
(65 customer reviews)


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65 reviews for Reverie

  1. Ericsson Hwang

    I feel this needs an update/refresh. One of the best wallpapers out there.

  2. Daniel Gieseke [plusmember]

    This is my go-to default wallpaper until I bother to set up a shuffler, and it works so well I forget to set up the shuffler for long spans of time.

    It’s been with me on and off for many years and I never get tired of it.

  3. Phil C. [basicmember]

    This image has gone with me from new computer to new computer over the years. It’s just so contemplative and peaceful.

  4. Trevor [nonmonthly]

    Aloha! This wallpaper holds so much meaning for me, it’s very evocative and I love how well it scales for my iPhone. Mahalo!

  5. John

    This is–and has been, since you released it–my favorite wallpaper you’ve created. I recently updated my monitors, though, and discovered that the image isn’t available in a triple-screen configuration for my new screen real-estate. I wonder if you have a higher resolution copy? The maximum above is a dual-screen 16:10… and it looks grainy when blown up… Anyways, Thanks for all you do!

  6. Will_Oliver

    Being a big fan for years, now that I have an android phone I wanted to have your work, this wallpaper is epic.

  7. Alex H

    That is all

  8. Anonymouse

    …what is s/he thinking, I wonder?

    Other than “What a beautiful view”? Gorgeous.

  9. Ryan

    I wish!

  10. Noël

    …because this image is so similar to the one that they use for the Kindle App it is unreal! I think they owe you some money Ryan!

  11. LBates

    This reminds me of the Dreamworks logo. I can hear the music and everything 🙂

  12. Vamp1

    for me better than any other pic of 2010 and that are great pics!

  13. Vamp1

    for me better than any other pic of 2010 and that are great pics!

  14. Andro

    Is this work inspired by an Alex Grey piece by any chance?

  15. Jeff C

    This one is my true favorite. I don’t think another will ever surpass it.

  16. Joel

    I’ve been a fan for many years, this is my favorite

    picture so far. I have it on both my PCs at work and

    people are constantly commenting on how amazing it looks.

    Your pictures help bring some serenity to what can be otherwise stressful workdays.

    Thanks! And keep up the good work!

  17. Eric

    Heya Ryan,

    First of all this is one of my favorite images that you have made. I remember reading your comment saying something about the banding caused by Vue but that you would re-render it once Vue 6 came out since it was supposed to fix the problem. Was wondering if you were still considering doing it since it would make this image just that bit better.

  18. AdamC

    i love this wall, its just amazing, its just perfect

    i might even buy a poster of is somewhen =]

    so yeah, i just felt like leaveing a comment for it, because its so amazing

  19. T

    This is one of my top 5 favorites. Reminds me alot of the dreamworks logo, love it.

  20. Xircuits

    I’ve been a fan of the free database, but I just signed up for the yearly subscription. I am truly happy with this because otherwise, I would have never have gotten to see this one. I really like it. It’s soo clear and crisp. I’m not much a fan of flashy colours, so the blend here makes me speechless.

    I guess this image moved me because I relate to the person sitting below gazing up at the sky and wondering about life beyond Earth.

    Thank you Ryan.

  21. Ali the winemaker-in-training

    I bought the poster print as a gift to my girlfriend. I hope she likes it when it arrives. The picture is great on the screen, but I don’t know how it’ll look on paper. Either way, great job Ryan.

  22. Carmen

    I absolutely love this picture. If ever I change my desktop for one reason or another, I always revert back to this one, simply amazing.

  23. Jason

    perfect! i love this type of picture, looks great using gt ripple, too. i love this whole site!

  24. bruce b

    this picture takes me back to my childhood…being a loner and an outsider who never “fit in”, this picture describes the feeling i had back then, and still have to this day…..i live this picture…

  25. StormAngel

    Dear Ryan, you never cease to amaze me. I have just gone through the heartbreak of the anniversary of my small son’s death, and the search for a peaceful moment has been difficult. This image captures all the symbolism of the earthly and cosmic soul…the tree represents his earthy roots centered around the loving child he was, the water is life neverending, and the heavens have welcomed him with open arms. Solitude, gratitude, and Reverence.

    Thank you for this.I think sometimes as I visit here, your artwork is almost miraculous. And I’ve been here a long time from since I could afford a membership, and about to renw in a few days.

    Everywhere I’m asked for my favorite artist, unabashadly, i enter Ryan Bliss and there are links to you on every site I run.

