Rolling Ridges (Night)


SKU: rollingridgesnight1 Category: Tags: ,


A few seconds after I posted Rolling Ridges the requests came in for a night version. I am always happy to oblige my Members 🙂

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32 reviews for Rolling Ridges (Night)

  1. Colin [lifer]

    This one’s beautifully haunting. I’d love to see a red/orange version of it for a bit more of a Halloween feel, but even this version is spectacular for the purpose.

  2. LanceX [basicmember]

    I love this one!
    It’s blue, it’s contrasty, it has depth AND detail.
    A welcome addition to my collection of your work Ryan!
    Keep it up sir.

  3. Sunnie [liferplus]

    I’m always a fan of your images that include the moon or planets. However, I was wondering if you had considered creating a version of this that takes place at sunrise or sunset with a lot of colors in the sky? That was my first thought when I saw the original daytime image. I currently have True North as my desktop wallpaper because I love the colors.

  4. Susan [nonmonthly]

    Sorry Ryan,

    It looks like I am in the minority I’m not fussed about it. I like the moon and the way you have done the light, but I don’t like the dark ridges. They feel too heavy

  5. Rose [lifer]

    I have always been a fan of the darker images for desktops as it makes seeing the icons better. the only way to improve it would be to make it darker and subtly add stars on the edges… but that is just me =)

  6. JDD [lifer]

    Put this on my desktop right when I saw it.


  7. Mike [nonmonthly]

    Love it. Seriously thinking about a print.

  8. Mark [sponsormember]

    Thank you for the multi-screen, and thank you for the streak reduction, it looks way better (to me anyway). This one will be my wallpaper for a while. Nice work!

  9. Andrew [lifer]

    Ryan, fantastic! Both day and night are well suited for wallpapers because the images aren’t visually busy, keeping it easy to read my icons. I particularly like the night scene because I favour the colours, and because it’s more dramatic, eerie.

  10. Jenanne [liferplus]

    Terrific, Ryan! The night version is even better than the day. I particularly love the moon and the blue color scheme. Thanks!

  11. Ryan

    The multiscreen version is rendering as I write this. It should be ready by tomorrow morning. I usually wait until I have finalized the design before I widen the frame and create the multiscreen version.

  12. Mike [basicmember]

    What happened to the three screen 1920×1080 versions of most of the new renderings? There used to be those being provided to members but that tri-screen option seems to have disappeared.

  13. Chris [liferplus]

    I love your dark themed work! I sit in front of 3 screens from 4am until 3pm. As a developer I spend a great deal of time looking at text. My eyes just feel more comfortable with darker ambience. I love this one.

  14. L [lifer]

    The moon is one of my favorite things in nature so this one is really cool. I usually like your day images, unless the night images have a lot of color to them. Or moons. Or pretty clouds like this one too!

  15. Mark [sponsormember]

    I love this, and am eagerly awaiting the multi-screen versions. I hate nitpicking, but something about the bottom right of the image with the streaks doesn’t look right to me. Like Amanda says below, this one for me is potentially a canvas purchase. Great stuff!

  16. Amanda [nonmonthly]

    This just went to the top of my shopping list to buy in canvas. Absolutely stunning.

  17. Ozaawaagosh [basicmember]

    I love the moon light, this is so awesome

  18. Robert [lifer]

    I generally prefer the dark or night versions, with few exceptions. I like the little details that you put in like the lights, or fire flies. In this case the Moonlight is spactacular.

  19. Ili [liferplus]

    I always prefer a darker background on my desktop, I find it easier on the eyes. This one is really lovely!

  20. Meg [lifer]

    Night. I prefer a darker background on my computer.

  21. Paul [nonmonthly]

    I usually prefer the Day versions but if there is a print I like the day version, it always is nice to have the night version as well.

  22. Camp [basicmember]

    I like both, but the night time versions work great for my office which is typically darker lighting. I use the day time versions at home.

  23. Oscar [lifer]

    I love both versions, but since I’m partial to your space wallpapers, the night version rings for me even better. This one is beautiful! Makes you wish this was real and you were there, witnessing it.

  24. Sylvain Robert [liferplus]

    I almost always prefer night versions

  25. Chris [nonmonthly]

    The night version is wonderful as my phone’s wallpaper. The day version is too bright. But both look good on my computer screen

  26. Ryan

    Yes it is intentional. The night time focus (for me anyway) is almost always the sky. During the day (when everything is lit) the focus is on the landscape.

  27. StGrimblefig [basicmember]

    It seems to me that the focus of the night image is the moon. With the big bright moon visible, and creating shadow lines that draw the attention to the moon rather than the scene on the ground, I wonder if that was intentional, or just a side effect of having the light source visible? Don’t get me wrong, I do like this image, just curious about the apparent change of focus.

  28. Mark [liferplus]

    Ryan, this is beautiful.

  29. Littlemom [liferplus]

    You outdid yourself on this one Ryan. Great Job!!!

  30. Ren [nonmonthly]

    I prefer more darker backgrounds on my desktop. Like Ili says below, it’s easier on the eyes.Me too, I’m awaiting the multi-screen versions. Great Job!

  31. Rodewaryer [basicmember]

    I think I prefer this to the day version, it is more dynamic and the colors are quite striking. I love it!

  32. Rodewaryer [basicmember]

    I think I prefer this to the day version, it is more dynamic and the colors are quite striking. I love it!

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