPhil

    This looks incredible as the lock screen image on my New iPad. I just think “wow” every time I turn it on! Thanks.

  31. JCDU

    Looks like photo to me! Nice job. 😀

  32. Brandi U.

    Beautifully done. Love the photo realism.

  33. RC

    Wouldn’t mind seeing a version with more abstract coloring.

  34. Randy

    How about something besides blue and red, something from the middle of the spectrum?

  35. Tim H

    That looks awesome ryan ! Although I’m not big on flowers I must say that you’ve done an incredible job. As always.

  36. Tom

    Not one of my favorites..sorry

  37. Jen

    And yes WOW! Love the color selection and the composition. Awe inspiring!

  38. Julie G

    There are a few of your florals that I absolutely love – California poppies and Cloverscape come to mind. But this is the best one yet – almost like a macro shot of a real flower. Wonderful job!

  39. jmpond

    I love this render! The color is nice and soft. As my iancee says, “A very soothing PC wallpaper.” I agree. There are times when bright and bold is the MOD. Ever thought of a Yellow & Brown combo?

  40. David

    Will the multiscreen capture all the petals of the flower?

  41. Dan

    Ryan, you’ve excelled yourself this time. It’s simply amazing with the level of detail. Please get the dual screens of this ready soon!

    Have you thought about doing a whole colour collection of this one? It might suit really well to some not often used colours, yellow, white/black mix etc.

  42. Gregor

    This is just “wow”!!! Version three looks much better, thanks for that! I can’t wait to see this one turn up on my big screen… reminds me of summer days, and I really need some warm sunrays after all those cold days!

  43. Kendal

    I really like this one. The bright colors are great, and of course the amazing level of detail. I think this one is my new favorite of 2012 so far. Thanks for the great work!

  44. Scarr

    Looks like a real flower. Love it.

  45. donut

    The new focal point feels a lot better. Thanks for adjusting it! I’m still curious about the pixelation. Is it intentional? Just a symptom of not taking forever to render?

  46. Jen

    I’ve been wanting a flower background for a while now, and you combined pink with a flower… that’s enough to overtake Cobalt Daisy in my flower favorites list. Thanks, Ryan!

  47. Ryan

    I’ve added a third version this afternoon that moves the focal point slightly closer to the camera. This should provide a more comfortable spot for your eyes to rest.

  48. Figgy

    Beautiful. Simply, beautiful. Thats all i got to say nice job

  49. Chris

    It’s been far to long since I have commented on your work. I used to avidly comment on every new piece. I have noticed some work in the past has felt a tad “grainy” Most recently noticed in the RedFern image that was done. Something I noticed with the sunlight coming through the tree’s. I still loved the image though. This one however everything looks sharp and beautiful. I am looking forward to seeing other versions!

  50. Bruno

    It’s a great picture!

    Will you also make it available in 640×480? I’m asking because this is the resolution of my new BlackBerry Torch 😉

  51. Ryan

    You have a good point with regards to drawing the eye. I’ve adjusted the DOF ever-so-slightly and my next version will have a more comfortable resting point.

  52. donut

    First off, I really like this. When I first got into photography I was mainly doing macros of flowers. And I have loved your work since I received membership to your site for Christmas.

    A few things I noticed: The peddles in the bottom left corner are pixelated. Looks like it didn’t finish rendering or something. I’m guessing this isn’t intentional. Also, the depth of field is nice but I feel like it’s confusing my eye, not making it easy for my eye to rest at any one spot. The focal point near the top of the image feels uncomfortable.

    All that said, it hasn’t stopped me from using this as my latest background.

  53. Palumbo

    i love this one!!!!, pickle jar version as well 🙂

  54. Rob

    I really like the detail of the petals with the jagged edges and imperfect lines. Just like plant life does. The shallow focus lends to a macro-photo, giving this even more photo-realistic qualities. I’ve read other peoples comments on the ‘blur’ of foreground and backgrounds of some of your images but I really like how you have been using that technique. It’s a great imagery tool to give depth (so to speak) and focus a viewer’s eye on the subject of the image.

    Keep up the great work.

  55. Greg in CA

    If that’s OK with you… 😉

  56. Scott

    Awesome image, as usual, Ryan

  57. Chris J

    The focus on the 5760*1080 is terrible. The outside monitors look pixel-ated and broken. The center image cuts off the best part of the flower, the kola. The bottom half of the flower we do see is out of focus. I’d rate this 5/10 because the triple monitor version turned out terrible.

  58. Zero G.

    No need to apologise. I was just curious. Thank you for the response.

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