White Magic


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11 reviews for White Magic

  1. Melchior [liferplus]

    This is also the first one I found!

    sad its not available in 1920×1080 res as I am getting a new laptop with that res..

  2. Ryan R. [lifer]

    When I first came across digital blasphemy long ago (damn, I feel old), this was one of the very first images I saw that made an impression on me. Being young and in high school, I took a freebie image of this and used it as my desktop background for many years before finally switching computers and forgetting about your work.

    Fast forward to a few years ago, I find you still working on your art. It’s easy to see how your work has evolved and improved over the years, exploring different ideas and expanding your creativity. It’s a pleasure to see an artist striving to improve his/her craft, and it’s obvious to anyone with a pulse that you’ve come a long way from where you had first starting out.

    I do have one thought about works like this one (you can include pyre, spellcraft, and arcana among others as a similar idea): while you have featured magical effects and their ominous and foreboding impact, I’ve yet to see you devise a scene where two (or more) spellcasters are opposite of one another. Granted, other mediums have portrayed “battles” like this (movies, video games, books, etc) but it might be something you try one of these days. I’m certain you could do a scene like that more justice than what others have tried.

    Thanks again for your hard work!

  3. Ashleigh [basicmember]

    This was way ahead of its time, I think it would look completely at home in the 2016 gallery. Beautiful, Ryan

  4. Ashleigh [basicmember]

    This was way ahead of its time, I think it would look completely at home in the 2016 gallery. Beautiful, Ryan

  5. Aaediwen [basicmember]

    I found this image a great many years ago while browsing DB, and it has stayed as my home desktop wallpaper ever since. I can’t imagine my home desktop with anything else.

  6. Babylon6 [lifer]

    I just reviewed an old backup of mine which included all my wallpapers I used over 10 years ago and I immediately fell in love with this wallpaper again. So I went online to look for bigger versions (as I was using the 1152×864 wallpaper back then) of this great wallpaper.

    Unfortunately the moment that was captured to create the 16:9 and 16:10 versions is different from the moment that was captured to create the 4:3 version. (It is not as good but still nice…)

    Ryan: I would greatly appreciate it if you could create a 1920×1200 version capturing the exact same moment that was used to create the 1152×864 version!

  7. Melchior

    This was the first work of your Ryan that I had found back when I was in college in 2001 ^_^

    maybe when you have a minute or two you could render some more sizes ^_^ pretty please ^_^.

  8. Jesse

    The wasn’t the first I saw, but this certainly helped cement my love for your work. This would be a cool one to redo with the latest tech and add textures and details to. Keep’em coming!!

  9. Jeannie

    I come back to this one over and over again – it’s one of my very favorites.

  10. Ryan

    Thanks Lucid. This is one of my faves from my early work.

  11. Lucid

    Very very nice indeed.

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