Spring Wind


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3 reviews for Spring Wind

  1. Romarch

    That’s what I think of when I see this – that the swing is an open invitation; out in the middle of nowhere, nobody’s in it, no houses (and therefore no property owners) nearby; no playground monitors or spotters or any of the other complicated trappings we’ve loaded upon the simple act of play. I can climb right on. Nobody’s going to run me off or laugh at me for still liking these things when I’m over 50. So…why not? The best of your works always take me to a place where I can shed my inhibitions and be as playful, curious, adventuresome or daring as I like…and this is one of them.

  2. WillHutch5

    I’d love to see this revisited. Really a great piece.

  3. Rebecca

    I’ve been with you from the beginning and this picture is for sure one from that time. I’ve watched your talent grow and evolve and seen your work go places I always knew you could reach. I have many favorites, but this is in probably in the top three. There’s just something about it that evokes the care free days of youth. When I look at it I can feel the spring breeze and smell the grass and the earth. There is a bittersweetness to the image because the swing in empty. I can look at it and image I’ve only just jumped from it in answer to mom calling me in for dinner. Or, maybe I simply decided to run to the creek and splash around. In my opinion in the picture you have captured the fleeting yet beautiful moment of youth. I’d like to see how it could look these days with the new programs and tools you have to work with. Just a hint for when you can’t think of a thing to do.

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