Red Sky at Night


SKU: redsky Category: Tags: , ,


Created 12/8/98 using Bryce 3D.

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11 reviews for Red Sky at Night

  1. Ryan

    I would love to render a larger version of this but I need to find a program that can open Bryce3 files with the atmosphere settings intact. I don’t think I can recreate this from scratch unfortunately and Bryce 7 (the current version) can only open Bryce 4 files with atmospheres 🙁

  2. MP [basicmember]

    This was my first, and still is one of my favorite of your wallpapers. Could I request a 2020 render??

  3. Ceneezer [nonmonthly]

    Remember This image makes me remember it, among netscape, word perfect, 123, and other dinosaurs now long forgotten.

    Yup, that was the first one I ever saw, the next brought me looking for more

  4. Foz

    I think this was the first image that introduced me to your work, way way back in ’98.

    I loved it then, and I love it now.

    At the time I was a penniless student, and now I’m a devoted fan, keep up the good work! 🙂

  5. Jenanne

    I like this one, too. I think Red Sky at Morning (2012) was perhaps not an update of Red Sky at Night, but had the same general theme. This one has a nice open feeling to it.

  6. Melissa

    I agree, I’d love to see this in widescreen as-is, or an update would be awesome!

  7. Aaron H.

    This is a great image. Wasn’t it on ‘Webshots’ about 10 years ago? It is great as-is, but I would love to see what Ryan would do with an update!

  8. Chris B

    The 1600 version still works pretty good on my 1080p monitor. It’s awesome the perspective of it is just awesome.

  9. Steve M

    Ditto to what the other two posters have expressed. This might have been the first wallpaper I downloaded from the site and its still in heavy rotation. I’d also like to see an updated or at least widescreen version.

  10. Steven

    This image is one of my all-time-favs too. Its just great.

    This is one of the images i would love to see a new brushed-up version of.

  11. Jamie N.

    Fantastic imagination, perfect colours, fantastic render, ultra-cool.

    One of my all-time faves. This is what DB is all about.

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