Public Enemy


SKU: publicenemy1 Category: Tags: ,


Lots of folks have asked me to render the infamous Coronavirus but I had some major reservations; number 1 being that I like my work to take folks away from everyday problems. In the end I decided to do it on the off chance that just one person might see my render, think about the virus, and decide that trip out to wherever isn’t really that important. Just stay home if you can folks.
I know people are hurting financially because of the disruption from virus so I’m adding the render to my free gallery right away so anyone who wants it can download it. If you have the means though, there’s never been a better time to become a DB Member 🙂
I hope you all stay smart and stay healthy. I will try to do both and get back to rendering stuff that helps you forget all this…

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22 reviews for Public Enemy

  1. Ginger [plusmember]

    Items such as this mark points in my life and history. Your work displays reality through your canvas.

    Nobody can SEE the virus but through a vision such as yours. Thank you for providing an image to remind us of what is at stake during these times.

  2. Kevin B [basicmember]

    Haha love the title!! Stay safe everyone!

  3. Holly [basicmember]

    I think this is a great reminder that life isn’t guaranteed and people need to take self-isolation and social distancing seriously. This image is a great reminder that our choices have consequences.

  4. Russ [patronmember]

    I will respectfully withdraw my usual request of “when can we get it in a dual monitor verison?”. I am living the “fun” life, thats sarcasm, due to this bugger, and I do not need a reminder on my screen. At least not now…it’s just too soon 🙁

  5. ChrisW [basicmember]

    Life influences art; we all know this. And since we also all know that life isn’t always pretty or pleasant, doesn’t it follow that the art inspired by it won’t always be pretty or pleasant?

    Somebody took a photograph of the Hindenburg disaster; they didn’t do that to glorify it. Neither did the person who took pictures of the Nazis marching through Paris. That’s documenting history as it happens.

    Artists REACT to history as it happens. Their emotional reaction to these events is the fuel that drives them, makes them pick up a paint brush, or sculpt clay, or write a song…or now, to use a keyboard and a mouse. No matter the medium, when the muse speaks, the artist listens.

    I don’t believe for one moment that you’re trying to glorify or glamorize this pandemic, Ryan. There are people out there who’re still refusing to take this thing seriously, who refuse to consider their actions or other people. And if images like this can change even one person’s mind, and wake them up, so much the better.

    Do what you gotta do, Ryan.

  6. Yet Another Jason [basicmember]

    @Ryan – You outdid yourself this time! The artwork is great, just like we’ve all come to expect from you. But the reaction to it – I don’t think anything you’ve ever done anything that got people talking like this one. I understand your reservations, but this seems to have worked out really well.

    @Everyone else – thanks for your insight and your humor about the whole thing. (Especially the humor!)

    Maybe they’ll put a corona virus in Destiny or Call of Duty so we can all go shoot it…

  7. DK-Nebraska [liferplus]

    If I’m upset at looking at this virus rendering, then there are way too many other things in this world I’ve missed. There are beautiful but dangerous things we admire every day. This is a beautiful rendering of something I can’t normally see, but that can kill me or kick me and move on. So, what do the flu virus, staph, Ebola look like?

    We need to be careful, thoughtful, and pay attention. Some day, I ‘d like to see this as a beautiful reminder of our ability to be grown-up and take responsibility for our behavior and actions, and help our family, friends and neighbors through something that could have been so much worse.

  8. Clifton [lifer]

    Crosshairs…. definitely

    You have to learn to laugh in times like these….

  9. BigD [basicmember]

    While I don’t have the visceral reaction Eel River had and don’t think you created it as a thing of beauty or to glamorize it, I agree with Paul that each of us will see it differently. To me, it isn’t a wallpaper I would use although I do like Binary Digit’s suggestion that you make different colors representing different outcomes.

  10. Xetal [liferplus]

    …it would just be another good abstract.Would any other coronavirus look similar? Googling images of the SARS virus suggests it would, reinforcing Binary Digit’s comment about doing different colours.

    Thought-provoking, like art ought to be.

  11. Paul [basicmember]

    People are naturally going to be biased to or from this image. I want to reflect on that, there are some people who process whatever’s going on for them by diving into it. I’m the kind of person who will happily watch aircrash investigations before I take a flight. Knowing the different possibilities actually helps me feel more secure. But this is “weird” and many other people would feel more nervous.

    Art has always done this, while there’s a lot of art that allows us to escape a situation, there’s plenty of art that helps us work through it. So many films or TV shows are set during wartime (although many are made after the wars they depict).

    Ryan: people are going to react to your art in different ways (I’m sure you already know this) and that’s fine. Keep making the art that _you_ want/need. Chances are it’ll “speak to” someone else also, including me.

    Viewers: If this art makes you feel positive or negative, know that that’s okay and that’s normal. That’s what art is supposed to do. But that if that’s not the feeling you need right now, that’s okay too and there’s plenty of other art on DB and elsewhere. But don’t go outside if you can help it.

    Ryan, keep being awesome, healthy, happy etc.

  12. Binary digit [lifer]

    Maybe you should make a couple of these. Red, you have it. Green you recovered from it. Blue you never had it and Black for someone you know has died from this virus.

    Maybe if enough people see the reds they will take this bug seriously. Just a thought…

  13. Eel River [basicmember]

    There is no beauty in this image. There is no way you can glamorize this microscopic human holocaust. As always, I much prefer your tropical paradise pictures, or even your imaginary renderings of other worlds. This does nothing for me. And I resent this image and all the constant reminders I am bombarded with daily.

  14. Ozaawaagosh [plusmember]

    Really cool, love the colours one of my fav’s now, great job my Friend

  15. Jason [basicmember]

    Feels like I’m living in a movie. This thing is starting to show up in my dreams. Beautiful rendering, yet ominous knowing what this thing is doing.

    [Would love a 3840×1080 dual-screen version.]

  16. Mike [liferplus]

    There’s no point burying our heads or avoiding what’s been put in front of us. I think this helps us to focus on what needs to be done.

    Beyond that, I just flat like the thing!

  17. Travis [lifer]

    Does this mean I have to sit 6-feet from my monitor?!

  18. Paul Schwebel [liferplus]

    I’ve never reviewed a render, though I have been a lifetime member for at least 15 years now and have admired Ryan’s work for even longer. Not only is this a visually beautiful thing, but the subtext, the fact of its danger at this time in history, gives it a complexity of feeling for me as I look at it. This is what art is all about.

  19. Matt [liferplus]

    Reminds me of Beholders from D&D.. both evil and need to be eradicated. Also playing Pandemic has new meaning now. Stay healthy and thanks to all the medics out there!

  20. Mark Riddick [lifer]

    My new background…

  21. Mike [basicmember]

    I’m 100% behind bringing awareness to this problem. Take care and stay healthy. Hoping you are working on multi-screen possibly for members only. Would love to have some multi-screen options.

  22. Gerry Andrews [lifer]

    Need a 2560 x 1080 version please

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