Remembrance (Remembrance Day)

(40 customer reviews)


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Shortly after posting my latest Halloween render I was asked by one of my Members if I had ever considered doing a wallpaper for Remembrance Day. We don’t mark the holiday here in the US but after I did a little reading it certainly seemed like a worthy subject. Especially since quite a few of my Members come from Commonwealth nations.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

by John McCrae, May 1915

The symbol of Remembrance Day is the common poppy. My rendering isn’t too flashy or overt but I hope I did the subject justice.

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40 reviews for Remembrance (Remembrance Day)

  1. Jeanine Schlauch

    Beautiful – and thank you for posting the poem.

  2. Rizman [plusmember]

    As a veteran, I always am aware of the fact I got to come home from my war. It was especially nice for me to see a tribute to all the troops that didn’t make it back on such a modern and artistic web site. If you do another rendering, you may want to consider adding the markers (they aren’t all just crosses) row on row, to give a scope of the tragedy that is war.

  3. Cutterman [basicmember]

    I’m a historian (1833-1933) with an interest in The Great War. A perfect memorial image.

  4. Isaac [nonmonthly]

    I also can’t see the normal right-side stuff in Firefox due to a weird formatting thing going on (the whole page is funky). I checked this page with Edge (gross) and it seemed fine. This is the only page I’ve seen like this.

  5. tecbuddy1 [plusmember]

    Even being a veteran I sometimes do not think of the fallen that have given us our freedom. Thanks for this work.

  6. Ryan

    Which triple-screen resolution are you trying to download?

  7. Miles Forrest [lifer]

    I can’t see the triple-screen either. Using Firefox. Other triple-screens are visible for me, but not Remembrance.

  8. Ryan

    Maybe the page hasn’t loaded completely? Try refreshing because they’re there 🙂

  9. Dave [basicmember]

    Lovely rendering, but I navigated here from the Triple Screen page and am not seeing any dual or triple screen offerings. Usually on the right side of the page, correct?

  10. Heather [lifer]

    I love all of your holiday works but as I?m sitting here scrolling thru past works there is not a single Thanksgiving Day themed wallpaper. Might be long overdue…just food for thought for next year if you currently aren?t working on one. Thanks for all you do and hope you and your family have a great Turkey Day 🙂

  11. Eamonn [liferplus]

    Thank you!

  12. Trifid [liferplus]

    I love this render and as a Proud Canadian am very thankful that you put this together.

    I would love to see a Remembrance day render of California Poppies, as IMHO it would be a better render.

  13. bronzed [lifer]

    My late nanas brothers all fought in WW2, my family is a big military one here in Canada, and I really want to say thank you for making this, its beautiful and peaceful, exactly as yesterday was meant to be. <3 Much love from Toronto

  14. Camille [plusmember]

    AWESOME, Ryan. Great to have a tribute to our fallen warriors, and so simple & fitting.

  15. Caroline [liferplus]

    Remembrance day and remembrance Sunday have great meaning in the UK and a lot of other countries around the world. Your image is simply amazing and thought provoking. Thank you!

  16. Doc [liferplus]

    As someone who commemorates Remembrance Day here in Australia, I think you’ve done a great job and created a beautiful and respectful image. It will definately grace my desktops tomorrow.

    And thank you for taking the time to do this.

  17. Box [plusmember]

    This means the world to me. We commemorate Remembrance Day at the 11th hour, on the 11th day, on the 11th month each year, in honor of the armistice signed after WW I. We also wear a poppy as a symbol of this remembrance. Both of my parents served as sergeants during WW II, and this holds a lot of meaning for me. You have my deepest gratitude for creating such a meaningful work of art.

  18. David Buffington [basicmember]

    The second I saw your rendering that first line came to me – “In Flanders fields the poppies blow….” I could never forget it. It’s not all rows of crosses there – there is one common grave with 78,000 names on it. Imagine! 2 of my uncles fought in WWI; both were gassed but came home to east Texas to live long & fruitful lives. One of the greatest things my old girlfriend Suzanne did was to go around pinning red poppies on everyone, me first – I, too, a veteran…. in remembrance….

    Thank you. I did not think I could react so emotionally to a piece like yours. I may order a print.


