

SKU: passageway1 Category: Tags: ,


My first render of 2018 was built using trees that evolved from both “The Standing Stones” and “Animus”. It also contains plants that foreshadow my next render. I guess it has a foot in the past and a foot in the future. Truly a passageway 🙂

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16 reviews for Passageway

  1. Richard H. [liferplus]

    I really like this one, and agree that a winter version would also work well. However, I have another request, @Ryan:

    The 360º version is really nice, and I particularly like the view you get if you turn around and look out of the passageway: a view containing a fancy pyramid. Could we have a plot of this scene, please? (Even if only for the Pickle Jar.) Thanks!

  2. OpelCarl [nonmonthly]

    Another amazing Wallpaper. It makes us waiting for the springtime. Go on like this Ryan!

  3. Jami [basicmember]

    Anxiously waiting for the multi-screen version of this one! I really love the number of rays filtering in through the branches. It’s always a gorgeous effect. I would love to also see a winter version of this since we have two and a half more months of chill coming our way.

  4. Cara [basicmember]

    Where’s the dual screen version?? 🙁

  5. Jenanne [liferplus]

    It’s a bit jarring to be seeing a spring/summer image when it just turned winter, but I do love this render, and come spring it will join my other seasonal favorites. I hope you’ll consider doing some seasonal versions, winter and fall in particular. As always, I love your work, Ryan!

  6. Gene [lifer]

    Absolutely one of your very best works! Uplifting!

    Just one question: are there any concealed critters in there!? Please save this long-time loyal fan an hour of futile pixel spotting! ;). Of course, if there IS something in there… 😉 😉

  7. Mike [nonmonthly]

    Please consider creating widescreen versions that will not be cropped

  8. Mark Artman [liferplus]

    I love this one, Ryan. How about a winter version? And, a dapplewood winter… and, a skygate winter. LOL 🙂

  9. Shannon [basicmember]

    It draws me right in, like I’m truly being pulled into the world. Would LOVE a snowy version of it for winter!

  10. Mario [nonmonthly]

    Love the light effect. Good colors. Well composed.

  11. Littlemom [liferplus]

    I really like this render overall however there’s something not quite right about water in this one, maybe it’s the amount of light on it…I just don’t know but it doesn’t seem quite right. And in the left front corner one of the large tree branches reminds me of a large snake because of the size and texture of it, and I don’t like snakes, but other than those two minor things I find this render very beautiful.

  12. Brent [lifer]

    I love it. But There is no dual monitor version… 🙁

  13. nissim [liferplus]

    Sorry I find it “too grey”. I can guess the color of the branches behind the light rays. What about a variation with more (warm?) color in the light, and in the pond as well?

  14. DarqueVixen [basicmember]

    Lovely, makes me want to explore all around it.

  15. Ozaawaagosh [basicmember]

    So Inviting, love the colours, it really pulls you in, to explore. Awesome job Ryan

  16. Todd [basicmember]

    It’s beautiful. The kind of image you just want to go into and head down that passage. Well done!

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