    Many have a talent, but you have inspiration.

    I wish your family and you the most spectacular year ever.


  26. StormAngel

    Below, I meant to say, “since BEFORE I could afford a membership,” but before my early dawn fingers and burnt out eyes caught up with my sleepy brain, I commented on the wrong image. Sorry.

    It kinda didn’t make sense since there was no comment from me “below” the comment I left.

    My first download from DB was when you were on the Icestorm network, way back when. I even got “Fluorescence” on a mousepad back then. Still have it too. It was too pretty to use.Finally I laminated it and put it in my aquarium.

    Yeah. It’s really been that long. I just went back to look at the first early stuff. What an extraordinary trip back in time, and as for what is ahead, I can hardly wait.As long as YOU are here, I’ll be here.


  27. Overdrive

    I’d like to add that former commenter Joel is right: this sun/moon constellation is possible. The dark part of the moon doesn’t necessarily needs to be the shadow of the earth.

    The equal optical size of the sun and the moon is also a great realistic detail!

  28. Awe-inspiring

    When i saw this i was awe struck. It is amazing. The child under the tree is the perfect touch. It is extremely relaxing. Great Job!

  29. Jules Kain

    The Guy Before Me Is Dead Wrong This Is The Best This Year

    Toward Daylight Is Crap Compared To This

  30. Aesir

    I have to agree this is a good wallpaper, but there have been others better than this that don’t get as good of a rating. Towards daylight for instance. I just don’t think this is the best one you’ve put out this year. Good, but not the BEST.

  31. Rebecca

    There is something about the tree in this one that doesn’t set well with me. It doesn’t look very natural or something. Otherwise, this is truly beautiful!

  32. Amadalia

    I’ve had this photo as my background since the day you posted it… It is one of the best I’ve seen you so far, and I’ve been a supporter for 6 years! 🙂

    Keep up the fantastic work.

  33. Michelle

    I second a sunset version for the picklejar. It’s a lovely picture, but it’s a bit too simple in colors for my taste.

  34. Kyle C

    I really like this piece, it’s so soothing and powerful. I find it also quite reflective and peaceful (just like most). If anyone’s ever seen ‘collateral’ the film, this is my little picture of escape – it’s something I look into and get lost, its where I like to go to calm down – a perfect wallpaper considering I spend most of my life infront of this screen…

    I think I’d also, like others, be interested in a sunset version, maybe using some soothing dark reds and oranges?

    Still, this is great! Keep up the good work Ryan!

  35. Robert Cianciarulo

    Reminds me of when i was a child, when the world around you had not a worry!

  36. Luan

    I love this image, very surreal and peaceful.

    The kid under the tree was a very nice and insightful touch, it’s always the small thing you know.

  37. Jules Kain

    Love This Picture I Don’t Have Anything Bad To Say About It

    I Would Love To See A Sunset Version

    Keep Up The Good Work

  38. Alan Morgan

    Relaxing and soothing. I really like this one 🙂

  39. Tony Robson

    Great one this, I find it very soothing to look at, it’s eased my hangover today too.

  40. Mike

    I really loved this image when I saw it. I’ve had it has the backdrop on my computer since I downloaded it. Your scenery pictures are my favorites (I admit I’m not especially fond of abstracts, though yours are nice). I disagree with those who said the human should have been left out. I think the human sitting there gazing at the huge moon was an nice extra touch. This is definitely one of your best wallpapers ever.

  41. Geoffrey

    so many of your pieces are blue. i’d like some variety on my desktop every now and then.

  42. bonesbro

    I love the image, though I’m not a huge fan of the tri-screen version. The left third of the image is basically flat black, and that isn’t especially attractive.

    With that said, though, I prefer the current image over not having one available. One of the things I value most about DB is these tri-screen images 🙂

  43. Eric

    I think this image would be perfect if it didn’t have the silhouette. I definitely like the scenery artwork better if human images are left out entirely. This is not the case for the Hammerheads, which is a great use of silhouettes.

  44. Derek T.

    I’m currently using the dual monitor version of this on my primary computer. I really like the use of the silouette with the planetscape. An idea you might use for people who would prefer more color would be a sunset version. Not sure how that would be done but I’m sure you could figure out a way. I like it just how it is though. The human in the scene isn’t the focus of the scene, which I prefer.

    And I love Planetscapes! Keep up the good work!

