Shinrin Yoku


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My mother sent me an article earlier this year about how being in nature can boost your immune system and mood. The Japanese even have a term for seeking this benefit…”Shinrin Yoku” or “Forest Bathing”. It isn’t news that being in nature can be good for your health, but I like that there’s a word for it.
Everything is very brown and dormant in my part of the world right now so I wanted to create something inexorably green and (hopefully) peaceful to close out the crazy year that was 2020. If you can’t get to a forest I will bring one to you 🙂

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Shinrin Yoku Dual


Shinrin Yoku Triple

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23 reviews for Shinrin Yoku

  1. richard [lifer]

    brings a zen quality!

  2. Donna Keil [liferplus]

    I love the night version, but this day version makes me want to stop and breathe in. Something is around the bend.

  3. Shippy [liferplus]

    I was hoping to set this as my new background, but the multi-screen versions have a very large blurry leaf in the upper left that id distracting from the rest of the image. Could you make a multi-screen render w/o it?

  4. icequeenjaf [lifer]

    Thank you for another soothing greenery background. I love this….. I’m still trying to find one that I want for my online call backgrounds, and this just might be it. I also always give you a shoutout when someone notices your work when I’m sharing screens during an online worksession (usually it’s just a momentary glimpse, but the viewers tend to backtrack and ask me to show it again because your work is that good. So again…thank you for your hard work and I hope to add another donation soon since I think artists are so very needed.

  5. Ozaawaagosh [plusmember]

    I love all 3 versions, they all awesome, and it is very true, it is good, in fact needed to stay healthy, is just take walks through wild and semi wild places, after all, we are all connected to every living thing, as is everything is connected to us!

  6. Ryan

    I did consider that when I added the path. My rationalization? Consider the first version to be what you might see from the path if you turned your head. I have a bit of a forest in my neighborhood and am ever grateful for the path that is maintained that allows me to walk through it.

  7. Romarch [lifer]

    I love the title, the image, and the idea that inspired them. But I think these successive versions have gotten further away from the original concept. The path leads the eye through and out of the forest; it does not encourage the visitor to linger, to stand still, to immerse themselves, to soak it in… In short, once you ran a road through it, it stopped being about “bathing”.

  8. Mando [basicmember]

    I prefer the camera angle of shin3 and the angle of the background light shaft, feels a deeper image, i think its the way the off center path winds on itself into the background.

    stunning on a 55 HDR nanocell TV for display.

  9. Dav [liferplus]

    Something seems to have gone wrong with this one from a rendering perspective. It looks like upscaling artifacts.

  10. Nathan Zachary [lifer]

    Love the serenity of this image, but I can’t help but feel like I’m being photobombed by a leaf in the multiscreen versions.

  11. Eric L. [lifer]

    This is fantastic. I prefer the pickle jar variant with the bright bamboo and dark path. It feels so much warmer and cozier.

  12. Clark [basicmember]

    I want to love this, green is my favorite color. But, the trunks just throw me off. I wish they were some shade of brown. It is, otherwise, absolutely phenomenal in my book. Regardless, you do amazing work! =D

  13. Tarot [basicmember]

    Like the pathway. Makes it more so I can feel like I’m there and can walk through the forest. Ryan, you might draw some inspiration from Tenchu or Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. I think of the original Tencho game on PS1 when I see this.

  14. Sander [liferplus]

    I follow your work for years now

    and it continues to amaze me

    that you always manage to put different levels

    in each render:

    when you see a render for the first (or xth) time

    and you see it again after a while

    there are almost always new details

    you didn’t see the first time(s)

    Appart from the renders being always awesome

    you also put depth into your work…

    You are an artist²…

  15. BobC [lifer]

    I find this to be a very nice image. I like the effect that the green being pretty much the same shade all over produces. To me, the depth of field effect makes it look a bit like a miniature that is photographed close up.

  16. Susan [basicmember]

    Calming to look at.

  17. Joe [basicmember]

    This is an absolutely beautiful scene, one that would normally be an easy 10/10 for me, but when I looked at it closer I noticed that a lot of it seems oddly… pixelated? Like the brighter portion in the middle looks like it could almost be snowing; same with the lit ground plants in the front, and the sunlight on the trees. I suspect that is just the rendering technique used. It very slightly throws off my enjoyment of what would otherwise be best of the best. I therefore must only rate this “Gorgeous” instead of even higher. 🙂

  18. webworx [liferplus]

    I’m always a fan of your forests and this one is among the best. I have retired and can’t wait to move back to our farm which has about 50 acres of forested land. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a good bath!

  19. Tarot [basicmember]

    Nice one. Love the concept. I could def go for more bamboo forest looking scenes. Also with the previous 2 renders (snow globe & ornament combo) this has been a great end to your work in 2020.

  20. Telaria [basicmember]

    Lovely render, Ryan – thanks! Like you, I also think it’s neat that there’s an actual phrase for ‘forest bathing’! Can’t tell you how many times I’ve done this myself over the years, taking a walk out into nature to just ‘be’, whether it’s a forest here in SW PA, the Outer Banks coast during a storm in the ‘off’ season, or the Mojave Desert.

  21. Gene [lifer]

    …it’s just too bad the reality outside my house (in late December), hasn’t caught up yet! Seriously though, once again, very nice work Ryan. This one will do some time as my main screen background.

  22. Littlemom [liferplus]

    This is absolutely gorgeous!!!

  23. Mark A. [liferplus]

    Ryan, it won’t save my rating.

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