The Arsenal of Eros (Happy Valentine’s Day!)


SKU: taketwo2k141 Category: Tags: , ,


Here’s a little Valentine’s Day bonus for my Members: When I first
rendered “Take Two” a few years ago I learned that Eros (or Cupid
in Latin) carried two varieties of arrows. A gold arrow would
make anyone fall in love. A lead arrow had the opposite effect.

Here is a rendering of my heart arrows representing this
duality. I will have a multi-screen render up shortly.

I hope you enjoy this render and have a wonderful Valentine’s

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13 reviews for The Arsenal of Eros (Happy Valentine’s Day!)

  1. RDL

    Would love a pickle jar version from a further distance. i would like to see the whole bow on the iPad (portrait view).

  2. Eric

    This piece brought me to pay the $100 for a lifetime membership. I’ve been following the site for a while, using free ones when I can, but this one piece set me to buy it.

    It’s definitely worth it.

  3. rdeforest

    I like the concept and love the depth of field, but there’s some weirdness with the arrows. If they’re supposed to be made of elemental gold and lead, they don’t look right. Solid lead should look greyer, the gold should be shinier (more specular highlighting and possibly reflect the environment more) and both of them should have less texture. The banding in the gold arrow head is especially odd. Their current form looks like plastic to me. I would also recommend wooden shafts, perhaps also in two shades.

    With all that out of the way, thank you for the lovely Valentine’s day present. We love you too, Ryan. 🙂

  4. Deanna

    Love it. I feel like I’m in Westeros!

  5. Tyler

    This is like the Dolce & Gabbana edition. At least that was my first thought. Very stylish.

  6. JacobKlein

    Looks GREAT. Not really a fan of the depth-of-field blurring, though. But I absolutely love the fine detail at the bottom left of the piece. If the whole thing was that level of detail (with no depth blurring), it might look even better.

  7. Brad

    Wow, that made my day, thanks!

  8. ZaPlayford

    It’s not the ‘typical’ Valentine’s Day wallpaper.

    The move to the Gold and Lead arrows give this picture more grounding within the mythology instead of just ‘2 red heart arrows’.

    Not to detract from the original, which still stands on its own merit.

  9. Ryan

    Jenanne is right. If you think it’s a 10 please enter a rating! I appreciate the feedback though.

  10. Jenanne

    @Jen – if it’s so 10-ish, why is there no rating of 10 voted as of yet? 😉 But I agree this render is awesome.

  11. Jen

    Best holiday background ever!!!

  12. Littlemom

    Love the new colors of the arrows

  13. Jen

    Best holiday background ever!!!

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