  45. Ryan

    I love this one…it’s very calm and relaxing. The little pond, the tree, the sky! Excellent work!

  46. Paul

    I like this image. It looks like a photo that I would like to take, trying to be artsy and all that. The solo tree, the star gazer, the hillside all in sillouette, while the night sky is reflecting off the water.

    Very calming and relaxing.

  47. Tril

    I like this one quite a lot, and unlike some commenters, I like the figure musing in the distance. It fits the mood and is too far away to be obtrusive.

    However, there is one criticism I have with this as well as a number of your other recent works (e.g. Verdure): not enough palette. I prefer your pictures that have a range of color, even if a limited range (e.g. Skysong) to those that are saturated with all blues, reds, greens, etc.

  48. Masada

    This piece is a good example of a how to use a rendered figure in a scene. The image is nicely balanced and its monochrome nature sets a mood. This makes it more than just a “night scene render” and brings solidly in to the realm of art. The moon and sky are fanciful. The lone tree with the lone figure make me think of my own stargazing experiences allowing me to really connect to the picture. Another great piece, IMO.

  49. sweetcorrosion

    This one was not one of my faves, I will say that I absolutely love your planetary work. All of your planet stuff is amazing. 🙂

  50. Terry

    This image is second only to Song Of The Sky in my opinion. Prefer landscape scenery to abstracts and I think the most power is found in images that experiment with light. I feel the winning factor of this image is that no detail can be seen in the foreground.

    Keep up the good work!

  51. Andrew

    I would have like this piece a lot better if it didn’t include the person sitting under the tree. I find that person to be distracting and out of place, taking away from an otherwise awesome wallpaper.

  52. macmage

    I love this picture, I especially like the boy, everytime I look at this I think of myself as a kid sitting out under the stars. Another great picture, I love your artwork!


  53. Brad

    This is one of my favorite images, The widescreen version is fantastic.

  54. Jo

    I love this picture, but like Andrew said, the boy under the tree spoils it a bit. Other than that, I could stare at it for hours!

  55. Jimmy

    Love the night scenery

  56. Mike from NJ

    I find this piece – which is my new wallpaper as of the day of its posting, btw – to be very relaxing.

    As a Boy Scout and monthly camper I found it to be an eerie parallel to an old pastime I’ve had… That is, sitting on the shore of a lake and looking at the stars and the moon, basking in the still-warm air while I shiver from the cool breeze dancing across my skin.

    As an old school Disney lover, I couldn’t help but hear the Winnie the Pooh theme in my head, since this reminded me also of the ubiquitous images of Pooh sitting with Christopher Robin under the Tree on the Hill.

    Excellent work and personally moving on several levels.

  57. Ralph

    This picture could be a reason to buy a widescreen monitor 😉

  58. James

    Truly one of the most incredible and beautiful pieces of artwork I’ve ever scene. It’s peaceful, calm, serene — great to look at often. Wonderful!

  59. Jacob

    I can’t help but look at this work of art and picture my son as that boy under the tree. Truely one of the best if not the best.

  60. Bryan

    This is probably one of the best images you have ever done. Simple and elegant. The light halo in the night sky adds a nice touch.

    My favorite though, is still the space ones or landscape ones where you can see stars.

    Keep up the amazing work!

  61. Steven

    Hey… this picture is the best one i have seen on this page.

    Its just GREAT!

    But … is it me or is the color gradient in the moon not smooth? I can see a few “steps” in there… or is it my monitor?

    Whatever.. i love it! 🙂

  62. Eugenio Barreto

    by far the best that i have personally seen.

    steve is correct, slight steps in the halo but only noticable in the big resolutions wouldnt have even noticed had steve not said anything.

    great image, 10/10

  63. Ryan

    Thanks for the comments guys!

    The color banding in the sky is a known problem with the Vue d’Esprit renderer (it is also evident in “Respite”).

    I could have avoided it if I had added more clouds to the scene, but I didn’t want to make the sky too busy looking.

    The rumor is that Vue 6 (upcoming) will address the problem. When they fix it I will re-render the image and post it here.

  64. Dan

    one of my fav backgrounds to date

    RE: Steven

    I see the ‘steps’ in the moon’s colour gradient as well. Not that its a big deal

  65. Chris

    I would have to say this is my favorite peice of art on this site. I love the blues and it goes perfectly with my visual style.

    Personally I think it reminds me of myself staring at the night sky from the water’s edge at the family cottage.

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