  19. Maryann [liferplus]

    Thank you so much, Ryan.

    This is a very sacred day in Canada.

    My late dad was a medic in the UK in WWII.

    For those who are interested, In Flanders Fields was written by a Canadian doctor from Guelph, Ontario, which is located about an hour and a half west of Toronto. He died after the Battle of Vimy Ridge.

  20. MJ [basicmember]

    It’s flawless, absolutely perfect!


    THANK YOU for doing this.

    I’m kinda crying over the fact someone from a country that doesn’t observe Remembrance Day (and probably hadn’t even heard of it before) would do such a beautiful thing for us. <3

  21. Paul [basicmember]

    Thanks Ryan, this means a lot to me … much appreciated.

  22. Patrick [liferplus]

    Ryan, being a Brit (and therefore Commonwealth member), I cannot add any more than the comments of @Marlowe, @Joe and @drow.

    Thanks for doing this, it is appreciated.

  23. Ryan

    The request was something for Remembrance Day and the poppy iconography (which is well within my wheelhouse) seems to be more closely linked to this holiday than to Memorial Day.

  24. drow [nonmonthly]

    ye did good, lad.

  25. Steve [lifer]

    We do have Veteran’s Day here in the US… which falls on the same day and is related (Remembrance Day more closely mirrors Memorial Day).

    Great screen, btw.

  26. Littlemom [liferplus]

    This is a very nice render and the sentiment behind it is great!

  27. Jean [liferplus]

    What a great gesture and a great render!

  28. Andy B [basicmember]

    A nice gesture

    Always worth considering Binyon’s immortal lines here

    They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:

    Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

    At the going down of the sun and in the morning

    We will remember them

  29. Joe [lifer]

    This image means nothing to those who don’t know the history, and everything to those that do. Thank you.

  30. HorcruxHP [basicmember]

    Ryan, the image and the accompanying poem tug at my heart strings. It couldn’t be more appropriate for those who have served and sacrificed all for their country.

  31. Rob [basicmember]


    thank you for this gesture. You may not know that the poppy and remembrance has been under attack from dirty politics for their own agenda, whereas the families of those injured( mentally and physically) and lost just want to move forward with their lives, hence the poppy is about raising funds to support them.

    Even if the original idea was for remembrance for those of WWI, its use has expanded to remember those of all conflicts wherever they maybe. Even my late grandfather an American serviceman wore a poppy to remember those of his extended family from both sides.

    Thank you again…

  32. Marlowe [plusmemberlifer]

    Thanks for doing this Ryan! It means a lot to your commonwealth members. It is a beautiful and understated render.

  33. Mark A. [liferplus]

    Ryan, I think this is definitely a proper/adequate homage to Remembrance Day.

  34. Chris [basicmember]

    I’m not ashamed to say, brought a tear to my eye. Thank you for honoring our heroes.

  35. someone31988 [lifer]

    This is a great start, but to me, the color looks off on the flower pedals. It’s the like they have no depth, and it’s hard differentiate one pedal from the next.

  36. Gibbylinks [basicmember]

    Thanks Ryan for a very poignant image

  37. Ozaawaagosh [basicmember]

    Simply Beautiful, Love this

  38. Russ [donormember]

    My dad and my uncles served. My brother-in-law serves.My wife serves. Most have lost a “brother” in the line of service. While we have our timing off here in the US (we celebrate the Fallen in May with Memorial Day and celebrate all who have served with Veterans Day this month), we all look to honor those who keep us safe and those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you Ryan, for adding a little more beauty and notice. That these “holidays” mean more that what most understand. May the world never again have to see struggles on a global scale, as many did, over the past century.

  39. Susan [nonmonthly]

    Thank you Ryan, my grandfather served in World War 1 at Gallipoli and later in France, we were lucky, as he came home. We remember this every ANZAC Day. This is a lovely work of art. I felt quite tearful looking at it.

  40. Rodewaryer [basicmember]

    Veterans tend to feel these kinds of topics more uniquely than many, and that doesn’t mean that civilians don’t, but it’s more a way of life between Veterans. I am a retired Veteran and the short of it is that this piece and the quote are genuinely appreciated as well as admired. Good on ya Ryan.

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